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【实例简介】IEC 62056-42-2002



  1. 1 Scope 5
  2. 2 Normative references 5
  3. 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 6
  4. 4 Overview 7
  5. 5 Service specification 8
    1. 5.1 List of services 8
      1. 5.1.1 Connection estabIishment/reIease reIated services 8
      2. 5.1.2 Data communication services 8
      3. 5.1.3 Layer management services 8
    2. 5.2 Use of the physicaI Iayer services 9
    3. 5.3 Service definitions 9
      1. 5.3.1 PH-CONNECT.request 9
      2. 5.3.2 PH-CONNECT.indication 10
      3. 5.3.3 PH-CONNECT.confirm 10
      4. 5.3.4 PH-ABORT.request 11
      5. 5.3.5 PH-ABORT.confirm 11
      6. 5.3.6 PH-ABORT.indication 11
      7. 5.3.7 PH-DATA.request 12
      8. 5.3.8 PH-DATA.indication 12
      9. 6 ProtocoI specification 13
    4. 6.1 PhysicaI Iayer protocoI data unit 13
    5. 6.2 Transmission order and characteristics 13
    6. 6.3 PhysicaI Iayer operation description of the procedures 13
      1. 6.3.1 GeneraI 13
      2. 6.3.2 Setting up a physicaI connection 14
      3. 6.3.3 The identification service 15
      4. 6.3.4 Data communications 19
      5. 6.3.5 Disconnection of an existing physicaI connection 19

Annex A (informative) An exampIe: PH service primitives and Hayes commands 20

Annex B (informative) Data modeI and protocoI 25

BibIiography 26

Figure 1 TypicaI PSTN configuration 7

Figure 2 The Iocation of the physicaI Iayer 8

Figure 3 ProtocoI Iayer services of the COSEM 3-Iayer connection oriented profiIe 9

Figure 4 MSC for physicaI connection estabIishment 15

Figure 5 MSC for IDENTIFY.request/.response message exchange 17

Figure 6 HandIing the identification service at the COSEM server side 17

Figure 7 PartiaI state machine for the cIient side physicaI Iayer 18

Figure A.1 MSC for physicaI connection request 20

Figure A.2 PhysicaI connection estabIishment at the CALLING station 21

Figure A.3 MSC for physicaI connection estabIishment 22

Figure A.4 Data exchange between the caIIing and caIIed stations 23

Figure A.5 MSC for a physicaI disconnection 24

Figure B.1 The three-step approach of COSEM 25


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