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西门子OPC UA操作


  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:3.85M
  • 下载次数:327
  • 浏览次数:6902
  • 发布时间:2017-11-04
  • 实例类别:C#语言基础
  • 发 布 人:xiehahao
  • 文件格式:.rar
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: 操作 c opc a 西门子




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from clipboard


// Siemens AG
// (c)Copyright (2016) All Rights Reserved
// Tested with: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
// Engineering: Visual Studio 2013
// Functionality: Wrapps up important classes/methods of the OPC UA .NET Stack to help
// with simple client implementation
// Change log table:
// Version Date Expert in charge Changes applied
// 01.00.00 31.08.2016 (Siemens) First released version

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Opc.Ua;
using Opc.Ua.Client;

namespace Siemens.UAClientHelper
  public class UAClientHelperAPI
    #region Construction
    public UAClientHelperAPI()
      // Creats the application configuration (containing the certificate) on construction
      mApplicationConfig = CreateClientConfiguration();

    #region Properties
    /// <summary> 
    /// Keeps a session with an UA server. 
    /// </summary>
    private Session mSession = null;

    /// <summary> 
    /// Specifies this application 
    /// </summary>
    private ApplicationConfiguration mApplicationConfig = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides the session being established with an OPC UA server.
    /// </summary>
    public Session Session
      get { return mSession; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides the event for value changes of a monitored item.
    /// </summary>
    public MonitoredItemNotificationEventHandler ItemChangedNotification = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides the event for KeepAliveNotifications.
    /// </summary>
    public KeepAliveEventHandler KeepAliveNotification = null;

    #region Discovery
    /// <summary>Finds Servers based on a discovery url</summary>
    /// <param name="discoveryUrl">The discovery url</param>
    /// <returns>ApplicationDescriptionCollection containing found servers</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public ApplicationDescriptionCollection FindServers(string discoveryUrl)
      //Create a URI using the discovery URL
      Uri uri = new Uri(discoveryUrl);
        //Ceate a DiscoveryClient
        DiscoveryClient client = DiscoveryClient.Create(uri);
        //Find servers
        ApplicationDescriptionCollection servers = client.FindServers(null);
        return servers;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Finds Endpoints based on a server's url</summary>
    /// <param name="discoveryUrl">The server's url</param>
    /// <returns>EndpointDescriptionCollection containing found Endpoints</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public EndpointDescriptionCollection GetEndpoints(string serverUrl)
      //Create a URI using the server's URL
      Uri uri = new Uri(serverUrl);
        //Create a DiscoveryClient
        DiscoveryClient client = DiscoveryClient.Create(uri);
        //Search for available endpoints
        EndpointDescriptionCollection endpoints = client.GetEndpoints(null);
        return endpoints;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    #region Connect/Disconnect
    /// <summary>Establishes the connection to an OPC UA server and creates a session using a server url.</summary>
    /// <param name="url">The Url of the endpoint as string.</param>
    /// <param name="localIpAddress">The ip address of the interface to connect with</param>
    /// <param name="security">Use security or not</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public void Connect(string url, bool security)
        //Secify application configuration
        ApplicationConfiguration ApplicationConfig = mApplicationConfig;

        //Hook up a validator function for a CertificateValidation event
        mApplicationConfig.CertificateValidator.CertificateValidation  = Validator_CertificateValidation;

        //Create EndPoint description
        EndpointDescription EndpointDescription = CreateEndpointDescription(url, security);

        //Create EndPoint configuration
        EndpointConfiguration EndpointConfiguration = EndpointConfiguration.Create(ApplicationConfig);

        //Create an Endpoint object to connect to server
        ConfiguredEndpoint Endpoint = new ConfiguredEndpoint(null, EndpointDescription, EndpointConfiguration);

        //Create anonymous user identity
        UserIdentity UserIdentity = new UserIdentity();

        //Create and connect session
        mSession = Session.Create(

        mSession.KeepAlive  = new KeepAliveEventHandler(Notification_KeepAlive);

      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Establishes the connection to an OPC UA server and creates a session using a EndpointDescription.</summary>
    /// <param name="endpointDescription">The EndpointDescription of the server's endpoint</param>
    /// <param name="localIpAddress">The ip address of the interface to connect with</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public void Connect(EndpointDescription endpointDescription)
        //Secify application configuration
        ApplicationConfiguration ApplicationConfig = mApplicationConfig;

        //Hook up a validator function for a CertificateValidation event
        ApplicationConfig.CertificateValidator.CertificateValidation  = Validator_CertificateValidation;

        //Create EndPoint configuration
        EndpointConfiguration EndpointConfiguration = EndpointConfiguration.Create(ApplicationConfig);

        //Connect to server and get endpoints
        ConfiguredEndpoint mEndpoint = new ConfiguredEndpoint(null, endpointDescription, EndpointConfiguration);

        //Create the binding factory.
        BindingFactory bindingFactory = BindingFactory.Create(mApplicationConfig, ServiceMessageContext.GlobalContext);

        //Create anonymous user identity
        UserIdentity UserIdentity = new UserIdentity();

        //Create and connect session
        mSession = Session.Create(

        mSession.KeepAlive  = new KeepAliveEventHandler(Notification_KeepAlive);
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Closes an existing session and disconnects from the server.</summary>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public void Disconnect()
      // Close the session.
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    #region Browse
    /// <summary>Browses the root folder of an OPC UA server.</summary>
    /// <returns>ReferenceDescriptionCollection of found nodes</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public ReferenceDescriptionCollection BrowseRoot()
      //Create a collection for the browse results
      ReferenceDescriptionCollection referenceDescriptionCollection;
      //Create a continuationPoint
      byte[] continuationPoint;
        //Browse the RootFolder for variables, objects and methods
        mSession.Browse(null, null, ObjectIds.RootFolder, 0u, BrowseDirection.Forward, ReferenceTypeIds.HierarchicalReferences, true, (uint)NodeClass.Variable | (uint)NodeClass.Object | (uint)NodeClass.Method, out continuationPoint, out referenceDescriptionCollection);
        return referenceDescriptionCollection;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;


    /// <summary>Browses a node ID provided by a ReferenceDescription</summary>
    /// <param name="refDesc">The ReferenceDescription</param>
    /// <returns>ReferenceDescriptionCollection of found nodes</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public ReferenceDescriptionCollection BrowseNode(ReferenceDescription refDesc)
      //Create a collection for the browse results
      ReferenceDescriptionCollection referenceDescriptionCollection;
      //Create a continuationPoint
      byte[] continuationPoint;
      //Create a NodeId using the selected ReferenceDescription as browsing starting point
      NodeId nodeId = ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(refDesc.NodeId, null);
        //Browse from starting point for all object types
        mSession.Browse(null, null, nodeId, 0u, BrowseDirection.Forward, ReferenceTypeIds.HierarchicalReferences, true, 0, out continuationPoint, out referenceDescriptionCollection);
        return referenceDescriptionCollection;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;


    #region Subscription
    /// <summary>Creats a Subscription object to a server</summary>
    /// <param name="publishingInterval">The publishing interval</param>
    /// <returns>Subscription</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public Subscription Subscribe(int publishingInterval)
      //Create a Subscription object
      Subscription subscription = new Subscription(mSession.DefaultSubscription);
      //Enable publishing
      subscription.PublishingEnabled = true;
      //Set the publishing interval
      subscription.PublishingInterval = publishingInterval;
      //Add the subscription to the session
        //Create/Activate the subscription
        return subscription;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Ads a monitored item to an existing subscription</summary>
    /// <param name="subscription">The subscription</param>
    /// <param name="nodeIdString">The node Id as string</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public MonitoredItem AddMonitoredItem(Subscription subscription, string nodeIdString, int samplingInterval)
      //Create a monitored item    
      MonitoredItem monitoredItem = new MonitoredItem(subscription.DefaultItem);
      //Set the NodeId of the item
      monitoredItem.StartNodeId = nodeIdString;
      //Set the attribute Id (value here)
      monitoredItem.AttributeId = Attributes.Value;
      //Set reporting mode 
      monitoredItem.MonitoringMode = MonitoringMode.Reporting;
      //Set the sampling interval (1 = fastest possible)
      monitoredItem.SamplingInterval = samplingInterval;
      //Set the queue size
      monitoredItem.QueueSize = 0;
      //Discard the oldest item after new one has been received
      monitoredItem.DiscardOldest = true;
      //Define event handler for this item and then add to monitoredItem
      monitoredItem.Notification  = new MonitoredItemNotificationEventHandler(Notification_MonitoredItem);
        //Add the item to the subscription
        //Apply changes to the subscription
        return monitoredItem;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Removs a monitored item from an existing subscription</summary>
    /// <param name="subscription">The subscription</param>
    /// <param name="monitoredItem">The item</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public MonitoredItem RemoveMonitoredItem(Subscription subscription, MonitoredItem monitoredItem)
        //Add the item to the subscription
        //Apply changes to the subscription
        return null;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Removes an existing Subscription</summary>
    /// <param name="subscription">The subscription</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public void RemoveSubscription(Subscription subscription)
        //Delete the subscription and all items submitted
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    #region Read/Write
    /// <summary>Reads a node by node Id</summary>
    /// <param name="nodeIdString">The node Id as string</param>
    /// <returns>The read node</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public Node ReadNode(string nodeIdString)
      //Create a nodeId using the identifier string
      NodeId nodeId = new NodeId(nodeIdString);
      //Create a node
      Node node = new Node();
        //Read the dataValue
        node = mSession.ReadNode(nodeId);
        return node;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Writes values to  node Ids</summary>
    /// <param name="value">The values as strings</param>
    /// <param name="nodeIdString">The nodes Id as strings</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public string WriteValues(List<String> values, List<String> nodeIdStrings)
      //Create a collection of values to write
      WriteValueCollection valuesToWrite = new WriteValueCollection();
      //Create a collection for StatusCodes
      StatusCodeCollection result = new StatusCodeCollection();
      //Create a collection for DiagnosticInfos
      DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnostics = new DiagnosticInfoCollection();
      string returnVal = "";
      foreach (String str in nodeIdStrings)
        //Create a nodeId
        NodeId nodeId = new NodeId(str);
        //Create a dataValue
        DataValue dataValue = new DataValue();
        //Read the dataValue
          dataValue = mSession.ReadValue(nodeId);
        catch (Exception e)
          //handle Exception here
          throw e;
        //Get the data type of the read dataValue
        string dataType = dataValue.Value.GetType().FullName;
        dynamic setDataValues;
        if (dataType == "System.Byte[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          Byte[] tempStr = new Byte[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            Byte i = Convert.ToByte(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
        else if (dataType == "System.Boolean[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          Boolean[] tempStr = new Boolean[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            Boolean i = Convert.ToBoolean(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
        else if (dataType == "System.Int16[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          Int16[] tempStr = new Int16[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            Int16 i = Convert.ToInt16(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
        else if (dataType == "System.UInt16[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          UInt16[] tempStr = new UInt16[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            UInt16 i = Convert.ToUInt16(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
        else if (dataType == "System.UInt32[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          UInt32[] tempStr = new UInt32[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            UInt32 i = Convert.ToUInt32(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
        else if (dataType == "System.Int64[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          Int64[] tempStr = new Int64[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            Int64 i = Convert.ToInt64(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
        else if (dataType == "System.Single[]")
          string[] tempValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString().Split(';');
          Single[] tempStr = new Single[tempValues.Length];
          for (int j = 0; j < tempValues.Length; j  )
            Single i = Convert.ToSingle(tempValues[j]);
            tempStr[j] = i;
          setDataValues = tempStr;
          setDataValues = values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)].ToString();
        Variant variant = new Variant(Convert.ChangeType(setDataValues, dataValue.Value.GetType()));
        // Variant variant = new Variant(Convert.ChangeType(values[nodeIdStrings.IndexOf(str)], dataValue.Value.GetType()));
        //Overwrite the dataValue with a new constructor using read dataType
        dataValue = new DataValue(variant);
        //Create a WriteValue using the NodeId, dataValue and attributeType
        WriteValue valueToWrite = new WriteValue();
        valueToWrite.Value = dataValue;
        valueToWrite.NodeId = nodeId;
        valueToWrite.AttributeId = Attributes.Value;

        //Add the dataValues to the collection
        //Write the collection to the server
        mSession.Write(null, valuesToWrite, out result, out diagnostics);
        returnVal = result[0].ToString();
        return returnVal;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;



    /// <summary>Reads values from node Ids</summary>
    /// <param name="nodeIdStrings">The node Ids as string</param>
    /// <returns>The read values as strings</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public List<string> ReadValues(List<String> nodeIdStrings)
      List<NodeId> nodeIds = new List<NodeId>();
      List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
      List<object> values = new List<object>();
      List<ServiceResult> serviceResults = new List<ServiceResult>();
      foreach (string str in nodeIdStrings)
        //Create a nodeId using the identifier string and add to list
        nodeIds.Add(new NodeId(str));
        //No need for types
        //Read the dataValues
        mSession.ReadValues(nodeIds, types, out values, out serviceResults);
        //check ServiceResults to 
        foreach (ServiceResult svResult in serviceResults)
          if (svResult.ToString() != "Good")
            Exception e = new Exception(svResult.ToString());
            throw e;
        List<string> resultStrings = new List<string>();
        foreach (object result in values)
          if (result.ToString() == "System.Byte[]")
            string str = "";
            str = BitConverter.ToString((byte[])result).Replace("-", ";");
          else if (result.ToString() == "System.Boolean[]")
            string str = "";
            foreach (Boolean intVar in (Boolean[])result)
              str = str   ";"   intVar.ToString();
            str = str.Remove(0, 1);
          else if (result.ToString() == "System.Int16[]")
            string str = "";
            foreach (Int16 intVar in (Int16[])result)
              str = str   ";"   intVar.ToString();
            str = str.Remove(0, 1);
          else if (result.ToString() == "System.UInt16[]")
            string str = "";
            foreach (UInt16 intVar in (UInt16[])result)
              str = str   ";"   intVar.ToString();
            str = str.Remove(0, 1);
          else if (result.ToString() == "System.Int64[]")
            string str = "";
            foreach (Int64 intVar in (Int64[])result)
              str = str   ";"   intVar.ToString();
            str = str.Remove(0, 1);
          else if (result.ToString() == "System.Single[]")
            string str = "";
            foreach (float intVar in (float[])result)
              str = str   ";"   intVar.ToString();
            str = str.Remove(0, 1);
        return resultStrings;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Registers Node Ids to the server</summary>
    /// <param name="nodeIdStrings">The node Ids as strings</param>
    /// <returns>The registered Node Ids as strings</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public List<string> RegisterNodeIds(List<String> nodeIdStrings)
      NodeIdCollection nodesToRegister = new NodeIdCollection();
      NodeIdCollection registeredNodes = new NodeIdCollection();
      List<string> registeredNodeIdStrings = new List<string>();
      foreach (string str in nodeIdStrings)
        //Create a nodeId using the identifier string and add to list
        nodesToRegister.Add(new NodeId(str));
        //Register nodes
        mSession.RegisterNodes(null, nodesToRegister, out registeredNodes);

        foreach (NodeId nodeId in registeredNodes)

        return registeredNodeIdStrings;
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;

    /// <summary>Unregister Node Ids to the server</summary>
    /// <param name="nodeIdStrings">The node Ids as string</param>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public void UnregisterNodeIds(List<String> nodeIdStrings)
      NodeIdCollection nodesToUnregister = new NodeIdCollection();
      List<string> registeredNodeIdStrings = new List<string>();
      foreach (string str in nodeIdStrings)
        //Create a nodeId using the identifier string and add to list
        nodesToUnregister.Add(new NodeId(str));
        //Register nodes                
        mSession.UnregisterNodes(null, nodesToUnregister);
      catch (Exception e)
        //handle Exception here
        throw e;


    #region EventHandling
    /// <summary>Eventhandler to accept the server certificate forwards this event</summary>
    private void Validator_CertificateValidation(CertificateValidator certificate, CertificateValidationEventArgs e)
      //Accept the certificate send from the server
      e.Accept = true;

    /// <summary>Eventhandler for MonitoredItemNotifications forwards this event</summary>
    private void Notification_MonitoredItem(MonitoredItem monitoredItem, MonitoredItemNotificationEventArgs e)
      ItemChangedNotification(monitoredItem, e);

    /// <summary>Eventhandler for KeepAlive forwards this event</summary>
    private void Notification_KeepAlive(Session session, KeepAliveEventArgs e)
      KeepAliveNotification(session, e);

    #region Private methods
    /// <summary>Creats a minimal required ApplicationConfiguration</summary>
    /// <param name="localIpAddress">The ip address of the interface to connect with</param>
    /// <returns>The ApplicationConfiguration</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    private static ApplicationConfiguration CreateClientConfiguration()
      // The application configuration can be loaded from any file.
      // ApplicationConfiguration.Load() method loads configuration by looking up a file path in the App.config.
      // This approach allows applications to share configuration files and to update them.
      // This example creates a minimum ApplicationConfiguration using its default constructor.
      ApplicationConfiguration configuration = new ApplicationConfiguration();

      // Step 1 - Specify the client identity.        
      configuration.ApplicationName = "UA Client 1500";
      configuration.ApplicationType = ApplicationType.Client;
      configuration.ApplicationUri = "http://localhost/VendorId/ApplicationId/InstanceId";
      configuration.ProductUri = "http://VendorId/ProductId/VersionId";

      // Step 2 - Specify the client's application instance certificate.
      // Application instance certificates must be placed in a windows certficate store because that is 
      // the best way to protect the private key. Certificates in a store are identified with 4 parameters:
      // StoreLocation, StoreName, SubjectName and Thumbprint.            
      // When using StoreType = Directory you need to have the opc.ua.certificategenerator.exe installed on your machine

      configuration.SecurityConfiguration = new SecurityConfiguration();
      configuration.SecurityConfiguration.ApplicationCertificate = new CertificateIdentifier();
      configuration.SecurityConfiguration.ApplicationCertificate.StoreType = CertificateStoreType.Windows;
      configuration.SecurityConfiguration.ApplicationCertificate.StorePath = "LocalMachine\\My";
      configuration.SecurityConfiguration.ApplicationCertificate.SubjectName = configuration.ApplicationName;

      // find the client certificate in the store.
      X509Certificate2 clientCertificate = configuration.SecurityConfiguration.ApplicationCertificate.Find(true);

      // Get local interface ip addresses and DNS name
      List<string> localIps = GetLocalIPAddressAndDns();

      // create a new certificate if one not found.
      if (clientCertificate == null)
        // this code would normally be called as part of the installer - called here to illustrate.
        // create a new certificate an place it in the current directory.
        clientCertificate = CertificateFactory.CreateCertificate(

      // Step 3 - Specify the supported transport quotas.
      // The transport quotas are used to set limits on the contents of messages and are
      // used to protect against DOS attacks and rogue clients. They should be set to
      // reasonable values.
      configuration.TransportQuotas = new TransportQuotas();
      configuration.TransportQuotas.OperationTimeout = 360000;
      configuration.TransportQuotas.MaxStringLength = 67108864;

      // Step 4 - Specify the client specific configuration.
      configuration.ClientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
      configuration.ClientConfiguration.DefaultSessionTimeout = 999999999;

      // Step 5 - Validate the configuration.

      // This step checks if the configuration is consistent and assigns a few internal variables
      // that are used by the SDK. This is called automatically if the configuration is loaded from
      // a file using the ApplicationConfiguration.Load() method.          

      return configuration;

    /// <summary>Creats an EndpointDescription</summary>
    /// <param name="url">The endpoint url</param>
    /// <param name="security">Use security or not</param>
    /// <returns>The EndpointDescription</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    private static EndpointDescription CreateEndpointDescription(string url, bool security)
      // create the endpoint description.
      EndpointDescription endpointDescription = new EndpointDescription();

      // submit the url of the endopoint
      endpointDescription.EndpointUrl = url;

      // specify the security policy to use.
      if (security)
        endpointDescription.SecurityPolicyUri = SecurityPolicies.Basic128Rsa15;
        endpointDescription.SecurityMode = MessageSecurityMode.SignAndEncrypt;
        endpointDescription.SecurityPolicyUri = SecurityPolicies.None;
        endpointDescription.SecurityMode = MessageSecurityMode.None;

      // specify the transport profile.
      endpointDescription.TransportProfileUri = Profiles.UaTcpTransport;

      return endpointDescription;

    /// <summary>Gets the local IP addresses and the DNS name</summary>
    /// <returns>The list of IPs and names</returns>
    /// <exception cref="Exception">Throws and forwards any exception with short error description.</exception>
    public static List<string> GetLocalIPAddressAndDns()
      List<string> localIps = new List<string>();
      var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
      foreach (var ip in host.AddressList)
        if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)

      if (localIps.Count == 0)
        throw new Exception("Local IP Address Not Found!");
      return localIps;

标签: 操作 c opc a 西门子



第 1 楼 雨神降临 发表于: 2018-05-09 15:19 53

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第 2 楼 鍵來 发表于: 2018-11-13 12:05 02

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第 3 楼 tqr123 发表于: 2019-08-28 10:23 21
Opc.Ua.ServiceResultException:“Could not open the windows certificate store. Error=00000005”

支持(0) 盖楼(回复)






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