您当前所在位置:首页PHP 开发实例PHP语言基础 → <赞>php记账本(入门级示例)源码



  • 开发语言:PHP
  • 实例大小:0.25M
  • 下载次数:109
  • 浏览次数:1254
  • 发布时间:2018-12-10
  • 实例类别:PHP语言基础
  • 发 布 人:cnzp521
  • 文件格式:.zip
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: php 入门 记账



0. 在你的mysql数据库创建 jizhangdb 数据库

1. 修改 config.php中的数据库连接信息为你本地mysql数据库的

2. 在浏览器运行 install.php页面 即可安装成功数据库

3. 在浏览器访问 index.php页面即可看到效果

from clipboard

from clipboard


from clipboard

from clipboard

from clipboard

from clipboard

from clipboard

from clipboard

from clipboard


<script type="text/javascript">
    var checkall = document.getElementsByName("del_id[]");
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    window.onload = function() {
        var oTxt1 = document.getElementById('zhuan');
        var oBtn1 = document.getElementById('zhuan1');
        oBtn1.onclick = function() {
            location.href = "edit.php?p=" oTxt1.value "";

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</script> -->


if ($_GET[ok]) {

    $shij = strtotime("$_GET[shijian]");
    $sql = "update ".$qianzui."account set acmoney='".$_GET[jine]."',acremark='".$_GET[beizhu]."',actime='".$shij."' where acid='".$_GET[id]."' and jiid='".$_SESSION[uid]."'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    if ($result)
        echo("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('修改成功!');history.go(-2);</script>");
        echo("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('修改失败!');history.go(-2);</script>");

} else {
    if ($_GET[id]) {
        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where acid='".$_GET[id]."' and jiid='".$_SESSION[uid]."'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        $sql2 = "select * from ".$qianzui."account_class where classid= '".$row[acclassid]."' and ufid='".$_SESSION[uid]."'";
        $classquery = mysql_query($sql2);
        $classinfo = mysql_fetch_array($classquery);

        echo "<table align='left' width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
        <td bgcolor='#EBEBEB'> 账目修改</td>
        <td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
   <form method=get action=''>
<INPUT TYPE='hidden' name='id' value=".$row[acid].">
金额:<input type=text name='jine' value=".$row[acmoney]."><br /><br />
账目分类:".$classinfo[classname]."<br /><br />
        if ($classinfo[classtype] == 1) {
            echo '收入';
            $income = $income $row[acmoney];
        } else {
            echo '支出';
            $spending = $spending $row[acmoney];

        echo "<br /><br />
时间:<input rows='1' cols='20' name='shijian' class='sang_Calender' value='".date('Y-m-d H:i',$row[actime])."'> <br /><br />
备注:<input type=text name='beizhu' value=".$row[acremark]."><br /><br />
 <input type=submit name=ok value='提交' class='btn btn-default'>
   </form>		</td>




if ($_POST[Submit]) {
    echo "";
} else {
    if ($conn) {
        if (!$_GET[id]) {
            //$result = mysql_query("select * from jizhang");

            $pagesize = 10;

            //确定页数 p 参数
            $p = $_GET['p']?$_GET['p']:1;

            $offset = ($p-1)*$pagesize;

            $query_sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$qianzui."account where jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime DESC LIMIT  $offset , $pagesize";

            $query = mysql_query($query_sql);

            //echo $query_sql;

            echo "<table width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>账目</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>收支</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>金额</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>时间</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>备注</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'><form action='delete.php' method='post'><a href='javascript:select()'>全选</a> | <a href='javascript:fanselect()'>反选</a> | <a href='javascript:noselect()'>不选</a> <input type='submit' name='delete' value='删除'/></th>

            if ($result === FALSE) {
                // TODO: better error handling

            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
                $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account_class where classid= $row[acclassid] and ufid='$_SESSION[uid]'";
                $classquery = mysql_query($sql);
                $classinfo = mysql_fetch_array($classquery);
                echo "<tr>";
                if ($classinfo[classtype] == 1) {
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>" . $classinfo['classname'] . "</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>" . $row['acmoney'] . "</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>收入</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>".date("Y-m-d",$row[actime])."</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>". $row[acremark] ."</font></td>";
                } else {
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>" . $classinfo['classname'] . "</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>" . $row['acmoney'] . "</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>支出</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>".date("Y-m-d",$row[actime])."</font></td>";
                    echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>". $row[acremark] ."</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><a href=edit.php?id=".$row['acid'].">编辑</a> <a href=delete.php?id=".$row['acid'].">删除</a>
				<input name='del_id[]' type='checkbox' id='del_id[]' value=".$row['acid']." /></td>";
                echo "</tr>";
            echo "</table>";

            echo "<table width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
                <tr><td align='left' width='100%' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>";
            $count_result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as count FROM ".$qianzui."account where jiid='$_SESSION[uid]'");
            $count_array = mysql_fetch_array($count_result);

            $pagenum = ceil($count_array['count']/$pagesize);
            echo "<ul class='pagination'>";
            echo '<li class="disabled"><a href="#">共',$count_array['count'],'条 <span id="total" style="display:none">',$pagenum,'</span></a></li>';

            if ($pagenum > 1) {
                for ($i = 1;$i < $pagenum;$i  ) {
                    if ($i == $p) {
                        echo "<span id='pagingText' style='display:none'>$i</span>";

            /* echo "<select name='tiao' id='tiao' style='height:18px' onchange='self.location.href=options[selectedIndex].value;onchange=save()'>";
echo "<option value='edit.php?p=1'>跳转</option>";
if ($pagenum > 1) {
    for($i=1;$i<=$pagenum;$i  ) {
            echo "<option value='edit.php?p=$i'>$i</option>";
echo "</select>"; */

            //循环输出各页数目及连接	echo ' <a href="edit.php?p=',$i-1,'">上一页</a>';

            //echo " <li><a href='edit.php?p=1'>首页</a></li>";
            //echo "<li><a href='edit.php?p=$pagenum'>尾页</a></li>";
            if ($pagenum > 1) {
                for ($i = 1;$i <= $pagenum;$i  ) {
                    if ($i == $p) {
                        if ($i != 1) {
                            echo '<li><a href="edit.php?p=',$i-1,'">&laquo;</a></li>';

            if ($pagenum > 1) {
                for ($i = 1;$i < $pagenum;$i  ) {
                    if ($i == $p) {
                        echo '<li><a href="edit.php?p=',$i 1,'">&raquo;</a></li>';

            echo "</ul>";
            echo "<ul class='pagination' id='pagingDiv'><ul/>";
            echo "</td>";
            // echo "<td align='right' width='10%' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><input type='text' name='zhuan' id='zhuan' style='width:35px'/> <input type='submit' name='go' id='go' value='go' /></td>"; //跳转页面

            echo "</form>";
            echo "</table>";
            /*echo "<table width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>";
		echo "<tr><td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><ul class='pagination' id='pagingDiv'><ul/></td></tr>";
		echo "</table>"; */




<script language="javascript">
    var total = document.getElementById("total").innerHTML;
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<table align="left" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
        <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"> 查询修改</td>
        <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
                <select name="classid" id="classid" style="height:26px;">
                    <option value="quan">全部分类</option>
                    <option value="sr">收入--</option>
                    $sqlshouru = "select * from ".$qianzui."account_class where ufid='$_SESSION[uid]' and classtype='1'";
                    $queryshouru = mysql_query($sqlshouru);
                    while ($rowshouru = mysql_fetch_array($queryshouru)) {
                        echo "<option value='$rowshouru[classid]'>------$rowshouru[classname]</option>";
                    <option value="zc">支出--</option>
                    $sqlzhichu = "select * from ".$qianzui."account_class where ufid='$_SESSION[uid]' and classtype='2'";
                    $queryzhichu = mysql_query($sqlzhichu);
                    while ($rowzhichu = mysql_fetch_array($queryzhichu)) {
                        echo "<option value='$rowzhichu[classid]'>------$rowzhichu[classname]</option>";
                </select><br /><br />
                日期:从 <input type="date" name="time1" id="time1" style="height:26px;width:115px;" /> 到 <input type="date" name="time2" id="time2" style="height:23px;width:115px;" />
                <br /><br />
                备注:<input type="text" name="beizhu" id="beizhu" /> 留空则输出全部,或输入金额范围格式:1-100,支持小数点。<br /><br />

                <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="查询" class="btn btn-default" /><br /><br />
                <input type="submit" name="Submitfanwei" value="点这里查询金额范围" class="btn btn-default" /><br /><br />



<?php if ($_POST[Submit]) {
    $a = "%";
    $b = $_POST[beizhu];
    $c = $a.$b.$a;
    if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";
    if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";
    if ($_POST[classid]<>"quan" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
        $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];
        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='2' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";
    if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='1' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");
        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");
        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid]<>"" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

        $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];
        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and ".$sqltime." and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
        $type = "1";

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
        $type = "2";

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


    if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
        $type = "1";

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
        $type = "2";

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
        $type = "1";

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

    if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
        $type = "2";

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


    if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqltime." and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


    if ($_POST[classid]<>"quan" && $_POST[classid]<>"sr" && $_POST[classid]<>"zc" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

        $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and acremark like '$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


    if ($_POST[classid]<>"quan" && $_POST[classid]<>"sr" && $_POST[classid]<>"zc" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

        $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];
        $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


    echo "
				<table align='left' width='100%' height='20' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
  <td align='left' bgcolor='#EBEBEB'> 查询结果&nbsp;<font id='stat'></font></td>
<form action='delete.php' method='post'>
 <table id='excel' class='table table-striped' width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3'>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>分类</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>金额</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>收支</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>时间</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>备注</th>
				<th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'><a href='javascript:select()'>全选</a> | <a href='javascript:fanselect()'>反选</a> | <a href='javascript:noselect()'>不选</a> <input type='submit' name='delete' value='删除'/></th>

    $query = mysql_query($sql);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account_class where classid= $row[acclassid] and ufid='$_SESSION[uid]'";
        $classquery = mysql_query($sql);
        $classinfo = mysql_fetch_array($classquery);
        echo "<tr>";
        if ($classinfo[classtype] == 1) {
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl26' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>" . $classinfo['classname'] . "</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl29' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>" . $row['acmoney'] . "</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl27' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>收入</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl30' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>".date("Y-m-d",$row[actime])."</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl28' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>". $row[acremark] ."</font></td>";
            $income = $income $row[acmoney];
        } else {
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl26' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>" . $classinfo['classname'] . "</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl29' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>" . $row['acmoney'] . "</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl27' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>支出</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl30' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>".date("Y-m-d",$row[actime])."</font></td>";
            echo "<td align='left' class='xl28' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>". $row[acremark] ."</font></td>";
            $spending = $spending $row[acmoney];
        echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><a href=edit.php?id=".$row['acid'].">编辑</a> <a href=delete.php?id=".$row['acid'].">删除</a>
				<input name='del_id[]' type='checkbox' id='del_id[]' value=".$row['acid']." /></td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table></form>


<?php if ($_POST[Submitfanwei]) {
    if ($_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
        $b = $_POST[beizhu];
        $str = trim($b);
        if (empty($str)) {
            return '';
        $temp = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','.');
        $mumList = array();
        $result = '';
        $maxNum = 0;
        for ($i = 0;$i < strlen($str);$i  ) {
            if (in_array($str[$i],$temp)) {

                if (is_numeric($str[$i])) {
                    $result.= $str[$i];
                if ($str[$i] == '.' && is_numeric($str[$i-1]) && is_numeric($str[$i-1])) {
                    $result.= $str[$i];
                if (($i 1) == strlen($str)) {

                    if ($maxNum == 0 || $maxNum < $result) {
                        $maxNum = $result;

                    $mumList[] = $result;
                    $result = '';
            } else {
                if ($maxNum == 0 || $maxNum < $result) {
                    $maxNum = $result;
                $mumList[] = $result;
                $result = '';
        $mumList = array_values(array_filter($mumList));
        $a = $mumList[0];
        $c = $mumList[1];
        if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";
        if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";
        if ($_POST[classid]<>"quan" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
            $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];
            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='2' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";
        if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='1' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");
            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");
            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid]<>"" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

            $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];
            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and ".$sqltime." and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
            $type = "1";

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
            $type = "2";

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


        if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
            $type = "1";

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {
            $type = "2";

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "sr" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
            $type = "1";

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";

        if ($_POST[classid] == "zc" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {
            $type = "2";

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where zhifu='$type' and ".$sqltime." and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


        if ($_POST[classid] == "quan" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqltime." and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


        if ($_POST[classid]<>"quan" && $_POST[classid]<>"sr" && $_POST[classid]<>"zc" && $_POST[time1] == "" && $_POST[time2] == "" && $_POST[beizhu]<>"") {

            $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and acmoney>'$a' and acmoney<'$c' and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


        if ($_POST[classid]<>"quan" && $_POST[classid]<>"sr" && $_POST[classid]<>"zc" && $_POST[time1]<>"" && $_POST[time2]<>"" && $_POST[beizhu] == "") {

            $sqlclassid = "acclassid=".$_POST[classid];
            $sqltime = " actime >".strtotime($_POST[time1]." 0:0:0")." and actime <".strtotime($_POST[time2]." 23:59:59");

            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account where ".$sqlclassid." and ".$sqltime." and jiid='$_SESSION[uid]' ORDER BY actime ASC";


        echo "
				<table align='left' width='100%' height='20' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>
  <td align='left' bgcolor='#EBEBEB'> 查询结果&nbsp;<font id='stat'></font></td>
<form action='delete.php' method='post'>
 <table id='excel' class='table table-striped' width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#B3B3B3'>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>分类</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>金额</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>收支</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>时间</th>
                <th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'>备注</th>
				<th bgcolor='#EBEBEB'><a href='javascript:select()'>全选</a> | <a href='javascript:fanselect()'>反选</a> | <a href='javascript:noselect()'>不选</a> <input type='submit' name='delete' value='删除'/></th>

        $query = mysql_query($sql);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            $sql = "select * from ".$qianzui."account_class where classid= $row[acclassid] and ufid='$_SESSION[uid]'";
            $classquery = mysql_query($sql);
            $classinfo = mysql_fetch_array($classquery);
            echo "<tr>";
            if ($classinfo[classtype] == 1) {
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl26' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>" . $classinfo['classname'] . "</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl29' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>" . $row['acmoney'] . "</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl27' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>收入</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl30' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>".date("Y-m-d",$row[actime])."</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl28' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='MediumSeaGreen'>". $row[acremark] ."</font></td>";
                $income = $income $row[acmoney];
            } else {
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl26' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>" . $classinfo['classname'] . "</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl29' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>" . $row['acmoney'] . "</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl27' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>支出</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl30' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>".date("Y-m-d",$row[actime])."</font></td>";
                echo "<td align='left' class='xl28' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><font color='red'>". $row[acremark] ."</font></td>";
                $spending = $spending $row[acmoney];
            echo "<td align='left' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><a href=edit.php?id=".$row['acid'].">编辑</a> <a href=delete.php?id=".$row['acid'].">删除</a>
				<input name='del_id[]' type='checkbox' id='del_id[]' value=".$row['acid']." /></td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table></form>


<script language="javascript">
document.getElementById("stat").innerHTML = "<?='总共收入<font color=blue> '.$income.'</font> 总共支出 <font color=red>'.$spending.'</font>' ?>"


标签: php 入门 记账



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