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结构化数据的深度学习:Deep Learning with Structured Data


  • 开发语言:Python
  • 实例大小:28.50M
  • 下载次数:10
  • 浏览次数:97
  • 发布时间:2022-09-15
  • 实例类别:常用Python方法
  • 发 布 人:hasdhasvc
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: deep learning learning Learn data ST


【实例简介】结构化数据的深度学习:Deep Learning with Structured Data








preface xv
acknowledgments xvii
about this book xviii
about the author xxii
about the cover illustration xxiii
Why deep learning with structured data? 1
1.1 Overview of deep learning 2
1.2 Benefits and drawbacks of deep learning 6
1.3 Overview of the deep learning stack 9
1.4 Structured vs. unstructured data 10
1.5 Objections to deep learning with structured data 12
1.6 Why investigate deep learning with a structured data
problem? 14
1.7 An overview of the code accompanying this book 14
1.8 What you need to know 15
1.9 Summary 16CONTENTS
Introduction to the example problem and Pandas dataframes 18
2.1 Development environment options for deep learning 19
2.2 Code for exploring Pandas 21
2.3 Pandas dataframes in Python 22
2.4 Ingesting CSV files into Pandas dataframes 24
2.5 Using Pandas to do what you would do with SQL 25
2.6 The major example: Predicting streetcar delays 28
2.7 Why is a real-world dataset critical for learning about deep
learning? 30
2.8 Format and scope of the input dataset 31
2.9 The destination: An end-to-end solution 33
2.10 More details on the code that makes up the solutions 35
2.11 Development environments: Vanilla vs. deep-learning
enabled 37
2.12 A deeper look at the objections to deep learning 38
2.13 How deep learning has become more accessible 41
2.14 A first taste of training a deep learning model 42
2.15 Summary 44
Preparing the data, part 1: Exploring and cleansing the data 45
3.1 Code for exploring and cleansing the data 46
3.2 Using config files with Python 46
3.3 Ingesting XLS files into a Pandas dataframe 48
3.4 Using pickle to save your Pandas dataframe from one session to
another 52
3.5 Exploring the data 54
3.6 Categorizing data into continuous, categorical, and text
categories 58
3.7 Cleaning up problems in the dataset: missing data, errors, and
guesses 60
3.8 Finding out how much data deep learning needs 65
3.9 Summary 66CONTENTS
Preparing the data, part 2: Transforming the data 67
4.1 Code for preparing and transforming the data 68
4.2 Dealing with incorrect values: Routes 68
4.3 Why only one substitute for all bad values? 70
4.4 Dealing with incorrect values: Vehicles 71
4.5 Dealing with inconsistent values: Location 72
4.6 Going the distance: Locations 74
4.7 Fixing type mismatches 77
4.8 Dealing with rows that still contain bad data 78
4.9 Creating derived columns 79
4.10 Preparing non-numeric data to train a deep learning
model 80
4.11 Overview of the end-to-end solution 83
4.12 Summary 86
Preparing and building the model 87
5.1 Data leakage and features that are fair game for training the
model 88
5.2 Domain expertise and minimal scoring tests to prevent data
leakage 89
5.3 Preventing data leakage in the streetcar delay prediction
problem 90
5.4 Code for exploring Keras and building the model 92
5.5 Deriving the dataframe to use to train the model 93
5.6 Transforming the dataframe into the format expected by the
Keras model 97
5.7 A brief history of Keras and TensorFlow 98
5.8 Migrating from TensorFlow 1.x to TensorFlow 2 99
5.9 TensorFlow vs. PyTorch 100
5.10 The structure of a deep learning model in Keras 100
5.11 How the data structure defines the Keras model 104
5.12 The power of embeddings 107CONTENTS
5.13 Code to build a Keras model automatically based on the data
structure 109
5.14 Exploring your model 111
5.15 Model parameters 117
5.16 Summary 119
Training the model and running experiments 120
6.1 Code for training the deep learning model 121
6.2 Reviewing the process of training a deep learning model 121
6.3 Reviewing the overall goal of the streetcar delay prediction
model 124
6.4 Selecting the train, validation, and test datasets 127
6.5 Initial training run 127
6.6 Measuring the performance of your model 130
6.7 Keras callbacks: Getting the best out of your training runs 133
6.8 Getting identical results from multiple training runs 140
6.9 Shortcuts to scoring 141
6.10 Explicitly saving trained models 143
6.11 Running a series of training experiments 143
6.12 Summary 148
More experiments with the trained model 150
7.1 Code for more experiments with the model 151
7.2 Validating whether removing bad values improves the
model 151
7.3 Validating whether embeddings for columns improve the
performance of the model 152
7.4 Comparing the deep learning model with XGBoost 153
7.5 Possible next steps for improving the deep learning
model 159
7.6 Summary 160
Deploying the model 161
8.1 Overview of model deployment 162
8.2 If deployment is so important, why is it so hard? 163CONTENTS
8.3 Review of one-off scoring 164
8.4 The user experience with web deployment 165
8.5 Steps to deploy your model with web deployment 165
8.6 Behind the scenes with web deployment 169
8.7 The user experience with Facebook Messenger
deployment 172
8.8 Behind the scenes with Facebook Messenger deployment 174
8.9 More background on Rasa 175
8.10 Steps to deploy your model in Facebook Messenger with
Rasa 177
8.11 Introduction to pipelines 180
8.12 Defining pipelines in the model training phase 183
8.13 Applying pipelines in the scoring phase 186
8.14 Maintaining a model after deployment 188
8.15 Summary 190
Recommended next steps 192
9.1 Reviewing what we have covered so far 193
9.2 What we could do next with the streetcar delay prediction
project 194
9.3 Adding location details to the streetcar delay prediction
project 194
9.4 Training our deep learning model with weather data 198
9.5 Adding season or time of day to the streetcar delay prediction
project 203
9.6 Imputation: An alternative to removing records with bad
values 204
9.7 Making the web deployment of the streetcar delay prediction
model generally available 204
9.8 Adapting the streetcar delay prediction model to a new
dataset 206
9.9 Preparing the dataset and training the model 209
9.10 Deploying the model with web deployment 211
9.11 Deploying the model with Facebook Messenger 212CONTENTS
9.12 Adapting the approach in this book to a different dataset 215
9.13 Resources for additional learning 219
9.14 Summary 220
appendix Using Google Colaboratory 223
index 233


结构化数据的深度学习:Deep Learning with Structured Data

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