您当前所在位置:首页C# 开发实例C#图形和图像处理 → C# 简单地在WinForm上放置一个有阴影边框的矩形面板

C# 简单地在WinForm上放置一个有阴影边框的矩形面板


  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:0.09M
  • 下载次数:34
  • 浏览次数:1916
  • 发布时间:2019-03-22
  • 实例类别:C#图形和图像处理
  • 发 布 人:fbwfay
  • 文件格式:.rar
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: C# 阴影边框的矩形面板




from clipboard


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ShadowPanel
    public class ShadowPanel : Panel
        private Color _panelColor;

        public Color PanelColor
            get { return _panelColor; }
            set { _panelColor = value; }

        private Color _borderColor;

        public Color BorderColor
            get { return _borderColor; }
            set { _borderColor = value; }

        private int shadowSize = 5;
        private int shadowMargin = 2;

        // static for good perfomance 
        static Image shadowDownRight = new Bitmap(typeof(ShadowPanel), "Images.tshadowdownright.png");
        static Image shadowDownLeft = new Bitmap(typeof(ShadowPanel), "Images.tshadowdownleft.png");
        static Image shadowDown = new Bitmap(typeof(ShadowPanel), "Images.tshadowdown.png");
        static Image shadowRight = new Bitmap(typeof(ShadowPanel), "Images.tshadowright.png");
        static Image shadowTopRight = new Bitmap(typeof(ShadowPanel), "Images.tshadowtopright.png");

        public ShadowPanel()


        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            // Get the graphics object. We need something to draw with ;-)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            // Create tiled brushes for the shadow on the right and at the bottom.
            TextureBrush shadowRightBrush = new TextureBrush(shadowRight, WrapMode.Tile);
            TextureBrush shadowDownBrush = new TextureBrush(shadowDown, WrapMode.Tile);

            // Translate (move) the brushes so the top or left of the image matches the top or left of the
            // area where it's drawed. If you don't understand why this is necessary, comment it out. 
            // Hint: The tiling would start at 0,0 of the control, so the shadows will be offset a little.
            shadowDownBrush.TranslateTransform(0, Height - shadowSize);
            shadowRightBrush.TranslateTransform(Width - shadowSize, 0);

            // Define the rectangles that will be filled with the brush.
            // (where the shadow is drawn)
            Rectangle shadowDownRectangle = new Rectangle(
                shadowSize   shadowMargin,                      // X
                Height - shadowSize,                            // Y
                Width - (shadowSize * 2   shadowMargin),        // width (stretches)
                shadowSize                                      // height
            Rectangle shadowRightRectangle = new Rectangle(
                Width - shadowSize,                             // X
                shadowSize   shadowMargin,                      // Y
                shadowSize,                                     // width
                Height - (shadowSize * 2   shadowMargin)        // height (stretches)

            // And draw the shadow on the right and at the bottom.
            g.FillRectangle(shadowDownBrush, shadowDownRectangle);
            g.FillRectangle(shadowRightBrush, shadowRightRectangle);

            // Now for the corners, draw the 3 5x5 pixel images.
            g.DrawImage(shadowTopRight, new Rectangle(Width - shadowSize, shadowMargin, shadowSize, shadowSize));
            g.DrawImage(shadowDownRight, new Rectangle(Width - shadowSize, Height - shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize));
            g.DrawImage(shadowDownLeft, new Rectangle(shadowMargin, Height - shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize));

            // Fill the area inside with the color in the PanelColor property.
            // 1 pixel is added to everything to make the rectangle smaller. 
            // This is because the 1 pixel border is actually drawn outside the rectangle.
             Rectangle fullRectangle = new Rectangle(
                1,                                              // X
                1,                                              // Y
                Width - (shadowSize   2),                       // Width
                Height - (shadowSize   2)                       // Height
            if (PanelColor != null)
                SolidBrush bgBrush = new SolidBrush(_panelColor);
                g.FillRectangle(bgBrush, fullRectangle);

            // Draw a nice 1 pixel border it a BorderColor is specified
            if (_borderColor != null)
                Pen borderPen = new Pen(BorderColor);
                g.DrawRectangle(borderPen, fullRectangle);

            // Memory efficiency

            shadowDownBrush = null;
            shadowRightBrush = null;

        // Correct resizing
        protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)


C# 简单地在WinForm上放置一个有阴影边框的矩形面板

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