您当前所在位置:首页Java 开发实例WEB/WAP应用开发 → 微信支付demo(php和java版)



  • 开发语言:Java
  • 实例大小:5.30M
  • 下载次数:67
  • 浏览次数:576
  • 发布时间:2016-09-21
  • 实例类别:WEB/WAP应用开发
  • 发 布 人:萝卜丝
  • 文件格式:.zip
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: 微信 支付 demo




java版 说明

1. 在开通微信支付的公众号下访问 htpp://服务器地址/mainServlet        
2. 修改MainServlet.java和TopayServlet.java 里面的商户参数,授权返回地址和notify_url部分即可。

3. 代码是别人的劳动成果,经自己稍微修改后测试成功,demo并没有十分的简化,大家可以做一个参考吧。如果出现签名失败,仔细检查下自己填写的appid和partnerkey是否正确。

4. 请注意:微信支付成功后的通知的url为notifyServlet,sb是返回的xml




package com.servlet;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

import com.utils.CommonUtil;
import com.utils.GetWxOrderno;
import com.utils.RequestHandler;
import com.utils.Sha1Util;
import com.utils.TenpayUtil;
import com.utils.WeixinOauth2Token;
import com.utils.http.HttpResponse;

public class TopayServlet extends HttpServlet {

	 * The doGet method of the servlet. <br>
	 * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
	 * @param request the request send by the client to the server
	 * @param response the response send by the server to the client
	 * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
	 * @throws IOException if an error occurred
	public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
		String userId = request.getParameter("userId"); 	
		String orderNo = request.getParameter("orderNo"); 
		String money = request.getParameter("money");
		String code = request.getParameter("code");
		float sessionmoney = Float.parseFloat(money);
		String finalmoney = String.format("%.2f", sessionmoney);
		finalmoney = finalmoney.replace(".", "");
		String appid = "";
		String appsecret = "";
		String partner = "";
		String partnerkey = "";
		String openId ="";
		String URL = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid=" appid "&secret=" appsecret "&code=" code "&grant_type=authorization_code";
		JSONObject jsonObject = CommonUtil.httpsRequest(URL, "GET", null);
		if (null != jsonObject) {
			openId = jsonObject.getString("openid");
				String currTime = TenpayUtil.getCurrTime();
				String strTime = currTime.substring(8, currTime.length());
				String strRandom = TenpayUtil.buildRandom(4)   "";
				String strReq = strTime   strRandom;
				String mch_id = partner;
				//子商户号  非必输
				//String sub_mch_id="";
				//设备号   非必输
				String device_info="";
				String nonce_str = strReq;
				//String body = describe;
				String body = "美食";
				String attach = userId;
				String out_trade_no = orderNo;
				int intMoney = Integer.parseInt(finalmoney);
				int total_fee = intMoney;
				//订单生成的机器 IP
				String spbill_create_ip = request.getRemoteAddr();
				//订 单 生 成 时 间   非必输
//				String time_start ="";
				//订单失效时间      非必输
//				String time_expire = "";
				//商品标记   非必输
//				String goods_tag = "";
				//这里notify_url是 支付完成后微信发给该链接信息,可以判断会员是否支付成功,改变订单状态等。
				String notify_url ="http://***/notifyServlet";
				String trade_type = "JSAPI";
				String openid = openId;
//				String product_id = "";
				SortedMap<String, String> packageParams = new TreeMap<String, String>();
				packageParams.put("appid", appid);  
				packageParams.put("mch_id", mch_id);  
				packageParams.put("nonce_str", nonce_str);  
				packageParams.put("body", body);  
				packageParams.put("attach", attach);  
				packageParams.put("out_trade_no", out_trade_no);  
				//这里写的金额为1 分到时修改
				packageParams.put("total_fee", "1");  
//				packageParams.put("total_fee", "finalmoney");  
				packageParams.put("spbill_create_ip", spbill_create_ip);  
				packageParams.put("notify_url", notify_url);  
				packageParams.put("trade_type", trade_type);  
				packageParams.put("openid", openid);  

				RequestHandler reqHandler = new RequestHandler(request, response);
				reqHandler.init(appid, appsecret, partnerkey);
				String sign = reqHandler.createSign(packageParams);
				String xml="<xml>" 
						"<appid>" appid "</appid>" 
						"<mch_id>" mch_id "</mch_id>" 
						"<nonce_str>" nonce_str "</nonce_str>" 
						"<sign>" sign "</sign>" 
						"<body><![CDATA[" body "]]></body>" 
						"<attach>" attach "</attach>" 
						"<out_trade_no>" out_trade_no "</out_trade_no>" 
						//金额,这里写的1 分到时修改
						"<total_fee>" 1 "</total_fee>" 
						//"<total_fee>" finalmoney "</total_fee>" 
						"<spbill_create_ip>" spbill_create_ip "</spbill_create_ip>" 
						"<notify_url>" notify_url "</notify_url>" 
						"<trade_type>" trade_type "</trade_type>" 
						"<openid>" openid "</openid>" 
				String allParameters = "";
				try {
					allParameters =  reqHandler.genPackage(packageParams);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					// TODO Auto-generated catch block
				String createOrderURL = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder";
				String prepay_id="";
				try {
					prepay_id = new GetWxOrderno().getPayNo(createOrderURL, xml);
						request.setAttribute("ErrorMsg", "统一支付接口获取预支付订单出错");
				} catch (Exception e1) {
					// TODO Auto-generated catch block
				SortedMap<String, String> finalpackage = new TreeMap<String, String>();
				String appid2 = appid;
				String timestamp = Sha1Util.getTimeStamp();
				String nonceStr2 = nonce_str;
				String prepay_id2 = "prepay_id=" prepay_id;
				String packages = prepay_id2;
				finalpackage.put("appId", appid2);  
				finalpackage.put("timeStamp", timestamp);  
				finalpackage.put("nonceStr", nonceStr2);  
				finalpackage.put("package", packages);  
				finalpackage.put("signType", "MD5");
				String finalsign = reqHandler.createSign(finalpackage);
				System.out.println("pay.jsp?appid=" appid2 "&timeStamp=" timestamp "&nonceStr=" nonceStr2 "&package=" packages "&sign=" finalsign);
				response.sendRedirect("pay.jsp?appid=" appid2 "&timeStamp=" timestamp "&nonceStr=" nonceStr2 "&package=" packages "&sign=" finalsign);

	 * The doPost method of the servlet. <br>
	 * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to post.
	 * @param request the request send by the client to the server
	 * @param response the response send by the server to the client
	 * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
	 * @throws IOException if an error occurred
	public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
		doGet(request, response);


标签: 微信 支付 demo



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