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Effective C# 3rd


  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:16.49M
  • 下载次数:22
  • 浏览次数:226
  • 发布时间:2022-03-10
  • 实例类别:C#语言基础
  • 发 布 人:南宫逸枫
  • 文件格式:.PDF
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: effective Effect C# EC C#


【实例简介】Wagner B. - Effective C# (Covers C# 6.0) 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C# - 2017





Chapter 1 C# Language Idioms

Item 1: Prefer Implicitly Typed Local Variables Item 2: Prefer readonly to const

Item 3: Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts
Item 4: Replace 
string.Format() with Interpolated Strings Item 5: Prefer FormattableString for Culture-Specific Strings Item 6: Avoid String-ly Typed APIs
Item 7: Express Callbacks with Delegates
Item 8: Use the Null Conditional Operator for Event Invocations Item 9: Minimize Boxing and Unboxing
Item 10: Use the 
new Modifier Only to React to Base Class Updates

Chapter 2 .NET Resource Management

Item 11: Understand .NET Resource Management
Item 12: Prefer Member Initializers to Assignment Statements Item 13: Use Proper Initialization for Static Class Members Item 14: Minimize Duplicate Initialization Logic
Item 15: Avoid Creating Unnecessary Objects
Item 16: Never Call Virtual Functions in Constructors
Item 17: Implement the Standard Dispose Pattern

Chapter 3 Working with Generics

Item 18: Always Define Constraints That Are Minimal and Sufficient
Item 19: Specialize Generic Algorithms Using Runtime Type Checking
Item 20: Implement Ordering Relations with 
IComparable<T> and IComparer<T> Item 21: Always Create Generic Classes That Support Disposable Type Parameters Item 22: Support Generic Covariance and Contravariance
Item 23: Use Delegates to Define Method Constraints on Type Parameters
Item 24: Do Not Create Generic Specialization on Base Classes or Interfaces
Item 25: Prefer Generic Methods Unless Type Parameters Are Instance Fields
Item 26: Implement Classic Interfaces in Addition to Generic Interfaces
Item 27: Augment Minimal Interface Contracts with Extension Methods

Item 28: Consider Enhancing Constructed Types with Extension Methods

Chapter 4 Working with LINQ

Item 29: Prefer Iterator Methods to Returning Collections
Item 30: Prefer Query Syntax to Loops
Item 31: Create Composable APIs for Sequences
Item 32: Decouple Iterations from Actions, Predicates, and Functions Item 33: Generate Sequence Items as Requested

Item 34: Loosen Coupling by Using Function Parameters
Item 35: Never Overload Extension Methods
Item 36: Understand How Query Expressions Map to Method Calls
Item 37: Prefer Lazy Evaluation to Eager Evaluation in Queries
Item 38: Prefer Lambda Expressions to Methods
Item 39: Avoid Throwing Exceptions in Functions and Actions
Item 40: Distinguish Early from Deferred Execution
Item 41: Avoid Capturing Expensive Resources
Item 42: Distinguish between 
IEnumerable and IQueryable Data Sources
Item 43: Use 
Single() and First() to Enforce Semantic Expectations on Queries Item 44: Avoid Modifying Bound Variables 215

Chapter 5 Exception Practices

Item 45: Use Exceptions to Report Method Contract Failures
Item 46: Utilize 
using and try/finally for Resource Cleanup

Item 47: Create Complete Application-Specific Exception Classes Item 48: Prefer the Strong Exception Guarantee
Item 49: Prefer Exception Filters to 
catch and re-throw

Item 50: Leverage Side Effects in Exception Filters


标签: effective Effect C# EC C#







  • 类似“顶”、“沙发”之类没有营养的文字,对勤劳贡献的楼主来说是令人沮丧的反馈信息。
  • 相信您也不想看到一排文字/表情墙,所以请不要反馈意义不大的重复字符,也请尽量不要纯表情的回复。
  • 提问之前请再仔细看一遍楼主的说明,或许是您遗漏了。
  • 请勿到处挖坑绊人、招贴广告。既占空间让人厌烦,又没人会搭理,于人于己都无利。


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