您当前所在位置:首页Config 开发实例其他配置 → ATi Radeon BIOS Editor

ATi Radeon BIOS Editor


  • 开发语言:Config
  • 实例大小:0.03M
  • 下载次数:9
  • 浏览次数:991
  • 发布时间:2020-03-17
  • 实例类别:其他配置
  • 发 布 人:Borton
  • 文件格式:.zip
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: editor BIOS iOS AD IO


【实例简介】Ti Radeon BIOS Editor 是一款可以为您修改显卡BIOS项目,包括:内存类型、更新频率、核心芯片研发代号、核心芯片运作频率、内存运作频率、显示卡制作厂商代号、电视讯号规格等。


from clipboard


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Linq;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Net;

namespace PolarisBiosEditor
    public partial class PolarisBiosEditor : Form

        /* DATA */

        string version = "1.6.7";
        string programTitle = "PolarisBiosEditor";

        string[] manufacturers = new string[] {

        string[] supportedDeviceID = new string[] { "67DF", "67EF", "1002", "67FF", "699F" };

        string[] timings = new string[] {
    		// FIXME Try UberMix 3.2 Timings:
    		// 777000000000000022CC1C00CEE55C46C0590E1532CD66090060070014051420FA8900A00300000012123442C3353C19
    		// UberMix 3.1
          //"777000000000000022CC1C00AD615C41C0590E152ECCA60B006007000B031420FA8900A00300000010122F3FBA354019", // new, please test
           	// UberMix 2.3 (less extreme)
    		// 1750/2000MHz Mix Timings
    		// 1625/2000MHz Mix Timings

            // Good HYNIX_2
            // Good Micron
    	  //"777000000000000022AA1C0073626C41B0551016BA0D260B006AE60004061420EA8940AA030000001914292EB22E3B16", old
            "777000000000000022AA1C0073626C41B0551016BA0D260B0060060004061420EA8940AA030000001914292EB22E3B16", // new tested timings (much better xmr performance @ rx560 sapphire pulse)
    		// Good Hynix_1

    		// Good Elpida (fixed with version 1.6.4, see issue #19)
          //"777000000000000022AA1C00AC615B3CA0550F142C8C1506006004007C041420CA8980A9020004C01712262B612B3715" // new, please test

        Dictionary<string, string> rc = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 96, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public class VRAM_TIMING_RX


        Byte[] buffer;
        Int32Converter int32 = new Int32Converter();
        UInt32Converter uint32 = new UInt32Converter();

        string deviceID = "";
        Boolean hasInternetAccess = false;

        int atom_rom_checksum_offset = 0x21;
        int atom_rom_header_ptr = 0x48;
        int atom_rom_header_offset;
        ATOM_ROM_HEADER atom_rom_header;
        ATOM_DATA_TABLES atom_data_table;

        int atom_powerplay_offset;
        ATOM_POWERPLAY_TABLE atom_powerplay_table;

        int atom_powertune_offset;
        ATOM_POWERTUNE_TABLE atom_powertune_table;

        int atom_fan_offset;
        ATOM_FAN_TABLE atom_fan_table;

        int atom_mclk_table_offset;
        ATOM_MCLK_TABLE atom_mclk_table;
        ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY[] atom_mclk_entries;

        int atom_sclk_table_offset;
        ATOM_SCLK_TABLE atom_sclk_table;
        ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY[] atom_sclk_entries;

        int atom_vddc_table_offset;
        ATOM_VOLTAGE_TABLE atom_vddc_table;
        ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY[] atom_vddc_entries;

        int atom_vram_info_offset;
        ATOM_VRAM_INFO atom_vram_info;
        ATOM_VRAM_ENTRY[] atom_vram_entries;
        ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY[] atom_vram_timing_entries;
        int atom_vram_index = 0;
        const int MAX_VRAM_ENTRIES = 48; // e.g. MSI-Armor-RX-580-4GB has 36 entries
        int atom_vram_timing_offset;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
            Int16 usStructureSize;
            Byte ucTableFormatRevision;
            Byte ucTableContentRevision;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_ROM_HEADER
            public ATOM_COMMON_TABLE_HEADER sHeader;
            //public UInt32 uaFirmWareSignature;
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x4)]
            public Char[] uaFirmWareSignature;
            public UInt16 usBiosRuntimeSegmentAddress;
            public UInt16 usProtectedModeInfoOffset;
            public UInt16 usConfigFilenameOffset;
            public UInt16 usCRC_BlockOffset;
            public UInt16 usBIOS_BootupMessageOffset;
            public UInt16 usInt10Offset;
            public UInt16 usPciBusDevInitCode;
            public UInt16 usIoBaseAddress;
            public UInt16 usSubsystemVendorID;
            public UInt16 usSubsystemID;
            public UInt16 usPCI_InfoOffset;
            public UInt16 usMasterCommandTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usMasterDataTableOffset;
            public Byte ucExtendedFunctionCode;
            public Byte ucReserved;
            public UInt32 ulPSPDirTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usVendorID;
            public UInt16 usDeviceID;

        String BIOS_BootupMessage;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_DATA_TABLES
            public ATOM_COMMON_TABLE_HEADER sHeader;
            public UInt16 UtilityPipeLine;
            public UInt16 MultimediaCapabilityInfo;
            public UInt16 MultimediaConfigInfo;
            public UInt16 StandardVESA_Timing;
            public UInt16 FirmwareInfo;
            public UInt16 PaletteData;
            public UInt16 LCD_Info;
            public UInt16 DIGTransmitterInfo;
            public UInt16 SMU_Info;
            public UInt16 SupportedDevicesInfo;
            public UInt16 GPIO_I2C_Info;
            public UInt16 VRAM_UsageByFirmware;
            public UInt16 GPIO_Pin_LUT;
            public UInt16 VESA_ToInternalModeLUT;
            public UInt16 GFX_Info;
            public UInt16 PowerPlayInfo;
            public UInt16 GPUVirtualizationInfo;
            public UInt16 SaveRestoreInfo;
            public UInt16 PPLL_SS_Info;
            public UInt16 OemInfo;
            public UInt16 XTMDS_Info;
            public UInt16 MclkSS_Info;
            public UInt16 Object_Header;
            public UInt16 IndirectIOAccess;
            public UInt16 MC_InitParameter;
            public UInt16 ASIC_VDDC_Info;
            public UInt16 ASIC_InternalSS_Info;
            public UInt16 TV_VideoMode;
            public UInt16 VRAM_Info;
            public UInt16 MemoryTrainingInfo;
            public UInt16 IntegratedSystemInfo;
            public UInt16 ASIC_ProfilingInfo;
            public UInt16 VoltageObjectInfo;
            public UInt16 PowerSourceInfo;
            public UInt16 ServiceInfo;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        unsafe struct ATOM_POWERPLAY_TABLE
            public ATOM_COMMON_TABLE_HEADER sHeader;
            public Byte ucTableRevision;
            public UInt16 usTableSize;
            public UInt32 ulGoldenPPID;
            public UInt32 ulGoldenRevision;
            public UInt16 usFormatID;
            public UInt16 usVoltageTime;
            public UInt32 ulPlatformCaps;
            public UInt32 ulMaxODEngineClock;
            public UInt32 ulMaxODMemoryClock;
            public UInt16 usPowerControlLimit;
            public UInt16 usUlvVoltageOffset;
            public UInt16 usStateArrayOffset;
            public UInt16 usFanTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usThermalControllerOffset;
            public UInt16 usReserv;
            public UInt16 usMclkDependencyTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usSclkDependencyTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usVddcLookupTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usVddgfxLookupTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usMMDependencyTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usVCEStateTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usPPMTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usPowerTuneTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usHardLimitTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usPCIETableOffset;
            public UInt16 usGPIOTableOffset;
            public fixed UInt16 usReserved[6];

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY
            public Byte ucVddcInd;
            public UInt16 usVddci;
            public UInt16 usVddgfxOffset;
            public UInt16 usMvdd;
            public UInt32 ulMclk;
            public UInt16 usReserved;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_MCLK_TABLE
            public Byte ucRevId;
            public Byte ucNumEntries;
            // public ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY entries[ucNumEntries];

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY
            public Byte ucVddInd;
            public UInt16 usVddcOffset;
            public UInt32 ulSclk;
            public UInt16 usEdcCurrent;
            public Byte ucReliabilityTemperature;
            public Byte ucCKSVOffsetandDisable;
            public UInt32 ulSclkOffset;
            // Polaris Only, remove for compatibility with Fiji

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_SCLK_TABLE
            public Byte ucRevId;
            public Byte ucNumEntries;
            // public ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY entries[ucNumEntries];

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY
            public UInt16 usVdd;
            public UInt16 usCACLow;
            public UInt16 usCACMid;
            public UInt16 usCACHigh;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_VOLTAGE_TABLE
            public Byte ucRevId;
            public Byte ucNumEntries;
            // public ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY entries[ucNumEntries];

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_FAN_TABLE
            public Byte ucRevId;
            public Byte ucTHyst;
            public UInt16 usTMin;
            public UInt16 usTMed;
            public UInt16 usTHigh;
            public UInt16 usPWMMin;
            public UInt16 usPWMMed;
            public UInt16 usPWMHigh;
            public UInt16 usTMax;
            public Byte ucFanControlMode;
            public UInt16 usFanPWMMax;
            public UInt16 usFanOutputSensitivity;
            public UInt16 usFanRPMMax;
            public UInt32 ulMinFanSCLKAcousticLimit;
            public Byte ucTargetTemperature;
            public Byte ucMinimumPWMLimit;
            public UInt16 usFanGainEdge;
            public UInt16 usFanGainHotspot;
            public UInt16 usFanGainLiquid;
            public UInt16 usFanGainVrVddc;
            public UInt16 usFanGainVrMvdd;
            public UInt16 usFanGainPlx;
            public UInt16 usFanGainHbm;
            public UInt16 usReserved;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
            public Byte ucRevId;
            public UInt16 usTDP;
            public UInt16 usConfigurableTDP;
            public UInt16 usTDC;
            public UInt16 usBatteryPowerLimit;
            public UInt16 usSmallPowerLimit;
            public UInt16 usLowCACLeakage;
            public UInt16 usHighCACLeakage;
            public UInt16 usMaximumPowerDeliveryLimit;
            public UInt16 usTjMax;
            public UInt16 usPowerTuneDataSetID;
            public UInt16 usEDCLimit;
            public UInt16 usSoftwareShutdownTemp;
            public UInt16 usClockStretchAmount;
            public UInt16 usTemperatureLimitHotspot;
            public UInt16 usTemperatureLimitLiquid1;
            public UInt16 usTemperatureLimitLiquid2;
            public UInt16 usTemperatureLimitVrVddc;
            public UInt16 usTemperatureLimitVrMvdd;
            public UInt16 usTemperatureLimitPlx;
            public Byte ucLiquid1_I2C_address;
            public Byte ucLiquid2_I2C_address;
            public Byte ucLiquid_I2C_Line;
            public Byte ucVr_I2C_address;
            public Byte ucVr_I2C_Line;
            public Byte ucPlx_I2C_address;
            public Byte ucPlx_I2C_Line;
            public UInt16 usReserved;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
            public UInt32 ulClkRange;
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x30)]
            public Byte[] ucLatency;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_VRAM_ENTRY
            public UInt32 ulChannelMapCfg;
            public UInt16 usModuleSize;
            public UInt16 usMcRamCfg;
            public UInt16 usEnableChannels;
            public Byte ucExtMemoryID;
            public Byte ucMemoryType;
            public Byte ucChannelNum;
            public Byte ucChannelWidth;
            public Byte ucDensity;
            public Byte ucBankCol;
            public Byte ucMisc;
            public Byte ucVREFI;
            public UInt16 usReserved;
            public UInt16 usMemorySize;
            public Byte ucMcTunningSetId;
            public Byte ucRowNum;
            public UInt16 usEMRS2Value;
            public UInt16 usEMRS3Value;
            public Byte ucMemoryVenderID;
            public Byte ucRefreshRateFactor;
            public Byte ucFIFODepth;
            public Byte ucCDR_Bandwidth;
            public UInt32 ulChannelMapCfg1;
            public UInt32 ulBankMapCfg;
            public UInt32 ulReserved;
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
            public Byte[] strMemPNString;

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        struct ATOM_VRAM_INFO
            public ATOM_COMMON_TABLE_HEADER sHeader;
            public UInt16 usMemAdjustTblOffset;
            public UInt16 usMemClkPatchTblOffset;
            public UInt16 usMcAdjustPerTileTblOffset;
            public UInt16 usMcPhyInitTableOffset;
            public UInt16 usDramDataRemapTblOffset;
            public UInt16 usReserved1;
            public Byte ucNumOfVRAMModule;
            public Byte ucMemoryClkPatchTblVer;
            public Byte ucVramModuleVer;
            public Byte ucMcPhyTileNum;
            // public ATOM_VRAM_ENTRY aVramInfo[ucNumOfVRAMModule];

        static void Main(string[] args)
            PolarisBiosEditor pbe = new PolarisBiosEditor();

        static byte[] getBytes(object obj)
            int size = Marshal.SizeOf(obj);
            byte[] arr = new byte[size];
            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(obj, ptr, true);
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, arr, 0, size);

            return arr;

        static T fromBytes<T>(byte[] arr)
            T obj = default(T);
            int size = Marshal.SizeOf(obj);
            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

            Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, ptr, size);
            obj = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, obj.GetType());

            return obj;

        public void setBytesAtPosition(byte[] dest, int ptr, byte[] src)
            for (var i = 0; i < src.Length; i  )
                dest[ptr   i] = src[i];

        private ListViewItem handler;

        private void listView_ChangeSelection(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListView lb = sender as ListView;
            String sel_name = lb.SelectedItems[0].Text;

            for (var i = 0; i < lb.Items.Count; i  )

                ListViewItem container = lb.Items[i];
                var name = container.Text;
                var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;

                if (name == sel_name)
                    editSubItem1.Text = name;
                    editSubItem2.Text = value;
                    handler = container;


        private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (handler != null)
                handler.Text = editSubItem1.Text;
                handler.SubItems[1].Text = editSubItem2.Text;

        public PolarisBiosEditor()
            this.Text = this.programTitle   " "   this.version;


                WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
                Stream myStream = myWebClient.OpenRead("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaschaknack/PolarisBiosEditor/master/version");
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(myStream);
                string newVersion = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();
                if (!newVersion.Equals(version)) {
                    MessageBox.Show("There is a new version available! "   version   " -> "   newVersion);

                myStream = myWebClient.OpenRead("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaschaknack/PolarisBiosEditor/master/notice");
                sr = new StreamReader(myStream);
                string notice = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();

                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
                DialogResult result;

                result = MessageBox.Show(notice   "\n\nClick Yes button to copy to clipboard", "A message from the developer", buttons);

                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)




                hasInternetAccess = true;

            } catch (System.Net.WebException) {
                this.Text  = " (offline mode)";

            rc.Add("MT51J256M3", "MICRON");
            rc.Add("EDW4032BAB", "ELPIDA");
            rc.Add("H5GC4H24AJ", "HYNIX_1");
            rc.Add("H5GQ8H24MJ", "HYNIX_2");
            rc.Add("H5GC8H24MJ", "HYNIX_2");
            rc.Add("K4G80325FB", "SAMSUNG");
            rc.Add("K4G41325FE", "SAMSUNG");
            rc.Add("K4G41325FC", "SAMSUNG");
            rc.Add("K4G41325FS", "SAMSUNG");

            save.Enabled = false;
            boxROM.Enabled = false;
            boxPOWERPLAY.Enabled = false;
            boxPOWERTUNE.Enabled = false;
            boxFAN.Enabled = false;
            boxGPU.Enabled = false;
            boxMEM.Enabled = false;
            boxVRAM.Enabled = false;

            tableVRAM.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tableVRAM_TIMING.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tableMEMORY.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tableGPU.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tableFAN.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tablePOWERTUNE.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tablePOWERPLAY.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);
            tableROM.MouseClick  = new MouseEventHandler(listView_ChangeSelection);

            //MessageBox.Show("Modifying your BIOS is dangerous and could cause irreversible damage to your GPU.\nUsing a modified BIOS may void your warranty.\nThe author will not be held accountable for your actions.", "DISCLAIMER", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

        private void PolarisBiosEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void editSubItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MouseEventArgs me = (MouseEventArgs)e;
            if (me.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                if (editSubItem2.Text.Length == 96)
                    byte[] decode = StringToByteArray(editSubItem2.Text);
                    MessageBox.Show("Decode Memory Timings "   decode   " / not implemented yet!");


        private void OpenFileDialog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFileDialog.Filter = "BIOS (.rom)|*.rom|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1;
            openFileDialog.Multiselect = false;

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                save.Enabled = false;


                System.IO.Stream fileStream = openFileDialog.OpenFile();
                if ((fileStream.Length != 524288) && (fileStream.Length != 524288 / 2))
                    MessageBox.Show("This BIOS is non standard size.\nFlashing this BIOS may corrupt your graphics card.", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                    buffer = br.ReadBytes((int)fileStream.Length);

                    atom_rom_header_offset = getValueAtPosition(16, atom_rom_header_ptr);
                    atom_rom_header = fromBytes<ATOM_ROM_HEADER>(buffer.Skip(atom_rom_header_offset).ToArray());
                    deviceID = atom_rom_header.usDeviceID.ToString("X");

                    String firmwareSignature = new string(atom_rom_header.uaFirmWareSignature);
                    if (!firmwareSignature.Equals("ATOM"))
                        MessageBox.Show("WARNING! BIOS Signature is not valid. Only continue if you are 100% sure what you are doing!");

                    DialogResult msgSuported = DialogResult.Yes;
                    if (!supportedDeviceID.Contains(deviceID))
                        msgSuported = MessageBox.Show("Unsupported DeviceID 0x"   deviceID   " - Continue?", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    if (msgSuported == DialogResult.Yes)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        Int32 ptr = atom_rom_header.usBIOS_BootupMessageOffset 2;
                        while (ptr != -1)
                            Char c = (Char)buffer[ptr];
                            if (c == '\0') {
                                ptr = -1;
                            } else if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
                                ptr  ;
                            } else {
                                ptr  ;

                        BIOS_BootupMessage = sb.ToString();

                        txtBIOSBootupMessage.Text = BIOS_BootupMessage;
                        txtBIOSBootupMessage.MaxLength = BIOS_BootupMessage.Length;

                        atom_data_table = fromBytes<ATOM_DATA_TABLES>(buffer.Skip(atom_rom_header.usMasterDataTableOffset).ToArray());
                        atom_powerplay_offset = atom_data_table.PowerPlayInfo;
                        atom_powerplay_table = fromBytes<ATOM_POWERPLAY_TABLE>(buffer.Skip(atom_powerplay_offset).ToArray());

                        atom_powertune_offset = atom_data_table.PowerPlayInfo   atom_powerplay_table.usPowerTuneTableOffset;
                        atom_powertune_table = fromBytes<ATOM_POWERTUNE_TABLE>(buffer.Skip(atom_powertune_offset).ToArray());

                        atom_fan_offset = atom_data_table.PowerPlayInfo   atom_powerplay_table.usFanTableOffset;
                        atom_fan_table = fromBytes<ATOM_FAN_TABLE>(buffer.Skip(atom_fan_offset).ToArray());

                        atom_mclk_table_offset = atom_data_table.PowerPlayInfo   atom_powerplay_table.usMclkDependencyTableOffset;
                        atom_mclk_table = fromBytes<ATOM_MCLK_TABLE>(buffer.Skip(atom_mclk_table_offset).ToArray());
                        atom_mclk_entries = new ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY[atom_mclk_table.ucNumEntries];
                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_mclk_entries.Length; i  )
                            atom_mclk_entries[i] = fromBytes<ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY>(buffer.Skip(atom_mclk_table_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_MCLK_TABLE))   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY)) * i).ToArray());

                        atom_sclk_table_offset = atom_data_table.PowerPlayInfo   atom_powerplay_table.usSclkDependencyTableOffset;
                        atom_sclk_table = fromBytes<ATOM_SCLK_TABLE>(buffer.Skip(atom_sclk_table_offset).ToArray());
                        atom_sclk_entries = new ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY[atom_sclk_table.ucNumEntries];
                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_sclk_entries.Length; i  )
                            atom_sclk_entries[i] = fromBytes<ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY>(buffer.Skip(atom_sclk_table_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_SCLK_TABLE))   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY)) * i).ToArray());

                        atom_vddc_table_offset = atom_data_table.PowerPlayInfo   atom_powerplay_table.usVddcLookupTableOffset;
                        atom_vddc_table = fromBytes<ATOM_VOLTAGE_TABLE>(buffer.Skip(atom_vddc_table_offset).ToArray());
                        atom_vddc_entries = new ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY[atom_vddc_table.ucNumEntries];
                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_vddc_table.ucNumEntries; i  )
                            atom_vddc_entries[i] = fromBytes<ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY>(buffer.Skip(atom_vddc_table_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VOLTAGE_TABLE))   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY)) * i).ToArray());

                        atom_vram_info_offset = atom_data_table.VRAM_Info;
                        atom_vram_info = fromBytes<ATOM_VRAM_INFO>(buffer.Skip(atom_vram_info_offset).ToArray());
                        atom_vram_entries = new ATOM_VRAM_ENTRY[atom_vram_info.ucNumOfVRAMModule];
                        var atom_vram_entry_offset = atom_vram_info_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VRAM_INFO));
                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_info.ucNumOfVRAMModule; i  )
                            atom_vram_entries[i] = fromBytes<ATOM_VRAM_ENTRY>(buffer.Skip(atom_vram_entry_offset).ToArray());
                            atom_vram_entry_offset  = atom_vram_entries[i].usModuleSize;

                        atom_vram_timing_offset = atom_vram_info_offset   atom_vram_info.usMemClkPatchTblOffset   0x2E;
                        atom_vram_timing_entries = new ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY[MAX_VRAM_ENTRIES];
                        for (var i = 0; i < MAX_VRAM_ENTRIES; i  )
                            atom_vram_timing_entries[i] = fromBytes<ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY>(buffer.Skip(atom_vram_timing_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY)) * i).ToArray());

                            // atom_vram_timing_entries have an undetermined length
                            // attempt to determine the last entry in the array
                            if (atom_vram_timing_entries[i].ulClkRange == 0)
                                Array.Resize(ref atom_vram_timing_entries, i);

                        tableROM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "0x"   atom_rom_header.usBIOS_BootupMessageOffset.ToString ("X")
                        tableROM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "0x"   atom_rom_header.usVendorID.ToString ("X")
                        tableROM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "0x"   atom_rom_header.usDeviceID.ToString ("X")
                        tableROM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Sub ID",
                            "0x"   atom_rom_header.usSubsystemID.ToString ("X")
                        tableROM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Sub VendorID",
                            "0x"   atom_rom_header.usSubsystemVendorID.ToString ("X")
                        tableROM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Firmware Signature",
                            //"0x"   atom_rom_header.uaFirmWareSignature.ToString ("X")
                            new string(atom_rom_header.uaFirmWareSignature)

                        tablePOWERPLAY.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max GPU Freq. (MHz)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powerplay_table.ulMaxODEngineClock / 100)
                        tablePOWERPLAY.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max Memory Freq. (MHz)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powerplay_table.ulMaxODMemoryClock / 100)
                        tablePOWERPLAY.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Power Control Limit (%)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powerplay_table.usPowerControlLimit)

                        tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "TDP (W)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powertune_table.usTDP)
                        tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "TDC (A)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powertune_table.usTDC)
                        tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max Power Limit (W)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powertune_table.usMaximumPowerDeliveryLimit)
                        tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powertune_table.usTjMax)
                        tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Shutdown Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powertune_table.usSoftwareShutdownTemp)
                        tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Hotspot Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_powertune_table.usTemperatureLimitHotspot)

                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Temp. Hysteresis",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.ucTHyst)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Min Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usTMin / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Med Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usTMed / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "High Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usTHigh / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usTMax / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Target Temp. (C)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.ucTargetTemperature)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Fuzzy Fan Mode",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.ucFanControlMode)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Min PWM (%)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usPWMMin / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Med PWM (%)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usPWMMed / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "High PWM (%)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usPWMHigh / 100)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max PWM (%)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usFanPWMMax)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Max RPM",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usFanRPMMax)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.usFanOutputSensitivity)
                        tableFAN.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                            "Acoustic Limit (MHz)",
                            Convert.ToString (atom_fan_table.ulMinFanSCLKAcousticLimit / 100)

                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_sclk_table.ucNumEntries; i  )
                            tableGPU.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                Convert.ToString (atom_sclk_entries [i].ulSclk / 100),
                                Convert.ToString (atom_vddc_entries [atom_sclk_entries [i].ucVddInd].usVdd)

                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_mclk_table.ucNumEntries; i  )
                            tableMEMORY.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                Convert.ToString (atom_mclk_entries [i].ulMclk / 100),
                                Convert.ToString (atom_mclk_entries [i].usMvdd)

                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_info.ucNumOfVRAMModule; i  )
                            if (atom_vram_entries[i].strMemPNString[0] != 0)

                                var mem_id = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(atom_vram_entries[i].strMemPNString).Substring(0, 10);
                                string mem_vendor;
                                if (rc.ContainsKey(mem_id))
                                    mem_vendor = rc[mem_id];
                                    mem_vendor = "UNKNOWN";

                                listVRAM.Items.Add(mem_id   " ("   mem_vendor   ")");
                        listVRAM.SelectedIndex = 0;
                        atom_vram_index = listVRAM.SelectedIndex;

                        for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_timing_entries.Length; i  )
                            uint tbl = atom_vram_timing_entries[i].ulClkRange >> 24;
                            tableVRAM_TIMING.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                                tbl.ToString ()   ":"   (atom_vram_timing_entries [i].ulClkRange & 0x00FFFFFF) / 100,
                                ByteArrayToString (atom_vram_timing_entries [i].ucLatency)

                        save.Enabled = true;
                        boxROM.Enabled = true;
                        boxPOWERPLAY.Enabled = true;
                        boxPOWERTUNE.Enabled = true;
                        boxFAN.Enabled = true;
                        boxGPU.Enabled = true;
                        boxMEM.Enabled = true;
                        boxVRAM.Enabled = true;








        public Int32 getValueAtPosition(int bits, int position, bool isFrequency = false)
            int value = 0;
            if (position <= buffer.Length - 4)
                switch (bits)
                    case 8:
                        value = buffer[position];
                    case 16:
                        value = (buffer[position   1] << 8) | buffer[position];
                    case 24:
                        value = (buffer[position   2] << 16) | (buffer[position   1] << 8) | buffer[position];
                    case 32:
                        value = (buffer[position   3] << 24) | (buffer[position   2] << 16) | (buffer[position   1] << 8) | buffer[position];
                if (isFrequency)
                    return value / 100;
                return value;
            return -1;

        public bool setValueAtPosition(int value, int bits, int position, bool isFrequency = false)
            if (isFrequency)
                value *= 100;
            if (position <= buffer.Length - 4)
                switch (bits)
                    case 8:
                        buffer[position] = (byte)value;
                    case 16:
                        buffer[position] = (byte)value;
                        buffer[position   1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
                    case 24:
                        buffer[position] = (byte)value;
                        buffer[position   1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
                        buffer[position   2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
                    case 32:
                        buffer[position] = (byte)value;
                        buffer[position   1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
                        buffer[position   2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
                        buffer[position   3] = (byte)(value >> 32);
                return true;
            return false;

        private bool setValueAtPosition(String text, int bits, int position, bool isFrequency = false)
            int value = 0;
            if (!int.TryParse(text, out value))
                return false;
            return setValueAtPosition(value, bits, position, isFrequency);

        private void SaveFileDialog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog SaveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            SaveFileDialog.Title = "Save As";
            SaveFileDialog.Filter = "BIOS (*.rom)|*.rom";

            if (SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(SaveFileDialog.FileName, FileMode.Create);
                BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

                for (var i = 0; i < tableROM.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tableROM.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;

                    if (name == "VendorID")
                        var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);
                        atom_rom_header.usVendorID = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "DeviceID")
                        var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);
                        atom_rom_header.usDeviceID = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Sub ID")
                        var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);
                        atom_rom_header.usSubsystemID = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Sub VendorID")
                        var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);
                        atom_rom_header.usSubsystemVendorID = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Firmware Signature")
                        atom_rom_header.uaFirmWareSignature = value.ToCharArray();

                for (var i = 0; i < tablePOWERPLAY.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tablePOWERPLAY.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                    var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);

                    if (name == "Max GPU Freq. (MHz)")
                        atom_powerplay_table.ulMaxODEngineClock = (UInt32)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Max Memory Freq. (MHz)")
                        atom_powerplay_table.ulMaxODMemoryClock = (UInt32)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Power Control Limit (%)")
                        atom_powerplay_table.usPowerControlLimit = (UInt16)num;

                for (var i = 0; i < tablePOWERTUNE.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tablePOWERTUNE.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                    var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);

                    if (name == "TDP (W)")
                        atom_powertune_table.usTDP = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "TDC (A)")
                        atom_powertune_table.usTDC = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Max Power Limit (W)")
                        atom_powertune_table.usMaximumPowerDeliveryLimit = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Max Temp. (C)")
                        atom_powertune_table.usTjMax = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Shutdown Temp. (C)")
                        atom_powertune_table.usSoftwareShutdownTemp = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Hotspot Temp. (C)")
                        atom_powertune_table.usTemperatureLimitHotspot = (UInt16)num;

                for (var i = 0; i < tableFAN.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tableFAN.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                    var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);

                    if (name == "Temp. Hysteresis")
                        atom_fan_table.ucTHyst = (Byte)num;
                    else if (name == "Min Temp. (C)")
                        atom_fan_table.usTMin = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Med Temp. (C)")
                        atom_fan_table.usTMed = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "High Temp. (C)")
                        atom_fan_table.usTHigh = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Max Temp. (C)")
                        atom_fan_table.usTMax = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Target Temp. (C)")
                        atom_fan_table.ucTargetTemperature = (Byte)num;
                    else if (name == "Legacy or Fuzzy Fan Mode")
                        atom_fan_table.ucFanControlMode = (Byte)(num);
                    else if (name == "Min PWM (%)")
                        atom_fan_table.usPWMMin = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Med PWM (%)")
                        atom_fan_table.usPWMMed = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "High PWM (%)")
                        atom_fan_table.usPWMHigh = (UInt16)(num * 100);
                    else if (name == "Max PWM (%)")
                        atom_fan_table.usFanPWMMax = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Max RPM")
                        atom_fan_table.usFanRPMMax = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Sensitivity")
                        atom_fan_table.usFanOutputSensitivity = (UInt16)num;
                    else if (name == "Acoustic Limit (MHz)")
                        atom_fan_table.ulMinFanSCLKAcousticLimit = (UInt32)(num * 100);

                for (var i = 0; i < tableGPU.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tableGPU.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                    var mhz = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(name) * 100;
                    var mv = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);

                    atom_sclk_entries[i].ulSclk = (UInt32)mhz;
                    atom_vddc_entries[atom_sclk_entries[i].ucVddInd].usVdd = (UInt16)mv;
                    if (mv < 0xFF00)
                        atom_sclk_entries[i].usVddcOffset = 0;

                for (var i = 0; i < tableMEMORY.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tableMEMORY.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                    var mhz = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(name) * 100;
                    var mv = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);

                    atom_mclk_entries[i].ulMclk = (UInt32)mhz;
                    atom_mclk_entries[i].usMvdd = (UInt16)mv;

                for (var i = 0; i < tableVRAM_TIMING.Items.Count; i  )
                    ListViewItem container = tableVRAM_TIMING.Items[i];
                    var name = container.Text;
                    var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                    var arr = StringToByteArray(value);
                    UInt32 mhz;
                    if (name.IndexOf(':') > 0)
                        mhz = (UInt32)uint32.ConvertFromString(name.Substring(name.IndexOf(':')   1)) * 100;
                        mhz  = (UInt32)uint32.ConvertFromString(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf(':'))) << 24; // table id
                        mhz = (UInt32)uint32.ConvertFromString(name) * 100;
                    atom_vram_timing_entries[i].ulClkRange = mhz;
                    atom_vram_timing_entries[i].ucLatency = arr;

                setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_rom_header_offset, getBytes(atom_rom_header));
                setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_powerplay_offset, getBytes(atom_powerplay_table));
                setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_powertune_offset, getBytes(atom_powertune_table));
                setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_fan_offset, getBytes(atom_fan_table));

                for (var i = 0; i < atom_mclk_table.ucNumEntries; i  )
                    setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_mclk_table_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_MCLK_TABLE))   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_MCLK_ENTRY)) * i, getBytes(atom_mclk_entries[i]));

                for (var i = 0; i < atom_sclk_table.ucNumEntries; i  )
                    setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_sclk_table_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_SCLK_TABLE))   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_SCLK_ENTRY)) * i, getBytes(atom_sclk_entries[i]));

                for (var i = 0; i < atom_vddc_table.ucNumEntries; i  )
                    setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_vddc_table_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VOLTAGE_TABLE))   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VOLTAGE_ENTRY)) * i, getBytes(atom_vddc_entries[i]));

                var atom_vram_entry_offset = atom_vram_info_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VRAM_INFO));
                for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_info.ucNumOfVRAMModule; i  )
                    setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_vram_entry_offset, getBytes(atom_vram_entries[i]));
                    atom_vram_entry_offset  = atom_vram_entries[i].usModuleSize;

                atom_vram_timing_offset = atom_vram_info_offset   atom_vram_info.usMemClkPatchTblOffset   0x2E;
                for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_timing_entries.Length; i  )
                    setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_vram_timing_offset   Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY)) * i, getBytes(atom_vram_timing_entries[i]));

                BIOS_BootupMessage = txtBIOSBootupMessage.Text.Substring(0, BIOS_BootupMessage.Length);

                setBytesAtPosition(buffer, atom_rom_header.usBIOS_BootupMessageOffset 2, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(BIOS_BootupMessage));


        private void fixChecksum(bool save)
            Byte checksum = buffer[atom_rom_checksum_offset];
            int size = buffer[0x02] * 512;
            Byte offset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i  )
                offset  = buffer[i];
            if (checksum == (buffer[atom_rom_checksum_offset] - offset))
                txtChecksum.ForeColor = Color.Green;
            else if (!save)
                txtChecksum.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid checksum - Save to fix!", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            if (save)
                buffer[atom_rom_checksum_offset] -= offset;
                txtChecksum.ForeColor = Color.Green;
            txtChecksum.Text = "0x"   buffer[atom_rom_checksum_offset].ToString("X");

        public static string ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba)
            string hex = BitConverter.ToString(ba);
            return hex.Replace("-", "");

        public static byte[] StringToByteArray(String hex)
            if (hex.Length % 2 != 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid hex string", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                throw new InvalidDataException();
            byte[] bytes = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < hex.Length; i  = 2)
                bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16);
            return bytes;

        public void updateVRAM_entries()

            for (var i = 0; i < tableVRAM.Items.Count; i  )

                ListViewItem container = tableVRAM.Items[i];
                var name = container.Text;
                var value = container.SubItems[1].Text;
                var num = (int)int32.ConvertFromString(value);

                if (name == "VendorID")
                    atom_vram_entries[atom_vram_index].ucMemoryVenderID = (Byte)num;
                else if (name == "Size (MB)")
                    atom_vram_entries[atom_vram_index].usMemorySize = (UInt16)num;
                else if (name == "Density")
                    atom_vram_entries[atom_vram_index].ucDensity = (Byte)num;
                else if (name == "Type")
                    atom_vram_entries[atom_vram_index].ucMemoryType = (Byte)num;

        private void listVRAM_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listVRAM.SelectedIndex >= 0 && listVRAM.SelectedIndex < listVRAM.Items.Count)
                atom_vram_index = listVRAM.SelectedIndex;
                tableVRAM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                    "0x"   atom_vram_entries [atom_vram_index].ucMemoryVenderID.ToString ("X")
                tableVRAM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                    "Size (MB)",
                    Convert.ToString (atom_vram_entries [atom_vram_index].usMemorySize)
                tableVRAM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                    "0x"   atom_vram_entries [atom_vram_index].ucDensity.ToString ("X")
                tableVRAM.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                    "0x"   atom_vram_entries [atom_vram_index].ucMemoryType.ToString ("X")

        private void listVRAM_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void apply_timings(int vendor_index, int timing_index)
            for (var i = 0; i < tableVRAM_TIMING.Items.Count; i  )
                ListViewItem container = tableVRAM_TIMING.Items[i];
                var name = container.Text;
                UInt32 real_mhz = 0;
                int mem_index = -1;

                if (name.IndexOf(':') > 0)
                    // get mem index
                    mem_index = (Int32)int32.ConvertFromString(name.Substring(0, 1));
                    mem_index = 32768;

                real_mhz = (UInt32)uint32.ConvertFromString(name.Substring(name.IndexOf(':')   1));

                if (real_mhz >= 1500 && (mem_index == vendor_index || mem_index == 32768))
                    // set the timings
                    container.SubItems[1].Text = timings[timing_index];

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int samsung_index = -1;
            int micron_index = -1;
            int elpida_index = -1;
            int hynix_1_index = -1;
            int hynix_2_index = -1;
            for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_info.ucNumOfVRAMModule; i  )
                string mem_vendor;
                if (atom_vram_entries[i].strMemPNString[0] != 0)
                    var mem_id = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(atom_vram_entries[i].strMemPNString).Substring(0, 10);

                    if (rc.ContainsKey(mem_id))
                        mem_vendor = rc[mem_id];
                        mem_vendor = "UNKNOWN";

                    switch (mem_vendor)
                        case "SAMSUNG":
                            samsung_index = i;
                        case "MICRON":
                            micron_index = i;
                        case "ELPIDA":
                            elpida_index = i;
                        case "HYNIX_1":
                            hynix_1_index = i;
                        case "HYNIX_2":
                            hynix_2_index = i;


            if (samsung_index != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Samsung Memory found at index #"   samsung_index   ", now applying UBERMIX 3.1 timings to 1500  strap(s)");
                apply_timings(samsung_index, 0);

            if (hynix_2_index != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Hynix (2) Memory found at index #"   hynix_2_index   ", now applying GOOD HYNIX MINING timings to 1500  strap(s)");
                apply_timings(hynix_2_index, 4);


            if (micron_index != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Micron Memory found at index #"   micron_index   ", now applying GOOD MICRON MINING timings to 1500  strap(s)");

                apply_timings(micron_index, 5);


            if (hynix_1_index != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Hynix (1) Memory found at index #"   hynix_1_index   ", now applying GOOD HYNIX MINING timings to 1500  strap(s)");

                apply_timings(hynix_1_index, 6);


            if (elpida_index != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Elpida Memory found at index #"   elpida_index   ", now applying GOOD ELPIDA MINING timings to 1500  strap(s)");

                apply_timings(elpida_index, 7);

            if (samsung_index == -1 && hynix_2_index == -1 && hynix_1_index == -1 && elpida_index == -1 && micron_index == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no supported memory found. If you think this is an error, please file a bugreport @ github.com/jaschaknack/PolarisBiosEditor");


标签: editor BIOS iOS AD IO


ATi Radeon BIOS Editor

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