您当前所在位置:首页ASP 开发实例ASP/Basic基础 → 雕铣机数控系统源码(vb运用)



  • 开发语言:ASP
  • 实例大小:0.39M
  • 下载次数:84
  • 浏览次数:864
  • 发布时间:2018-08-23
  • 实例类别:ASP/Basic基础
  • 发 布 人:GHOST123456
  • 文件格式:.zip
  • 所需积分:5
 相关标签: vb 数控




from clipboard


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Begin VB.Form Form1 
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      Begin VB.CheckBox chkFour 
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      Begin VB.CommandButton cmdDantiao 
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      Begin VB.TextBox txtDantiao 
         Height          =   270
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      Begin VB.CheckBox Check3 
         Caption         =   "适应屏幕"
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         Value           =   1  'Checked
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      Begin VB.CheckBox chkDiandong 
         Caption         =   "点动"
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      Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 
         Caption         =   "缺省"
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         Width           =   855
      Begin VB.TextBox txtN 
         Height          =   270
         Left            =   -72360
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         Text            =   "45"
         Top             =   1560
         Width           =   1095
      Begin VB.TextBox txtVel 
         Height          =   270
         Left            =   -72360
         TabIndex        =   35
         Text            =   "1000"
         Top             =   840
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      Begin VB.TextBox txtAcc 
         Height          =   270
         Left            =   -74280
         TabIndex        =   34
         Text            =   "1440000"
         Top             =   2280
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      Begin VB.TextBox txtAcc_max 
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         Text            =   "10800000"
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      Begin VB.TextBox txtT 
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         Caption         =   "显示G00"
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      Begin VB.Label Label25 
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      Begin VB.Label Label5 
         Caption         =   "单条代码执行"
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      Begin VB.Label Label20 
         Caption         =   "速度(mm/min):"
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         Left            =   480
         TabIndex        =   48
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         Caption         =   "0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10"
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         Top             =   1500
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      Begin VB.Label Label18 
         Caption         =   "长度:     单位:"
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         Left            =   480
         TabIndex        =   46
         Top             =   615
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      Begin VB.Label Label17 
         Caption         =   "目标速度mm/min"
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         Left            =   -72360
         TabIndex        =   41
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         Width           =   1335
      Begin VB.Label Label16 
         Caption         =   "预处理段数"
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         TabIndex        =   40
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         Width           =   975
      Begin VB.Label Label15 
         Caption         =   "加速度mm/min^2"
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         Left            =   -74280
         TabIndex        =   39
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         Width           =   1455
      Begin VB.Label Label14 
         Caption         =   "最大加速度mm/min^2"
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         Left            =   -74280
         TabIndex        =   38
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      Begin VB.Label Label13 
         Caption         =   "拐弯时间min"
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         Left            =   -74280
         TabIndex        =   37
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      Begin VB.Label Label7 
         Caption         =   "速度(1/s):"
         Height          =   255
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         TabIndex        =   31
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         Width           =   1095
   Begin VB.CommandButton Command2 
      Caption         =   "开主轴"
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      Top             =   5520
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   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdZero 
      Caption         =   "位置清零"
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   14160
      TabIndex        =   24
      Top             =   2760
      Width           =   975
   Begin VB.Timer Timer1 
      Interval        =   50
      Left            =   11640
      Top             =   5520
   Begin VB.Frame Frame2 
      Caption         =   "轴位置"
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   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdInitial 
      Caption         =   "初始化"
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      TabIndex        =   16
      Top             =   2040
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdStart 
      Caption         =   "启动"
      Height          =   510
      Left            =   12960
      TabIndex        =   15
      Top             =   6090
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdReset 
      Caption         =   "复位"
      Height          =   480
      Left            =   12960
      TabIndex        =   14
      Top             =   6720
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdZf 
      Caption         =   "Z-"
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   12240
      TabIndex        =   13
      Top             =   6720
      Width           =   495
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdZz 
      Caption         =   "Z "
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   12240
      TabIndex        =   12
      Top             =   5520
      Width           =   495
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdYf 
      Caption         =   "Y-"
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   11040
      TabIndex        =   11
      Top             =   6720
      Width           =   495
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdXz 
      Caption         =   "X "
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   11640
      TabIndex        =   10
      Top             =   6120
      Width           =   495
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdXf 
      Caption         =   "X-"
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   10440
      TabIndex        =   9
      Top             =   6120
      Width           =   495
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdYz 
      Caption         =   "Y "
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   11040
      TabIndex        =   8
      Top             =   5520
      Width           =   495
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdStop 
      Caption         =   "停止"
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   14040
      TabIndex        =   7
      Top             =   6720
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdZanting 
      Caption         =   "暂停"
      Height          =   495
      Left            =   14040
      TabIndex        =   4
      Top             =   6120
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.PictureBox Picture1 
      AutoRedraw      =   -1  'True
      BackColor       =   &H00C00000&
      Height          =   10200
      Left            =   120
      ScaleHeight     =   10140
      ScaleWidth      =   10140
      TabIndex        =   3
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   10200
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdrun 
      Caption         =   "仿真"
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   14160
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   840
      Width           =   855
   Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog1 
      Left            =   10440
      Top             =   5400
      _ExtentX        =   847
      _ExtentY        =   847
      _Version        =   393216
   Begin RichTextLib.RichTextBox RTB1 
      Height          =   3300
      Left            =   10440
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   120
      Width           =   3500
      _ExtentX        =   6165
      _ExtentY        =   5821
      _Version        =   393217
      ReadOnly        =   -1  'True
      ScrollBars      =   3
      TextRTF         =   $"Form1.frx":00E5
   Begin VB.CommandButton cmdopen 
      Caption         =   "打开"
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   14160
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   240
      Width           =   855
   Begin VB.Label Label4 
      Caption         =   "Y"
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   9225
      TabIndex        =   60
      Top             =   10440
      Width           =   135
   Begin VB.Label Label1 
      Caption         =   "X"
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   8055
      TabIndex        =   59
      Top             =   10440
      Width           =   135
   Begin VB.Label Label8 
      Caption         =   "0"
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   8280
      TabIndex        =   6
      Top             =   10440
      Width           =   615
   Begin VB.Label Label9 
      Caption         =   "0"
      Height          =   255
      Left            =   9480
      TabIndex        =   5
      Top             =   10440
      Width           =   615
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim G() As Byte, M() As Byte '缓冲区1
Dim XYZ() As Double
Dim IJK() As Double
Dim r() As Double
Dim f() As Double
Dim Dv() As Double
Dim G1() As Byte, M1() As Byte  '刀补缓冲区
Dim XYZ1() As Double
Dim IJK1() As Double
Dim R1() As Double
Dim F1() As Double
Dim G2() As Byte, M2() As Byte '缓冲区2
Dim XYZ2() As Double
Dim IJK2() As Double
Dim R2() As Double
Dim F2() As Double
Dim Dv2() As Double
Dim firstexe As Boolean
Dim rows As Long '记录总行数
Dim i As Integer
Dim arcx As Double, arcy As Double
Dim jindu As Long
Dim maxx As Double, minx As Double, maxy As Double, miny As Double, maxz As Double, minz As Double
Dim offsetx As Double, offsety As Double, pbscale As Double
Dim stopflag As Boolean
Dim stepflag As Boolean
Dim tempxpos As Double, tempypos As Double, tempzpos As Double
Dim tempxpos1 As Double, tempypos1 As Double, tempzpos1 As Double
Dim center As Double

Private Sub getcrdsta(ByVal csts As Integer)
If (csts And &H1) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit0")
End If
If (csts And &H2) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit1")
End If
If (csts And &H4) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit2")
End If
If (csts And &H8) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit3")
End If
If (csts And &H10) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit4")
End If
If (csts And &H40) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit6")
End If
If (csts And &H80) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit7")
End If
If (csts And &H100) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit8")
End If
If (csts And &H200) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit9")
End If
If (csts And &H800) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit11")
End If
If (csts And &H1000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit12")
End If
If (csts And &H2000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit13")
End If
If (csts And &H4000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit14")
End If
If (csts And &H8000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("bit15")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub error(ByVal ret_value As Integer)      '返回值处理
Dim csts As Integer
Select Case (ret_value)
    Case -3
        MsgBox ("指令重入")
    Case -1
        MsgBox ("通讯错误!")
    Case 0
'        no error

    Case 1
        Call GT_GetCmdSts(csts)
        Call cmderror(csts)
        'MsgBox ("命令错误!")
    Case 2
        MsgBox ("圆弧半径为零或弦长为零!")
    Case 3
        MsgBox ("直线长度为零或溢出!")
    Case 4
        MsgBox ("(加)速度小于等于零或溢出!")
    Case 5
        MsgBox ("圆弧弦长大于直径!")
    Case 7
        MsgBox ("Parameters error!")
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub cmderror(ByVal csts As Integer)
If (csts And &H1) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit0")
End If
If (csts And &H2) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit1")
End If
If (csts And &H4) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit2")
End If
If (csts And &H8) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit3")
End If
If (csts And &H10) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit4")
End If
If (csts And &H20) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit5")
End If
If (csts And &H40) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit6")
End If
If (csts And &H80) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit7")
End If
If (csts And &H100) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit8")
End If
If (csts And &H200) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit9")
End If
If (csts And &H400) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit10")
End If
If (csts And &H800) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit11")
End If
If (csts And &H1000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit12")
End If
If (csts And &H2000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit13")
End If
If (csts And &H4000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit14")
End If
If (csts And &H8000) <> 0 Then
    MsgBox ("命令错误bit15")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Initial()     ' 初始化
Call error(GT_Open())
Call error(GT_Reset())
Call GT_AlarmOff(1)
Call GT_AlarmOff(2)
Call GT_AlarmOff(3)

End Sub

Private Sub AxisInitial()
Dim i As Integer
'Dim kp As Double
'kp = 50

'Call error(GT_LmtSns(255))
For i = 1 To 3
Call GT_LmtsOff(i)
'Call error(GT_SetKp(i, kp))
'Call error(GT_Update(i))
Call error(GT_CtrlMode(i, 1))
Call error(GT_StepPulse(i))
Call error(GT_AxisOn(i))
Call error(GT_ClrSts(i))
'Call Delay(0.2)
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub MotionInitial()
Dim startvel As Double, maxvel As Double, stopacc As Double
startvel = 0.3
maxvel = 400
stopacc = 4.8
Call error(GT_SetStrtVel(startvel))
Call error(GT_SetMaxVel(maxvel))
Call error(GT_SetStpAcc(stopacc))
End Sub

Private Sub listempty()
Dim csts As Integer
Call GT_GetCmdSts(csts)
Do While (csts And -32768) <> 0
    Call GT_GetCmdSts(csts)
End Sub

Private Sub chkFour_Click()
If chkFour.value = 1 Then
    picXY.Visible = True
    picZX.Visible = True
    picYZ.Visible = True
    Picture1.Height = 5095
    Picture1.Width = 5095
    Picture1.Top = 5225
    Picture1.Left = 5225
    picXY.Visible = False
    picZX.Visible = False
    picYZ.Visible = False
    Picture1.Height = 10200
    Picture1.Width = 10200
    Picture1.Top = 120
    Picture1.Left = 120
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDantiao_Click()
Static G(2) As Byte
Dim x As Long, y As Long, z As Long
Dim r As Double, i As Double, j As Double, k As Double
Static f As Double
Dim temp As String, s As String
Dim csts As Integer
Call error(GT_GetCrdSts(csts))
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
temp = txtDantiao.Text
Do While InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)
    Select Case Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1))
        Case 0 To 3, 6, 33, 34, 35
            G(0) = 100   Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1)) '为区别"G00"和没有,给00组G代码加100
        Case 17, 18, 19
            G(1) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1))
        Case 90, 91
            G(2) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1))
    End Select
    s = temp
    temp = Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1)
temp = s
If InStr(1, temp, "X", 1) <> 0 Then
    If G(2) = 91 Then
        Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, x)
        x = x   1600 * Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "X", 1)   1))
        x = 1600 * Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "X", 1)   1))
    End If
    Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, x)
End If
If InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1) <> 0 Then
    If G(2) = 91 Then
        Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, y)
        y = y   1600 * Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1)   1))
        y = 1600 * Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1)   1))
    End If
    Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, y)
End If
If InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1) <> 0 Then
    If G(2) = 91 Then
        Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, z)
        z = z   1600 * Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1)   1))
        z = 1600 * Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1)   1))
    End If
    Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, z)
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "F", 1) <> 0 Then
    f = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "F", 1)   1))
ElseIf f = 0 Then
    f = 1000
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "R", 1) <> 0 Then
    r = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "R", 1)   1))
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "I", 1) <> 0 Then
    i = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "I", 1)   1))
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "J", 1) <> 0 Then
    j = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "J", 1)   1))
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "K", 1) <> 0 Then
    k = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "K", 1)   1))
End If

Call GT_SetSynVel(f * 0.0266)
Call GT_SetSynAcc(0.8)

Select Case G(0)
    Case 100
        Call GT_LnXYZG0(x, y, z)
    Case 101
        Call GT_LnXYZ(x, y, z)
    Case 102
        Select Case G(1)
            Case 0, 17
                If r <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcXYP(x, y, r * 1600, 1)
                ElseIf i <> 0 Or j <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcXYP(x, y, Sqr(i ^ 2   j ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                End If
            Case 18
                If r <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcZXP(z, x, r * 1600, 1)
                ElseIf i <> 0 Or k <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcZXP(z, x, Sqr(i ^ 2   k ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                End If
            Case 19
                If r <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcYZP(y, z, r * 1600, 1)
                ElseIf j <> 0 Or k <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcYZP(y, z, Sqr(j ^ 2   k ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                End If
        End Select
    Case 103
        Select Case G(1)
            Case 0, 17
                If r <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcXYP(x, y, r * 1600, 1)
                ElseIf i <> 0 Or j <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcXYP(x, y, Sqr(i ^ 2   j ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                End If
            Case 18
                If r <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcZXP(z, x, r * 1600, 1)
                ElseIf i <> 0 Or k <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcZXP(z, x, Sqr(i ^ 2   k ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                End If
            Case 19
                If r <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcYZP(y, z, r * 1600, 1)
                ElseIf j <> 0 Or k <> 0 Then
                    Call GT_ArcYZP(y, z, Sqr(j ^ 2   k ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                End If
        End Select
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
Dim a As String
a = CommonDialog1.FileName
Call Shell("notepad.exe"   " "   a, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdInitial_Click()
Call Initial
Call AxisInitial
Call MotionInitial
End Sub

Private Sub cmdQingchu_Click()
lblX1.Caption = "0.000"
lblX2.Caption = "0.000"
lblY1.Caption = "0.000"
lblY2.Caption = "0.000"
lblz.Caption = "0.000"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
Call error(GT_Reset())
Call error(GT_Close())
End Sub

Private Sub cmdStart_Click() '启动加工
ReDim G(49, 2), M(49, 1)
ReDim XYZ(49, 2)
ReDim IJK(49, 2)
ReDim f(49)
ReDim r(49)
ReDim G1(49, 2), M1(49, 1)
ReDim XYZ1(49, 2)
ReDim IJK1(49, 2)
ReDim F1(49)
ReDim R1(49)
ReDim G2(49, 2), M2(49, 1)
ReDim XYZ2(49, 2)
ReDim IJK2(49, 2)
ReDim F2(49)
ReDim R2(49)
ReDim Dv2(49)
Dim temp As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim first As Boolean
first = True
If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    tempxpos = 0: tempypos = 0: tempzpos = 0
    tempxpos1 = 0: tempypos1 = 0: tempzpos1 = 0
    'Call Initial
    'Call AxisInitial
    'Call MotionInitial
    Call GT_StrtList
    Call GT_MvXYZ(0, 0, 0, Val(txtVel.Text) * 0.0266, Val(txtAcc.Text) * 0.000000444) '1000mm/min,400mm/s^2
    'Call error(GT_EndList())
    firstexe = True
    stopflag = False
    cmdZanting.Enabled = True
    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:0%"
    jindu = 0
    cmdopen.Enabled = False
    cmdrun.Enabled = False
    'Open "temp.txt" For Output As #5
    'Close #5
    Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #2
        Do Until EOF(2)
            If first Then
                G(0, 0) = 100: G(0, 1) = 17: G(0, 2) = 40
                For i = 0 To 49
                    If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                    Line Input #2, temp
                    Do Until (Left$(temp, 1) <> ";") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "%") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "O") And (Trim(temp) <> "")
                        If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                        Line Input #2, temp
                        If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    Call tiqu(temp)
                Next i
                For i = 0 To 49
                    For j = 0 To 2
                        G2(i, j) = G(i, j)
                    Next j
                    XYZ2(i, 0) = XYZ(i, 0)
                    XYZ2(i, 1) = XYZ(i, 1)
                    XYZ2(i, 2) = XYZ(i, 2)
                    IJK2(i, 0) = IJK(i, 0)
                    IJK2(i, 1) = IJK(i, 1)
                    IJK2(i, 2) = IJK(i, 2)
                    F2(i) = f(i)
                    R2(i) = r(i)
                    For j = 0 To 1
                        M2(i, j) = M(i, j)
                    Next j
                Next i
                For i = 0 To 48 '及时清零,以免影响提取结果
                    For j = 0 To 2
                        G(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                    XYZ(i, 0) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 1) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 2) = 0
                    f(i) = 0
                    For j = 0 To 1
                        M(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                Next i
                For i = 0 To 49
                    If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                    Line Input #2, temp
                    Do Until (Left$(temp, 1) <> ";") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "%") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "O") And (Trim(temp) <> "")
                        If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                        Line Input #2, temp
                        If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    Call tiqu(temp)
                Next i
                first = False
                For i = 0 To 48
                    For j = 0 To 2
                        G(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                    XYZ(i, 0) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 1) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 2) = 0
                    f(i) = 0
                    For j = 0 To 1
                        M(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                Next i
                For i = 0 To 49
                    If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                    Line Input #2, temp
                    Do Until (Left$(temp, 1) <> ";") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "%") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "O") And (Trim(temp) <> "")
                        If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                        Line Input #2, temp
                        If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    Call tiqu(temp)
                Next i
            End If
            'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.0000016, 14400000, 3240000, 1000, 12, 1600)
            Call GT_InitLookAhead(Val(txtT.Text), Val(txtAcc_max.Text), Val(txtAcc.Text), Val(txtVel.Text) * 1.1, Val(txtN.Text), 1600)
            Call guiji
            Call excute
            firstexe = False
            If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
            For i = 0 To 49
                For j = 0 To 2
                    G2(i, j) = G(i, j)
                Next j
                XYZ2(i, 0) = XYZ(i, 0)
                XYZ2(i, 1) = XYZ(i, 1)
                XYZ2(i, 2) = XYZ(i, 2)
                IJK2(i, 0) = IJK(i, 0)
                IJK2(i, 1) = IJK(i, 1)
                IJK2(i, 2) = IJK(i, 2)
                F2(i) = f(i)
                R2(i) = r(i)
                For j = 0 To 1
                        M2(i, j) = M(i, j)
                    Next j
                If (M2(i, 0) = 130) Or (M2(i, 0) = 102) Then
                    'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.0000016, 14400000, 3240000, 1000, 12, 1600)
                    Call GT_InitLookAhead(Val(txtT.Text), Val(txtAcc_max.Text), Val(txtAcc.Text), Val(txtVel.Text), Val(txtN.Text), 1600)
                    Call guiji
                    Call excute
                    Call GT_EndList
                    Call GT_StrtMtn
                    If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:100%"
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
Stopline: Close #2
    'Close #5
    temp = ""
    cmdopen.Enabled = True

End If
cmdrun.Enabled = True

ReDim G(0), M(0)
ReDim XYZ(0, 0)
ReDim IJK(0, 0)
ReDim f(0)
ReDim r(0)
ReDim G2(0), M2(0)
ReDim XYZ2(0, 0)
ReDim IJK2(0, 0)
ReDim F2(0)
ReDim R2(0)
cmdZanting.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub excute() '写进缓冲区
Static tempx As Double, tempy As Double, tempz As Double
Static islastg0 As Boolean
Dim rtn As Integer
Dim vel As Double
Dim tempf2 As Double, tempdv2 As Double
'Call error(GT_AddList)
For i = 0 To 49
    Select Case M2(i, 1)
        Case 3
        Case 4
        Case 5
    End Select
    Do While GT_SetSynVel(F2(i) * 0.027) <> 0
    Do While GT_SetDccVel(Dv2(i) * 0.027) <> 0
    Select Case G2(i, 0)
        Case 100
            If i <> 0 Then
                If (XYZ2(i, 0) <> XYZ2(i - 1, 0)) Or (XYZ2(i, 1) <> XYZ2(i - 1, 1)) Or (XYZ2(i, 2) <> XYZ2(i - 1, 2)) Then
                    rtn = GT_LnXYZG0(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600)
                    If rtn <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                        Do While GT_LnXYZG0(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600) <> 0
                    End If
                End If
            ElseIf (XYZ2(i, 0) <> tempx) Or (XYZ2(i, 1) <> tempy) Or (XYZ2(i, 2) <> tempz) Then
                rtn = GT_LnXYZG0(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600)
                If rtn <> 0 Then
                    rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                    Do While GT_LnXYZG0(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600) <> 0
                End If
            End If
        Case 101
            If i <> 0 Then
                If (XYZ2(i, 0) <> XYZ2(i - 1, 0)) Or (XYZ2(i, 1) <> XYZ2(i - 1, 1)) Or (XYZ2(i, 2) <> XYZ2(i - 1, 2)) Then
                    rtn = GT_LnXYZ(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600)
                    If rtn <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                        Do While GT_LnXYZ(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600) <> 0
                    End If
                End If
            ElseIf (XYZ2(i, 0) <> tempx) Or (XYZ2(i, 1) <> tempy) Or (XYZ2(i, 2) <> tempz) Then
                rtn = GT_LnXYZ(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600)
                If rtn <> 0 Then
                    rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                    Do While GT_LnXYZ(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600) <> 0
                End If
            End If
        Case 102
            Select Case G2(i, 1)
                Case 17
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, 1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, 1) <> 0
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2) * 1600, 1) <> 0
                        End If
                    End If
                Case 18
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, 1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, 1) <> 0
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, 1) <> 0
                        End If
                    End If
                Case 19
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, 1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, 1) <> 0
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, 1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, 1) <> 0
                        End If
                    End If
            End Select
        Case 103
            Select Case G2(i, 1)
                Case 17
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, -1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, -1) <> 0
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2) * 1600, -1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcXYP(XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2) * 1600, -1) <> 0
                        End If
                    End If
                Case 18
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, -1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, -1) <> 0
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, -1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcZXP(XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 0) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, -1) <> 0
                        End If
                    End If
                Case 19
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, -1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, R2(i) * 1600, -1) <> 0
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        rtn = GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, -1)
                        If rtn <> 0 Then
                            rtn = GT_StrtMtn()
                            Do While GT_ArcYZP(XYZ2(i, 1) * 1600, XYZ2(i, 2) * 1600, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2) * 1600, -1) <> 0
                        End If
                    End If
            End Select
    End Select
    If (M2(i, 0) = 130) Or (M2(i, 0) = 102) Then
        tempx = 0
        tempy = 0
        tempz = 0
        StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:100%"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If stopflag Then: tempx = 0: tempy = 0: tempz = 0: Exit Sub
    jindu = jindu   1
Next i
'If firstexe Then
    'Call error(GT_StrtMtn())         '启动缓冲区的命令
'End If
If (jindu * 100 / rows) <= 100 Then '每处理50行更新一次加工进度
    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:" & CStr(Int(jindu * 100 / rows)) & "%"
    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:100%"
End If
tempx = XYZ2(49, 0)
tempy = XYZ2(49, 1)
tempz = XYZ2(49, 2)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdX1_Click()
Dim X1 As Long
Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1)
lblX1.Caption = Format(CDbl(X1) / 1600, "0.000")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdX2_Click()
Dim x2 As Long
Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, x2)
lblX2.Caption = Format(CDbl(x2) / 1600, "0.000")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdY1_Click()
Dim Y1 As Long
Call GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1)
lblY1.Caption = Format(CDbl(Y1) / 1600, "0.000")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdY2_Click()
Dim y2 As Long
Call GT_GetAtlPos(2, y2)
lblY2.Caption = Format(CDbl(y2) / 1600, "0.000")

End Sub

Private Sub cmdZ_Click()
Dim z As Long
Call GT_GetAtlPos(3, z)
lblz.Caption = Format(CDbl(z) / 1600, "0.000")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZero_Click()
Call GT_ZeroPos(1)
Call GT_ZeroPos(2)
Call GT_ZeroPos(3)
tempxpos = 0: tempypos = 0: tempzpos = 0
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZf_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = True
Call error(GT_GetCrdSts(csts))
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1))
Call error(GT_StrtList())
Call error(GT_MvXYZ(X1, Y1, z1, Slider2.value * 0.0266, 0.8))
If chkDiandong.value = 1 Then
    Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
        Case 0
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1 - Slider1.value * 1600)
        Case 1
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1 - Slider1.value * 160)
        Case 2
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1 - Slider1.value * 16)
        Case 3
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1 - Slider1.value * 1.6)
    End Select
    Call error(GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, -800000))
End If
Call error(GT_EndList())
Call error(GT_StrtMtn())
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZf_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim csts As Integer
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 1 Then: Exit Sub
If chkDiandong.value <> 1 Then: Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZz_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = True
Call error(GT_GetCrdSts(csts))
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1))
Call error(GT_StrtList())
Call error(GT_MvXYZ(X1, Y1, z1, Slider2.value * 0.0266, 0.8))
If chkDiandong.value = 1 Then
    Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
        Case 0
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1   Slider1.value * 1600)
        Case 1
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1   Slider1.value * 160)
        Case 2
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1   Slider1.value * 16)
        Case 3
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, z1   Slider1.value * 1.6)
    End Select
    Call error(GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1, 800000))
End If
Call error(GT_EndList())
Call error(GT_StrtMtn())
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZz_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim csts As Integer
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 1 Then: Exit Sub
If chkDiandong.value <> 1 Then: Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdXf_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = True
Call error(GT_GetCrdSts(csts))
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1))
Call error(GT_StrtList())
Call error(GT_MvXYZ(X1, Y1, z1, Slider2.value * 0.0266, 0.8))
If chkDiandong.value = 1 Then
    Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
        Case 0
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1 - Slider1.value * 1600, Y1, z1)
        Case 1
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1 - Slider1.value * 160, Y1, z1)
        Case 2
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1 - Slider1.value * 16, Y1, z1)
        Case 3
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1 - Slider1.value * 1.6, Y1, z1)
    End Select
    Call error(GT_LnXYZ(-800000, Y1, z1))
End If
Call error(GT_EndList())
Call error(GT_StrtMtn())
End Sub

Private Sub cmdXf_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim csts As Integer
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 1 Then: Exit Sub
If chkDiandong.value <> 1 Then: Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdXz_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = True
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
Call GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1)
Call GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1)
Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1)
Call GT_StrtList
Call GT_MvXYZ(X1, Y1, z1, Slider2.value * 0.0266, 0.8)
If chkDiandong.value = 1 Then
    Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
        Case 0
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1   Slider1.value * 1600, Y1, z1)
        Case 1
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1   Slider1.value * 160, Y1, z1)
        Case 2
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1   Slider1.value * 16, Y1, z1)
        Case 3
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1   Slider1.value * 1.6, Y1, z1)
    End Select
    Call GT_LnXYZ(800000, Y1, z1)
End If
Call GT_EndList
Call GT_StrtMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdXz_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = False
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 1 Then: Exit Sub
If chkDiandong.value <> 1 Then: Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdYf_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = True
Call error(GT_GetCrdSts(csts))
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1))
Call error(GT_StrtList())
Call error(GT_MvXYZ(X1, Y1, z1, Slider2.value * 0.0266, 0.8))
If chkDiandong.value = 1 Then
    Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
        Case 0
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1 - Slider1.value * 1600, z1)
        Case 1
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1 - Slider1.value * 160, z1)
        Case 2
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1 - Slider1.value * 16, z1)
        Case 3
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1 - Slider1.value * 1.6, z1)
    End Select
    Call error(GT_LnXYZ(X1, -800000, z1))
End If
Call error(GT_EndList())
Call error(GT_StrtMtn())
End Sub

Private Sub cmdYf_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim csts As Integer
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 1 Then: Exit Sub
If chkDiandong.value <> 1 Then: Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdYz_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim csts As Integer
'stepflag = True
Call error(GT_GetCrdSts(csts))
If (csts And 1) = 0 Then: Exit Sub
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1))
Call error(GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1))
Call error(GT_StrtList())
Call error(GT_MvXYZ(X1, Y1, z1, Slider2.value * 0.0266, 0.8))
If chkDiandong.value = 1 Then
    Select Case Combo1.ListIndex
        Case 0
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1   Slider1.value * 1600, z1)
        Case 1
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1   Slider1.value * 160, z1)
        Case 2
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1   Slider1.value * 16, z1)
        Case 3
            Call GT_LnXYZ(X1, Y1   Slider1.value * 1.6, z1)
    End Select
    Call error(GT_LnXYZ(X1, 800000, z1))
End If
Call error(GT_EndList())
Call error(GT_StrtMtn())
End Sub

Private Sub cmdYz_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim csts As Integer
Call GT_GetCrdSts(csts)
If (csts And 1) = 1 Then: Exit Sub
If chkDiandong.value <> 1 Then: Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub guiji()
Dim j As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Integer
Dim Vel_end As Double
Dim num As Long
Dim out As Boolean
Static tempx As Double, tempy As Double, tempz As Double
Static tempg0 As Byte, tempg1 As Byte, tempcx As Double, tempcy As Double, tempr As Double, tempf As Double
j = 0: i = 1: k = 1

Do While i < 51
line1:  If j = 0 Then
            If firstexe Then
                Call GT_AddLookData(0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0, j, -1, 0)
                j = j   1
                GoTo line1
                Call GT_AddLookData(tempg0, tempg1, tempr, tempx, tempy, tempz, tempf, tempcx, tempcy, j, -1, 0)
                j = j   1
                GoTo line1
            End If
        End If
    If (M2(i, 0) = 130) Or (M2(i, 0) = 102) Then
        tempx = 0
        tempy = 0
        tempz = 0
        tempg0 = 0
        tempg1 = 17
        tempr = 0
        tempcx = 0
        tempcy = 0
        tempf = 1000
        out = True
        Exit Do
    End If
    Select Case G2(i, 0)
        Case 100
            If GT_AddLookData(0, 17, 0, XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), 0, 0, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                i = i   1
                GoTo line1
            End If
        Case 101
            If GT_AddLookData(1, 17, 0, XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), 0, 0, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                i = i   1
                GoTo line1
            End If
        Case 102
            If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i), True)
                        If GT_AddLookData(2, 17, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Then
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                        If GT_AddLookData(2, 17, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), True)
                        If GT_AddLookData(2, 18, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                        If GT_AddLookData(2, 18, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), True)
                        If GT_AddLookData(2, 19, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                        If GT_AddLookData(2, 19, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
        Case 103
            If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i), False)
                        If GT_AddLookData(3, 17, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Then
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                        If GT_AddLookData(3, 17, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), False)
                        If GT_AddLookData(3, 18, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                        If GT_AddLookData(3, 18, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), False)
                        If GT_AddLookData(3, 19, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    ElseIf IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                        If GT_AddLookData(3, 19, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                            i = i   1
                            GoTo line1
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
    End Select
    j = j   1
    If j > (Val(txtN.Text) - 1) Then: Exit Do
    i = i   1
Do While True
    If GT_CalVel(Vel_end, num) = 0 Then
        If num >= 51 Then: Exit Do
        If num <> -1 Then
            Dv2(num) = Vel_end
            'Open "temp.txt" For Append As #5
                'Print #5, CStr(num) & "  " & CStr(G2(num, 0)) & " " & CStr(XYZ2(num, 0)) & " " & CStr(XYZ2(num, 1)) & " " & CStr(XYZ2(num, 2)) & " " & F2(num) & " " & CStr(Dv2(num))
            'Close #5
        End If
        Exit Do
    End If
    If i >= 51 Then
line3: If M(k, 0) <> 102 And M(k, 0) <> 130 And (out Eqv False) Then
        Select Case G(k, 0)
                Case 100
                    If GT_AddLookData(0, 17, 0, XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), 0, 0, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                        k = k   1
                        GoTo line3
                    End If
                Case 101
                    If GT_AddLookData(1, 17, 0, XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), 0, 0, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                        k = k   1
                        GoTo line3
                    End If
                Case 102
                    If G(k, 1) = 17 Then
                            If r(k) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ(k - 1, 0), XYZ(k - 1, 1), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), r(k), True)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 17, Abs(r(k)), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK(k, 0) <> 0 Or IJK(k, 1) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ(k - 1, 0)   IJK(k, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ(k - 1, 1)   IJK(k, 1)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 17, Sqr(IJK(k, 0) ^ 2   IJK(k, 1) ^ 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G(k, 1) = 18 Then
                            If r(k) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ(k - 1, 0), XYZ(k - 1, 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 2), r(k), True)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 18, Abs(r(k)), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcy, arcx, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK(k, 0) <> 0 Or IJK(k, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ(k - 1, 0)   IJK(k, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ(k - 1, 2)   IJK(k, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 18, Sqr(IJK(k, 0) ^ 2   IJK(k, 2) ^ 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcy, arcx, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G(k, 1) = 19 Then
                            If r(k) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ(k - 1, 1), XYZ(k - 1, 2), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), r(k), True)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 19, Abs(r(k)), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK(k, 1) <> 0 Or IJK(k, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ(k - 1, 1)   IJK(k, 1)
                                arcy = XYZ(k - 1, 2)   IJK(k, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 19, Sqr(IJK(k, 1) ^ 2   IJK(k, 2) ^ 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            End If
                    End If
                Case 103
                    If G(k, 1) = 17 Then
                            If r(k) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ(k - 1, 0), XYZ(k - 1, 1), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), r(k), False)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 17, Abs(r(k)), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK(k, 0) <> 0 Or IJK(k, 1) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ(k - 1, 0)   IJK(k, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ(k - 1, 1)   IJK(k, 1)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 17, Sqr(IJK(k, 0) ^ 2   IJK(k, 1) ^ 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G(k, 1) = 18 Then
                            If r(k) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ(k - 1, 0), XYZ(k - 1, 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 2), r(k), False)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 18, Abs(r(k)), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcy, arcx, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK(k, 0) <> 0 Or IJK(k, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ(k - 1, 0)   IJK(k, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ(k - 1, 2)   IJK(k, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 18, Sqr(IJK(k, 0) ^ 2   IJK(k, 2) ^ 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcy, arcx, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G(k, 1) = 19 Then
                            If r(k) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ(k - 1, 1), XYZ(k - 1, 2), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), r(k), False)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 19, Abs(r(k)), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK(k, 1) <> 0 Or IJK(k, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ(k - 1, 1)   IJK(k, 1)
                                arcy = XYZ(k - 1, 2)   IJK(k, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 19, Sqr(IJK(k, 1) ^ 2   IJK(k, 2) ^ 2), XYZ(k, 0), XYZ(k, 1), XYZ(k, 2), f(k), arcx, arcy, j, i   k, 0) = 1 Then
                                    k = k   1
                                    GoTo line3
                                End If
                            End If
                    End If
            End Select
            k = k   1
        End If
    End If
    i = i   1
    Do While True
line2:  If i < 51 Then
            If (M2(i, 0) = 130) Or (M2(i, 0) = 102) Or out Then
                tempx = 0
                tempy = 0
                tempz = 0
                tempg0 = 0
                tempg1 = 17
                tempr = 0
                tempcx = 0
                tempcy = 0
                out = True
                Exit Do
            End If
            Select Case G2(i, 0)
                Case 100
                    If GT_AddLookData(0, 17, 0, XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), 0, 0, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                        i = i   1
                        GoTo line2
                        tempg0 = 0: tempg1 = 17: tempr = 0: tempcx = 0: tempcy = 0: tempf = F2(i)
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                Case 101
                    If GT_AddLookData(1, 17, 0, XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), 0, 0, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                        i = i   1
                        GoTo line2
                        tempg0 = 1: tempg1 = 17: tempr = 0: tempcx = 0: tempcy = 0
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                Case 102
                    If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                            If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i), True)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 17, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 2: tempg1 = 17: tempr = Abs(R2(i)): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy:: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 17, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 2: tempg1 = 17: tempr = Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                            If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), True)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 18, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 2: tempg1 = 18: tempr = Abs(R2(i)): tempcx = arcy: tempcy = arcx: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 18, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 2: tempg1 = 18: tempr = Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2): tempcx = arcy: tempcy = arcx: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                            If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), True)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 19, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 2: tempg1 = 19: tempr = Abs(R2(i)): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(2, 19, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 2: tempg1 = 19: tempr = Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                    End If
                Case 103
                    If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                            If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i), False)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 17, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 3: tempg1 = 17: tempr = Abs(R2(i)): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 17, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 3: tempg1 = 17: tempr = Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                            If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), False)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 18, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 3: tempg1 = 18: tempr = Abs(R2(i)): tempcx = arcy: tempcy = arcx: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK2(i, 0) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 18, Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcy, arcx, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 3: tempg1 = 18: tempr = Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2): tempcx = arcy: tempcy = arcx: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                    ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                            If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                                Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), False)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 19, Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 3: tempg1 = 19: tempr = Abs(R2(i)): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            ElseIf IJK2(i, 1) <> 0 Or IJK2(i, 2) <> 0 Then
                                arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                If GT_AddLookData(3, 19, Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), F2(i), arcx, arcy, j, i, 0) = 1 Then
                                    i = i   1
                                    GoTo line2
                                    tempg0 = 3: tempg1 = 19: tempr = Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2): tempcx = arcx: tempcy = arcy: tempf = F2(i)
                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                    End If
            End Select
            Exit Do
        End If


tempx = XYZ2(50, 0)
tempy = XYZ2(50, 1)
tempz = XYZ2(50, 2)
End Sub

Private Sub Delay(s As Double) '延时子程序
Dim StartTimer As Variant
Dim OldTimer As Variant
Dim DelayYear As Long, DelayDay As Integer
StartTimer = Timer
    If Timer < OldTimer Then
        If DelayDay > 365 Then
            DelayYear = DelayYear   1
            DelayDay = 0
            DelayDay = DelayDay   1
        End If
    End If
    OldTimer = Timer
Loop Until (DelayYear * 365   DelayDay) * 86400   Timer - StartTimer > s
End Sub

Private Sub yuanxin(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal C As Double, ByVal d As Double, ByVal r As Double, ByVal dir As Boolean) '已知起点,终点,半径,走向,求圆心
Dim yxx1 As Double, yxy1 As Double, yxx2 As Double, yxy2 As Double
Dim Xs As Double, xe As Double, Ys As Double, ye As Double
Dim xyzhi As Boolean
Dim cenx As Double, ceny As Double, l As Double, e As Double, k As Double
xyzhi = False
cenx = (a   C) / 2
ceny = (b   d) / 2
l = Sqr((a - C) ^ 2   (b - d) ^ 2) / 2
If Abs(r ^ 2 - l ^ 2) < 0.001 Then
    e = 0
    e = Sqr(r ^ 2 - l ^ 2)
End If
If C = a Then
    yxx1 = cenx   e: yxy1 = ceny: yxx2 = cenx - e: yxy2 = ceny
    k = (d - b) / (C - a)
    If k = 0 Then
        yxx1 = cenx: yxy1 = ceny   e: yxx2 = cenx: yxy2 = ceny - e
    ElseIf k < 0 Then
        yxx1 = e * Cos(Atn(1 / (-k)))   cenx
        yxx2 = -e * Cos(Atn(1 / (-k)))   cenx
        yxy1 = e * Sin(Atn(1 / (-k)))   ceny
        yxy2 = -e * Sin(Atn(1 / (-k)))   ceny
        yxx1 = e * Cos(Atn(1 / (k)))   cenx
        yxx2 = -e * Cos(Atn(1 / (k)))   cenx
        yxy1 = -e * Sin(Atn(1 / (k)))   ceny
        yxy2 = e * Sin(Atn(1 / (k)))   ceny
    End If
End If

If dir Then
    Xs = a - yxx1
    xe = C - yxx1
    Ys = b - yxy1
    ye = d - yxy1
    If (Ys >= 0) And (ye >= 0) And (Xs < xe) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Xs = xe) And (Xs < 0) And (xe < 0) And (Ys < ye) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Xs = xe) And (Xs > 0) And (xe > 0) And (Ys > ye) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Ys > 0) And (ye < 0) And (xe <> Xs) Then
        If (((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) > 0) And (Xs > xe)) Or ((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) < 0) And (Xs < xe))) And (((Xs * ye - xe * Ys) / (ye - Ys)) > 0) Then
            If r > 0 Then
                arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
                arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
            End If
            xyzhi = True
        End If
    ElseIf (Ys <= 0) And (ye <= 0) And (Xs > xe) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Ys < 0) And (ye > 0) And (xe <> Xs) Then
        If (((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) > 0) And (Xs < xe)) Or ((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) < 0) And (Xs > xe))) And (((Xs * ye - xe * Ys) / (ye - Ys)) < 0) Then
            If r > 0 Then
                arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
                arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
            End If
            xyzhi = True
        End If
    End If
    If (r > 0) And (xyzhi = False) Then
        arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
    ElseIf (r < 0) And (xyzhi = False) Then
        arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
    End If
    Xs = a - yxx2
    xe = C - yxx2
    Ys = b - yxy2
    ye = d - yxy2
    If (Ys >= 0) And (ye >= 0) And (Xs > xe) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Xs = xe) And (Xs < 0) And (xe < 0) And (Ys > ye) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Xs = xe) And (Xs > 0) And (xe > 0) And (Ys < ye) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Ys > 0) And (ye < 0) And (xe <> Xs) Then
        If (((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) > 0) And (Xs > xe)) Or ((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) < 0) And (Xs < xe))) And (((Xs * ye - xe * Ys) / (ye - Ys)) < 0) Then
            If r > 0 Then
                arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
                arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
            End If
            xyzhi = True
        End If
    ElseIf (Ys <= 0) And (ye <= 0) And (Xs < xe) Then
        If r > 0 Then
            arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
            arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
        End If
        xyzhi = True
    ElseIf (Ys < 0) And (ye > 0) And (xe <> Xs) Then
        If (((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) > 0) And (Xs < xe)) Or ((((ye - Ys) / (xe - Xs)) < 0) And (Xs > xe))) And (((Xs * ye - xe * Ys) / (ye - Ys)) > 0) Then
            If r > 0 Then
                arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
                arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
            End If
            xyzhi = True
        End If
    End If
    If (r > 0) And (xyzhi = False) Then
        arcx = yxx1: arcy = yxy1
    ElseIf (r < 0) And (xyzhi = False) Then
        arcx = yxx2: arcy = yxy2
    End If
End If
End Sub

Function hd(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal C As Double, ByVal d As Double, ByVal r As Double) As Double '已知起点,终点,半径,求劣弧弧度
Dim l As Double
l = Sqr((a - C) ^ 2   (b - d) ^ 2) / 2 / Abs(r)
If (1 - l) < 0.0000001 Then
    hd = 3.14159
ElseIf r > 0 Then
    hd = Atn(l / Sqr(-l * l   1)) * 2
    hd = 6.283 - Atn(l / Sqr(-l * l   1)) * 2
End If
End Function

Function hd2(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal C As Double, ByVal d As Double, ByVal dir As Boolean) As Double '已知起点,终点,走向,求劣弧弧度
Dim qdhd As Double
Dim zdhd As Double
qdhd = qd(a, b, arcx, arcy)
zdhd = qd(C, d, arcx, arcy)
If dir Then
    If qdhd > zdhd Then
        hd2 = qdhd - zdhd
        hd2 = qdhd - zdhd   6.28318
    End If
    If qdhd > zdhd Then
        hd2 = zdhd - qdhd   6.28318
        hd2 = zdhd - qdhd
    End If
End If
End Function

Function qd(ByVal sx As Double, ByVal sy As Double, ByVal yx As Double, ByVal yy As Double) As Double '求起点弧度
Dim er As Double
If (sx - yx) > 0 And (sy - yy) >= 0 Then
    qd = Atn((sy - yy) / (sx - yx))
ElseIf (sx - yx) < 0 And (sy - yy) > 0 Then
    qd = 3.14159265 - Atn((sy - yy) / (yx - sx))
ElseIf (sx - yx) < 0 And (sy - yy) <= 0 Then
    qd = 3.14159265   Atn((yy - sy) / (yx - sx))
ElseIf (sx - yx) > 0 And (sy - yy) < 0 Then
    qd = 6.2831853 - Atn((yy - sy) / (sx - yx))
ElseIf (sx - yx) = 0 Then
    If (sy - yy) < 0 Then
        qd = 4.712389
    ElseIf (sy - yy) > 0 Then
        qd = 1.57
    End If
End If
End Function

Private Sub tiqu(ByVal temp As String) '数控代码提取
Dim s As String
Dim j As Integer
temp = Replace(temp, "D", "a", , , 1)
temp = Replace(temp, "E", "a", , , 1)
s = temp 'temp将被改变,设置临时变量保存temp

Do While InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)
    If Asc(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1)) >= 48 And Asc(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1)) <= 57 Then
        Select Case Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1))
            Case 0 To 3, 6, 33, 34, 35
                G(i, 0) = 100   Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1)) '为区别"G00"和没有,给00组G代码加100
            Case 17, 18, 19
                G(i, 1) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1))
            Case 40 To 52, 68, 69
                G(i, 2) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1))
        End Select
    End If
    s = temp
    temp = Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "G", 1)   1)
For j = 0 To 2
    If (G(i, j) = 0) And (i = 0) Then
        G(i, j) = G(50, j)
    ElseIf G(i, j) = 0 Then
        G(i, j) = G(i - 1, j)
    End If
Next j

temp = s
If InStr(1, temp, "X", 1) <> 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 0) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "X", 1)   1))
ElseIf i <> 0 Then   '为第一行时不执行
    XYZ(i, 0) = XYZ(i - 1, 0)  '上一行的值赋给该行
ElseIf i = 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 0) = XYZ(50, 0)
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1) <> 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 1) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1)   1))
ElseIf i <> 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 1) = XYZ(i - 1, 1)
ElseIf i = 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 1) = XYZ(50, 1)
End If
If InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1) <> 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 2) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1)   1))   Val(txtZpz.Text)
ElseIf i <> 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 2) = XYZ(i - 1, 2)
ElseIf i = 0 Then
    XYZ(i, 2) = XYZ(50, 2)
End If
If InStr(1, temp, "F", 1) <> 0 Then
    f(i) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "F", 1)   1))
ElseIf i <> 0 And G(i, 0) <> 100 Then
    f(i) = f(i - 1)
ElseIf i = 0 And G(i, 0) <> 100 Then
    f(i) = f(50)
    f(i) = 1000
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "R", 1) <> 0 Then
    r(i) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "R", 1)   1))
    r(i) = 0
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "I", 1) <> 0 Then
    IJK(i, 0) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "I", 1)   1))
    IJK(i, 0) = 0
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "J", 1) <> 0 Then
    IJK(i, 1) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "J", 1)   1))
    IJK(i, 1) = 0
End If

If InStr(1, temp, "K", 1) <> 0 Then
    IJK(i, 2) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "K", 1)   1))
    IJK(i, 2) = 0
End If

s = temp
Do While InStr(1, temp, "M", 1)
    Select Case Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "M", 1)   1))
        Case 0 To 2, 30
            M(i, 0) = 100   Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "M", 1)   1)) '为区别"M00"和没有,给00组M代码加100
        Case 3, 4, 5
            M(i, 1) = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "M", 1)   1))
    End Select
    s = temp
    temp = Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "M", 1)   1)

If (M(i, 1) = 0) And (i = 0) Then
    M(i, 1) = M(50, 1)
ElseIf M(i, 1) = 0 Then
    M(i, 1) = M(i - 1, 1)
End If
temp = s

If (M(i, 0) = 130) Or (M(i, 0) = 102) Then: Exit Sub
'Open "temp.txt" For Append As #3
'Print #3, CStr(G(i, 0)) & Space$(1) & CStr(G(i, 1)) & Space$(1) & CStr(XYZ(i, 0)) & Space$(1) & CStr(XYZ(i, 1)) & Space$(1) & CStr(XYZ(i, 2)) & Space$(1) & CStr(f(i))
'Close #3
If i = 1 Then '及时清零,以免影响i=49时的提取结果
    For j = 0 To 2
        G(50, j) = 0
    Next j
    For j = 0 To 1
        M(50, j) = 0
    Next j
End If
End Sub

Private Sub pic(ByVal enbig As Double, ByVal st As Double, ByVal en As Double, ByVal tempx As Double, tempy As Double, tempz As Double)
Select Case G2(i, 0)
    Case 102, 103
        If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) = XYZ2(i, 0)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) = XYZ2(i, 1)) Then
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picYZ.Line (arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
        ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) = XYZ2(i, 0)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) = XYZ2(i, 2)) Then
                    picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
        ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) = XYZ2(i, 1)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) = XYZ2(i, 2)) Then
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
        End If
    Case 104
        If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
            If i <> 0 Then
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 1) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (tempx, XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= tempy Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (tempy, XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= tempy Then
                            picYZ.Line (tempy, XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (tempy, XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (tempx, XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= tempy Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (tempy, XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 1) >= tempy Then
                            picYZ.Line (tempy, XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (tempy, XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
            If i <> 0 Then
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (tempx, XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempx >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(tempx, XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (tempx, XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
            If i <> 0 Then
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= XYZ2(i - 1, 2) Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
                If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempy >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), tempy), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempy >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), tempy), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempy)-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                    If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempy >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), tempy), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                        If tempy >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), tempy), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempy)-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                    If (enbig >= 7.85398 And st <= 4.71239) Or (st <= 1.5708 And enbig >= 4.71239) Or enbig >= 10.9956 Then
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    ElseIf enbig >= 7.85398 And st >= 4.71239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                    ElseIf st <= 4.17239 And enbig >= 4.17239 Then
                        If XYZ2(i, 2) >= tempz Then
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), tempz)-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub process() '仿真画图
Static tempx As Double, tempy As Double, tempz As Double
Dim st As Double, en As Double
Dim X1 As Double, Y1 As Double, z1 As Double, xj1 As Double, yj1 As Double, zj1 As Double
Dim a As Double, jlhd As Double
Dim enbig As Double
For i = 1 To 50
    'Select Case M2(i, 1)
        'Case 3
            'lblZhuzhou.Caption = "(仿真)正转"
        'Case 4
            'lblZhuzhou.Caption = "(仿真)反转"
        'Case 5
            'lblZhuzhou.Caption = "关"
    'End Select
    Select Case G2(i, 0)
        Case 100
                If Check1.value = 1 Then
                    If Check4.value = 1 Then
                        xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                        Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                        X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                        Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                        Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(0, 255, 0)
                        Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(0, 255, 0)
                    End If
                    If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                        picXY.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(0, 255, 0)
                        picZX.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(0, 255, 0)
                        picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(0, 255, 0)
                    End If
                End If
        Case 101
                If Check4.value = 1 Then
                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                    X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End If
                If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                    picXY.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picZX.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End If
        Case 102
            If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i), True)
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                    End If
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), arcx, arcy)
                        'st = 6.28318 - st
                        jlhd = hd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i))
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) = XYZ2(i, 0)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) = XYZ2(i, 1)) Then
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To 6.283 Step 6.283 / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Cos(a) - (-IJK2(i, 1) * Sin(a))   XYZ2(i, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                    Y1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Sin(a)   (-IJK2(i, 1) * Cos(a))   XYZ2(i, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd2(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), True)
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), True)
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                    End If
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        'st = 6.28318 - st
                        jlhd = hd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i))
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = z1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) = XYZ2(i, 0)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) = XYZ2(i, 2)) Then
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To 6.283 Step 6.283 / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Cos(a) - (-IJK2(i, 2) * Sin(a))   XYZ2(i, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                    z1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Sin(a)   (-IJK2(i, 2) * Cos(a))   XYZ2(i, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = z1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd2(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), True)
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = z1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), True)
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                    End If
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i))
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = Y1: zj1 = z1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) = XYZ2(i, 1)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) = XYZ2(i, 2)) Then
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To 6.283 Step 6.283 / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    Y1 = -IJK2(i, 1) * Cos(a) - (-IJK2(i, 2) * Sin(a))   XYZ2(i, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                    z1 = -IJK2(i, 1) * Sin(a)   (-IJK2(i, 2) * Cos(a))   XYZ2(i, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = Y1: zj1 = z1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd2(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), True)
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i, 1) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = Y1: zj1 = z1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
        Case 103
            If G2(i, 1) = 17 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i), False)
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                    End If
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), R2(i))
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: z1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2): z1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Circle (arcx, arcy), Abs(R2(i)), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) = XYZ2(i, 0)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) = XYZ2(i, 1)) Then
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To 6.283 Step 6.283 / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Cos(a) - (-IJK2(i, 1) * Sin(a))   XYZ2(i, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                    Y1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Sin(a)   (-IJK2(i, 1) * Cos(a))   XYZ2(i, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            picXY.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd2(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1), False)
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: z1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2): z1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255), st, en
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 18 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), False)
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                    End If
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i))
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: Y1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): z1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): Y1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Abs(R2(i)), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) = XYZ2(i, 0)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) = XYZ2(i, 2)) Then
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To 6.283 Step 6.283 / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Cos(a) - (-IJK2(i, 2) * Sin(a))   XYZ2(i, 0)   IJK2(i, 0)
                                    z1 = -IJK2(i, 0) * Sin(a)   (-IJK2(i, 2) * Cos(a))   XYZ2(i, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): z1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1):  Y1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            picXY.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picYZ.Line (XYZ2(i, 1), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 1), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd2(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 2), False)
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    X1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 0) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: yj1 = Y1: Y1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): z1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): Y1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 0) >= XYZ2(i, 0) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i - 1, 0), XYZ2(i, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf G2(i, 1) = 19 Then
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        Call yuanxin(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i), False)
                        arcx = XYZ2(i - 1, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                        arcy = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                    End If
                    If R2(i) <> 0 Then
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), R2(i))
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: X1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = Y1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): X1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i))), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Abs(R2(i)))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    ElseIf (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) = XYZ2(i, 1)) And (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) = XYZ2(i, 2)) Then
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To 6.283 Step 6.283 / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    Y1 = -IJK2(i, 1) * Cos(a) - (-IJK2(i, 2) * Sin(a))   XYZ2(i, 1)   IJK2(i, 1)
                                    z1 = -IJK2(i, 1) * Sin(a)   (-IJK2(i, 2) * Cos(a))   XYZ2(i, 2)   IJK2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = Y1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i, 0): X1 = XYZ2(i, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            picYZ.Circle (arcx, arcy), Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picXY.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            picZX.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcy - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcy   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                        End If
                        st = qd(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), arcx, arcy)
                        jlhd = hd2(XYZ2(i - 1, 1), XYZ2(i - 1, 2), XYZ2(i, 1), XYZ2(i, 2), False)
                        en = st   jlhd
                        enbig = en
                        If en > 6.28318 Then
                            en = en - 6.28318
                        End If
                        If Check4.value = 1 Then
                            For a = 0 To jlhd Step jlhd / 50
                                If a <> 0 Then
                                    Y1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcx) * Cos(a) - (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Sin(a)   arcx
                                    z1 = (XYZ2(i - 1, 1) - arcx) * Sin(a)   (XYZ2(i - 1, 2) - arcy) * Cos(a)   arcy
                                    Call AF(X1, Y1, z1)
                                    Picture1.Line (xj1, yj1)-(X1, Y1), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    xj1 = X1: X1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = Y1
                                    xj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): X1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 0): yj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 1): zj1 = XYZ2(i - 1, 2)
                                    Call AF(xj1, yj1, zj1)
                                End If
                            Next a
                            If (enbig >= 9.424778) Or ((enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig >= 6.2832) Then
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            ElseIf (enbig >= 3.14159 And st <= 3.14159) And enbig <= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx - Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                            ElseIf enbig >= 6.2832 Then
                                If XYZ2(i - 1, 1) >= XYZ2(i, 1) Then
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                    Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), arcx   Sqr(IJK2(i, 1) ^ 2   IJK2(i, 2) ^ 2))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                                End If
                                Picture1.Line (XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i - 1, 1))-(XYZ2(i, 0), XYZ2(i, 1)), RGB(255, 255, 255)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If chkFour.value = 1 Then
                            Call pic(enbig, st, en, tempx, tempy, tempz)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
    End Select
    If (M2(i, 0) = 130) Or (M2(i, 0) = 102) Then
        tempx = 0
        tempy = 0
        tempz = 0
        StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:100%"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    jindu = jindu   1
    If stopflag Then: tempx = 0: tempy = 0: tempz = 0: Exit Sub
    If Check2.value = 1 Then
       Delay (Val(Text4))
    End If
Next i
If (jindu * 100 / rows) <= 100 Then '每处理50行更新一次加工进度
    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:" & CStr(Int(jindu * 100 / rows)) & "%"
    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:100%"
End If
tempx = XYZ2(50, 0)
tempy = XYZ2(50, 1)
tempz = XYZ2(50, 2)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdopen_Click()
On Error GoTo ERRORline
Dim temp As String
Dim tempval As Double
Dim hasx As Boolean, hasy As Boolean, hasz As Boolean
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "打开数控程序"
CommonDialog1.Filter = "All Fils(*.*)|*.*|PIM Files|*.PIM|NC Files|*.NC|txt Files|*.txt|"
CommonDialog1.Flags = 1
CommonDialog1.Action = 1
If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    RTB1.Text = ""
    StatusBar1.Panels(2).Text = "程序行数:"
    cmdrun.Enabled = False
    cmdStart.Enabled = False
    maxx = 0.0000001
    minx = 10 ^ 10
    maxy = 0.0000001
    miny = 10 ^ 10
    maxz = 0.0000001
    minz = 10 ^ 10
    Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
        rows = 0
        Do Until EOF(1) '计算程序行数
            Line Input #1, temp
            temp = Replace(temp, "D", "a", , , 1)
            temp = Replace(temp, "E", "a", , , 1)
            If InStr(1, temp, "X", 1) <> 0 Then
                hasx = True
                tempval = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "X", 1)   1))
                If maxx < tempval Then
                    maxx = tempval
                End If
                If minx > tempval Then
                    minx = tempval
                End If
            End If
            If InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1) <> 0 Then
                hasy = True
                tempval = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Y", 1)   1))
                If maxy < tempval Then
                    maxy = tempval
                End If
                If miny > tempval Then
                    miny = tempval
                End If
            End If
            If InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1) <> 0 Then
                hasz = True
                tempval = Val(Mid$(temp, InStr(1, temp, "Z", 1)   1))
                If maxz < tempval Then
                    maxz = tempval
                End If
                If minz > tempval Then
                    minz = tempval
                End If
            End If
            If hasx Eqv False Then
                maxx = 0: minx = 0
            End If
            If hasy Eqv False Then
                maxy = 0: miny = 0
            End If
            If hasz Eqv False Then
                maxz = 0: minz = 0
            End If
            rows = rows   1
    Close #1
    If Val(Text1.Text) <> 0 Then
        pbscale = Val(Text1.Text)
        Picture1.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        picXY.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        picZX.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        picYZ.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        Picture1.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
        picXY.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
        picZX.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
        picYZ.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
    End If
    If Val(Text2.Text) <> 0 Then
        offsetx = Val(Text2.Text)
        Picture1.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        picXY.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        picZX.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        picYZ.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        offsetx = 0
    End If
    If Val(Text3.Text) <> 0 Then
        offsety = Val(Text3.Text)
        Picture1.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        picXY.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        picZX.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        picYZ.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        offsety = 0
    End If
    If Check3.value = 1 Then
        If (maxx - minx) >= (maxy - miny) Then
            If Check4.value = 1 Then
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
            End If
            If Check4.value = 1 Then
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
            End If
        End If
        If (maxx - minx) >= (maxz - minz) Then
            picZX.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   minz   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxz   minz) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, minz - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxz   minz) / 2)
            picZX.Scale (minx - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsetx - (maxz - minz - maxx   minx) / 2, maxz   (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)-(maxz - minz   minx   (maxz - minz) / 8 - (maxz - minz - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, minz - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)
        End If
        If (maxy - miny) >= (maxz - minz) Then
            picYZ.Scale (miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx, maxy - miny   minz   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety - (maxy - miny - maxz   minz) / 2)-(maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx, minz - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety - (maxy - miny - maxz   minz) / 2)
            picYZ.Scale (miny - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsetx - (maxz - minz - maxy   miny) / 2, maxz   (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)-(maxz - minz   miny   (maxz - minz) / 8 - (maxz - minz - maxy   miny) / 2   offsetx, minz - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)
        End If
    End If
    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:0%"
    StatusBar1.Panels(2).Text = "程序行数:" & CStr(rows) & "行"
    Form1.Caption = "雕铣机数控系统" & "      " & CommonDialog1.FileTitle
    RTB1.LoadFile CommonDialog1.FileName, rtfText
    cmdrun.Enabled = True
    cmdStart.Enabled = True
End If
Exit Sub
ERRORline: MsgBox ("加工程序出错!")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdrun_Click()
On Error GoTo ERRORline
ReDim G(50, 2), M(50, 1)
ReDim XYZ(50, 2)
ReDim IJK(50, 2)
ReDim f(50)
ReDim r(50)
ReDim G1(50, 2), M1(50, 1)
ReDim XYZ1(50, 2)
ReDim IJK1(50, 2)
ReDim F1(50)
ReDim R1(50)
ReDim G2(50, 2), M2(50, 1)
ReDim XYZ2(50, 2)
ReDim IJK2(50, 2)
ReDim F2(50)
ReDim R2(50)
ReDim Dv2(50)
Dim temp As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim first As Boolean
first = True
pbscale = 300
If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then
    Exit Sub
    firstexe = True
    stopflag = False
    If Val(Text1.Text) <> 0 Then
        pbscale = Val(Text1.Text)
        Picture1.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        picXY.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        picZX.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        picYZ.Scale (0, pbscale)-(pbscale, 0)
        Picture1.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
        picXY.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
        picZX.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
        picYZ.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
    End If
    If Val(Text2.Text) <> 0 Then
        offsetx = Val(Text2.Text)
        Picture1.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        picXY.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        picZX.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        picYZ.Scale (offsetx, pbscale)-(pbscale   offsetx, 0)
        offsetx = 0
    End If
    If Val(Text3.Text) <> 0 Then
        offsety = Val(Text3.Text)
        Picture1.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        picXY.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        picZX.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        picYZ.Scale (offsetx, pbscale   offsety)-(pbscale   offsetx, offsety)
        offsety = 0
    End If
    If Check3.value = 1 Then
        If (maxx - minx) >= (maxy - miny) Then
            If Check4.value = 1 Then
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, maxx - minx   miny   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 50   offsetx, miny - (maxx - minx) / 50   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxy   miny) / 2)
            End If
            If Check4.value = 1 Then
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 8 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety)
                Picture1.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
                picXY.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
                'picZX.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
                'picYZ.Scale (minx - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsetx - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2, maxy   (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)-(maxy - miny   minx   (maxy - miny) / 50 - (maxy - miny - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, miny - (maxy - miny) / 50   offsety)
            End If
        End If
        If (maxx - minx) >= (maxz - minz) Then
            picZX.Scale (minx - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, maxx - minx   minz   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxz   minz) / 2)-(maxx   (maxx - minx) / 8   offsetx, minz - (maxx - minx) / 8   offsety - (maxx - minx - maxz   minz) / 2)
            picZX.Scale (minx - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsetx - (maxz - minz - maxx   minx) / 2, maxz   (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)-(maxz - minz   minx   (maxz - minz) / 8 - (maxz - minz - maxx   minx) / 2   offsetx, minz - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)
        End If
        If (maxy - miny) >= (maxz - minz) Then
            picYZ.Scale (miny - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx, maxy - miny   minz   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety - (maxy - miny - maxz   minz) / 2)-(maxy   (maxy - miny) / 8   offsetx, minz - (maxy - miny) / 8   offsety - (maxy - miny - maxz   minz) / 2)
            picYZ.Scale (miny - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsetx - (maxz - minz - maxy   miny) / 2, maxz   (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)-(maxz - minz   miny   (maxz - minz) / 8 - (maxz - minz - maxy   miny) / 2   offsetx, minz - (maxz - minz) / 8   offsety)
        End If
    End If
    cmdZanting.Enabled = True

    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:0%"
    jindu = 0
    Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
    'Open "temp.txt" For Output As #5
    'Close #5
    cmdopen.Enabled = False
    cmdrun.Enabled = False

    Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #2
        Do Until EOF(2)
            If first Then
                G(1, 0) = 100: G(1, 1) = 17: G(1, 2) = 40
                G(0, 0) = 100: G(0, 1) = 17: G(0, 2) = 40
                For i = 1 To 50 '执行前先读入100行代码进行解析
                    If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                    Line Input #2, temp
                    Do Until (Left$(temp, 1) <> ";") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "%") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "O") And (Trim(temp) <> "")
                        If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                        Line Input #2, temp
                        If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    Call tiqu(temp)
                Next i
                For i = 0 To 50
                    For j = 0 To 2
                        G2(i, j) = G(i, j)
                    Next j
                    XYZ2(i, 0) = XYZ(i, 0)
                    XYZ2(i, 1) = XYZ(i, 1)
                    XYZ2(i, 2) = XYZ(i, 2)
                    IJK2(i, 0) = IJK(i, 0)
                    IJK2(i, 1) = IJK(i, 1)
                    IJK2(i, 2) = IJK(i, 2)
                    F2(i) = f(i)
                    R2(i) = r(i)
                    For j = 0 To 1
                        M2(i, j) = M(i, j)
                    Next j
                Next i
                For i = 1 To 49 '及时清零,以免影响提取结果
                    For j = 0 To 2
                        G(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                    XYZ(i, 0) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 1) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 2) = 0
                    f(i) = 0
                    For j = 0 To 1
                        M(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                Next i
                For j = 0 To 2
                    G(0, j) = G(50, j)
                Next j
                XYZ(0, 0) = XYZ(50, 0)
                XYZ(0, 1) = XYZ(50, 1)
                XYZ(0, 2) = XYZ(50, 2)
                IJK(0, 0) = IJK(50, 0)
                IJK(0, 1) = IJK(50, 1)
                IJK(0, 2) = IJK(50, 2)
                f(0) = f(50)
                r(0) = r(50)
                For j = 0 To 1
                    M(0, j) = M(50, j)
                Next j
                For i = 1 To 50
                    If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                    Line Input #2, temp
                    Do Until (Left$(temp, 1) <> ";") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "%") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "O") And (Trim(temp) <> "")
                        If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                        Line Input #2, temp
                        If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    Call tiqu(temp)
                Next i
                first = False
                For i = 1 To 49
                    For j = 0 To 2
                        G(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                    XYZ(i, 0) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 1) = 0
                    XYZ(i, 2) = 0
                    f(i) = 0
                    For j = 0 To 1
                        M(i, j) = 0
                    Next j
                Next i
                For j = 0 To 2
                    G(0, j) = G(50, j)
                Next j
                XYZ(0, 0) = XYZ(50, 0)
                XYZ(0, 1) = XYZ(50, 1)
                XYZ(0, 2) = XYZ(50, 2)
                IJK(0, 0) = IJK(50, 0)
                IJK(0, 1) = IJK(50, 1)
                IJK(0, 2) = IJK(50, 2)
                f(0) = f(50)
                r(0) = r(50)
                For j = 0 To 1
                    M(0, j) = M(50, j)
                Next j
                For i = 1 To 50
                    If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                    Line Input #2, temp
                    Do Until (Left$(temp, 1) <> ";") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "%") And (Left$(temp, 1) <> "O") And (Trim(temp) <> "")
                        If EOF(2) Then: Exit For
                        Line Input #2, temp
                        If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    Call tiqu(temp)
                Next i
            End If
            'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.00003333, 14400000, 5000000, 1000, 12, 1600)
            'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.0000016, 14400000, 3240000, 1000, 12, 1600)
            'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.000001, 10000000, 225000, 1000, 12, 1600)
            'Call guiji
            Call process
            firstexe = False
            If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
            For j = 0 To 2
                G2(0, j) = G2(50, j)
            Next j
            XYZ2(0, 0) = XYZ2(50, 0)
            XYZ2(0, 1) = XYZ2(50, 1)
            XYZ2(0, 2) = XYZ2(50, 2)
            IJK2(0, 0) = IJK2(50, 0)
            IJK2(0, 1) = IJK2(50, 1)
            IJK2(0, 2) = IJK2(50, 2)
            F2(0) = F2(50)
            R2(0) = R2(50)
            For j = 0 To 1
                M2(0, j) = M2(50, j)
            Next j
            For i = 1 To 50
                For j = 0 To 2
                    G2(i, j) = G(i, j)
                Next j
                XYZ2(i, 0) = XYZ(i, 0)
                XYZ2(i, 1) = XYZ(i, 1)
                XYZ2(i, 2) = XYZ(i, 2)
                IJK2(i, 0) = IJK(i, 0)
                IJK2(i, 1) = IJK(i, 1)
                IJK2(i, 2) = IJK(i, 2)
                F2(i) = f(i)
                R2(i) = r(i)
                For j = 0 To 1
                    M2(i, j) = M(i, j)
                Next j
                If (M2(i, 0) = 130) Or (M2(i, 0) = 102) Then
                    'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.00003333, 14400000, 5000000, 1000, 12, 1600)
                    'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.0000016, 14400000, 3240000, 1000, 12, 1600)
                    'Call GT_InitLookAhead(0.000001, 10000000, 225000, 1000, 12, 1600)
                    'Call guiji
                    Call process
                    If stopflag Then: GoTo Stopline
                    StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "加工进度:100%"
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
Stopline:    Close #2
            'Close #5
    temp = ""
    cmdopen.Enabled = True
End If
cmdrun.Enabled = True

ReDim G(0), M(0)
ReDim XYZ(0, 0)
ReDim IJK(0, 0)
ReDim f(0)
ReDim r(0)
ReDim G2(0), M2(0)
ReDim XYZ2(0, 0)
ReDim IJK2(0, 0)
ReDim F2(0)
ReDim R2(0)
cmdZanting.Enabled = False
Exit Sub
ERRORline: MsgBox ("加工程序出错!")
End Sub

Private Sub cmdStop_Click()
stopflag = True
Call GT_StpMtn
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZanting_Click()
Static i As Byte
If i = 0 Then
    i = 1
    cmdZanting.Caption = "继续"
    Call GT_StpMtn
ElseIf i = 1 Then
    i = 0
    cmdZanting.Caption = "暂停"
    Call GT_RestoreMtn
End If
Do Until i = 0
    If stopflag Then: cmdZanting.Caption = "暂停": Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtT = CStr(0.000016)
txtAcc_max = CStr(10800000)
txtAcc = CStr(1440000)
txtN = CStr(45)
txtVel = CStr(1000)
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
GT_ExOpt &H400
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim px As Double
Dim py As Double
Dim pz As Double
px = (Val(lblX1.Caption)   Val(lblX2.Caption)) / 2
py = (Val(lblY1.Caption)   Val(lblY2.Caption)) / 2
pz = Val(lblz.Caption)
Call GT_SetSynVel(26.6)
Call GT_SetSynAcc(0.8)
Call GT_LnXYZ(px * 1600, py * 1600, pz * 1600)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
cmdZanting.Enabled = False
cmdrun.Enabled = False
cmdStart.Enabled = False
pbscale = 500
Picture1.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
offsetx = 0
offsety = 0
stopflag = False
Combo1.ListIndex = 0
picXY.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
picZX.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
picYZ.Scale (-250, 250)-(250, -250)
picXY.Visible = False
picZX.Visible = False
picYZ.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Label1 = "X"
Label4 = "Y"
Label8 = CStr(x)
Label9 = CStr(y)
End Sub

Private Sub AF(x, z, y) '三维变换矩阵
'Dim f(3, 3) As Double
Dim X1, Y1, z1 As Double
'Dim ct, gm As double
'Dim cosct, cosgm, sinct, singm As double
'ct = 1.04719755: gm = 1.04719755 'pi/3
'gm = 3.14159 / 3: ct = 3.14159 / 3
'cosct = Cos(ct): sinct = Sin(ct): cosgm = Cos(gm): singm = Sin(gm)
'cosct = 0.5: sinct = 0.866: cosgm = 0.5: singm = 0.866
'f(0, 0) = cosct: f(0, 1) = sinct * singm: f(0, 2) = -sinct * cosgm
'f(1, 0) = 0: f(1, 1) = cosgm: f(1, 2) = singm
'f(2, 0) = sinct: f(2, 1) = -cosct * singm: f(2, 2) = cosct * cosgm
'f(3, 0) = 0: f(3, 1) = 0: f(3, 2) = 0

'f(0, 0) = cosct: f(0, 1) = 0: f(0, 2) = -sinct
'f(1, 0) = sinct * singm: f(1, 1) = cosgm: f(1, 2) = singm * cosct
'f(2, 0) = sinct * cosgm: f(2, 1) = -singm: f(2, 2) = cosct * cosgm
'f(3, 0) = 0: f(3, 1) = 0: f(3, 2) = 0
X1 = x: Y1 = y: z1 = z
'x = x1 * f(0, 0)   y1 * f(1, 0)   z1 * f(2, 0)   f(3, 0)
'y = x1 * f(0, 1)   y1 * f(1, 1)   z1 * f(2, 1)   f(3, 1)
'z = x1 * f(0, 2)   y1 * f(1, 2)   z1 * f(2, 2)   f(3, 2)
x = X1 * 0.5   z1 * 0.866
y = X1 * 0.749956   Y1 * 0.5   z1 * (-0.433)
z = X1 * (-0.433)   Y1 * 0.866   z1 * 0.25
'x = x1 * f(0, 0)   y1 * f(0, 1)   z1 * f(0, 2)
'y = x1 * f(1, 0)   y1 * f(1, 1)   z1 * f(1, 2)
'z = x1 * f(2, 0)   y1 * f(2, 1)   z1 * f(2, 2)
End Sub

Private Function zjlx(Xl1 As Double, Xl2 As Double, Yl1 As Double, Yl2 As Double, r As Double) As Byte '刀补转接类型判别
If Sgn(r) * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) > 0 Then
    zjlx = 1
ElseIf (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) = 0 Then
    zjlx = 0
ElseIf Sgn(r) * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) < 0 And (Yl2 * Yl1   Xl2 * Xl1) >= 0 Then
    zjlx = 2
ElseIf Sgn(r) * (Yl2 * Xl1 - Xl2 * Yl1) < 0 And (Yl2 * Yl1   Xl2 * Xl1) < 0 Then
    zjlx = 3
End If
End Function

Private Sub picXY_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Label1 = "X"
Label4 = "Y"
Label8 = CStr(x)
Label9 = CStr(y)
End Sub

Private Sub picYZ_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Label1 = "Y"
Label4 = "Z"
Label8 = CStr(x)
Label9 = CStr(y)
End Sub

Private Sub picZX_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Label1 = "X"
Label4 = "Z"
Label8 = CStr(x)
Label9 = CStr(y)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, z1 As Long
Dim xp As Double, yp As Double, zp As Double
Call GT_GetAtlPos(3, z1)
Call GT_GetAtlPos(2, Y1)
Call GT_GetAtlPos(1, X1)
xp = X1 / 1600: yp = Y1 / 1600: zp = z1 / 1600
lblXpos.Caption = Format(xp, "0.000")
lblYpos.Caption = Format(yp, "0.000")
lblZpos.Caption = Format(zp, "0.000")
If chkFour.value = 1 Then
    picXY.Line (tempxpos1, tempypos1)-(xp, yp), RGB(255, 0, 0)
    picZX.Line (tempxpos1, tempzpos1)-(xp, zp), RGB(255, 0, 0)
    picYZ.Line (tempypos1, tempzpos1)-(yp, zp), RGB(255, 0, 0)
    tempxpos1 = xp: tempypos1 = yp: tempzpos1 = zp
End If
If Check4.value = 1 Then
    Call AF(xp, yp, zp)
End If
Picture1.Line (tempxpos, tempypos)-(xp, yp), RGB(255, 0, 0)
tempxpos = xp: tempypos = yp: tempzpos = zp
End Sub

Private Sub daobu()
Static Xs1 As Double, Ys1 As Double, Xs2 As Double, Ys2 As Double, Xs3 As Double, Ys3 As Double, Xs4 As Double, Ys4 As Double
Static rdb As Double
Static Xl1 As Double, Yl1 As Double, Yl2 As Double, Xl2 As Double
Static X1 As Double, Y1 As Double, X0 As Double, Y0 As Double
'Static I As Double, j As Double
'Static f As Double
Static X01 As Double, Y01 As Double
'Static R1 As Double, R2 As Double
Static d1 As Double, d2 As Double
Static j As Integer
Static isjianli As Boolean
Static ischexiao As Boolean
Static two As Integer
Static zj As Byte
Dim tempXl1 As Double, tempYl1 As Double

If G(i, 2) = 40 And ischexiao Then
    Call fuzhi(XYZ(i, 0), XYZ(i, 1), i)
ElseIf G(i, 2) = 40 Then
    ischexiao = True
ElseIf (G(i, 2) = 41 Or G(i, 2) = 42) And isjianli Then
    If G(i, 2) = 41 Then
        rdb = Abs(Val(txtRdao.Text))
    ElseIf G(i, 2) = 42 Then
        rdb = -1 * Abs(Val(txtRdao.Text))
    End If
    If G(i, 0) = 100 Or G(i, 0) = 101 Then
        Xl2 = (XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) / Sqr((XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) ^ 2   (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) ^ 2)
        Yl2 = (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) / Sqr((XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) ^ 2   (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) ^ 2)
        Select Case zjlx(Xl1, Xl2, Yl1, Yl2, rdb)
            Case 0
                Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
            Case 1
                Xs1 = X1   (Xl2 - Xl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                Ys1 = Y1   (Yl2 - Yl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
            Case 2
                Xs1 = X1   (Xl2 - Xl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                Ys1 = Y1   (Yl2 - Yl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
            Case 3
                Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1   Abs(rdb) * Xl1
                Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1   Abs(rdb) * Yl1
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                Xs2 = X1 - rdb * Yl2 - Abs(rdb) * Xl2
                Ys2 = Y1   rdb * Xl2 - Abs(rdb) * Yl2
                i = i   1
                Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
        End Select
        Xl1 = Xl2: Yl1 = Yl2
    ElseIf G(i, 0) = 102 Or G(i, 0) = 103 Then
        If G(i, 0) = 102 Then
            If r(i) <> 0 Then
                Call yuanxin(XYZ(i - 1, 0), XYZ(i - 1, 1), XYZ(i, 0), XYZ(i, 1), r(i), True)
                Xl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                Yl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Abs(r(i))
                arcx = XYZ(i - 1, 0)   IJK(i, 0)
                arcy = XYZ(i - 1, 1)   IJK(i, 1)
                Xl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                Yl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
            End If
            If r(i) <> 0 Then
                Call yuanxin(XYZ(i - 1, 0), XYZ(i - 1, 1), XYZ(i, 0), XYZ(i, 1), r(i), False)
                Xl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                Yl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Abs(r(i))
                arcx = XYZ(i - 1, 0)   IJK(i, 0)
                arcy = XYZ(i - 1, 1)   IJK(i, 1)
                Xl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                Yl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
            End If
        End If
        'zj = zjlx(Xl1, Xl2, Yl1, Yl2, rdb)
        Select Case zjlx(Xl1, Xl2, Yl1, Yl2, rdb)
            Case 1
                Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
            Case 2
                Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                Xs2 = X1   (Xl2 - Xl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                Ys2 = Y1   (Yl2 - Yl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                i = i   1
                Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                Xs3 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                Ys3 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                i = i   1
                Call fuzhi(Xs3, Ys3, i)
            Case 3
                Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1
                Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                Xs2 = X1 - rdb * Yl1   Abs(rdb) * Xl1
                Ys2 = Y1   rdb * Xl1   Abs(rdb) * Yl1
                i = i   1
                Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                Xs3 = X1 - rdb * Yl2 - Abs(rdb) * Xl2
                Ys3 = Y1   rdb * Xl2 - Abs(rdb) * Yl2
                i = i   1
                Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                Xs4 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                Ys4 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                i = i   1
                Call fuzhi(Xs4, Ys4, i)
        End Select
        Xl1 = Xl2: Yl1 = Yl2
    End If
ElseIf (G(i, 2) = 41 Or G(i, 2) = 42) Then
    If G(i, 2) = 41 Then
        rdb = Abs(Val(txtRdao.Text))
    ElseIf G(i, 2) = 42 Then
        rdb = -1 * Abs(Val(txtRdao.Text))
    End If
    If two = 0 Then
        Xl1 = (XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) / Sqr((XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) ^ 2   (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) ^ 2)
        Yl1 = (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) / Sqr((XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) ^ 2   (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) ^ 2)
        two = 1
        two = 1
        isjianli = True
        If G(i, 0) = 100 Or G(i, 0) = 101 Then
            Xl2 = (XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) / Sqr((XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) ^ 2   (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) ^ 2)
            Yl2 = (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) / Sqr((XYZ(i, 0) - XYZ(i - 1, 0)) ^ 2   (XYZ(i, 1) - XYZ(i - 1, 1)) ^ 2)
            isjianli = True
            Select Case zjlx(Xl1, Xl2, Yl1, Yl2, rdb)
                Case 1
                    Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                    Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                    Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                Case 2
                    Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                    Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Yl1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                    Xs2 = X1   (Xl2 - Xl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                    Ys2 = Y1   (Yl2 - Yl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                Case 3
                    Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                    Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                    Xs2 = X1 - rdb * Yl1   Abs(rdb) * Xl1
                    Ys2 = Y1   rdb * Xl1   Abs(rdb) * Yl1
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                    Xs3 = X1 - rdb * Yl2 - Abs(rdb) * Xl2
                    Ys3 = Y1   rdb * Xl2 - Abs(rdb) * Yl2
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs3, Ys3, i)
            End Select
            Xl1 = Xl2: Yl1 = Yl2
        ElseIf G(i, 0) = 102 Or G(i, 0) = 103 Then
            If G(i, 0) = 102 Then
                If r(i) <> 0 Then
                    Call yuanxin(XYZ(i - 1, 0), XYZ(i - 1, 1), XYZ(i, 0), XYZ(i, 1), r(i), True)
                    Xl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                    Yl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Abs(r(i))
                    tempXl1 = (XYZ(i, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                    tempYl1 = -1 * (XYZ(i, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                    arcx = XYZ(i - 1, 0)   IJK(i, 0)
                    arcy = XYZ(i - 1, 1)   IJK(i, 1)
                    Xl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                    Yl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                    tempXl1 = (XYZ(i, 1) - arcy) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                    tempYl1 = -1 * (XYZ(i, 0) - arcx) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                End If
                If r(i) <> 0 Then
                    Call yuanxin(XYZ(i - 1, 0), XYZ(i - 1, 1), XYZ(i, 0), XYZ(i, 1), r(i), False)
                    Xl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                    Yl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Abs(r(i))
                    tempXl1 = -1 * (XYZ(i, 1) - arcy) / Abs(r(i))
                    tempYl1 = (XYZ(i, 0) - arcx) / Abs(r(i))
                    arcx = XYZ(i - 1, 0)   IJK(i, 0)
                    arcy = XYZ(i - 1, 1)   IJK(i, 1)
                    Xl2 = -1 * (XYZ(i - 1, 1) - arcy) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                    Yl2 = (XYZ(i - 1, 0) - arcx) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                    tempXl1 = -1 * (XYZ(i, 1) - arcy) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                    tempYl1 = (XYZ(i, 0) - arcx) / Sqr(IJK(i, 0) ^ 2   IJK(i, 1) ^ 2)
                End If
            End If
            'zj = zjlx(Xl1, Xl2, Yl1, Yl2, rdb)
            Select Case zjlx(Xl1, Xl2, Yl1, Yl2, rdb)
                Case 1
                    Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                    Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                    Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                Case 2
                    Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                    Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                    Xs2 = X1   (Xl2 - Xl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                    Ys2 = Y1   (Yl2 - Yl1) * rdb / (Xl1 * Yl2 - Xl2 * Yl1)
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                    Xs3 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                    Ys3 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs3, Ys3, i)
                Case 3
                    Xs1 = X1 - rdb * Yl1
                    Ys1 = Y1   rdb * Xl1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs1, Ys1, i)
                    Xs2 = X1 - rdb * Yl1   Abs(rdb) * Xl1
                    Ys2 = Y1   rdb * Xl1   Abs(rdb) * Yl1
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                    Xs3 = X1 - rdb * Yl2 - Abs(rdb) * Xl2
                    Ys3 = Y1   rdb * Xl2 - Abs(rdb) * Yl2
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs2, Ys2, i)
                    Xs4 = X1 - rdb * Yl2
                    Ys4 = Y1   rdb * Xl2
                    i = i   1
                    Call fuzhi(Xs4, Ys4, i)
            End Select
            Xl1 = tempXl1: Yl1 = tempYl1
        End If
    End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub fuzhi(Xs As Double, Ys As Double, i As Integer)
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To 2
    G1(i, j) = G(i, j)
Next j
XYZ1(i, 0) = Xs
XYZ1(i, 1) = Ys
XYZ1(i, 2) = XYZ(i, 2)
IJK1(i, 0) = IJK(i, 0)
IJK1(i, 1) = IJK(i, 1)
IJK1(i, 2) = IJK(i, 2)
F1(i) = f(i)
R1(i) = r(i)
For j = 0 To 1
    M1(i, j) = M(i, j)
Next j
End Sub

标签: vb 数控



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