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  • 开发语言:Swift
  • 实例大小:55.01M
  • 下载次数:8
  • 浏览次数:73
  • 发布时间:2020-11-17
  • 实例类别:Swift语言基础
  • 发 布 人:lnhn
  • 文件格式:.pdf
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preface xv
acknowledgments xviii
about this book xix
about the author xxiii
about the cover illustration xxiv
PART 1INTRODUCING XCODE AND SWIFT .................... 1
1 Your first iOS application 3
1.1 Exploring iOS SDK 3
1.2 Creating an Xcode project 5
Templates 6 ■ Project options 9
1.3 Exploring the Xcode interface 10
Toolbar area 11 ■ Utility area 12 ■ Navigator area 12
Editor area 13 ■ Debug area 15
1.4 Editing your app’s interface 15
Storyboards and nibs 15 ■ View controllers and views 16
Interface Builder 16 ■ Object Library 17 ■ Document
Outline 18 ■ Inspectors 19
1.5 Running your app 22
Running your app on a device 22 ■ Running your app in the
simulator 22 ■ Running your app 23 ■ Simulator features 23
1.6 Peeking at a completed app 24
Checking out a repository in Xcode 24 ■ Peeking at the
completed app’s storyboard 24 ■ Tweaking the code 25
1.7 Summary 26
2 Introduction to Swift playgrounds 29
2.1 Xcode playground 30
Results sidebar 31 ■ Automatic compiling 32
Console 32
2.2 Type safety and type inference 33
Converting numeric types 35 ■ Concatenating
strings 36
2.3 Collections 36
Arrays 36 ■ Sets 37 ■ Dictionaries 38
2.4 Control Flow 38
for-in 39 ■ switch statement 40
2.5 Functions 41
Modifying external parameter names 41 ■ Omitting
external parameter names 42 ■ Default parameter names 42
2.6 Optionals 42
Declaring an optional 44 ■ Unwrapping an optional 44
Optional chaining 48 ■ Final comments on optionals 49
2.7 Tuples 49
Tuples as return values 50 ■ Tuple magic 50
2.8 Higher-order functions 51
map 51 ■ Closures 52 ■ filter 53 ■ reduce 53
sorted 54
2.9 Summary 54
3 Swift objects 55
3.1 Classes 56
Defining a class 56 ■ Properties 57 ■ Initializers 58
Methods 59 ■ Computed properties 63 ■ Class inheritance 65
Protocols 68
3.2 Structures 71
Structures vs. classes 72
3.3 Extensions 76
Extensions of your type 76 ■ Extensions of their type 77
Operator overloading 78 ■ Generics 79
3.4 Summary 80
PART 2BUILDING YOUR INTERFACE ........................... 81
4 View controllers, views, and outlets 83
4.1 View hierarchy 84
4.2 Model-view-controller 85
4.3 View controller 86
Creating a custom view controller 87 ■ Customizing
a UIViewController subclass 88 ■ Initial view
controller 90
4.4 Managing views 94
Managing views in code 94 ■ Managing views in
Interface Builder 97
4.5 Summary 104
5 User interaction 105
5.1 Controls 106
Buttons 106 ■ Text field 109 ■ Other controls 114
5.2 Touching views 115
Hit testing 116 ■ Overriding touch methods 116
The responder chain 117
5.3 Gesture recognizers 119
Pan gesture 121 ■ Pinch gesture 125 ■ Rotate
gesture 126 ■ Simultaneous gesture recognizers 126
Tap gesture in code 129
5.4 Summary 131
6 Adaptive layout 133
6.1 The problems 134
6.2 Auto layout 135
Auto layout tips 137 ■ Auto layout in Interface Builder 137
Auto layout in code 153
6.3 Autoresizing 157
Autoresizing in code 158 ■ Autoresizing in Interface
Builder 160 ■ Autoresizing considerations 160
6.4 Manual adaptive layout 161
Receiving transition events 161 ■ Receiving layout
events 163
6.5 Choosing an approach 165
6.6 Summary 166
7 More adaptive layout 167
7.1 Size classes 167
Size classes in code 170 ■ Size classes in Interface
Builder 176
7.2 Stack views 185
The problem with auto layout 185 ■ Stack view properties 187
Simple stack view in Interface Builder 189 ■ Nested stack
views in Interface Builder 191 ■ Adding or removing views
from a stack view 194 ■ Stack views in code 195
7.3 Summary 197
8 Keyboard notifications, animation, and scrolling 199
8.1 The problem with the keyboard 200
8.2 Dismissing the keyboard 201
Dismissing the keyboard by resigning the first responder 202
Detecting when to dismiss the keyboard 202
8.3 Observing keyboard notifications 205
What is a notification? 205 ■ Observing a keyboard frame
change notification 206 ■ Unregistering a notification 207
Extracting keyboard information from the notification 208
Getting a reference to the first responder 209 ■ Calculating
the offset to animate 210
8.4 Animating views 211
Animating the view from under the keyboard 212 ■ Diving
deeper into animating views with a sample bar chart 213
8.5 Scroll views 218
Scroll view with form content and keyboard 218 ■ Diving
deeper into scroll views with image content 222
8.6 Summary 223
PART 3BUILDING YOUR APP .................................... 225
9 Tables and navigation 227
9.1 Displaying data in table views 228
Setting up a table view controller in the
storyboard 229 ■ Displaying data in the table view 234
9.2 Adding a row 242
Embedding a navigation controller 243 ■ Creating
a segue 245 ■ Embedding second navigation
controller 248 ■ Communicating with the books
scene using your own delegate 249 ■ Adding data
to the table 252
9.3 Editing a row 255
Creating a segue from a row 255 ■ Passing in the book
object to edit 257 ■ Removing the view controller 258
Updating the book object 259
9.4 Using large titles 259
9.5 Deleting a row 260
9.6 Summary 262
10 Collections, searching, sorting, and tab bars 263
10.1 Sorting the data 264
Creating a sort method to sort the books array 264
Changing sort order 265
10.2 Searching the data 270
Creating a search controller 271 ■ Adding the search
controller to the view controller 272 ■ Filtering the
data 273 ■ Removing and updating rows with
filtered data 275
10.3 Displaying data in collection views 278
Creating custom collection cells 280 ■ Displaying data
in a custom collection view cell 281 ■ Implementing a
flow layout 283 ■ Adding a search bar to the collection
view 283 ■ Creating a second section 285
Implementing the flow layout delegate 286
10.4 Creating sections with a tab bar controller 288
Sharing data between tabs 290
10.5 Summary 295
11 Local data persistence 297
11.1 Preserving user preferences and state 298
Preserving and restoring state 298 ■ Preserving user
preferences on the device 300
11.2 Storing data locally 302
Storage setup 302 ■ Structured data files 306 ■ Archiving
objects 312 ■ SQLite 315 ■ Core Data 322
11.3 Summary 335
12 Data persistence in iCloud 337
12.1 Setting up your app for iCloud 338
12.2 Persisting data with ubiquitous key-value store 339
12.3 Storing data using CloudKit 342
Updating the model for CloudKit 344 ■ Adding a book
record to CloudKit 346 ■ Updating a book record in
CloudKit 352 ■ Loading book records in CloudKit 353
Deleting a book record in CloudKit 355 ■ Managing
CloudKit errors 356 ■ Refreshing CloudKit data 360
Subscribing to changes 362
12.4 Summary 369
13 Graphics and media 371
13.1 Adding images to your app with an asset catalog 372
Adding image sets 373 ■ Adding app icons 377
13.2 Displaying a launch screen 379
13.3 Drawing with Core Graphics 381
Overriding the draw method 382 ■ Describing a path 382
Drawing into the graphics context 383 ■ Saving and restoring
graphics state 384 ■ Drawing paths with UIBezierPath
drawing methods 384 ■ Rendering views in Interface
Builder 385 ■ Creating a star-rating view 386
13.4 Drawing with Core Animation 389
13.5 Using the camera 391
Taking photos with the image picker controller 392 ■ Selecting
photos from photo library with the image picker controller 397
Taking photos with AVFoundation 398
13.6 Playing sounds 405
13.7 Summary 407
14 Networking 409
14.1 Using a web service 410
14.2 Setting up a books service 411
14.3 Communicating with the web service 413
14.4 Creating a URL Session 414
URLSessionConfiguration 414 ■ URLSession 414
14.5 Setting up the URL request 416
14.6 Requesting data from a web service 418
14.7 Examining the data 418
14.8 Parsing JSON data with JSONSerialization 420
14.9 Parsing JSON data with JSONDecoder 421
14.10 Parsing JSON data with SwiftyJSON 424
Integrating SwiftyJSON with Carthage 426 ■ Using SwiftyJSON 429
14.11 Downloading data from a web service 431
Accessing insecure domains 433
14.12 Displaying the network activity indicator 436
14.13 Cancelling a task 436
14.14 Summary 437
15 Debugging and testing 439
15.1 The setup 440
15.2 Debugging mode 440
15.3 Debugging crash logs in the console 443
Solving a crash caused by an outlet 445 ■ Solving a crash
caused by an action 447
15.4 Examining variables and breakpoints 448
Examining a variable with print 449 ■ Pausing your app
with a breakpoint 450 ■ Examining a variable with the
variables view 452 ■ Controlling the app’s execution using the
debug bar 452 ■ Examining a variable with Quick Look 454
Examining a variable with print description 455 ■ Examining
a variable with LLDB 456 ■ Examining a variable with data
tips 457 ■ Solving the save problem 458 ■ Examining a
variable in summary 458
15.5 Debugging playback with gauges and instruments 459
Debugging playback with debug gauges 459 ■ Debugging playback
with instruments 461 ■ Solving the playback problem 463
15.6 Debugging the user interface 463
Debugging the user interface with the Debug View Hierarchy 465
Debugging the user interface with runtime issues 467
Solving the user interface problem 468
15.7 Testing your app 469
Testing for functionality 470 ■ Testing for performance 473
Testing your user interface 475
15.8 Summary 478
PART 4FINALIZING YOUR APP .................................. 479
16 Distributing your app 481
16.1 Joining the Apple Developer Program 482
Signing into Xcode 482 ■ Code signing your app 483
16.2 Setting up an app in iTunes Connect 490
16.3 Uploading your build to iTunes Connect 493
16.4 Distributing your app to beta testers 495
Distributing to beta testers manually 496 ■ Distributing to beta
testers with TestFlight 497
16.5 Distributing your app to the App Store 505
16.6 Summary 511
17 What’s next? 513
17.1 Further learning 513
17.2 One more thing! 515
appendix A Project settings 517
appendix B Swift syntax cheat sheets 525
index 529



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