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微软官方教材Exam Ref 70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016


  • 开发语言:Others
  • 实例大小:34.15M
  • 下载次数:4
  • 浏览次数:54
  • 发布时间:2022-04-05
  • 实例类别:一般编程问题
  • 发 布 人:Tianyiyi
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:3


【实例简介】微软官方教材Exam Ref 70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016

Exam Ref 70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016


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Chapter 1 Implement Domain Name System
Skill 1.1 Install and configure DNS servers
Overview of name resolution
Determine DNS installation requirements
Install the DNS server role
Determine supported DNS deployment scenarios on Nano Server
Configure forwarders, root hints, recursion, and delegation
Configure advanced DNS settings
Administering DNS
Skill 1.2: Create and configure DNS zones and records
Overview of DNS zones
Configure DNS zones
Configure DNS records
Configure DNS scopes
Monitor DNS
Thought experiment
Thought experiment answers
Chapter 2 Implement DHCP
Skill 2.1: Install and configure DHCP
Overview of DHCP
Install DHCP
Create and manage DHCP scopes
Configure DHCP relay agent and PXE boot
Export, import and migrate a DHCP server
Skill 2.2: Manage and maintain DHCP
Configure high availability using DHCP failover
Backup and restore the DHCP database
Troubleshoot DHCP
Thought experiment
Thought experiment answer
Chapter 3 Implement IP address management (IPAM)
Skill 3.1: Install and configure IP address management
Requirements and planning considerations
Configure IPAM database storage using SQL Server
Provision IPAM manually or by using Group Policy
Configure server discovery
Create and manage IP blocks and ranges
Monitor utilization of IP address space
Migrate existing workloads to IPAM
Determine scenarios for using IPAM with System Center VMM for
physical and virtual IP address space management
Skill 3.2: Manage DNS and DHCP using IPAM
Manage DHCP with IPAM
Manage DNS with IPAM
Manage DNS and DHCP servers in multiple Active Directory forests
Delegate administration for DNS and DHCP using RBAC
Skill 3.3: Audit IPAM
Audit the changes performed on the DNS and DHCP servers
Audit the IPAM address usage trail
Audit DHCP lease events and user logon events
Chapter summary
Thought experiment
Thought experiment answers
Chapter 4 Implement network connectivity and remote access solutions
Skill 4.1 Implement network connectivity solutions
Implement NAT
Configure routing
Skill 4.2: Implement VPN and DirectAccess solutions
Overview of VPNs
Determine when to use remote access VPN and S2S VPN and to
configure appropriate protocols
Implement DirectAccess
Troubleshoot DirectAccess
Skill 4.3 Implement NPS
Configure RADIUS
Configure NPS templates
Configure NPS policies
Configure certificates
Thought experiment
Thought experiment answers
Chapter 5 Implement core and distributed network solutions
Skill 5.1: Implement IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
Implement IPv4 addressing
Implement IPv6 addressing
Configure interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6
Configure IPv4 and IPv6 routing
Configure BGP
Skill 5.2: Implement DFS and branch office solutions
Install and configure DFS namespaces
Configure DFS replication
Configure DFS fault tolerance
Manage DFS databases
Implement BranchCache
Chapter summary
Thought experiment
Thought experiment answers
Chapter 6 Implement an advanced network infrastructure
Skill 6.1: Implement high performance network solutions
Implement NIC teaming or the SET solution and identify when to use
Enable and configure Receive Side Scaling (RSS)
Enable and configure network QoS with Data Center Bridging (DCB)
Enable and configure SMB Direct on RDMA-enabled network
Enable and configure SR-IOV on a supported network adapter
Skill 6.2: Determine scenarios and requirements for implementing SDN
Determine requirements and scenarios for implementing HNV
Deploying Network Controller
Chapter summary
Thought experiment
Thought experiment answers







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