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  • 开发语言:Others
  • 实例大小:0.28M
  • 下载次数:3
  • 浏览次数:78
  • 发布时间:2019-12-09
  • 实例类别:Clojure
  • 发 布 人:prudent7
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: Robot ES IP




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Singularities of Robot Manipulators Peter Donelan School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand. peter.donelan@vuw.ac.nz Abstract Engineers have for some time known that singularities play a significant role in the design and control of robot manipulators. Singularities of the kinematic mapping, which determines the position of the end–effector in terms of the manipulator’s joint variables, may impede control algorithms, lead to large joint velocities, forces and torques and reduce instantaneous mobility. However they can also enable fine control, and the singularities exhibited by trajectories of the points in the end–effector can be used to mechanical advantage. A number of attempts have been made to understand kinematic singularities and, more specifically, singularities of robot manipulators, using aspects of the singularity theory of smooth maps. In this survey, we describe the mathematical framework for manipulator kinematics and some of the key results concerning singularities. A transversality theorem of Gibson and Hobbs asserts that, generically, kinematic mappings give rise to trajectories that display only singularity types up to a given codimension. However this result does not take into account the specific geometry of manipulator motions or, a fortiori, to a given class of manipulator. An alternative approach, using screw systems, provides more detailed information but also shows that practical manipulators may exhibit high codimension singularities in a stable way. This exemplifies the difficulties of tailoring singularity theory’s emphasis on the generic with the specialized designs that play a key role in engineering. 

标签: Robot ES IP







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