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Advanced C and C++ Compiling - 2014.pdf


  • 开发语言:C/C++
  • 实例大小:29.91M
  • 下载次数:17
  • 浏览次数:94
  • 发布时间:2021-03-20
  • 实例类别:C/C++游戏开发
  • 发 布 人:bzwang
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:4
 相关标签: c++ 2014 and c++ COM


【实例简介】It took me quite some time to become aware of an amazing analogy that exists between the culinary art and the art of
computer programming.
Probably the most obvious comparison that comes to mind is that both the culinary specialist and the programmer
have similar ultimate goals: to feed. For a chef, it is the human being, for which plenty of raw ingredients are used to
provide edible nutrients as well as gastronomic pleasure, whereas for the programmer it is the microprocessor, for
which a number of different procedures are used to provide the code that not only needs to produce some meaningful
actions, but also needs to be delivered in the optimum form.
As much as this introductory comparison point may seem a bit far-fetched or even childish, the subsequent
comparison points are something that I find far more applicable and far more convincing.
The recipes and instructions for preparing dishes of all kinds are abundant and ubiquitous. Almost every popular
magazine has a culinary section dedicated to all kinds of foods, and all kind of food preparation scenarios, ranging
from quick-and-easy/last-minute recipes all the way to really elaborate ones, from ones focusing on nutrition tables
of ingredients to ones focusing on the delicate interplay between extraordinary, hard-to-find ingredients.
However, at the next level of expertise in the culinary art, the availability of resources drops exponentially.
The recipes and instructions for running the food business (volume production, running the restaurant, or catering
business), planning the quantities and rhythm of delivery for food preparation process, techniques and strategies
for optimizing the efficiency of food delivery, techniques for choosing the right ingredients, minimizing the decay of
stored ingredients—this kind of information is substantially more hard to find. Rightfully so, as these kinds of topics
delineate the difference between amateur cooking and the professional food business.
The situation with programming is quite similar.
The information about a vast variety of programming languages is readily available, through thousands of books,
magazines, articles, web forums, and blogs, ranging from the absolute beginner level all the way to the “prepare for
the Google programming interview” tips.
These kinds of topics, however, cover only about half of the skills required by the software professional. Soon after
the immediate gratification of seeing the program we created actually executing (and doing it right) comes the next
level of important questions: how to architect the code to allow for easy further modifications, how to extract reusable
parts of the functionality for future use, how to allow smooth adjustment for different environments (starting from
different human languages and alphabets, all the way to running on different operating systems).
As compared to the other topics of programming, these kinds of topics are rarely discussed, and to this day
belong to the form of “black art” reserved for a few rare specimens of computer science professionals (mostly software
architects and build engineers) as well as to the domain of university-level classes related to the compiler/linker design.
One particular factor—the ascent of Linux and the proliferation of its programming practices into a multitude
of design environments—has brought a huge impetus for a programmer to pay attention to these topics. Unlike the
colleagues writing software for “well-cushioned” platforms (Windows and Mac, in which the platform, IDEs, and
SDKs relieve the programmer of thinking about certain programming aspects), a Linux programmer’s daily routine is
to combine together the code coming from variety of sources, coding practices, and in forms which require immediate
understanding of inner workings of compiler, linker, the mechanism of program loading, and hence the details of
designing and using the various flavors of libraries.


from clipboard


标签: c++ 2014 and c++ COM


Advanced C and C++ Compiling - 2014.pdf

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  • 类似“顶”、“沙发”之类没有营养的文字,对勤劳贡献的楼主来说是令人沮丧的反馈信息。
  • 相信您也不想看到一排文字/表情墙,所以请不要反馈意义不大的重复字符,也请尽量不要纯表情的回复。
  • 提问之前请再仔细看一遍楼主的说明,或许是您遗漏了。
  • 请勿到处挖坑绊人、招贴广告。既占空间让人厌烦,又没人会搭理,于人于己都无利。


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