您当前所在位置:首页C# 开发实例C#语言基础 → C# 自绘窗体 示例源码

C# 自绘窗体 示例源码


  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:0.04M
  • 下载次数:25
  • 浏览次数:381
  • 发布时间:2013-10-03
  • 实例类别:C#语言基础
  • 发 布 人:crazycode
  • 文件格式:.zip
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: 自绘 C#





using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace CBalloon
	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for CBalloonBase.
	/// </summary>
	public class CBalloonBase : System.Windows.Forms.Form
		#region enumeration describing the orientation of the bubble tip
		public enum sdSide 

		public enum alAlign

		const int C_QUOTEH = 25;
		const int C_ARCH   = 5;
		const int C_SHADOW = 5;

		protected GraphicsPath m_path;
		protected Region m_rOuterFrame;
		protected Region m_rInnerFrame;

		protected bool m_bShowFrame = true;
		protected bool m_bIsShadow  = false;
		protected bool m_bHasShadow = false;

		// properties that allow a color gradient from top left to top right of the balloon's frame
		protected Color m_cTopLeft = Color.Aqua;
		protected Color m_cBotRite = Color.Lime;

		// location of the balloon's tail tip (left, right, top, bottom etc)
		private alAlign m_tipAlign     = alAlign.al_lhs;
		private sdSide  m_tipSide      = sdSide.sd_top;

		// absolute position of the balloon's tail tip
		public Point m_ptTipPosition   = new Point(0, 0);

		// rectangle and center point used to calculate the color gradient for the frame
		public RectangleF m_rtBalloonF = new RectangleF(0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
		private Point m_ptCenter       = new Point(0, 0);
		// tail offset from the nearest rounded edge (auto calculated when anchored to a point or control)
		protected int m_nTailOffset    = 30;
		// marks the position, width and height of the anchor point or control
		// if a point is used, the width and height are set to zero
		protected Rectangle m_rtAnchor = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
		// the parent form which contains the anchor point
		private Form  m_fmParent = null;
		// a shadow form constructed from this class, shaded gray with opacity below 100% to simulate a shadow
		private CBalloon.CBalloonBase m_fmShadow = null;
		// event handler which is attached to the form containing the anchor point. when
		// the form moves, the balloon will move with it
		public System.EventHandler m_evhMove;

		// stuff the compiler adds

		private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
		private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;

		public CBalloonBase()
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
		/// <summary>
		/// Clean up any resources being used.
		/// </summary>

		protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
			if( disposing )
				if (components != null) 
			base.Dispose( disposing );

		#region Windows Form Designer generated code
		/// <summary>
		/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
		/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
		/// </summary>
		private void InitializeComponent()
			this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
			// label1
			this.label1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
			this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(32, 32);
			this.label1.Name = "label1";
			this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(58, 15);
			this.label1.TabIndex = 0;
			this.label1.Text = "press me";
			this.label1.Click  = new System.EventHandler(this.label1_Click);
			// CBalloonBase
			this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
			this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((System.Byte)(255)), ((System.Byte)(255)), ((System.Byte)(192)));
			this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(295, 214);
			this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
			this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
			this.MaximizeBox = false;
			this.MinimizeBox = false;
			this.Name = "CBalloonBase";
			this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
			this.SizeGripStyle = System.Windows.Forms.SizeGripStyle.Hide;
			this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual;
			this.Resize  = new System.EventHandler(this.CBalloonBase_Resize);
			this.Click  = new System.EventHandler(this.CBalloonBase_Click);
			this.Closing  = new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(this.CBalloonBase_Closing);
			this.Move  = new System.EventHandler(this.CBalloonBase_Move);
			this.VisibleChanged  = new System.EventHandler(this.CBalloonBase_VisibleChanged);
			this.Paint  = new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.CBalloonBase_Paint);


		// regenerate the path for the balloon, and set the region for the window 
		public void reSizeMe() 
			m_path = new GraphicsPath();

			// nW and nH are just shorthand for the width and height of the form
			int nW = this.Width;
			int nH = this.Height;

			int nOuter = C_QUOTEH;
			int nInner = C_QUOTEH   C_ARCH;
			// define the points for the balloon tail pA, pB and pC denote the outer frame for the tail while pAi,
			// pBi and pCi denote the inner border (used to create the inside boundary of a frame for our balloon)
			Point pA  = new Point();
			Point pAi = new Point();
			Point pB  = new Point();
			Point pBi = new Point();
			Point pC  = new Point();
			Point pCi = new Point();

			#region this section calculates the position of the ballon tail
			switch (m_tipSide) 
					// calculate vertical displacement for all top tails
				case sdSide.sd_top: 
					pA.Y  = nOuter;   pB.Y  = 0;        pC.Y  = nOuter;   
					pAi.Y = pA.Y   4; pBi.Y = pB.Y   4; pCi.Y = pC.Y   4; 
					goto case sdSide.sd_horizontal;

				case sdSide.sd_left:
					pA.X  = nOuter;   pC.X  = nOuter;   pB.X  = 0; 
					pAi.X = pA.X   4; pCi.X = pC.X   4; pBi.X = pB.X   4;
					goto case sdSide.sd_vertical;

				case sdSide.sd_right:
					pA.X  = nW - nOuter; pC.X  = nW - nOuter; pB.X  = nW; 
					pAi.X = pA.X - 4;    pCi.X = pC.X - 4;    pBi.X = pB.X - 4;
					goto case sdSide.sd_vertical;

				case sdSide.sd_bottom:
					pA.Y  = nH - nOuter; pC.Y  = nH - nOuter; pB.Y  = nH; 
					pAi.Y = pA.Y - 4;    pCi.Y = pC.Y - 4;    pBi.Y = pB.Y - 4;
					goto case sdSide.sd_horizontal;

				case sdSide.sd_horizontal:
					if (m_tipAlign == alAlign.al_lhs) 
						pA.X  = nInner   m_nTailOffset; 
						pB.X  = pA.X - 10; 
						pC.X  = pA.X   30;
						pAi.X = pA.X   4;    
						pBi.X = pB.X   3;    
						pCi.X = pC.X   2; 
					else if (m_tipAlign == alAlign.al_mid) 
						pB.X = (int)(nW / 2);
						pA.X = pB.X - 10;
						pC.X = pB.X   10;
						pAi.X = pA.X;
						pBi.X = pB.X;
						pCi.X = pC.X;
						pC.X = (nW - nInner) - m_nTailOffset; 
						pA.X = pC.X - 30; 
						pB.X = pC.X   10;
						pAi.X = pA.X - 2; 
						pBi.X = pB.X - 3; 
						pCi.X = pC.X - 4;  

				case sdSide.sd_vertical:
					if (m_tipAlign == alAlign.al_lhs) 
						pA.Y = nInner   m_nTailOffset; 
						pC.Y = pA.Y   30;
						pB.Y = pA.Y - 10; 
						pAi.Y = pA.Y   4;    
						pBi.Y = pB.Y   3;   
						pCi.Y = pC.Y   2; 
					else if (m_tipAlign == alAlign.al_mid) 
						pB.Y = (int)(nH / 2);
						pA.Y = pB.Y - 10;
						pC.Y = pB.Y   10;
						pAi.Y = pA.Y;
						pBi.Y = pB.Y;
						pCi.Y = pC.Y;
						pC.Y = (nH - nInner) - m_nTailOffset; 
						pA.Y = pC.Y - 30; 
						pB.Y = pC.Y   10;
						pAi.Y = pA.Y - 2; 
						pBi.Y = pB.Y - 3; 
						pCi.Y = pC.Y - 4;  


			// the new tip position is determined by pB
			m_ptTipPosition = pB;

			// generate balloon tail outer path
			m_path.AddLines(new Point[] { pA, pB, pC } );
			// generate balloon tail inner path
			GraphicsPath iPath = new GraphicsPath();
			iPath.AddLines(new Point[] {pAi, pBi, pCi} );

			#region generate the outer frame (m_rOuterFrame) which becomes the shape of the balloon form
			Size pSize = new Size(nW - (nInner   nInner), nH - (nOuter   nOuter));
			Point pLoc  = new Point(nInner, nOuter);
			Rectangle aRect = new Rectangle(pLoc, pSize);
			m_rOuterFrame = new Region(aRect);
			// generate 2nd pass region for the outer frame, starting to form the rounded edges
			pSize.Width  = 4;
			pSize.Height -= 2;
			pLoc.X -= 2;
			pLoc.Y  = 1;
			m_rOuterFrame.Union(new Rectangle(pLoc, pSize));

			// generate 3rd pass for the outer frame, developing rounded edges
			pSize.Width  = 2;
			pSize.Height -= 2;
			pLoc.X -= 1;
			pLoc.Y  = 1;
			m_rOuterFrame.Union(new Rectangle(pLoc, pSize));

			// generate 4th pass for the outer frame, developing rounded edges
			pSize.Width  = 2;
			pSize.Height -= 2;
			pLoc.X -= 1;
			pLoc.Y  = 1;
			m_rOuterFrame.Union(new Rectangle(pLoc, pSize));

			// generate 5th pass for the outer frame, completing the rounded edges
			pSize.Width  = 2;
			pSize.Height -= 4;
			pLoc.X -= 1;
			pLoc.Y  = 2;
			m_rOuterFrame.Union(new Rectangle(pLoc, pSize));

			// generate 6th pass for the outer frame, adding the balloon tail

			#region for shadow windows we don't need to paint the area under the foreground balloon
			if (m_bIsShadow == true) 
				Region rgnEx;
				rgnEx = m_rOuterFrame.Clone();
				rgnEx.Translate(-C_SHADOW, -C_SHADOW);

			// set the region for the form
			this.Region = m_rOuterFrame;
			Graphics eg = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);
			// calculate the bounding rectangle for this region (within the context of the form itself) and the centre point for
			// the rectangle
			m_rtBalloonF = this.Region.GetBounds(eg);
			m_ptCenter  = new Point((int)((m_rtBalloonF.Width / 2)   m_rtBalloonF.X), (int)((m_rtBalloonF.Height / 2)   m_rtBalloonF.Y));

			#region always generate the outline region (m_rInnerFrame), even if we are not going to display it immediately
			Rectangle myRect = new Rectangle(C_QUOTEH   6, C_QUOTEH   4, nW - ((2 * C_QUOTEH)   12), nH - ((2 * C_QUOTEH)   8));
			Region aRegion = new Region(myRect);
			// develop client region with rounded edges, 2nd and 3rd pass
			myRect.X -= 1; myRect.Y  = 1; myRect.Width  = 2; myRect.Height -= 2;
			myRect.X -= 1; myRect.Y  = 1; myRect.Width  = 2; myRect.Height -= 2;

			// clone the outer region
			m_rInnerFrame = m_rOuterFrame.Clone();
			// exclude the client area and inner balloon tail edge

			// force a complete redraw

		// There are many possible variations on this routine. However this works by calculating the distance to the side
		// of the screen, then adjusting the position, and direction, of the tail to avoid going off the edge of the screen
		private bool bCalcTailPos(Point ptA, bool bOnlyBelow) 
			int nBWidth  = this.Width   C_SHADOW - C_QUOTEH;
			int nBHeight = this.Height   C_SHADOW; 

			// get the pixel dimensions of the screen assuming a single monitor (or two monitors creating a single screen space)
			Screen [] screens = Screen.AllScreens;
			int nSWd = screens[0].Bounds.Width;
			int nSHt = screens[0].Bounds.Height;

			// if use below is false then we always draw the balloon above the anchor
			if (bOnlyBelow == false)
				this.tailSide = sdSide.sd_bottom;
				// if we cannot go below, then return false so the calling routine can set a new anchor point
				// positioned above the control (so the balloon tail is not drawn across the anchor)
				if (ptA.Y   nBHeight >= nSHt) { return false; }
				this.tailSide = sdSide.sd_top;
			// look for best horizontal fit
			int nDistToEdge = nSWd - ptA.X;

			// a) the left-most position of the tail tip is C_QUOTEH from the LHS (corresponding to a tail offset of 5)
			// b) the tail must be adjust so the remaining balloon plus the shadow and overhang must fit on the screen
			int nMinLength = (this.Width   C_SHADOW) - C_QUOTEH;

			if (nDistToEdge > nMinLength) 
				// okay entire balloon fits, so use the minimum tail offset
				this.tailOffset = 5;
				this.tailAlign  = alAlign.al_lhs;
				int nOverlap = nMinLength - nDistToEdge;
				if (nOverlap < (int)Math.Round(nMinLength / 3.0)) 
					this.tailOffset = nOverlap   5;
					this.tailAlign  = alAlign.al_lhs;
				else if (nOverlap > (int)Math.Round((nMinLength - (C_QUOTEH  C_ARCH)) / 2.0)) 
					// tail offset is now measure from the rhs
					int nTempOffset = (nMinLength - nOverlap) - (C_QUOTEH   C_ARCH);
					if (nTempOffset < 0) { nTempOffset = 0; }
					this.tailOffset = nTempOffset   5;
					this.tailAlign  = alAlign.al_rhs;
					// tail offset not currently used for mid-point set... probably at some point I will need
					this.tailOffset = 0;
					this.tailAlign  = alAlign.al_mid;
			// now adjust the position
			Point atPoint = new Point(0, 0);
			atPoint.X = ptA.X - m_ptTipPosition.X;
			atPoint.Y = ptA.Y - m_ptTipPosition.Y;
			// locate our balloon
			this.Location = atPoint;
			return true;

		public void setBalloonPosition(Form onForm, Control onControl) 
			// determine ownership so the balloon stays ontop of the owning form
			if (m_fmShadow == null) 
				this.Owner = onForm;
				m_fmShadow.Owner = onForm;
			// remember the control's position and dimensions
			m_rtAnchor = new Rectangle(onControl.Location, onControl.Size);
			Point ptA = m_rtAnchor.Location;
			Point ptC = ptA;
			// first, try for lower edge of the control as an anchor point
			ptA.Y  = m_rtAnchor.Height;

			// calculate absolute position on the screen
			Point ptScreen = onForm.PointToScreen(ptA);

			// see if we can anchor below the control 
			if (bCalcTailPos(ptScreen, true) == false) 
				// unable to anchor below, so anchor above
				ptScreen = onForm.PointToScreen(ptC);
				bCalcTailPos(ptScreen, false); 
			m_fmParent = onForm;
			// attach a callback so we know when the owner is moved. Oh the joys and advantages of delegates!
			m_evhMove = new System.EventHandler(this.Parent_Move);
			onForm.Move  = m_evhMove;

		// attach the balloon to a point on a form. for the balloon to auto-track any movement in the owning form,
		// we need to attach an event handler to the Move event on the owning form. Setting ownership ensure the 
		// balloon is always shown on top of the owning form. In addition, a minimize action on the owning form will
		// force the balloon to minimize with it.
		public void setBalloonPosition(Form onForm, Point atPoint) 
			// to understand ownership, a balloon with a shadow has the shadow as the owner to ensure the balloon
			// is drawn directly on top of the shadow. Consequently when setting ownership to an attached point, 
			// it is the shadow that gets attached to the owning form. But if no shadow exists, it is the Balloon 
			// itself that must be attached
			if (m_fmShadow == null) 
				this.Owner = onForm;
				m_fmShadow.Owner = onForm;
			// calculate absolute position of the point
			m_rtAnchor = new Rectangle(atPoint, new Size(0, 0));
			Point ptScreen = onForm.PointToScreen(m_rtAnchor.Location);

			// see if we can anchor below the control 
			if (bCalcTailPos(ptScreen, true) == false) 
				// unable to anchor below, so anchor above
				ptScreen = onForm.PointToScreen(ptScreen);
				bCalcTailPos(ptScreen, false); 
			m_fmParent = onForm;
			// attach a callback so we know when the owner is moved. Oh the joys and advantages of delegates!
			m_evhMove = new System.EventHandler(this.Parent_Move);
			onForm.Move  = m_evhMove;

		public void Parent_Move(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			if ((sender is Form) == false) { return; }

			// calculate absolute position on the screen and try for the lower edge first
			Point ptHigh = m_rtAnchor.Location;
			Point ptLow  = ptHigh;
			ptLow.Y      = m_rtAnchor.Height;
			Point ptScreen = ((Form)sender).PointToScreen(ptLow);

			// see if we can anchor below the control 
			if (bCalcTailPos(ptScreen, true) == false) 
				// unable to anchor below, so anchor above
				ptScreen = ((Form)sender).PointToScreen(ptHigh);
				bCalcTailPos(ptScreen, false); 

		// if a shadow window does not yet exist, create it
		private bool bMakeShadow() 
			// a shadow cannot have another shadow
			if (this.m_bIsShadow) { return false; }
			// only generate a shadow if required
			if (m_bHasShadow != true) { return false; }

			// no shadows in design mode
			if (DesignMode == true) { return false; }
			// create shadow if non exists
			if (m_fmShadow == null) 
				m_fmShadow				 = new CBalloon.CBalloonBase();
				this.Owner               = m_fmShadow;
				m_fmShadow.Width		 = this.Width;
				m_fmShadow.Height		 = this.Height;
				m_fmShadow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
				m_fmShadow.Location      = new Point(this.Location.X   C_SHADOW, this.Location.Y   C_SHADOW);
				m_fmShadow.IsShadow      = true;
				m_fmShadow.Opacity       = 0.6;
			return true;

		private void DestroyShadow() 
			if (m_fmShadow != null) 
				// if the shadow has an owner, we need to attach the balloon to the owner and
				// sever existing owned form relationships
				if (m_fmShadow.Owner != null) 
					this.Owner = m_fmShadow.Owner;
				m_fmShadow = null;

		// the shape of the form is maintained by reSizeMe() so the only function or reDrawMe() is to 
		// paint the frame itself
		public void reDrawMe( ) 
			// shadow boxes don't have a frame
			if (m_bShowFrame) 
				// for no particular reason, I'm using a gradient brush from top-left to bottom-right... 
				// to grab the User's attention a pulsing frame (variable luminence) works much better
				Graphics eg = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);
				// the bounding rectangle was calculated in reSizeMe()
				eg.RenderingOrigin = m_ptCenter;
				eg.FillRegion(new LinearGradientBrush(m_rtBalloonF, m_cTopLeft, m_cBotRite, 45, true), m_rInnerFrame);

		/// <summary>
		/// The main entry point for the application.
		/// </summary>
		static void Main() 
			Application.Run(new CBalloonBase());

		private void CBalloonBase_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)

		private void CBalloonBase_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			if (false == this.m_bIsShadow) 

		private void CBalloonBase_Resize(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

		private void label1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// do not allow a shadow box to open another box...
			if (this.m_bIsShadow == false) 
				if (this is CExample) 
					CBalloon.Form3 aForm = new Form3();
		private void CBalloonBase_VisibleChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			if (!m_bHasShadow) { return; }

			if (( this.Visible == true ) && (m_fmShadow != null)) 

		private void CBalloonBase_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
			#region remove any form-owner relationships and events, and close the shadow form if it exists
			// clean up owner-form relationships from the Balloon form
			if (this.Owner != null) 
				this.Owner = null;

			// clean up owner-form relationships from the Shadow form, then close the Shadow
			if (m_fmShadow != null) 
				if (m_fmShadow.Owner != null) 
					m_fmShadow.Owner = null;

			// here we need to remove the event handler from the form with the anchor point
			if (m_fmParent != null) 
				m_fmParent.Move -= m_evhMove;
				m_fmParent = null;

		private void CBalloonBase_Move(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			if (m_fmShadow != null) { m_fmShadow.Location  = new Point(this.Location.X   C_SHADOW, this.Location.Y   C_SHADOW); }

		#region form properties
		public bool IsShadow 
				if (value == true) 
					if (m_bIsShadow == false) 
						this.ShowFrame = false;
						this.BackColor = Color.DarkGray;
				m_bIsShadow = value;
				return m_bIsShadow;

		public bool HasShadow 
				m_bHasShadow = value; 
				if (m_bHasShadow) 
			get { return m_bHasShadow; }

		public bool ShowFrame 
				if (m_bShowFrame != value) 
					m_bShowFrame = value;
				return m_bShowFrame;

		public sdSide tailSide 
				m_tipSide = value; 
				if ((m_bHasShadow) && (this.m_fmShadow != null)) 
					m_fmShadow.tailSide = value;

			get { return m_tipSide; }

		public int tailOffset 
				m_nTailOffset = value; 
				if (this.m_fmShadow != null) 
					m_fmShadow.tailOffset = value;

			get { return m_nTailOffset; }

		public alAlign tailAlign 
				m_tipAlign = value; 
				// better method is to generate a resize event but its 3am and I'm tired
				if (this.m_fmShadow != null) 
					m_fmShadow.tailAlign = value;
			get { return m_tipAlign; }

		// set the color gradient from the top-left of the frame
		public Color FrameTopLeft 
				m_cTopLeft = value;
				// better method is to generate a paint event but its 3am and I'm tired
				return m_cTopLeft;

		// set the color gradient running to the bottom-left of the frame
		public Color FrameBottomRight 
				m_cBotRite = value;
				// better method is to generate a paint event but its 3am and I'm tired
				return m_cBotRite;

标签: 自绘 C#







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