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  • 开发语言:Others
  • 实例大小:9.91M
  • 下载次数:4
  • 浏览次数:50
  • 发布时间:2023-02-13
  • 实例类别:一般编程问题
  • 发 布 人:jyyiii
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: Development develop rust 2022 dev






preface xiii
acknowledgments xv
about this book xvii
about the author xx
about the cover illustration xxi
P ART 1 I NTRODUCTION TO R UST ....................................1
Why Rust? 3
1.1 Batteries included: Rust’s tooling 4
1.2 The Rust compiler 9
1.3 Rust for web services 11
1.4 Maintainability of Rust applications 16
Laying the foundation 18
2.1 Following the Rust playbook 19
Modeling your resources with structs 21

options 23

Using documentation to solve errors 24
Handling strings in Rust 29

Taking an excursion into
moving, borrowing, and ownership 31

Using and
implementing traits 34

Handling results 42
2.2 Creating our web server 43
Handling multiple requests at once 44

Rust’s asynchronous
environment 45

Rust’s handling of async/await 46
Using Rust’s Future type 48

Choosing a runtime 48
Choosing a web framework 50
P ART 2 G ETTING STARTED ............................................55
Create your first route handler 57
3.1 Getting to know our web framework: Warp 58
What is included in Warp 59

Warp’s filter system 59
3.2 GET your first JSON response 60
Align with your framework’s way of thinking 61

Handle the
success route 62

Get help from Serde 64

Handle errors
gracefully 65
3.3 Handling CORS headers 70
Returning CORS headers on the application level 72

CORS responses 73
Implement a RESTful API 77
4.1 GET questions from in-memory 79
Setting up a mock database 79

Preparing a set of test data 83
Reading from the fake database 85

Parsing query
parameters 89

Returning custom errors 93
4.2 POST, PUT, and DELETE questions 97
Updating our data in a thread-safe way 98

Adding a
question 102

Updating a question 104

malformed requests 106

Removing questions from the
storage 108
4.3 POST answers via url-form-encoded 110
Difference between url-form-encoded and JSON 110

answers via url-form-encoded 111
Clean up your codebase 115
5.1 Modularizing your code 116
Using Rust’s built-in mod system 116

Practical folder
structure for different use cases 122

Creating libraries
and sub-crates 127
5.2 Documenting your code 131
Using doc comments and private comments 131

Adding code in
your comments 133
5.3 Linting and formatting your codebase 136
Installing and using Clippy 136

Formatting your code with
Rustfmt 139
Logging, tracing, and debugging 141
6.1 Logging in your Rust application 142
Implementing logging in your web service 145

Logging incoming
HTTP requests 151

Creating structured logs 155
6.2 Tracing in asynchronous applications 162
Introducing the Tracing crate 163

Integrating tracing in our
application 164
6.3 Debugging Rust applications 168
Using GDB on the command line 170

Debugging our web service
with LLDB 171

Using Visual Studio Code and LLDB 173
Add a database to your application 177
7.1 Setting up our example database 178
7.2 Creating our first tables 179
7.3 Working with a database crate 181
Adding SQLx into our project 184

Connecting Store to our
database 185
7.4 Reimplementing our route handlers 189
Adding the database to get_questions 190

Reimplementing the
add_question route handler 197

Adjusting the update and delete
questions handler 200

Updating the add_answer route 202
7.5 Error handling and tracing database interactions 204
7.6 Integrating SQL migrations 210
7.7 Case study: Switching database management systems 214
Integrate third-party APIs 218
8.1 Preparing the codebase 221
Picking an API 221

Getting to know our HTTP crate 223
Adding an example HTTP call with Reqwest 225

errors for external API requests 227
8.2 Deserializing JSON responses to structs 234
Gathering API response information 235

Creating types for our
API responses 236
8.3 Sending questions and answers to the API 241
Refactoring the add_question route handler 241

profanity checks for updating questions 244

Updating the
add_answer route handler 245
8.4 Handling timeouts and multiple requests at once 246
Implementing a retry for external HTTP calls 247

futures concurrently or in parallel 251
P ART 3 B RING IT INTO PRODUCTION ...........................255
Add authentication and authorization 257
9.1 Adding authentication to our web service 258
Creating the user concept 260

Migrating the database 262
Adding the registration endpoint 264

Hashing the
password 267

Handling duplicate account errors 269
Stateful vs. stateless authentication 275

Adding the login
endpoint 276

Adding an expiry date to tokens 280
9.2 Adding authorization middleware 282
Migrating the database tables 283

Creating token validation
middleware 283

Extending existing routes to handle
account IDs 288
9.3 What we didn’t cover 293
Deploy your application 295
10.1 Setting up your application through environment
variables 296
Set up config files 297

Accept command-line inputs for your
application 300

Read and parse environment variables into
your web service 302
10.2 Compiling your web service for different
environments 308
Development vs. release flag when building your binary 308
Cross-compile your binary for different environments 309
10.3 Using build.rs in your build process 311
10.4 Creating the right Docker image for your web service 314
Create a statically linked Docker image 315

Set up a local Docker
environment with docker-compose 316

Extract the configuration
of the web server into a new module 319
Testing your Rust application 325
11.1 Unit testing our business logic 327
Testing the pagination logic and dealing with custom errors 327
Testing the Config module with environment variables 331
Testing the profanity module with a newly created mock server 335
11.2 Testing our Warp filters 343
11.3 Creating an integration testing setup 347
Splitting up the codebase into a lib.rs and a binary 349

the integration-test crate and the oneshot server implementation 352
Adding the registration test 355

Unwinding in case of an
error 359

Testing the login and posting questions 360
appendix Thinking about security 364
index 369







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