您当前所在位置:首页CSS 开发实例Box Model → html5桌面台球 示例源码

html5桌面台球 示例源码

Box Model

  • 开发语言:CSS
  • 实例大小:1.02M
  • 下载次数:18
  • 浏览次数:376
  • 发布时间:2018-05-13
  • 实例类别:Box Model
  • 发 布 人:crazycode
  • 文件格式:.zip
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: HTML5 HTML 源码 桌面




from clipboard


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- saved from url=(0023)http://localhost:54453/ -->
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 
		<title>Html5 Snooker Club</title> 
        <link href="./Html5SnookerClub_files/css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="./Html5SnookerClub_files/jquery-1.5.1.min.js"></script> 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./Html5SnookerClub_files/Vector2D.js"></script> 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./Html5SnookerClub_files/CanvasPrototype.js"></script> 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./Html5SnookerClub_files/Queue.js"></script> 
		<link href="./Html5SnookerClub_files/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
		        background-color: #102010;
		        font-family: Arial;
		        font-size: 14px;
		        margin: 0;

		        color: White;
		        position: absolute;

		        position: absolute;
		        color: White;
		        max-height: 200px;
		        width: 800px;
		        overflow: auto;
		        font-family: Arial, Courier New, Consolas;
		        font-size: 0.75em;

		    .player1Image { left: 45px; top: 30px; width: 133px; height: 70px; border: 2px solid transparent; background-image: url('Content/Images/Player1.png'); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.25;}
		    .player2Image { left: 45px; top: 153px; width: 133px; height: 70px; border: 2px solid transparent; background-image: url('Content/Images/Player2.png'); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.25;}

		    .player1BallOn { position: absolute; left: 145px; top: 130px; width: 133px; height: 70px; border: 2px solid transparent;}
		    .player2BallOn { position: absolute; left: 145px; top: 253px; width: 133px; height: 70px; border: 2px solid transparent;}
		    .player1Name { left: 52px; top: 116px; color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial Black; opacity: 1.0;}
		    .player2Name { left: 52px; top: 238px; color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial Black; opacity: 1.0;}
		    .player1Score { left: 165px; top: 116px; font-family: Arial Black; text-align: center;}
		    .player2Score { left: 165px; top: 238px; font-family: Arial Black; text-align: center;}
		    .log { left: 900px; top: 0px; font-family: Courier New, Consolas; font-size: 1.0em; display: none; }
		    .gameEvents { left: 40px; top: 420px; display: none; }
		    #strengthBar-ie { position: absolute; margin:375px 0 0 139px; width: 150px; color: lime; background-color: orange; z-index: 5;}
		    #strengthBar { position: absolute; margin:375px 0 0 139px; width: 150px; color: lime; background-color: orange; z-index: 5; display: none;}
			#snookerRoom { position: absolute; margin:100px 0 0 100px; padding:0; width: 874px; height: 397px; background-image: url('Content/Images/score_wallpaper_green.JPG'); z-index: 0;}
			#bottomCanvas { position: absolute; margin:140px 0 0 351px; padding:0; width: 577px; height: 309px; border: 2px; z-index: 1;}
			#topCanvas { position: absolute; margin:000px 0 0 000px; z-index: 3;}
			#cue { position:absolute; }
			#roofFan { position:absolute; left: 600px; top: -100px; width: 500px; height: 500px; border: 2px solid transparent; background-image: url('Content/Images/roofFan.png'); background-size: 100%; opacity: 0.3; z-index: 2;}
        </head><body><div id="snookerRoom" class="snookerRoom">
            <span id="log" class="log">playingTeamID: 1<br>ball on points: 1<br>redCount: 15<br>strokenBallsCount: 1<br>fallenRedCount: 2<br>wonPoints: 0<br>lostPoints: 0<br>someInTable: true<br>pottedBalls: 0<br>Team 1 Points: 4<br>Team 2 Points: 4</span>
            <span id="player1Name" class="player1Name" style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128); ">PLAYER 1</span>
            <span id="player2Name" class="player2Name" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">PLAYER 2</span>
            <span id="player1Score" class="player1Score">4</span>
            <span id="player2Score" class="player2Score">4</span>
            <span id="player1Image" class="player1Image" style="opacity: 0.25; ">&nbsp;</span>
            <span id="player2Image" class="player2Image" style="opacity: 1; ">&nbsp;</span>
            <div id="gameEvents" class="gameEvents">===GAME EVENTS===<br>Begin shot: Player 1<br>Potted balls count: 2<br>Foul 4 points :  Expected 1, but hit 5<br>Foul 4 points :  causing the cue ball to miss all object balls<br>Foul 4 points : 5 was potted, while 1 was expected<br>ball.Points: 5<br>teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points: 1<br>fallenRedCount: 1<br>redCount: 15<br> Lost 4 points.<br> wonPoints: 0, lostPoints: 4<br>End shot: Player 1<br>Begin shot: Player 2<br>Potted balls count: 2<br>Foul 4 points :  Expected 1, but hit 2<br>Foul 4 points :  causing the cue ball to miss all object balls<br>Foul 4 points : 2 was potted, while 1 was expected<br>ball.Points: 2<br>teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points: 1<br>fallenRedCount: 2<br>redCount: 15<br> Lost 4 points.<br> wonPoints: 0, lostPoints: 4<br>End shot: Player 2<br>Begin shot: Player 1<br>Potted balls count: 0<br> wonPoints: 0, lostPoints: 0<br>End shot: Player 1</div>
		<canvas id="bottomCanvas" class="bottomCanvas" width="577" height="309"> 
		<canvas id="topCanvas" class="topCanvas" height="597" width="1074"></canvas>
        <div id="strengthBar-ie">
            <img id="strengthBar-ie_back" src="./Html5SnookerClub_files/meter-ie_back.png" style="position: absolute; top: 0;">
            <img id="strengthBar-ie_front" src="./Html5SnookerClub_files/meter-ie_front.png" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 70px; height: 14px; ">
        <meter id="strengthBar" value="105" min="0" max="100" style="display: none; "></meter><br>
        <div id="roofFan" style="-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); ">&nbsp;</div>
        <canvas id="player1BallOn" class="player1BallOn"> 
        <canvas id="player2BallOn" class="player2BallOn"> 

        <audio id="Fall" src="Content/Sounds/Fall.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit01" src="Content/Sounds/Hit01.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit02" src="Content/Sounds/Hit02.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit03" src="Content/Sounds/Hit03.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit04" src="Content/Sounds/Hit04.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit05" src="Content/Sounds/Hit05.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit06" src="Content/Sounds/Hit06.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Shot" src="Content/Sounds/shot01.wav" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   

        <audio id="Fall_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Fall.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit01_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Hit01.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit02_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Hit02.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit03_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Hit03.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit04_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Hit04.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit05_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Hit05.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Hit06_ie" src="Content/Sounds/Hit06.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   
        <audio id="Shot_ie" src="Content/Sounds/shot01.mp3" preload="true">
            Your browser does not support the audio element.   

		<script type="text/javascript">
		    var bottomCanvas = document.getElementById('bottomCanvas');
		    var topCanvas = document.getElementById('topCanvas');

		    var playingTeamID = 1;
		    var awaitingTeamID = 2;

		    var renderStep = 0;

		    var tracingQueue = new Queue();

		    var teams = [];
		    teams[0] = {};
		    teams[0].Points = 0;
		    teams[0].JustSwapped = false;
		    teams[0].FoulList = [0];

		    teams[1] = {};
		    teams[1].Points = 0;
		    teams[1].JustSwapped = false;
		    teams[1].FoulList = [0];

		    var fallenBallsProcessed = true;
		    var isReady = true;
		    var strokenBalls = [];
		    var pottedBalls = [];

		    var lastSpeedSum = 0;
		    var started = false;
		    var audioLoaded = false;

		    var audioFall;
		    var audioHit01;
		    var audioHit02;
		    var audioHit03;
		    var audioHit04;
		    var audioHit05;
		    var audioHit06;
		    var audioShot;

		    if (!$.browser.msie) {
		        audioFall = document.getElementById('Fall');
		        audioHit01 = document.getElementById('Hit01');
		        audioHit02 = document.getElementById('Hit02');
		        audioHit03 = document.getElementById('Hit03');
		        audioHit04 = document.getElementById('Hit04');
		        audioHit05 = document.getElementById('Hit05');
		        audioHit06 = document.getElementById('Hit06');
		        audioShot = document.getElementById('Shot');
		    else {
		        audioFall = document.getElementById('Fall_ie');
		        audioHit01 = document.getElementById('Hit01_ie');
		        audioHit02 = document.getElementById('Hit02_ie');
		        audioHit03 = document.getElementById('Hit03_ie');
		        audioHit04 = document.getElementById('Hit04_ie');
		        audioHit05 = document.getElementById('Hit05_ie');
		        audioHit06 = document.getElementById('Hit06_ie');
		        audioShot = document.getElementById('Shot_ie');

		    var browserX = window.screenX;
		    var browserY = window.screenY;
		    var balls = [];
		    var pockets = [];
		    var cornerBalls = [];
		    var total = 22;
		    var currentDrag = null;
		    var mouseX = 0;
		    var mouseY = 0;
		    var lastMouseX = 0;
		    var lastMouseY = 0;
		    var strength = 0.7;
		    var bottomCanvasLeft = $('#bottomCanvas').css('margin-left').replace('px', '');
		    var bottomCanvasTop = $('#bottomCanvas').css('margin-top').replace('px', '');
		    var topCanvasLeft = $('#topCanvas').css('margin-left').replace('px', '');
		    var topCanvasTop = $('#topCanvas').css('margin-top').replace('px', '');
		    var bottomCanvasWidth = $('#bottomCanvas').width();
		    var bottomCanvasHeight = $('#bottomCanvas').height();
		    var topCanvasWidth = $('#topCanvas').width();
		    var topCanvasHeight = $('#topCanvas').height();

		    var cueCenter = [15, -4];
		    var cue = new Image;
		    cue.src = 'Content/Images/cue.PNG';

		    var shadowCue = new Image;
		    shadowCue.src = 'Content/Images/shadowCue.PNG';

		    var cueDistance = 0;
		    var cuePulling = true;

		    var NWCorner = {};
		    NWCorner.x = bottomCanvasLeft - topCanvasLeft;
		    NWCorner.y = bottomCanvasTop - topCanvasTop;

		    var targetX;
		    var targetY;

		    var cueBall;

		    bottomCanvas.width = bottomCanvasWidth;
		    bottomCanvas.height = bottomCanvasHeight;

		    var IE = document.all ? true : false;

		    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
		        $('#strengthBar').val(strength * 150);

		        //		        if (IE) {
		        $('#strengthBar').css('display', 'none');
		        $('#strengthBar-ie_front').css('width', strength * 150);
		        $('#strengthBar-ie_front').css('height', 14);
		        //		        }

		        if (!IE) document.addEventListener(Event.MOUSEMOVE, getMouseXY, false);
		        document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;


		        $('#topCanvas').click(function (e) {
		            var x = e.pageX - NWCorner.x - 0;
		            var y = e.pageY - NWCorner.y - 0;

		            if (x >= 0 && x <= bottomCanvasWidth &&
                        y >= 0 && y <= bottomCanvasHeight
		                ) {

		                targetX = x;
		                targetY = y;
		                var dX = targetX - cueBall.position.x;
		                var dY = targetY - cueBall.position.y;
		                var speed = 30 * strength;
		                var angle = Math.atan2(dX, dY);
		                cueBall.velocity = new Vector2D(Math.sin(angle) * speed, Math.cos(angle) * speed);
		                fallenBallsProcessed = false;
		                started = true;
		                isReady = false;

		                if (audioShot != null) {
		                    audioShot.volume = strength / 100.0;

		        $('#topCanvas').mousemove(function (e) {
		            var x = e.pageX - NWCorner.x - 0;
		            var y = e.pageY - NWCorner.y - 0;

		            if (x >= 0 && x <= bottomCanvasWidth &&
                        y >= 0 && y <= bottomCanvasHeight
		                ) {
		                targetX = x;
		                targetY = y;
		                var dX = targetX - cueBall.position.x;
		                var dY = targetY - cueBall.position.y;
		                var angle = Math.atan2(dX, dY);

		        $('#strengthBar').click(function (e) {
		            var left = $('#strengthBar').css('margin-left').replace('px', '');
		            var x = e.pageX - left;
		            strength = (x / 150.0);
		            $('#strengthBar').val(strength * 100);

		        $('#strengthBar-ie').click(function (e) {
		            var left = $('#strengthBar-ie').css('margin-left').replace('px', '');
		            var x = e.pageX - left;
		            strength = (x / 150.0);

		            $('#strengthBar-ie_front').css('width', strength * 150);
		            $('#strengthBar-ie_front').css('height', 14);



		    var player1BallOnCanvas = document.getElementById('player1BallOn');
		    var player1BallOnContext = player1BallOnCanvas.getContext('2d');

		    var player2BallOnCanvas = document.getElementById('player2BallOn');		    
            var player2BallOnContext = player2BallOnCanvas.getContext('2d');


		    var drawingtopCanvas = document.getElementById('topCanvas');
		    if (drawingtopCanvas.getContext) {
		        var cueContext = drawingtopCanvas.getContext('2d');

		    var drawingCanvas = document.getElementById('bottomCanvas');
		    if (drawingCanvas.getContext) {
		        var context = drawingCanvas.getContext('2d');
		        setInterval(render, 10);

		    function generate() {
		        var ballColors = new Array();
		        var ballLightColors = new Array();
		        var ballDarkColors = new Array();




		        for (var i = 0; i < total; i  ) {
		            var ball = {};

		            var colorIndex = 0;
		            if (i > 14)
		                colorIndex = i - 14;

		            ball.isFixed = false;
		            ball.color = ballColors[colorIndex];
		            ball.lightColor = ballLightColors[colorIndex];
		            ball.darkColor = ballDarkColors[colorIndex];
		            ball.bounce = 0.5;
		            ball.velocity = new Vector2D(0, 0);
		            ball.size = 10;
		            ball.position = new Vector2D(Math.random() * bottomCanvasWidth, Math.random() * bottomCanvasHeight);
		            ball.pocketIndex = null;

		            if (i == 21)
		                ball.Points = 0;
		            else if (i < 15) {
		                ball.Points = 1;
		                ball.Points = i - 13;

		            ball.initPosition = new Vector2D(0, 0);
		            ball.Id = i;
		            balls[balls.length] = ball;

		        var cornerBallPositions =
                265, 0,
                313, 0,
                265, 308,
                313, 308,
                48, -30,
                -30, 48,
                -30, 260,
                48, 338,
                525, 338,
                525, -30,
                605, 48,
                605, 260

		        var cornerBallSizes =

		        for (var i = 0; i < cornerBallPositions.length / 2; i  ) {
		            var cornerBall = {}
		            cornerBall.isFixed = true;
		            cornerBall.color = ballColors[7];
		            cornerBall.lightColor = ballLightColors[7];
		            cornerBall.darkColor = ballDarkColors[7];
		            cornerBall.bounce = 0.5;
		            cornerBall.velocity = new Vector2D(0, 0);
		            cornerBall.size = cornerBallSizes[i];
		            cornerBall.position = new Vector2D(cornerBallPositions[i * 2], cornerBallPositions[i * 2   1]);
		            cornerBall.pocketIndex = null;
		            cornerBalls[cornerBalls.length] = cornerBall;


		        teams[0].BallOn = balls[0];
		        teams[1].BallOn = balls[0];

		        cueBall = balls[total - 1];

		        var pocket = {};
		        pocket.position = new Vector2D(5, 5);
		        pockets[pockets.length] = pocket;

		        pocket = {};
		        pocket.position = new Vector2D(288, 0);
		        pockets[pockets.length] = pocket;

		        pocket = {};
		        pocket.position = new Vector2D(571, 5);
		        pockets[pockets.length] = pocket;

		        pocket = {};
		        pocket.position = new Vector2D(5, 299);
		        pockets[pockets.length] = pocket;

		        pocket = {};
		        pocket.position = new Vector2D(288, 304);
		        pockets[pockets.length] = pocket;

		        pocket = {};
		        pocket.position = new Vector2D(571, 299);
		        pockets[pockets.length] = pocket;

		    function genHex() {
		        colors = new Array(14)
		        colors[0] = "0"
		        colors[1] = "1"
		        colors[2] = "2"
		        colors[3] = "3"
		        colors[4] = "4"
		        colors[5] = "5"
		        colors[5] = "6"
		        colors[6] = "7"
		        colors[7] = "8"
		        colors[8] = "9"
		        colors[9] = "a"
		        colors[10] = "b"
		        colors[11] = "c"
		        colors[12] = "d"
		        colors[13] = "e"
		        colors[14] = "f"

		        digit = new Array(5)
		        color = ""
		        for (i = 0; i < 6; i  ) {
		            digit[i] = colors[Math.round(Math.random() * 14)]
		            color = color   digit[i]

		        return color;

		    function render() {

		        var isChange = (browserX != window.screenX || browserY != window.screenY);
		        if (isChange) {
		            var diffX = browserX - window.screenX;
		            browserX = window.screenX;

		            var diffY = browserY - window.screenY;
		            browserY = window.screenY;


		        var j = balls.length;
		        while (--j > -1) {

		        if (renderStep % 2 == 0) {

		            enqueuePosition(new Vector2D(cueBall.position.x, cueBall.position.y));

		        renderStep  ;

		        if (renderStep > 1000)
		            renderStep = 0;

		        if (!fallenBallsProcessed && started) {

		            var speedSum = 0.0;
		            j = balls.length;
		            while (--j > -1) {
		                speedSum  = Math.abs(balls[j].velocity.x   balls[j].velocity.y);

		            if (speedSum < 0.01) {
		                j = balls.length;
		                while (--j > -1) {
		                    balls[j].velocity = new Vector2D(0, 0);


		                isReady = true;

		        if (cuePulling) {
		            if (lastMouseX == mouseX ||
                    lastMouseY == mouseY) {
		                cueDistance  = 1;
		            else {
		                cuePulling = false;
		        else {
		            cueDistance -= 1;

		        if (cueDistance > 40) {
		            cueDistance = 40;
		            cuePulling = false;
		        else if (cueDistance < 0) {
		            cueDistance = 0;
		            cuePulling = true;

                if (renderStep % 2 == 0)
                    var srotate = "rotate("   (renderStep * 10 % 360)   "deg)";
                    $("#roofFan").css({ "-moz-transform": srotate, "-webkit-transform": srotate, msTransform: srotate });

		    function draw() {
		        context.clearRect(0, 0, bottomCanvasWidth, bottomCanvasHeight);
		        cueContext.clearRect(0, 0, topCanvasWidth, topCanvasHeight);

		        //drawing the target line
		        if (isReady) {
		            var lastPosX = cueBall.position.x;
		            var lastPosY = cueBall.position.y;

		            //drawing the cue ball tracing line
		            var arr = tracingQueue.getArray();

		            if (!cueBall.pocketIndex) {
		                context.strokeStyle = '#888';
		                context.lineWidth = 4;
		                context.lineCap = 'round';

		                context.dashedLine(cueBall.position.x, cueBall.position.y, targetX, targetY);

		        else {
		            //drawing the tracing line
		            var lastPosX = cueBall.position.x;
		            var lastPosY = cueBall.position.y;

		            var arr = tracingQueue.getArray();

		            if (!cueBall.pocketIndex) {
		                context.strokeStyle = '#363';
		                context.lineWidth = 8;
		                context.lineCap = 'round';

		                var i = arr.length;
		                while (--i > -1) {
		                    var posX = arr[i].x;
		                    var posY = arr[i].y;
		                    context.dashedLine(lastPosX, lastPosY, posX, posY, [10,200,10,20]);
		                    lastPosX = posX;
		                    lastPosY = posY;


		        i = balls.length;

		        //drawing the shadows
		        while (--i > -1) {
		            if (balls[i].pocketIndex == null) {
		                if (isNaN(balls[i].position.x))

		                var ball = balls[i];

		                drawBallShadow(context, ball);

		        i = balls.length;
		        //drawing the balls
		        while (--i > -1) {
		            if (balls[i].pocketIndex == null) {
		                if (isNaN(balls[i].position.x))

		                var ball = balls[i];

		                drawBall(context, ball);

		        var dX = targetX - cueBall.position.x;
		        var dY = targetY - cueBall.position.y;
		        var h = Math.sqrt(dX * dX   dY * dY);
		        var angle = -Math.atan2(dX, dY);

		        var shadowRotationAngle = 0;
		        if (h == 0) {
		            shadowRotationAngle = 0;
		        else if (dX == 0 && dY == 0) {
		            shadowRotationAngle = 0;
		        else if (dX > 0 && dY > 0) {
		            shadowRotationAngle = angle   0.03 * (angle);
		        else if (dX > 0 && dY < 0) {
		            shadowRotationAngle = angle - 0.03 * (Math.PI   angle);
		        else if (dX < 0 && dY > 0) {
		            shadowRotationAngle = angle - 0.03 * (-angle);
		        else {
		            shadowRotationAngle = angle - 0.03 * (-Math.PI   angle);

		        if (isReady) {
                    //drawing the cue
		            cueContext.translate(cueBall.position.x   351, cueBall.position.y   145);
		            cueContext.rotate(shadowRotationAngle - Math.PI / 2);
		            cueContext.drawImage(shadowCue, cueCenter[0]   cueDistance, cueCenter[1]);

		            cueContext.translate(cueBall.position.x   351, cueBall.position.y   140);
		            cueContext.rotate(angle - Math.PI / 2);
		            cueContext.drawImage(cue, cueCenter[0]   cueDistance, cueCenter[1]);

                var ballOn1 = teams[playingTeamID - 1].ballOn;
                if (ballOn1 != null) {
                    var newPos = new Vector2D(0, 0);
                    drawBall(context, ballOn1, newPos);

		    function drawEllipse(context, centerX, centerY, width, height, lightColor, darkColor) {


		        context.moveTo(centerX, centerY - height / 2); // A1

                centerX   width / 2, centerY - height / 2, // C1
                centerX   width / 2, centerY   height / 2, // C2
                centerX, centerY   height / 2); // A2

                centerX - width / 2, centerY   height / 2, // C3
                centerX - width / 2, centerY - height / 2, // C4
                centerX, centerY - height / 2); // A1

		        var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(
                    centerX - width / 2,
                    centerY - height / 2,
                    centerX - width / 2,
                    centerY - height / 2,

		        gradient.addColorStop(0, lightColor);
		        gradient.addColorStop(1, darkColor);
		        context.fillStyle = gradient;


		    function update(ball) {
		        if (ball.pocketIndex != null)


		        var gravity = 0;
		        var drag = 0.98;

		        ball.position.x  = ball.velocity.x;
		        ball.position.y  = ball.velocity.y;

		        if (
                    (ball.position.y - ball.size) < 12 &&
                    ball.position.x >= 40 && ball.position.x <= 265
                ) {
		            ball.position.y = 12   ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y * ball.bounce;
		        else if (
                    (ball.position.y - ball.size) < 12 &&
                    ball.position.x >= 313 && ball.position.x <= 533
                ) {
		            ball.position.y = 12   ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y * ball.bounce;

		        if ((ball.position.y   ball.size) > (bottomCanvasHeight - 12) &&
                    ball.position.x >= 40 && ball.position.x <= 265) {
		            ball.position.y = (bottomCanvasHeight - 12) - ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y * ball.bounce;
		        else if ((ball.position.y   ball.size) > (bottomCanvasHeight - 12) &&
                    ball.position.x >= 313 && ball.position.x <= 533) {
		            ball.position.y = (bottomCanvasHeight - 12) - ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y * ball.bounce;

		        if ((ball.position.x - ball.size) < 11 &&
                    ball.position.y >= 45 && ball.position.y <= 268) {
		            ball.position.x = 11   ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x * ball.bounce;
		        else if ((ball.position.x - ball.size) > 555 &&
                    ball.position.y >= 45 && ball.position.y <= 268) {
		            ball.position.x = 565 - ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x * ball.bounce;

		        if ((ball.position.x   ball.size) > bottomCanvasWidth) {
		            ball.position.x = bottomCanvasWidth - ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x * ball.bounce;
		        else if ((ball.position.x - ball.size) < 0) {
		            ball.position.x = 0   ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.x = -ball.velocity.x * ball.bounce;

		        if ((ball.position.y   ball.size) > bottomCanvasHeight) {
		            ball.position.y = bottomCanvasHeight - ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y * ball.bounce;
		        else if ((ball.position.y - ball.size) < 0) {
		            ball.position.y = 0   ball.size;
		            ball.velocity.y = -ball.velocity.y * ball.bounce;

		        ball.velocity.x = ball.velocity.x * drag;
		        ball.velocity.y = ball.velocity.y * drag   gravity;

		    function pocketCheck() {
		        for (var ballIndex = 0; ballIndex < balls.length; ballIndex  ) {

		            var ball = balls[ballIndex];

		            for (var pocketIndex = 0; pocketIndex < pockets.length; pocketIndex  ) {
		                var pocket = pockets[pocketIndex];
		                var xd = (pocket.position.x - ball.position.x);
		                var yd = (pocket.position.y - ball.position.y);

		                var sumRadius = ((ball.size / 2) * 3.5);
		                var sqrRadius = sumRadius * sumRadius;

		                var distSqr = (xd * xd)   (yd * yd);

		                if (Math.round(distSqr) < Math.round(sqrRadius)) {
		                    if (ball.pocketIndex == null) {
		                        ball.velocity = new Vector2D(0, 0);

		                        ball.position.x = 100;
		                        ball.position.y = 100;

		                        ball.pocketIndex = pocketIndex;

		                        pottedBalls[pottedBalls.length] = ball;

		                        if (audioFall != null) {

		                    else {

		    function collisionCheck() {
		        var collided = false;
		        var spring = 1.0;

		        for (var i = 0; i < (total);   i) {
		            var ball0 = balls[i];

		            for (var k = 0; k < (cornerBalls.length); k  ) {
		                var cornerBall = cornerBalls[k];

		                while (true) {
		                    var someCollision = isColliding(cornerBall, ball0);
		                    if (someCollision) {
		                        resolveCollision(cornerBall, ball0);

		            for (var j = i   1; j < total;   j) {
		                var ball1 = balls[j];

		                while (true) {
		                    var someCollision = isColliding(ball0, ball1);
		                    if (someCollision)
		                        resolveCollision(ball0, ball1);



		        return collided;

		    function isColliding(ball1, ball2) {
		        if (ball1.pocketIndex == null && ball2.pocketIndex == null) {
		            var xd = (ball1.position.x - ball2.position.x);
		            var yd = (ball1.position.y - ball2.position.y);

		            var sumRadius = ball1.size   ball2.size;
		            var sqrRadius = sumRadius * sumRadius;

		            var distSqr = (xd * xd)   (yd * yd);

		            if (Math.round(distSqr) <= Math.round(sqrRadius)) {

		                if (ball1.Points == 0) {
		                    strokenBalls[strokenBalls.length] = ball2;
		                else if (ball2.Points == 0) {
		                    strokenBalls[strokenBalls.length] = ball1;
		                return true;
		        return false;

		    function resolveCollision(ball1, ball2) {
		        // get the mtd (minimum translation distance)
		        var delta = ball1.position.subtract(ball2.position);
		        var r = ball1.size   ball2.size;
		        var dist2 = delta.dot(delta);

		        var d = delta.length();

		        var mtd = delta.multiply(((ball1.size   ball2.size   0.1) - d) / d);

		        // resolve intersection --
		        // inverse mass quantities

		        var mass = 0.5;

		        var im1 = 1.0 / mass;
		        var im2 = 1.0 / mass;

		        // push-pull them apart based off their mass
		        if (!ball1.isFixed)
		            ball1.position = ball1.position.add((mtd.multiply(im1 / (im1   im2))));
		        if (!ball2.isFixed)
		            ball2.position = ball2.position.subtract(mtd.multiply(im2 / (im1   im2)));

		        // impact speed
		        var v = ball1.velocity.subtract(ball2.velocity);
		        var vn = v.dot(mtd.normalize());

		        // sphere intersecting but moving away from each other already
		        //                if (vn > 0)
		        //                    return;

		        // collision impulse
		        var i = (-(0.0   0.08) * vn) / (im1   im2);
		        var impulse = mtd.multiply(0.5);

		        var totalImpulse = Math.abs(impulse.x)   Math.abs(impulse.y);

		        var audioHit;
		        var volume = 1.0;

		        if (totalImpulse > 5) {
		        	audioHit = audioHit06;
		        	volume = totalImpulse / 60.0;
		        else if (totalImpulse > 4) {
		        	audioHit = audioHit05;
		        	volume = totalImpulse / 12.0;
		        else if (totalImpulse > 3) {
		        	audioHit = audioHit04;
		        	volume = totalImpulse / 8.0;
		        else if (totalImpulse > 2) {
		        	audioHit = audioHit03;
		        	volume = totalImpulse / 5.0;
		        else {
		        	audioHit = audioHit02;
		        	volume = totalImpulse / 5.0;

		        if (audioHit != null) {
		        	if (volume > 1)
		        		volume = 1.0;

		        	if (audioHit != null) {
		                  audioHit.volume = volume;


		        // change in momentum
		        if (!ball1.isFixed)
		            ball1.velocity = ball1.velocity.add(impulse.multiply(im1));
		        if (!ball2.isFixed)
		            ball2.velocity = ball2.velocity.subtract(impulse.multiply(im2));

		    function resolveCornerCollision(cornerBall, ball) {
		        var cornerPosition = new Vector2D(cornerBall.position.x, cornerBall.position.y);
		        var ballPosition = new Vector2D(ball.position.x, ball.position.y);

		        // get the mtd
		        var delta = new Vector2D(cornerBall.position.x - ball.position.x, cornerBall.position.y - ball.position.y);
		        var d = delta.length();

		        // minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
		        var mtd = delta.multiply((cornerBall.size   1.0   ball.size   1.0 - d) / d);

		        // resolve intersection --
		        // inverse mass quantities
		        var im1 = 1.0;
		        var im2 = 1.0;

		        // push-pull them apart based off their mass
		        //                cornerPosition = cornerPosition.add(mtd.multiply(im1 / (im1   im2)));
		        ballPosition = ballPosition.subtract(mtd.multiply(im2 / (im1   im2)));

		        // impact speed
		        var v = new Vector2D(cornerBall.velocity.x - ball.velocity.x, cornerBall.velocity.y - ball.velocity.y);
		        var mtdNormalize = new Vector2D(mtd.x, mtd.y);
		        var vn = v.dot(mtdNormalize);

		        // sphere intersecting but moving away from each other already
		        if (vn > 0.0)

		        var impulse = mtd; // * (1.0);

		        ball.velocity.x = 0;
		        ball.velocity.y = 0;

		        ball.position.x = ballPosition.x;
		        ball.position.y = ballPosition.y;

		    function getMouseXY(e) {
		        lastMouseX = mouseX;
		        lastMouseY = mouseY;

//		        if (IE) {
//		            mouseX = event.clientX   document.body.scrollLeft
//		            mouseY = event.clientY   document.body.scrollTop
//		        }
//		        else {
		            if (e != null) {
		                mouseX = e.pageX;
		                mouseY = e.pageY;
//		        }

		        if (mouseX < 0) { mouseX = 0; }
		        if (mouseY < 0) { mouseY = 0; }

		        return true;

		    function initBallPositions() {
		        var firstRedX = 190;
		        var firstRedY = 150;
		        var redDistance = 12;

		        balls[0].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX, firstRedY);

		        balls[1].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 1.5, firstRedY - redDistance * 1);
		        balls[2].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 1.5, firstRedY   redDistance * 1);

		        balls[3].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 3, firstRedY - redDistance * 2);
		        balls[4].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 3, firstRedY   redDistance * 0);
		        balls[5].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 3, firstRedY   redDistance * 2);

		        balls[6].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 4.5, firstRedY - redDistance * 3);
		        balls[7].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 4.5, firstRedY   redDistance * 1);
		        balls[8].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 4.5, firstRedY - redDistance * 1);
		        balls[9].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 4.5, firstRedY   redDistance * 3);

		        balls[10].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 6, firstRedY - redDistance * 4);
		        balls[11].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 6, firstRedY - redDistance * 2);
		        balls[12].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 6, firstRedY   redDistance * 0);
		        balls[13].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 6, firstRedY   redDistance * 2);
		        balls[14].position = new Vector2D(firstRedX - redDistance * 6, firstRedY   redDistance * 4);

		        balls[20].position = new Vector2D(40, 150);

		        balls[19].position = new Vector2D(230, 150);

		        balls[18].position = new Vector2D(288, 150);

		        balls[15].position = new Vector2D(468, 90);

		        balls[17].position = new Vector2D(468, 150);

		        balls[16].position = new Vector2D(468, 210);

		        //		        balls[total - 1].position = new Vector2D(468, 50);
		        balls[total - 1].position = new Vector2D(490   Math.random() * 20, 90   Math.random() * 120);

		        for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i  ) {
		            var ball = balls[i];
		            ball.initPosition = new Vector2D(ball.position.x, ball.position.y);

		    function checkPockets() {
		        if (cueBall.pocketIndex != null) {
		            cueBall.pocketIndex = null;
		            cueBall.position.x = 495   Math.random() * 20;
		            cueBall.position.y = 90   Math.random() * 120;
		            cueBall.velocity.x = 0;
		            cueBall.velocity.y = 0;

		    function processFallenBalls() {
		        consoleLog('function processFallenBalls()');
		        $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Begin shot: Player '   playingTeamID);

		        fallenBallsProcessed = true;
		        teams[0].FoulList = [];
		        teams[1].FoulList = [];

		        var redCount = 0;
		        var fallenRedCount = 0;
		        var wonPoints = 0;
		        var lostPoints = 0;
		        var someInTable = false;

		        for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i  ) {
		            var ball = balls[i];
		            if (ball.pocketIndex != null) {

		                if (ball.Points > 0)
		                    someInTable = true;

		            if (ball.Points == 1) {
		                redCount  ;

		        $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Potted balls count: '   pottedBalls.length);

		        for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i  ) {
		            var ball = balls[i];
		            if (ball.Points == 1 && ball.pocketIndex != null) {
		                fallenRedCount  ;

		        for (var i = 0; i < pottedBalls.length; i  ) {
		            var ball = pottedBalls[i];
		            if (ball.Points == 0) {
		                cueBall.position.x = 470   Math.random() * 20;
		                cueBall.position.y = 90   Math.random() * 120;

		                ball.pocketIndex = null;
		            else if (ball.Points > 1) {
		                if (fallenRedCount < redCount || teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points != ball.Points) {
		                    for (var points = ball.Points; points > 1; points--) {
		                        var candidateBall = GetCandidateBall(ball, points);

		                        if (candidateBall != null) {
		                            ball.position = new Vector2D(candidateBall.initPosition.x, candidateBall.initPosition.y);
		                            ball.velocity.x = 0;
		                            ball.velocity.y = 0;
		                            ball.pocketIndex = null;

		        if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn == null) {
		            teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn = balls[0];

		        var strokenBallsCount = 0;
		        consoleLog('strokenBalls.length: '   strokenBalls.length);
		        for (var i = 0; i < strokenBalls.length; i  ) {

		            var ball = strokenBalls[i];
		            //causing the cue ball to first hit a ball other than the ball on
		            if (strokenBallsCount == 0) {

		                if (ball.Points != teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points) {
		                    if (ball.Points == 1 || teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points == 1 || fallenRedCount == redCount) {

		                        if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points < 4) {
		                            teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length] = 4;
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Foul 4 points :  Expected '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   ', but hit '   ball.Points);
		                        else {
		                            teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length] = teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points;
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Foul '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   ' points :  Expected '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   ', but hit '   ball.Points);

		            strokenBallsCount  ;

		        //Foul: causing the cue ball to miss all object balls
		        if (strokenBallsCount == 0) {
		            teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length] = 4;
		            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Foul 4 points :  causing the cue ball to miss all object balls');

		        for (var i = 0; i < pottedBalls.length; i  ) {
		            var ball = pottedBalls[i];
		            //causing the cue ball to enter a pocket
		            if (ball.Points == 0) {
		                teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length] = 4;
		                $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Foul 4 points :  causing the cue ball to enter a pocket');
		            else {

		                //causing a ball different than the target ball to enter a pocket
		                if (ball.Points != teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points) {

		                    if (ball.Points == 1 || teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points == 1 || fallenRedCount == redCount) {
		                        if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points < 4) {
		                            teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length] = 4;
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Foul 4 points : '   ball.Points   ' was potted, while '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   ' was expected');
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>ball.Points: '   ball.Points);
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points: '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points);
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>fallenRedCount: '   fallenRedCount);
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>redCount: '   redCount);
		                        else {
		                            teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length] = teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points;
		                            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>Foul '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   ' points : '   ball.Points   ' was potted, while '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   ' was expected');

		        if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length == 0) {

		            for (var i = 0; i < pottedBalls.length; i  ) {

		                var ball = pottedBalls[i];
		                //legally potting reds or colors
		                wonPoints  = ball.Points;
		                $('#gameEvents').append('<br/> Potted  '   ball.Points   ' points.');
		        else {
		            teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.sort();
		            lostPoints = teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList[teams[playingTeamID - 1].FoulList.length - 1];
		            $('#gameEvents').append('<br/> Lost '   lostPoints   ' points.');

		        teams[playingTeamID - 1].Points  = wonPoints;
		        teams[awaitingTeamID - 1].Points  = lostPoints;

                    'playingTeamID: '   playingTeamID   '<br/>'  
                    'ball on points: '   teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points   '<br/>'  
                    'redCount: '   redCount   '<br/>'  
                    'strokenBallsCount: '   strokenBallsCount   '<br/>'  
                    'fallenRedCount: '   fallenRedCount   '<br/>'  
                    'wonPoints: '   wonPoints   '<br/>'  
                    'lostPoints: '   lostPoints   '<br/>'  
                    'someInTable: '   someInTable   '<br/>'  
                    'pottedBalls: '   pottedBalls.length   '<br/>'  
                    'Team 1 Points: '   teams[0].Points   '<br/>'  
                    'Team 2 Points: '   teams[1].Points

		        $('#gameEvents').append('<br/> wonPoints: '   wonPoints   ', lostPoints: '   lostPoints);

		        $('#gameEvents').append('<br/>End shot: Player '   playingTeamID);

		        var swappedPlayers = false;
		        //check if it's other player's turn
		        if ((wonPoints == 0 || lostPoints > 0))// && currentGameState != GameState.TestShot)
		            swappedPlayers = true;

		            teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn = null;

		            if (playingTeamID == 1)
		                playingTeamID = 2;
		                playingTeamID = 1;

		            if (awaitingTeamID == 1)
		                awaitingTeamID = 2;
		                awaitingTeamID = 1;


		        teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn = GetNextBallOn(swappedPlayers, teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn);


		        strokenBalls = [];
		        pottedBalls = [];

		        if (teams[0].BallOn == null)
		            $('#player1Name').html('PLAYER 1');
		            $('#player1Name').html('PLAYER 1');

		        if (teams[1].BallOn == null)
		            $('#player2Name').html('PLAYER 2');
		            $('#player2Name').html('PLAYER 2');


		        if (playingTeamID == 1) {
		            $('#player1Name').css('color', '#ffffff');
		            $('#player2Name').css('color', '#808080');
		        } else {
		            $('#player1Name').css('color', '#808080');
		            $('#player2Name').css('color', '#ffffff');


		    function GetCandidateBall(ball, points) {
		        var candidateBall = null;
		        var fallenBall = ball;
		        while (candidateBall == null) {
		            for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i  ) {
		                var b = balls[i];
		                if (b.Points == points) // && b.IsBallInPocket)
		                    candidateBall = b;
		            if (candidateBall != null) {
		                for (var j = 0; j < balls.length; j  ) {
		                    var collisionBall = balls[j];
		                    if (collisionBall.pocketIndex == null) {
		                        if (collisionBall.Id != candidateBall.Id) {
		                            var xd = (candidateBall.initPosition.x - collisionBall.position.x);
		                            var yd = (candidateBall.initPosition.y - collisionBall.position.y);

		                            var sumRadius = (ball.size * 0.5);
		                            var sqrRadius = sumRadius * sumRadius;

		                            var distSqr = (xd * xd)   (yd * yd);

		                            if (Math.round(distSqr) < Math.round(sqrRadius)) {
		                                candidateBall = null;
		        return candidateBall;

		    function GetNextBallOn(swappedPlayers, lastBallOn) {
		        var nextBallOn = null;

		        if (swappedPlayers) {
		            if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn == null) {

		                nextBallOn = GetRandomRedBall();
		            else if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].JustSwapped) {
		                nextBallOn = GetRandomRedBall();
		            else if (teams[playingTeamID - 1].BallOn.Points == 1) {
		                nextBallOn = GetRandomRedBall();

		            if (nextBallOn == null) {
		                nextBallOn = GetMinColouredball();
		        else {
		            if (lastBallOn.Points == 1) {
		                nextBallOn = GetMinColouredball();
		            else {
		                nextBallOn = GetRandomRedBall();

		                if (nextBallOn == null) {
		                    nextBallOn = GetMinColouredball();

		            if (nextBallOn == null) {
		                nextBallOn = GetRandomRedBall();

		        return nextBallOn;

		    function GetRandomRedBall() {
		        var redBallOn = null;

		        var validRedBalls = [];
		        for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i  ) {

		            var ball = balls[i];
		            if (ball.Points == 1 && ball.pocketIndex == null) {
		                validRedBalls[validRedBalls.length] = i;

		        var redCount = validRedBalls.length;

		        if (redCount > 0) {
		            var index = Math.random() * redCount;

		            index = Math.floor(index);

		            redBallOn = balls[validRedBalls[index]];

		        return redBallOn;

		    function GetMinColouredball() {
		        var minColouredball = null;
		        var minPoints = 8;
		        for (var i = 0; i < balls.length; i  ) {
		            var ball = balls[i];
		            if (ball.Points > 1 && ball.Points < minPoints && ball.pocketIndex == null) {
		                minColouredball = ball;
		                minPoints = minColouredball.Points;
		        return minColouredball;

		    function animateCurrentPlayerImage() {
		        var otherPlayerImageId = 0;
		        if (playingTeamID == 1)
		            otherPlayerImageId = 'player2Image';
		            otherPlayerImageId = 'player1Image';

		        var playerImageId = 'player'   playingTeamID   'Image';

		        $('#'   playerImageId).animate({
		            opacity: 1.0
		        }, 500, function () {
		            $('#'   playerImageId).animate({
		                opacity: 0.0
		            }, 500, function () {
		                $('#'   playerImageId).animate({
		                    opacity: 1.0
		                }, 500, function () {


		        $('#'   otherPlayerImageId).animate({
		            opacity: 0.25
		        }, 1500, function () {


		    function drawBall(context, ball, newPosition, newSize) {
		        var position = ball.position;
		        var size = ball.size;

                if (newPosition != null)
                    position = newPosition;

                if (newSize != null)
                    size = newSize;

		        //main circle
		        context.fillStyle = ball.color;
		        context.arc(position.x, position.y, size, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

		        var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(
                        position.x - size / 2,
                        position.y - size / 2,

		        //bright spot
		        gradient.addColorStop(0, ball.color);
		        gradient.addColorStop(1, ball.darkColor);
		        context.fillStyle = gradient;

		        context.arc(position.x, position.y, size * 0.85, (Math.PI / 180) * 270, (Math.PI / 180) * 200, true);
		        context.lineTo(ball.x, ball.y);
		        var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(
                            position.x - size * .5,
                            position.y - size * .5,

		        gradient.addColorStop(0, ball.lightColor);
		        gradient.addColorStop(0.5, 'transparent');
		        context.fillStyle = gradient;

		    function drawBallShadow(context, ball) {
		        //main circle
		        context.arc(ball.position.x   ball.size * .25, ball.position.y   ball.size * .25, ball.size * 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

		        try {
		            var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(
                            ball.position.x   ball.size * .25,
                            ball.position.y   ball.size * .25,
                            ball.position.x   ball.size * .25,
                            ball.position.y   ball.size * .25,
                            ball.size * 1.5
		        catch (err) {
		            alert(ball.position.x   ','   ball.position.y);

		        gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000000');
		        gradient.addColorStop(1, 'transparent');
		        context.fillStyle = gradient;

		    function renderBallOn() {
		        player1BallOnContext.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
		        player2BallOnContext.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
		        if (playingTeamID == 1) {
		            if (teams[0].BallOn != null)
		                drawBall(player1BallOnContext, teams[0].BallOn, new Vector2D(30, 120), 20);
                else {
		            if (teams[1].BallOn != null)
		                drawBall(player2BallOnContext, teams[1].BallOn, new Vector2D(30, 120), 20);
		            player1BallOnContext.clearRect(0, 0, 133, 70);

		    function consoleLog(message) {

		    function enqueuePosition(position) {
		        var len = tracingQueue.getLength();

		        if (len > 20) {




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