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AFTER EFFECTS - The Power of Expression.pdf


  • 开发语言:Java
  • 实例大小:19.92M
  • 下载次数:9
  • 浏览次数:272
  • 发布时间:2020-04-29
  • 实例类别:图形和图像处理
  • 发 布 人:pandala
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: AE 表达式



【实例截图】AFTER EFFECTS - The Power of Expression.pdf

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of contents
14 Value
14 Where can you find values?
15 4 types of values
16 Producing values
20 Applying values
21 Testing values
22 Mathematics
22 Arithmetic operators
23 Variables
24 Object
24 value
26 Objects contain values
26 Expression is an Object network
29 Follow the Object hierarchy
31 Rules of calling a value
in an Object
34 Simplifying
35 Another way of
calling a value in an Object
36 Link properties using Objects
37 Method
39 Argument
39 Simplifying even more
42 Syntax
42 Action
43 Semicolon
43 Statement
44 Expression contains statements
45 {Expression}
45 Unlimited space
46 Case sensitive
47 Camel case
47 Snake case
48 Comment
49 Left to right and top
to bottom
50 Keywords
50 Using keywords to command
the statements
50 var
51 if / else
53 How if / else works
54 A few keywords

58 The power of index
58 Index number
59 For layer
59 For properties
60 For effect
61 The power of index
62 Property index
64 thisProperty
64 propertyGroup()
65 propertyIndex
70 Insight
70 Object
72 function()
77 Method
78 function() or object.method()
79 this
80 Length
80 Distance
81 Vector
83 length()
84 Create automatic behavior
using distance
87 Interpolation methods
88 One layer to control them all
89 thiscomp.layer
92 Time
92 Generate animation using time
94 inPoint
95 outPoint
95 duration
96 marker
98 Keyframe
99 nearestKey()
100 See values behind shapes
101 Math.cos() and Math.sin()
104 valueAtTime()
106 speed
108 velocity
109 speedAtTime() and velocityAtTime()
110 Time remapping
113 sourceTime()
114 Space
114 parent
116 toComp()
118 fromComp()
119 fromCompToSurface()
120 Control
121 Point Control
122 Color Control
125 Checkbox Control
127 Layer Control
129 Angle Control
132 Random
133 wiggle()
136 random()
137 seedRandom()
137 gaussRandom()
138 noise()
139 posterizeTime()
140 Condition
140 Boolean
141 Comparison operators
142 Keywords
142 if
143 if / else
143 Conditional ternary operator: ?
144 Logical operators
145 else if
146 switch
147 case
147 break
148 Assignment operators
149 Increment and decrement operators
150 while
152 do / while
153 for
154 continue
155 for / in

8 9
156 Express yourself
156 Text layer
156 Typing
157 sourceText
157 Character value
158 slice()
158 length
162 toLowerCase() and toUpperCase()
162 replace()
163 Global replacement
164 Loop
164 Saving time
164 Math.cos() and Math.sin()
165 % operator
166 Loop methods
167 loopOut()
168 You’re ready
176 New Expressions Engine:
176 Multi-line String value
177 New methods for String values
178 New methods for Array values
180 var, let and const
183 Object constructor
184 Arrow functions
184 Default arguments
185 Rest and spread operators
186 Destructuring assignment
187 for / of
188 Test

标签: AE 表达式


AFTER EFFECTS - The Power of Expression.pdf

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