您当前所在位置:首页C# 开发实例Windows系统编程 → C#与Halcon联合开发实例,并做了可移动的ROI库



  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:4.12M
  • 下载次数:344
  • 浏览次数:3812
  • 发布时间:2019-01-02
  • 实例类别:Windows系统编程
  • 发 布 人:学问半瓶醋
  • 文件格式:.rar
  • 所需积分:5
 相关标签: 实例 C# c 联合 开发



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using System;
using HalconDotNet;
using ViewROI;
using System.Collections;

namespace ViewROI
 public delegate void FuncROIDelegate();
 /// <summary>
 /// This class creates and manages ROI objects. It responds
 /// to  mouse device inputs using the methods mouseDownAction and
 /// mouseMoveAction. You don't have to know this class in detail when you
 /// build your own C# project. But you must consider a few things if
 /// you want to use interactive ROIs in your application: There is a
 /// quite close connection between the ROIController and the HWndCtrl
 /// class, which means that you must 'register' the ROIController
 /// with the HWndCtrl, so the HWndCtrl knows it has to forward user input
 /// (like mouse events) to the ROIController class. 
 /// The visualization and manipulation of the ROI objects is done
 /// by the ROIController.
 /// This class provides special support for the matching
 /// applications by calculating a model region from the list of ROIs. For
 /// this, ROIs are added and subtracted according to their sign.
 /// </summary>
 public class ROIController
        public delegate void UpdateEventHandler(int handle);
        public event UpdateEventHandler ROI_Update;

  /// <summary>
  /// Constant for setting the ROI mode: positive ROI sign.
  /// </summary>
  public const int MODE_ROI_POS           = 21;
  /// <summary>
  /// Constant for setting the ROI mode: negative ROI sign.
  /// </summary>
  public const int MODE_ROI_NEG           = 22;
  /// <summary>
  /// Constant for setting the ROI mode: no model region is computed as
  /// the sum of all ROI objects.
  /// </summary>
  public const int MODE_ROI_NONE          = 23;
  /// <summary>Constant describing an update of the model region</summary>
  public const int EVENT_UPDATE_ROI       = 50;
  public const int EVENT_CHANGED_ROI_SIGN = 51;
  /// <summary>Constant describing an update of the model region</summary>
  public const int EVENT_MOVING_ROI       = 52;
  public const int EVENT_DELETED_ACTROI   = 53;
  public const int EVENT_DELETED_ALL_ROIS = 54;
  public const int EVENT_ACTIVATED_ROI    = 55;
  public const int EVENT_CREATED_ROI      = 56;

  private ROI     roiMode;
  private int     stateROI;
  private double  currX, currY;

  /// <summary>Index of the active ROI object</summary>
  public int      activeROIidx;
  public int      deletedIdx;
  /// <summary>List containing all created ROI objects so far</summary>
  public ArrayList ROIList;
  /// <summary>
  /// Region obtained by summing up all negative
  /// and positive ROI objects from the ROIList
  /// </summary>
  public HRegion ModelROI;
  private string activeCol    = "green";
  private string activeHdlCol = "red";
  private string inactiveCol  = "yellow";
  /// <summary>
  /// Reference to the HWndCtrl, the ROI Controller is registered to
  /// </summary>
  public HWndCtrl viewController;
  /// <summary>
  /// Delegate that notifies about changes made in the model region
  /// </summary>
  public IconicDelegate  NotifyRCObserver;
  /// <summary>Constructor</summary>
  public ROIController()
   stateROI = MODE_ROI_NONE;
   ROIList = new ArrayList();
   activeROIidx = -1;
   ModelROI = new HRegion();
   NotifyRCObserver = new IconicDelegate(dummyI);
   deletedIdx = -1;
   currX = currY = -1;
  /// <summary>Registers the HWndCtrl to this ROIController instance</summary>
  public void setViewController(HWndCtrl view)
   viewController = view;
  /// <summary>Gets the ModelROI object</summary>
  public HRegion getModelRegion()
   return ModelROI;
  /// <summary>Gets the List of ROIs created so far</summary>
  public ArrayList getROIList()
   return ROIList;
  /// <summary>Get the active ROI</summary>
  public ROI getActiveROI()
   if (activeROIidx != -1)
    return ((ROI)ROIList[activeROIidx]);
   return null;
  public int getActiveROIIdx()
   return activeROIidx;
  public void setActiveROIIdx(int active)
   activeROIidx = active;
  public int getDelROIIdx()
   return deletedIdx;
  /// <summary>
  /// To create a new ROI object the application class initializes a
  /// 'seed' ROI instance and passes it to the ROIController.
  /// The ROIController now responds by manipulating this new ROI
  /// instance.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="r">
  /// 'Seed' ROI object forwarded by the application forms class.
  /// </param>
  public void setROIShape(ROI r)
   roiMode = r;

  /// <summary>
  /// Sets the sign of a ROI object to the value 'mode' (MODE_ROI_NONE,
  /// </summary>
  public void setROISign(int mode)
   stateROI = mode;
   if (activeROIidx != -1)
  /// <summary>
  /// Removes the ROI object that is marked as active.
  /// If no ROI object is active, then nothing happens.
  /// </summary>
  public void removeActive()
   if (activeROIidx != -1)
    deletedIdx = activeROIidx;
    activeROIidx = -1;

  /// <summary>
  /// Calculates the ModelROI region for all objects contained
  /// in ROIList, by adding and subtracting the positive and
  /// negative ROI objects.
  /// </summary>
  public bool defineModelROI()
   HRegion tmpAdd, tmpDiff, tmp;
   double row, col;
   if (stateROI == MODE_ROI_NONE)
    return true;
   tmpAdd = new HRegion();
   tmpDiff = new HRegion();
   for (int i=0; i < ROIList.Count; i )
    switch (((ROI)ROIList[i]).getOperatorFlag())
                        tmp = ((ROI)ROIList[i]).getRegion();
      tmpAdd = tmp.Union2(tmpAdd);
      tmp = ((ROI)ROIList[i]).getRegion();
      tmpDiff = tmp.Union2(tmpDiff);
    }//end of switch
   }//end of for
   ModelROI = null;
   if (tmpAdd.AreaCenter(out row, out col) > 0)
    tmp = tmpAdd.Difference(tmpDiff);
    if (tmp.AreaCenter(out row, out col) > 0)
     ModelROI = tmp;
   //in case the set of positiv and negative ROIs dissolve
   if (ModelROI == null || ROIList.Count == 0)
    return false;
   return true;

  /// <summary>
  /// Clears all variables managing ROI objects
  /// </summary>
  public void reset()
   activeROIidx = -1;
   ModelROI = null;
   roiMode = null;

  /// <summary>
  /// Deletes this ROI instance if a 'seed' ROI object has been passed
  /// to the ROIController by the application class.
  /// </summary>
  public void resetROI()
   activeROIidx = -1;
   roiMode = null;
  /// <summary>Defines the colors for the ROI objects</summary>
  /// <param name="aColor">Color for the active ROI object</param>
  /// <param name="inaColor">Color for the inactive ROI objects</param>
  /// <param name="aHdlColor">
  /// Color for the active handle of the active ROI object
  /// </param>
  public void setDrawColor(string aColor,
           string aHdlColor,
           string inaColor)
   if (aColor != "")
    activeCol = aColor;
   if (aHdlColor != "")
    activeHdlCol = aHdlColor;
   if (inaColor != "")
    inactiveCol = inaColor;

  /// <summary>
  /// Paints all objects from the ROIList into the HALCON window
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="window">HALCON window</param>
  public void paintData(HalconDotNet.HWindow window)
   if (ROIList.Count > 0)
    for (int i=0; i < ROIList.Count; i )
                    window.SetTposition((int)((ROIRectangle1)ROIList[i]).row1-15, (int)((ROIRectangle1)ROIList[i]).col1);
    if (activeROIidx != -1)
  /// <summary>
  /// Reaction of ROI objects to the 'mouse button down' event: changing
  /// the shape of the ROI and adding it to the ROIList if it is a 'seed'
  /// ROI.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="imgX">x coordinate of mouse event</param>
  /// <param name="imgY">y coordinate of mouse event</param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public int mouseDownAction(double imgX, double imgY)
   int idxROI= -1;
   double max = 10000, dist = 0;
   double epsilon = 35.0;   //maximal shortest distance to one of
   //the handles
   if (roiMode != null)    //either a new ROI object is created
    roiMode.createROI(imgX, imgY);
    roiMode = null;
    activeROIidx = ROIList.Count - 1;
   else if (ROIList.Count > 0)  // ... or an existing one is manipulated
    activeROIidx = -1;
    for (int i =0; i < ROIList.Count; i )
     dist = ((ROI)ROIList[i]).distToClosestHandle(imgX, imgY);
     if ((dist < max) && (dist < epsilon))
      max = dist;
      idxROI = i;
    }//end of for
    if (idxROI >= 0)
     activeROIidx = idxROI;
   return activeROIidx;
  /// <summary>
  /// Reaction of ROI objects to the 'mouse button move' event: moving
  /// the active ROI.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="newX">x coordinate of mouse event</param>
  /// <param name="newY">y coordinate of mouse event</param>
  public void mouseMoveAction(double newX, double newY)
   if ((newX == currX) && (newY == currY))
   ((ROI)ROIList[activeROIidx]).moveByHandle(newX, newY);
   currX = newX;
   currY = newY;

  public void dummyI(int v)
            if (v == 50)
                if (ROI_Update != null)
        public int CreatROI(double imgX,double imgY)
            roiMode.createROI(imgX, imgY);
            roiMode = null;
            activeROIidx = ROIList.Count - 1;
            return activeROIidx;
        public int CreatROI(double imgX, double imgY,int SizeX,int SizeY)
            roiMode.createROI(imgX, imgY,SizeX,SizeY);
            roiMode = null;
            activeROIidx = ROIList.Count - 1;
            return activeROIidx;

 }//end of class
}//end of namespace

标签: 实例 C# c 联合 开发



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