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complete maya programming 书籍


  • 开发语言:C/C++
  • 实例大小:18.50M
  • 下载次数:6
  • 浏览次数:55
  • 发布时间:2021-10-12
  • 实例类别:C/C++游戏开发
  • 发 布 人:myxkd118
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: Programming Complete maya COM Pro


【实例简介】complete maya programming : 有向量,旋转,变换,多边形网格,NURBS等内容,是深入理解maya图形基本原理的入门书籍。


Preface xiv
1 Introduction I
1.1 Example Files 3
1.1.1 Compiling Example Plug-ins 3
1.1.2 Sourcing Example MEL Scripts 3
1.2 Executing MEL Code in the Script Editor 5
2 Points 9
2.1 Dimensions 9
2.2 Cartesian Coordinates 9
2.3 Homogeneous Coordinates 10
2.4 Polar and Spherical Coordinates
2.5 Conversions 12
2.5.1 Cartesian to Homogeneous 12
2.5.2 Homogeneous to Cartesian 13
2.5.3 Cartesian to Polar 13
2.5.4 Polar to Cartesian 13
2.5.5 Cartesian to Spherical 14
2.5.6 Spherical to Cartesian 14 
2.6 MEL 15
2.7 C  API 16
2.8 Locators 17
.j Vectors 19
3.1 MEL 19
3.2 C  API 20
3.3 Adding 21
3.4 Subtracting 22
3.5 Scaling 22
3.6 Length 23
3.6.1 MEL 25
3.6.2 Ct  API 26
3.7 Distance Between Points 26
3.7.1 MEL 26
3.7.2 C   API 27
3.8 Normalizing Vectors 27
3.8.1 MEL 27
3.8.2 Ctt API 28
3.9 Dot Product 28
3.9.1 Angle Between 29
3.9.2 Length Squared 31
3.9.3 Perpendicular Projection 31
3.10.1 Perpendicular Vector 35
3.10.2 Area ofTriangle 38
3.10 Cross Product 35
3.1 1 Points Versus Vectors 40
Rotations 43
4.1 Angles 43
4.1.1 MEL 43
4.1.2 C   API 44
4.2 Rotations 44
4.3 Orientation Representations 47
4.3.1 Euler Angles 47
4.3.2 Quaternions 57 
Contents IX
5 Transformations 61
5.1 Matrices 62
5.1.1 Matrix Multiplication 63
5.1.2 Matrix Transpose 65
5.1.3 Identity Matrix 67
5.1.4 Inverse Matrix 68
5.1.5 MEL 69
5.1.6 C  API 71
5.2 Transforming Points 72
5.2.1 MEL 72
5.2.2 C  API 74
5.3 Transforming Vectors 74
5.3.1 MEL 74
5.3.2 C  API 75
5.4 Transforming Normals 75
5.4.1 MEL 77
5.4.2 C  API 77
6 Transform Nodes 79
6.1 Pivot Points 79
6.2 Transformation Matrices 84
6.2.1 Querying Transformation Matrices 90
6.2.2 Editing Transformation Matrices 93
6.3 Hierarchies of Transformations 97
6.3.1 Transformation Spaces 98
6.3.2 MEL 99
6.3.3 C  API 100
~v .....Coordinate Frames 103
7.1 Up Axis 103
7.1.1 MEL 104
7.1.2 C  API 104
7.2 Handedness 104
7.3 Custom Coordinate Frames 106
7.3.1 C  API 109 
X Contents
8 Polygonal Meshes 113
8.1 Displaying Meshes 1 13
8.1.1 General 114
8.1.2 Components 1 15
8.1.3 Normals 117
8.1.4 Back-face Culling 1 18
8.1.5 UV Texture Coordinates 1 18
8.1.6 Vertex Colors 119
8.1.7 Nonplanar Faces 120
8.2 Querying Meshes 121
8.2.1 Vertices 121
8.2.2 Edges 132
8.2.3 Polygons 141
8.2.4 Face Vertices 15 1
8.2.5 Normals 160
8.2.6 UV Texture Coordinates 177
8.2.7 Blind Data 189
8.3 Creating Meshes 207
8.3.1 Problematic Meshes 207
8.3.2 Creation Checks 209
8.3.3 Molecule1 Plug-in 210
8.3.4 Molecule2 Plug-in 231
8.3.5 Molecule3 Plug-in 261
8.3.6 Molecule4 Plug-in 276
8.4.1 Construction History 301
8.4.2 Supporting Construction History
8.4.3 Supporting Tweaks 313
8.4.4 Mesh-editing Framework 3 13
8.4.5 DisplaceMesh Plug-in 337
8.4 Editing Meshes 301
31 1
9 NURBS 357
9.1 Concepts 361
9.1.1 ControlVertex (CV) 361
9.1.2 Hull 361
9.1.3 Span 362 
Contents Xi.
9.1.4 Degree 363
9.1.5 Order 364
9.1.6 Edit Points 365
9.1.7 Curve Point 365
9.1.8 Parameterization 366
9.1.9 Knots 368
9.1.10 Form 372
9.1.11 Surface Point 375
9.1.12 Surface Isoparms 376
9.1.13 Surface Patches 377
9.1.14 Surface Curves 378
9.1.15 Trimmed Surfaces 379
9.2 NURBS Curves 380
9.2.1 Displaying Curves 380
9.2.2 Querying Curves 382
9.2.3 Creating Curves 400
9.2.4 Editing Curves 430
9.3 NURBS Surfaces 436
9.3.1 Displaying Surfaces 436
9.3.2 Querying Surfaces 440
9.3.3 Creating Surfaces 459
9.3.4 Editing Surfaces 489
I0 Subdivision Surfaces 493
10.1 Concepts 494
10.1.1 Control Mesh 494
10.1.2 Subdivision 495
10.1.3 Limit Surface 496
10.1.4 Creases 497
10.1.5 Hierarchical Subdivisions 498
10.1.6 Ordinary and Extraordinary Points 499
10.1.7 Subdivision Scheme 499
10.2 Displaying Subdivision Surfaces 500
10.3 Querying Subdivision Surfaces 503
10.3.1 Components 503
10.3.2 Creases 506
10.3.3 UV Texture Coordinates 507 
xii Contents
10.3.4 MEL 507
10.3.5 C  API 519
10.4 Creating and Converting Subdivision Surfaces
10.4.1 Polygonal Mesh to Subdivision Surface 540
10.4.2 Subdivision Surface to Polygonal Mesh 548
10.4.3 NURBS Surface to Subdivision Surface 557
10.4.4 Subdivision Surface to NURBS Surface 558
10.5 Editing Subdivision Surfaces 564
10.5.1 MEL 564
11 Contexts (Tools) 569
11.1 SelectRingContextl Plug-in
11.1.1 Usage 572
11.2 SelectRingContext2 Plug-in
11.2.1 Installation 589
11.2.2 Usage 592
11.3 SelectVolumeContextl Plug-in
11.3.1 Installation 634
11.3.2 Usage 635
A Further Learning 683
A.1 Online Resources 683
A. 1.1 Companion Web Site
A.1.2 Additional Web Sites
A.2 Maya Application 685
A.2.1 Documentation 685
A.2.2 Examples 685
B Further Reading 687
B.1 Mathematics 687
B.2 Programming 688
B.2.1 General 688
B.2.2 C   Language 688 
Contents xiii
B.3 Computer Graphics 688
B.3.1 General 688
B.3.2 Modeling 689
B.3.3 Animation 689
B.3.4 Image Synthesis 689
Glossary 691
Index 709


complete maya programming 书籍

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