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  • 开发语言:C/C++
  • 实例大小:4.23M
  • 下载次数:12
  • 浏览次数:55
  • 发布时间:2022-02-01
  • 实例类别:C/C++游戏开发
  • 发 布 人:857855762
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: btstack





0.1. General Tools 2
0.2. Getting BTstack from GitHub 2
0.3. Let’s Go 2
0.4. Single threaded design 3
0.5. No blocking anywhere 4
0.6. No artificially limited buffers/pools 4
0.7. Statically bounded memory 4
0.8. Configuration in btstack config.h 5
0.8.1. HAVE * directives 5
0.8.2. ENABLE * directives 6
0.8.3. HCI Controller to Host Flow Control 8
0.8.4. Memory configuration directives 8
0.8.5. Non-volatile memory (NVM) directives 9
0.8.6. SEGGER Real Time Transfer (RTT) directives 10
0.9. Run-time configuration 10
0.10. Source tree structure 11
0.11. Run loop configuration 12
0.11.1. Run loop embedded 13
0.11.2. Run loop FreeRTOS 13
0.11.3. Run loop POSIX 14
0.11.4. Run loop CoreFoundation (OS X/iOS) 14
0.11.5. Run loop Windows 14
0.11.6. Run loop WICED 14
0.12. HCI Transport configuration 14
0.13. Services 16
0.14. Packet handlers configuration 16
0.15. Bluetooth HCI Packet Logs 17
0.16. Bluetooth Power Control 19
0.17. HCI - Host Controller Interface 20
0.17.1. Defining custom HCI command templates 21
0.17.2. Sending HCI command based on a template 22
0.18. L2CAP - Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol 23
0.18.1. Access an L2CAP service on a remote device 23
0.18.2. Provide an L2CAP service 24
0.18.3. Sending L2CAP Data 25
0.18.4. LE Data Channels 25
0.19. RFCOMM - Radio Frequency Communication Protocol 26
0.19.1. No RFCOMM packet boundaries 26
0.19.2. RFCOMM flow control 27
0.19.3. Access an RFCOMM service on a remote device 27
0.19.4. Provide an RFCOMM service 28
0.19.5. Slowing down RFCOMM data reception 29
0.19.6. Sending RFCOMM data 30
0.19.7. Optimized sending of RFCOMM data 31
0.20. SDP - Service Discovery Protocol 31
0.20.1. Create and announce SDP records 31
0.20.2. Query remote SDP service 32
0.21. BNEP - Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol 34
0.21.1. Receive BNEP events 34
0.21.2. Access a BNEP service on a remote device 34
0.21.3. Provide BNEP service 34
0.21.4. Sending Ethernet packets 34
0.22. ATT - Attribute Protocol 34
0.23. SMP - Security Manager Protocol 35
0.23.1. LE Legacy Pairing and LE Secure Connections 35
0.23.2. Initialization 35
0.23.3. Configuration 35
0.23.4. Identity Resolving 36
0.23.5. User interaction during Pairing 36
0.23.6. Connection with Bonded Devices 37
0.23.7. Keypress Notifications 37
0.23.8. Cross-transport Key Derivation (CTKD) for LE Secure
Connections 37
0.23.9. Out-of-Band Data with LE Legacy Pairing 37
0.24. GAP - Generic Access Profile: Classic 38
0.24.1. Become discoverable 38
0.24.2. Discover remote devices 38
0.24.3. Pairing of Devices 40
0.24.4. Dedicated Bonding 41
0.25. SPP - Serial Port Profile 41
0.25.1. Accessing an SPP Server on a remote device 41
0.25.2. Providing an SPP Server 41
0.26. PAN - Personal Area Networking Profile 41
0.26.1. Accessing a remote PANU service 42
0.26.2. Providing a PANU service 42
0.27. HSP - Headset Profile 42
0.28. HFP - Hands-Free Profile 42
0.29. HID - Human-Interface Device Profile 43
0.30. GAP LE - Generic Access Profile for Low Energy 43
0.30.1. Private addresses. 43
0.30.2. Advertising and Discovery 43
0.31. GATT Client 44
0.31.1. Authentication 44
0.32. GATT Server 45
0.32.1. Implementing Standard GATT Services 47
0.32.2. GATT Database Hash 49
0.33. Battery Service Server 49
0.34. Cycling Power Service Server 50
0.35. Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Server 50
0.36. Device Information Service Server 50
0.37. Heart Rate Service Server 50
0.38. HIDS Device 51
0.39. Mesh Provisioning Service Server 51
0.40. Mesh Proxy Service Server 51
0.41. Nordic SPP Service Server 51
0.42. Scan Parameters Service Server 51
0.43. u-blox SPP Service Server 51
0.44. ANCS Client 51
0.45. Battery Service Client 52
0.46. Device Information Service Client 52
0.47. HIDS Client 52
0.48. Scan Parameters Service Client 52
0.49. Hello World - Blinking an LED without Bluetooth 54
0.49.1. Periodic Timer Setup 54
0.49.2. Main Application Setup 54
0.50. GAP Classic Inquiry 55
0.50.1. Bluetooth Logic 55
0.50.2. Main Application Setup 55
0.51. GAP Link Key Management (Classic) 56
0.51.1. GAP Link Key Logic 56
0.51.2. Bluetooth Logic 56
0.51.3. Main Application Setup 56
0.52. GAP LE Advertisements Scanner 56
0.52.1. GAP LE setup for receiving advertisements 56
0.52.2. GAP LE Advertising Data Dumper 57
0.52.3. HCI packet handler 60
0.53. GATT Client - Discover Primary Services 60
0.53.1. GATT client setup 61
0.53.2. HCI packet handler 61
0.53.3. GATT Client event handler 62
0.54. GATT Server - Heartbeat Counter over GATT 64
0.54.1. Main Application Setup 64
0.54.2. Heartbeat Handler 66
0.54.3. Packet Handler 66
0.54.4. ATT Read 67
0.54.5. ATT Write 68
0.55. Performance - Stream Data over GATT (Server) 68
0.55.1. Main Application Setup 68
0.55.2. Track throughput 69
0.55.3. HCI Packet Handler 70
0.55.4. ATT Packet Handler 71
0.55.5. Streamer 73
0.55.6. ATT Write 74
0.56. GATT Battery Service Client 75
0.56.1. Main Application Setup 75
0.57. GATT Device Information Service Client 78
0.57.1. Main Application Setup 78
0.58. GATT Heart Rate Sensor Client 80
0.59. LE Nordic SPP-like Heartbeat Server 80
0.59.1. Main Application Setup 80
0.59.2. Heartbeat Handler 81
0.59.3. Packet Handler 82
0.60. LE Nordic SPP-like Streamer Server 82
0.60.1. Track throughput 82
0.60.2. HCI Packet Handler 83
0.60.3. ATT Packet Handler 84
0.60.4. Streamer 85
0.61. LE u-blox SPP-like Heartbeat Server 86
0.61.1. Main Application Setup 86
0.61.2. Heartbeat Handler 87
0.61.3. Packet Handler 87
0.62. LE Central - Test Pairing Methods 88
0.62.1. GAP LE setup for receiving advertisements 88
0.62.2. HCI packet handler 90
0.62.3. HCI packet handler 90
0.63. LE Peripheral - Test Pairing Methods 94
0.63.1. Main Application Setup 94
0.63.2. Packet Handler 96
0.64. LE Data Channel Client - Send Data over L2CAP 99
0.64.1. Track throughput 99
0.64.2. Streamer 100
0.64.3. SM Packet Handler 101
0.65. LE Data Channel Server - Receive data over L2CAP 101
0.65.1. Main Application Setup 101
0.65.2. Track throughput 102
0.65.3. Streamer 102
0.65.4. HCI L2CAP Packet Handler 103
0.65.5. SM Packet Handler 103
0.66. LE Peripheral - Delayed Response 103
0.66.1. Main Application Setup 103
0.66.2. att invalidate value Handler 104
0.66.3. att update value Handler 104
0.66.4. ATT Read 105
0.66.5. ATT Write 105
0.67. LE ANCS Client - Apple Notification Service 107
0.68. LE Man-in-the-Middle Tool 107
0.69. Performance - Stream Data over GATT (Client) 107
0.69.1. Track throughput 107
0.70. Performance - Stream Data over GATT (Server) 108
0.70.1. Main Application Setup 108
0.70.2. Track throughput 109
0.70.3. HCI Packet Handler 110
0.70.4. ATT Packet Handler 111
0.70.5. Streamer 112
0.70.6. ATT Write 113
0.71. LE Data Channel Client - Send Data over L2CAP 115
0.71.1. Track throughput 115
0.71.2. Streamer 116
0.71.3. SM Packet Handler 116
0.72. LE Data Channel Server - Receive data over L2CAP 116
0.72.1. Main Application Setup 116
0.72.2. Track throughput 117
0.72.3. Streamer 118
0.72.4. HCI L2CAP Packet Handler 118
0.72.5. SM Packet Handler 118
0.73. Performance - Stream Data over SPP (Client) 118
0.73.1. Track throughput 119
0.73.2. SDP Query Packet Handler 119
0.73.3. Gerenal Packet Handler 119
0.73.4. Main Application Setup 119
0.74. Performance - Stream Data over SPP (Server) 120
0.74.1. Track throughput 120
0.74.2. Packet Handler 121
0.74.3. Main Application Setup 121
0.75. A2DP Sink - Receive Audio Stream and Control Playback 122
0.75.1. Main Application Setup 122
0.75.2. Handle Media Data Packet 125
0.76. A2DP Source - Stream Audio and Control Volume 125
0.76.1. Main Application Setup 125
0.77. AVRCP Browsing - Browse Media Players and Media Information 128
0.77.1. Main Application Setup 128
0.78. HFP AG - Audio Gateway 131
0.78.1. Main Application Setup 131
0.79. HFP HF - Hands-Free 132
0.79.1. Main Application Setup 132
0.80. HSP AG - Audio Gateway 134
0.80.1. Audio Transfer Setup 134
0.80.2. Main Application Setup 134
0.81. HSP HS - Headset 135
0.81.1. Audio Transfer Setup 135
0.81.2. Main Application Setup 135
0.82. Audio Driver - Play Sine 136
0.83. Audio Driver - Play 80’s MOD Song 136
0.84. Audio Driver - Forward Audio from Source to Sink 136
0.85. SPP Server - Heartbeat Counter over RFCOMM 136
0.85.1. SPP Service Setup 137
0.85.2. Periodic Timer Setup 137
0.85.3. Bluetooth Logic 138
0.86. SPP Server - RFCOMM Flow Control 140
0.86.1. SPP Service Setup 140
0.86.2. Periodic Timer Setup 140
0.87. PAN - lwIP HTTP and DHCP Server 141
0.87.1. Packet Handler 141
0.87.2. PAN BNEP Setup 141
0.87.3. DHCP Server Configuration 141
0.87.4. Large File Download 141
0.87.5. DHCP Server Setup 141
0.87.6. Main 141
0.88. BNEP/PANU (Linux only) 142
0.88.1. Main application configuration 142
0.88.2. SDP parser callback 143
0.88.3. Packet Handler 143
0.88.4. Network packet handler 145
0.89. HID Keyboard Classic 145
0.89.1. Main Application Setup 145
0.90. HID Mouse Classic 147
0.90.1. Main Application Setup 147
0.91. HID Host Classic 149
0.91.1. Main application configuration 149
0.91.2. HID Report Handler 149
0.91.3. Packet Handler 149
0.92. HID Keyboard LE 152
0.93. HID Mouse LE 152
0.94. HID Boot Host LE 152
0.94.1. HOG Boot Keyboard Handler 152
0.94.2. HOG Boot Mouse Handler 153
0.94.3. Test if advertisement contains HID UUID 153
0.94.4. HCI packet handler 154
0.95. Dual Mode - SPP and LE Counter 156
0.95.1. Advertisements 156
0.95.2. Packet Handler 156
0.95.3. Heartbeat Handler 156
0.95.4. Main Application Setup 157
0.96. Performance - Stream Data over GATT (Server) 158
0.96.1. Main Application Setup 158
0.96.2. Track throughput 160
0.96.3. HCI Packet Handler 160
0.96.4. ATT Packet Handler 162
0.96.5. Streamer 163
0.96.6. ATT Write 164
0.97. SDP Client - Query Remote SDP Records 165
0.97.1. SDP Client Setup 165
0.97.2. SDP Client Query 166
0.97.3. Handling SDP Client Query Results 166
0.98. SDP Client - Query RFCOMM SDP record 167
0.99. SDP Client - Query BNEP SDP record 167
0.99.1. SDP Client Setup 168
0.99.2. SDP Client Query 168
0.99.3. Handling SDP Client Query Result 168
0.100. PBAP Client - Get Contacts from Phonebook Server 170
0.101. Testing - Enable Device Under Test (DUT) Mode for Classic 170
0.101.1. Bluetooth Logic 170
0.101.2. Main Application Setup 171
0.102. HCI Interface 171
0.102.1. HCI H2 171
0.102.2. HCI H4 172
0.102.3. HCI H5 172
0.102.4. BCSP 172
0.102.5. eHCILL 173
0.102.6. H4 over SPI 173
0.102.7. HCI Shortcomings 173
0.103. Documentation and Support 173
0.104. Chipset Overview 177
0.105. Atmel/Microchip 177
0.106. Broadcom/Cypress Semiconductor 178
0.107. CSR / Qualcomm Incorporated 179
0.108. Dialog Semiconductor 179
0.109. Espressif ESP32 180
0.110. EM Microelectronic Marin 180
0.111. Intel Dual Wireless 8260, 8265 181
0.112. Nordic nRF5 series 181
0.113. Renesas Electronics 182
0.114. STMicroelectronics 182
0.115. Texas Instruments CC256x series 182
0.116. Toshiba 184
0.117. Time Abstraction Layer 184
0.117.1. Tick Hardware Abstraction 184
0.117.2. Time MS Hardware Abstraction 185
0.118. Bluetooth Hardware Control API 185
0.119. HCI Transport Implementation 185
0.119.1. HCI UART Transport Layer (H4) 185
0.119.2. H4 with eHCILL support 186
0.119.3. H5 186
0.120. Persistent Storage APIs 187
0.120.1. Link Key DB 187
0.121. Existing ports 187
0.122. BTstack Port for Ambiq Apollo2 with EM9304 188
0.122.1. Hardware 188
0.122.2. Software 188
0.122.3. Create Example Projects 188
0.122.4. Compile & Run Example Project 189
0.122.5. Debug output 189
0.122.6. TODO 189
0.123. Archive of earlier ports 189
0.124. BTstack Port for the Espressif ESP32 Platform 190
0.124.1. Setup 190
0.124.2. Usage 190
0.124.3. Old Make Versions 191
0.124.4. Configuration 191
0.124.5. Limitations 191
0.124.6. Issues with the Bluetooth Controller Implementation 191
0.124.7. Audio playback 191
0.124.8. Multi-Threading 191
0.124.9. Acknowledgments 192
0.125. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with libusb Library 192
0.125.1. Compilation 192
0.125.2. Environment Setup 192
0.125.3. Linux 192
0.125.4. macOS 193
0.125.5. Running the examples 193
0.126. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with Intel Wireless 8260/8265
Controllers 194
0.126.1. Compilation 194
0.126.2. Environment 194
0.126.3. Running the examples 195
0.127. BTstack Port for the Maxim MAX32630FTHR ARM Cortex-M4F196
0.127.1. Software 196
0.127.2. Toolchain Setup 196
0.127.3. Usage 196
0.127.4. Build 196
0.127.5. Eclipse 196
0.127.6. Flashing Max32630 ARM Processor 196
0.127.7. Debugging 197
0.127.8. Debug output 197
0.127.9. TODOs 197
0.128. BTstack Port for MSP432P401 Launchpad with CC256x 197
0.128.1. Hardware 197
0.128.2. Software 198
0.128.3. Flash And Run The Examples 198
0.128.4. Run Example Project using Ozone 198
0.128.5. Debug output 198
0.128.6. GATT Database 198
0.129. BTstack Port with Cinnamon for Nordic nRF5 Series 198
0.129.1. Status 198
0.129.2. Requirements 199
0.129.3. Supported Hardware 199
0.129.4. Use 199
0.130. BTstack Port for Zephyr RTOS running on Nordic nRF5 Series 199
0.130.1. Overview 199
0.130.2. Status 199
0.130.3. Getting Started 199
0.130.4. TODO 200
0.131. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with H4 Bluetooth Controller 200
0.131.1. Configuration 200
0.131.2. TI CC256x 200
0.131.3. Broadcom BCM/CYW 43430 200
0.131.4. Compilation 200
0.131.5. Running the examples 200
0.132. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with Atmel ATWILC3000
Controller 200
0.132.1. Compilation 201
0.132.2. Usage 201
0.133. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with Dialog Semiconductor
DA14581 Controller 203
0.134. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with Dialog Semiconductor
DA14585 Controller 203
0.135. BTstack Port for POSIX Systems with Zephyr-based Controller 203
0.135.1. Prepare Zephyr Controller 203
0.135.2. Configure serial port 203
0.135.3. Compile Examples 204
0.135.4. Run example 204
0.136. BTstack Port for QT with H4 Bluetooth Controller 204
0.136.1. Configuration 204
0.136.2. TI CC256x 204
0.136.3. Broadcom BCM/CYW 43430 204
0.136.4. Compilation 204
0.136.5. Running the examples 204
0.137. BTstack Port for QT with USB Bluetooth Dongle 205
0.137.1. Compilation 205
0.137.2. Environment Setup 205
0.137.3. Windows 205
0.137.4. Linux 205
0.137.5. macOS 206
0.137.6. Running the examples 206
0.138. BTstack Port for Raspberry Pi 3 with BCM4343 Bluetooth/Wifi
Controller 207
0.138.1. Raspberry Pi 3 / Zero W Setup 207
0.138.2. Install Raspian Stretch Lite: 207
0.138.3. Configure Wifi 207
0.138.4. Enable SSH 207
0.138.5. Boot 207
0.138.6. Disable bluez 207
0.138.7. Compilation 208
0.138.8. Compile using Docker 208
0.138.9. Running the examples 209
0.138.10. Bluetooth Hardware Overview 209
0.138.11. TODO 209
0.139. BTstack Port for Renesas Target Board TB-S1JA with CC256x 209
0.139.1. Hardware 209
0.139.2. Software 210
0.139.3. Excluded Examples 210
0.139.4. Build, Flash And Run The Examples in e2 Studio 210
0.139.5. Run Example Project using Ozone 210
0.139.6. Debug output 211
0.139.7. GATT Database 211
0.139.8. Notes 211
0.139.9. Nice to have 211
0.140. BTstack Port for SAMV71 Ultra Xplained with ATWILC3000
0.140.1. Create Example Projects 211
0.140.2. Compile Example 211
0.140.3. Debug output 212
0.140.4. TODOs 212
0.140.5. Issues 212
0.141. BTstack Port for STM32 F4 Discovery Board with CC256x 212
0.141.1. Hardware 212
0.141.2. Software 212
0.141.3. Flash And Run The Examples 213
0.141.4. Run Example Project using Ozone 213
0.141.5. Debug output 213
0.141.6. GATT Database 213
0.141.7. Maintainer Notes - Updating The Port 213
0.142. BTstack Port for STM32 F4 Discovery Board with USB Bluetooth
Controller 213
0.142.1. Hardware 213
0.142.2. Software 214
0.142.3. Flash And Run The Examples 214
0.142.4. Run Example Project using Ozone 214
0.142.5. Debug output 214
0.142.6. GATT Database 214
0.142.7. Maintainer Notes - Updating The Port 214
0.143. BTstack Port for STM32 Nucleo L073RZ Board with EM9304
Controller 214
0.143.1. Hardware 215
0.143.2. Software 215
0.143.3. Flash And Run The Examples 215
0.143.4. Run Example Project using Ozone 215
0.143.5. Debug output 215
0.143.6. GATT Database 215
0.143.7. Image 217
0.144. BTstack Port with Cinnamon for Semtech SX1280 Controller on
Miromico FMLR-80 218
0.144.1. Overview 218
0.144.2. Status 218
0.144.3. Limitation 218
0.144.4. Advertising State: 218
0.144.5. Connection State: 218
0.144.6. Central Role: 218
0.144.7. Observer Role: 218
0.144.8. Low power mode - basically not implemented: 218
0.144.9. Getting Started 218
0.144.10. TODO 218
0.144.11. General 219
0.144.12. Low Power 219
0.145. BTstack Port with Cinnamon for Semtech SX1280 Controller on
STM32L476 Nucleo 219
0.145.1. Overview 219
0.145.2. Status 219
0.145.3. Limitation 219
0.145.4. Advertising State: 219
0.145.5. Connection State: 219
0.145.6. Central Role: 219
0.145.7. Observer Role: 220
0.145.8. Low power mode - basically not implemented: 220
0.145.9. Getting Started 220
0.145.10. TODO 220
0.145.11. General 220
0.145.12. Low Power 220
0.146. BTstack Port for STM32WB55 Nucleo Boards using FreeRTOS 222
0.146.1. Hardware 222
0.146.2. Nucleo68 222
0.146.3. USB Dongle 222
0.146.4. Software 222
0.146.5. Flash And Run The Examples 222
0.146.6. Nucleo68 223
0.146.7. USB Dongle 223
0.146.8. Run Example Project using Ozone 223
0.146.9. Debug output 223
0.146.10. GATT Database 223
0.147. BTstack Port for WICED platform 223
0.148. BTstack Port for Windows Systems with Bluetooth Controller
connected via Serial Port 224
0.148.1. Toolchain 224
0.148.2. Compilation 224
0.148.3. Console Output 225
0.149. BTstack Port for Windows Systems with DA14585 Controller
connected via Serial Port 225
0.149.1. Toolchain 225
0.149.2. Compilation 225
0.149.3. Console Output 226
0.150. BTstack Port for Windows Systems with Zephyr-based Controller226
0.150.1. Prepare Zephyr Controller 226
0.150.2. Configure serial port 226
0.150.3. Toolchain 226
0.150.4. Compile Examples 227
0.150.5. Run example 227
0.151. BTstack Port for Windows Systems using the WinUSB Driver 227
0.151.1. Access to Bluetooth USB Dongle with Zadig 227
0.151.2. Toolchain 227
0.151.3. Compilation 228
0.151.4. Console Output 228
0.152. BTstack Port for Windows Systems with Intel Wireless 8260/8265
Controllers 228
0.152.1. Access to Bluetooth USB Dongle with Zadig 228
0.152.2. Toolchain 228
0.152.3. Compilation 229
0.152.4. Console Output 229
0.153. Adapting BTstack for Single-Threaded Environments 229
0.154. Adapting BTstack for Multi-Threaded Environments 230
1. APIs 232
1.1. AD Data Parser API 232
1.2. ATT Database Engine API 232
1.3. Runtine ATT Database Setup API 238
1.4. ATT Dispatch API 241
1.5. ATT Server API 241
1.6. ANCS Client API 243
1.7. Battery Service Client API 244
1.8. Battery Service Server API 245
1.9. Cycling Power Service Server API 245
1.10. Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Server API 249
1.11. Device Information Service Client API 250
1.12. Device Information Service Server API 251
1.13. Heart Rate Service Server API 253
1.14. HID Service Client API 254
1.15. HID Service Server API 258
1.16. Mesh Provisioning Service Server API 259
1.17. Mesh Proxy Service Server API 259
1.18. Nordic SPP Service Server API 260
1.19. Scan Parameters Service Client API 261
1.20. Scan Parameters Service Server API 262
1.21. u-blox SPP Service Server API 262
1.22. GATT Client API 263
1.23. Device Database API 283
1.24. Device Database TLV API 285
1.25. Security Manager API 286
1.26. Audio Interface API 290
1.27. base64 Decoder API 293
1.28. Chipset Driver API 293
1.29. Bluetooth Power Control API 294
1.30. Debug Messages API 294
1.31. EM9304 SPI API 295
1.32. Human Interface Device (HID) API 296
1.33. HID Parser API 297
1.34. Linked List API 298
1.35. Linked Queue API 300
1.36. Network Interface API 301
1.37. Lienar Resampling API 302
1.38. Ring Buffer API 303
1.39. Run Loop API 304
1.40. SCO Transport API 306
1.41. SLIP encoder/decoder API 307
1.42. Tag-Value-Length Persistent Storage (TLV) API 308
1.43. Empty TLV Instance API 309
1.44. UART API 309
1.45. UART Block API 311
1.46. UART SLIP Wrapper API 312
1.47. General Utility Functions API 312
1.48. A2DP Sink API 317
1.49. A2DP Source API 319
1.50. AVDTP Sink API 325
1.51. AVDTP Source API 327
1.52. AVRCP Browsing API 333
1.53. AVRCP Browsing Controller API 335
1.54. AVRCP Browsing Target API 338
1.55. AVRCP Controller API 339
1.56. AVRCP Media Item Iterator API 346
1.57. AVRCP Target API 346
1.58. BNEP API 351
1.59. Link Key DB API 352
1.60. In-Memory Link Key Storage API 354
1.61. Static Link Key Storage API 354
1.62. Link Key TLV Storage API 354
1.63. Device ID Server API 354
1.64. GATT SDP API 355
1.65. GOEP Client API 355
1.66. HFP Audio Gateway (AG) API 359
1.67. HFP GSM Model API 366
1.68. HFP Hands-Free (HF) API 367
1.69. HFP mSBC Encoder API 375
1.70. HID Device API 376
1.71. HID Host API 378
1.72. HSP Audio Gateway API 382
1.73. HSP Headset API 384
1.74. Personal Area Network (PAN) API 387
1.75. PBAP Client API 388
1.76. RFCOMM API 393
1.77. SDP Client API 396
1.78. SDP Client RFCOMM API 398
1.79. SDP Server API 399
1.80. SDP Utils API 400
1.81. SPP Server API 402
1.82. Genral Access Profile (GAP) API 403
1.83. Host Controler Interface (HCI) API 420
1.84. HCI Logging API 424
1.85. HCI Transport API 426
1.86. HCI Transport EM9304 API API 427
1.87. HCI Transport H4 API 428
1.88. HCI Transport H5 API 428
1.89. HCI Transport USB API 428
1.90. L2CAP API 429
1.91. L2CAP Events 435
1.92. RFCOMM Events 435
1.93. Errors 437
2. Changes 437
2.1. Repository structure 437
2.1.1. include/btstack folder 437
2.1.2. Plural folder names 437
2.1.3. ble and src folders 437
2.1.4. platform and port folders 437
2.1.5. Common file names 437
2.2. Defines and event names 437
2.3. Function names 438
2.4. Packet Handlers 438
2.5. Event Forwarding 438
2.6. util folder 438
2.7. btstack config.h 438
2.8. Linked List 438
2.9. Run Loop 439
2.10. HCI Setup 439
2.10.1. remote device db 439
2.10.2. bt control 439
2.11. HCI / GAP 439
2.12. RFCOMM 439
2.13. SPP Server 439
2.14. SDP Client 439
2.15. SDP Server 439
2.16. Security Manager 439
2.17. GATT Client 440
2.18. ANCS Client 440
2.19. Flow control / DAEMON EVENT HCI PACKET SENT 440
2.20. Daemon 440
2.21. Migration to v1.0 with a script 440
2.21.1. Requirements 440
2.21.2. Usage 441
2.22. Migration to v1.0 with a Web Service 441

标签: btstack



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