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zabbix开发:《mastering zabbix》.pdf


  • 开发语言:Python
  • 实例大小:8.37M
  • 下载次数:23
  • 浏览次数:355
  • 发布时间:2018-04-13
  • 实例类别:Python语言基础
  • 发 布 人:arsenal28
  • 文件格式:.pdf
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: zabbix



 Zabbix 是由 Alexei Vladishev 开发的一种网络监视、管理系统,基于 Server-Client 架构。可用于监视各种网络服务、服务器和网络机器等状态。

  使用各种 Database-end 如 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle 或 IBM DB2 储存资料。Server 端基于 C语言、Web 管理端 frontend 则是基于 PHP 所制作的。Zabbix 可以使用多种方式监视。可以只使用 Simple Check 不需要安装 Client 端,亦可基于 SMTP 或 HTTP ... 各种协定做死活监视。

  在客户端如 UNIX, Windows 中安装 Zabbix Agent 之后,可监视 CPU Load、网络使用状况、硬盘容量等各种状态。而就算没有安装 Agent 在监视对象中,Zabbix 也可以经由 SNMP、TCP、ICMP、利用 IPMI、SSH、telnet 对目标进行监视。

另外,Zabbix 包含 XMPP 等各种 Item 警示功能。


from clipboard


Table of Contents
Preface 1
Chapter 1: Deploying Zabbix 9
Defining the environment size 10
Zabbix architectures 11
Zabbix installation 14
Prerequisites 16
Setting up the server 17
Setting up the agent 18
Installing and creating the package 19
Configuring the server 20
Installing the database 21
Starting up with Daemon 24
Some considerations about the database 30
Sizing of the database 32
Some considerations about housekeeping 35
The web interface 41
The web wizard – frontend configuration 42
Capacity planning with Zabbix 48
The observer effect 48
What to monitor 48
Define a baseline 50
Load testing 51
Forecasting the trends 53
Summary 54
Chapter 2: Distributed Monitoring 55
Zabbix proxies 56
Deploying a Zabbix proxy 57
Understanding the flow of monitoring data with proxies 63
Zabbix nodes 66
Understanding the flow of data with nodes 67
Deploying a node 67
Table of Contents
[ ii ]
Proxies versus nodes 72
Disadvantages of nodes 72
Choosing between proxies and nodes 73
Security considerations 73
No network configuration 74
Network isolation 76
Simple tunnels 76
Secure Shell 76
Stunnel 78
A full-blown VPN 79
Summary 80
Chapter 3: High Availability and Failover 81
Understanding high availability 82
Understanding the levels of IT service 83
Some consideration about high availability 84
Automating the switchover/the failover with a resource manager 86
Replicating the filesystem with DRBD 86
Implementing high availability on a web server 87
Configuring HTTPD HA 88
Understanding Pacemaker and STONITH 90
Pacemaker – is Quorum really needed? 91
Pacemaker – the stickiness concepts 92
Pacemaker – the Apache/HTTPD configuration 92
Configuring the Zabbix Server for high availability 96
Database high availability 98
Clustering of PostgreSQL 100
Mirrored logical volume with LVM and DRBD 100
Prerequisite tasks to start with DRBD on LVM 102
Creating a DRBD device on top of the LVM partition 103
Enabling resource in DRBD 104
Defining a primary device in DRBD 105
Creating a filesystem on a DRBD device 105
Pacemaker cluster – integrating DRBD 107
Enabling the DRBD configuration 107
Pacemaker – the LVM configuration 108
Pacemaker – configuring PostgreSQL 109
Pacemaker – the network configuration 109
Pacemaker – the final configuration 110
Cluster configuration – the final test 110
DRBD performance and optimizations 112
Efficient synchronization by DRBD 112
Enabling online verification through DRDB 114
DRBD – some networking consideration 115
Summary 118
Table of Contents
[ iii ]
Chapter 4: Collecting Data 119
Gathering items as raw data 120
Understanding the data flow for Zabbix items 122
Understanding Zabbix trapper items 125
The data flow overview 125
Database monitoring with Zabbix 126
Delving into ODBC 127
Installing database drivers 128
MySQL ODBC drivers 128
PostgreSQL ODBC drivers 130
Oracle ODBC drivers 131
UnixODBC configuration files 133
Compiling Zabbix with ODBC 134
Database monitor items 135
Some considerations about the ODBC SQL query 136
Zabbix JMX monitoring 137
Considering some JMX security aspects 138
Installing a Zabbix Java gateway 139
Configuring Zabbix JMX 141
JMX keys in detail 143
Issues and considerations about JMX 144
Zabbix SNMP monitoring 145
SNMP queries 148
SNMP traps 151
The snmptrapd process 152
The Perl trap handler 153
Web pages monitoring 158
Authenticating on web pages 160
Logging out 162
Aggregated and calculated items 164
Aggregated items 164
Calculated items 167
Summary 168
Chapter 5: Visualizing Data 169
Graphs 171
Analyzing simple graphs 171
Analyzing custom graphs 174
Reviewing all combinations of graph properties 179
Visualizing the data through maps 182
Creating your first Zabbix Map 186
Some important considerations about macros and URLs 188
Finally inside the map 191
Selecting elements 194
Table of Contents
[ iv ]
Playing with macros inside maps 195
Visualizing through screens 197
Creating a screen 198
Dynamic elements 199
Visualizing the data through a slide show 201
Controlling centre slides and the big display challenge 202
Some consideration about slides on a big display 203
Automated slide show 204
IT services 205
Configuring an IT service 206
Summary 209
Chapter 6: Managing Alerts 211
Understanding trigger expressions 212
Selecting items and functions 213
Choosing between seconds or number of measurements 214
Date and time functions 215
Trigger severity 216
Choosing between absolute values and percentages 216
Understanding operations as correlations 217
Managing the trigger dependencies 221
Taking action 222
Defining an action 223
The {EVENT.DATE} and {EVENT.TIME} macros 224
The {INVENTORY.SERIALNO.A} and friends macros 224
The {NODE.ID} and {NODE.NAME} macros 224
Defining the action conditions 225
Choosing the action operations 226
Steps and escalations 227
Messages and media 228
Remote commands 230
Summary 231
Chapter 7: Managing Templates 233
Creating templates 234
Adding entities to a template 234
Using macros 236
User-defined macros 241
Linking templates to hosts 242
Nesting templates 242
Combining templates 244
Discovering hosts 244
Low-level discovery 248
Summary 252
Table of Contents
[ v
Chapter 8: Handling External Scripts 253
External checks 254
The script's placement 255
Going deep into external checks 255
Inside the script 258
General script writing rules 260
Some consideration about external checks 260
The UserParameter 261
The flexible UserParameter 261
Some considerations about UserParameters 263
Sending data using zabbix_sender 264
The new script 265
Writing a wrapper script for check_ora_sendtrap 266
Pros and cons of a dedicated script server 267
Working with Zabbix protocols 268
The Zabbix get protocol 269
The Zabbix sender protocol 269
An interesting undocumented feature 271
Using clock properties in JSON items 272
The Zabbix Agent protocol 273
Some more possible responses 275
Communicating with Zabbix 276
Implementing Zabbix sender in Java 276
Implementing Zabbix sender in Python 278
Some considerations about agent development 280
Summary 281
Chapter 9: Extending Zabbix 283
Exploring the Zabbix API 284
Authenticating through the API 286
Using the PyZabbix library 288
Synchronizing templates across different nodes 291
Mass operations 294
Redistributing hosts to proxies 294
Adding or updating users 295
Exporting data 298
Extracting tabular data 299
Creating graphs from data 302
The Graphviz suite of programs 302
Creating a trigger dependency graph 303
Summary 306
Table of Contents
[ vi ]
Chapter 10: Integrating Zabbix 307
An overview of Request Tracker 308
Setting up RT to better integrate with Zabbix 309
Creating a custom queue for Zabbix 310
Customizing tickets – the links section 311
Customizing tickets – ticket priority 312
Customizing tickets – the custom fields 313
Connecting to the Request Tracker API 315
Setting up Zabbix to integrate with Request Tracker 318
Creating RT tickets from the Zabbix events 322
Summary 328
Index 329

标签: zabbix


zabbix开发:《mastering zabbix》.pdf

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