您当前所在位置:首页Java 开发实例企业应用开发/EJB → Packt.Hands-On.Cloud-Native.Applications.with.Java.and.Quarkus.pdf



  • 开发语言:Java
  • 实例大小:4.81M
  • 下载次数:15
  • 浏览次数:308
  • 发布时间:2020-08-15
  • 实例类别:企业应用开发/EJB
  • 发 布 人:tiankong88888
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: Native cloud java and NAT




Table of Contents
Preface 1
Section 1: Section 1: Getting Started with Quarkus
Chapter 1: Introduction to Quarkus Core Concepts 8
Technical requirements 9
From the big data hype to Kubernetes 9
The Kubernetes architecture in a nutshell 10
Benefits of using Kubernetes 12
From Java EE to MicroProfile 12
The Twelve-Factor App methodology 15
The MicroProfile initiative 16
Quarkus – a Kubernetes-native Java framework 18
Native code execution 18
Container first 19
Unifying the imperative and Reactive Programming models 20
Coding that sparks joy 20
Best-of-breed Java libraries and standards 21
Quarkus architecture 21
Getting started with GraalVM 23
Installing GraalVM 24
Running a Java application with GraalVM 26
Building native images 27
Installing a development environment 28
A brief overview of IntelliJ IDEA 29
Installing IntelliJ Plugin for Quarkus 30
Summary 32
Chapter 2: Developing Your First Application with Quarkus 33
Technical requirements 33
Getting started with the Quarkus Maven plugin 34
Launching the Quarkus Maven plugin 35
Running the application 40
Using the Maven plugin to generate a Gradle project 41
Kick-starting applications using the Quarkus online application 42
Testing live reload from your IDE 44
Debugging applications 46
Testing Quarkus applications 49
Choosing a different port for testing 52
Turning your application into a native executable 53
Table of Contents
[ ii ]
Executing integration tests against the native executable 55
Summary 57
Chapter 3: Creating a Container Image of Your Application 58
Technical requirements 58
Setting up Docker 59
Running Quarkus applications in a container 61
Running the native executable process in a container 66
Deploying Quarkus applications on a Kubernetes-native platform 68
Installing Minishift 70
Building and deploying a Quarkus application on OKD 73
Scaling our Quarkus service 80
Summary 83
Section 2: Section 2: Building Applications with Quarkus
Chapter 4: Adding Web Interfaces to Quarkus Services 85
Technical requirements 85
Adding web content to Quarkus applications 86
Building a CRUD application 86
Adding a UI to our customer service 90
Testing our application 94
Running the example 96
Running our application on Minishift 97
Configuring Cross-Origin Resource Sharing in Quarkus 99
Adding Enterprise web components 100
Introducing WebSockets 101
Building a project that uses Websockets 102
Creating a WebSocket client project 104
Adding an AJAX handler 107
Summary 109
Chapter 5: Managing Data Persistence with Quarkus 110
Technical requirements 110
Adding an ORM layer to our applications 111
Defining the entity layer 112
Coding the repository classes 115
Defining REST endpoints 118
Connecting to the database 119
Coding a test class 120
Adding a web interface to our application 122
Running the application 126
Caching entity data 127
Taking an application to the cloud 129
Making data persistence easier using Panache API 132
Summary 136
Table of Contents
[ iii ]
Chapter 6: Building Applications Using the MicroProfile API 137
Technical requirements 137
Getting started with the MicroProfile API 138
Getting started with MicroProfile projects 139
The Eclipse MicroProfile Health Check 140
Using liveness and readiness checks 143
Letting OpenShift manage unhealthy services 145
The Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API 151
Using Timeout, Fallback, and Retry to create resilient services 152
Applying a retry policy to your failures 153
Circuit Breaker 154
Using asynchronous and bulkhead policies 155
The Eclipse MicroProfile Metrics API 156
Configuring OpenAPI and the Swagger UI 158
Customizing the output of OpenAPI 162
The Eclipse MicroProfile OpenTracing API 164
The Eclipse MicroProfile REST Client API 167
Summary 172
Chapter 7: Securing Applications 173
Technical requirements 173
Securing our customer service 174
Securing Quarkus services with Elytron 175
Creating a test class that performs basic authentication 178
Securing Quarkus services with Keycloak 180
Adding a Keycloak extension to our service 181
Setting up Keycloak 181
Defining the security realm 182
Configuring Quarkus for Keycloak 188
Coding the test class 189
Gathering principal and role information at runtime 193
Securing Quarkus services with MicroProfile JWT 194
Configuring our service to use JWT 197
Running our test 198
Injecting JWT claims and token information 199
Using HTTPS with Quarkus 200
Summary 201
Section 3: Section 3: Advanced Development Tactics
Chapter 8: Advanced Application Development 203
Technical requirements 203
Using advanced configuration options 203
Multiple configuration sources 205
Configuring custom configuration sources 205
Table of Contents
[ iv ]
Using converters in your configuration 208
Adding custom converters 211
Testing advanced configuration options 212
Configuration profiles 213
Activating profiles 214
Automatic profile selection 215
Controlling the application life cycle 216
Activating a database test resource 218
Firing events with the Quarkus scheduler 219
Using the cron scheduler format 221
Firing one-time events 221
Summary 222
Chapter 9: Unifying Imperative and Reactive with Vert.x 223
Technical requirements 223
Demystifying Reactive Programming and Vert.x 224
Vert.x API models in Quarkus 226
Managing the Vert.x core API 227
Managing Vert.x API for RxJava 233
Using RxJava with Quarkus 235
Decoupling events with Vert.x axle libraries 239
Adding an EventBus layer to Quarkus applications 240
Rolling up the application 242
Streaming SSE with Vert.x 242
Canceling events 245
Managing the Reactive SQL Client 246
Configuring your application to use the PostgreSQL reactive client 246
Running the example 249
Summary 251
Chapter 10: Reactive Messaging with Quarkus 252
Technical requirements 252
Getting started with Reactive Messaging 253
Streaming messages with Apache Kafka 255
Composing our stock trading application 255
Coding bean classes 257
Streaming messages to Kafka in the cloud 264
Installing Kafka on OpenShift 264
Shaping up our project for native cloud execution 269
Streaming messages with AMQP 272
Configuring the AMQP broker 273
Streaming messages to AMQ in the cloud 276
Summary 280
Other Books You May Enjoy 281
Index 284

标签: Native cloud java and NAT



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