您当前所在位置:首页C# 开发实例桌面应用界面/GUI → Outlook折叠菜单



  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:0.02M
  • 下载次数:56
  • 浏览次数:1009
  • 发布时间:2017-10-21
  • 实例类别:桌面应用界面/GUI
  • 发 布 人:lqf7709
  • 文件格式:.rar
  • 所需积分:4
 相关标签: Outlook折叠菜单






using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using UtilityLibrary.Collections;
using UtilityLibrary.Win32;
using UtilityLibrary.General;
using UtilityLibrary.Menus;
namespace UtilityLibrary.WinControls
    #region Delegates
    public delegate void OutlookBarPropertyChangedHandler(OutlookBarBand band, OutlookBarProperty property);
    public delegate void OutlookBarItemClickedHandler(OutlookBarBand band, OutlookBarItem item);
    public delegate void OutlookBarItemDroppedHandler(OutlookBarBand band, OutlookBarItem item);
    public delegate void OutlookBarIconViewChangedHandler(OutlookBarBand band);
    #region Enumerations
    public enum OutlookBarProperty
    enum ItemSizeType
    public enum IconView
    public enum HitTestType
    public enum ContextMenuType
    public enum BorderType
    #region OutlookBarBand class
    public class OutlookBarBand : Control
        #region Class variables
        Control childControl = null;
        ImageList smallImageList = null;
        ImageList largeImageList = null;
        OutlookBarItemCollection items = null;
        Color background = ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor;
        Color textColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
        IconView iconView = IconView.Large;
        #region Events
        public event OutlookBarIconViewChangedHandler IconViewChanged;
        #region Constructors
        public OutlookBarBand(string text, Control childControl)
            this.Text = text;
            this.childControl = childControl;
        public OutlookBarBand(string text)
            this.Text = text;
            // When using the constructor that just use the name,
            // it means that this band will have child items
            items = new OutlookBarItemCollection();
        public OutlookBarBand()
            // Constructor for designer support
            items = new OutlookBarItemCollection();
            if( this.Site!= null)
                Name = Site.Name;
                Name = null;
        #region Overrides
        protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
            if( items!= null)
            base.Dispose( disposing);
        private void InitializeComponent()
        #region Properties
        public Control ChildControl
            get { return childControl; }
        public ImageList SmallImageList
            set { smallImageList = value; }
            get { return smallImageList; }
        public ImageList LargeImageList
            set { largeImageList = value; }
            get { return largeImageList; }
        public Color Background
            set { background = value; }
            get { return background; }
        public Color TextColor
            set { textColor = value; }
            get { return textColor; }
        public OutlookBarItemCollection Items
            get { return items; }
        public IconView IconView
            set { iconView = value; }
            get { return iconView; }
        #region Methods
        #region Implementation
        void FireIconViewChanged()
            if ( IconViewChanged != null )
    #region OutlookBar Item class
    public class OutlookBarItem : Component
        #region Class variables
        string text;
        int imageIndex = -1;
        object tag;
        #region Events
        #region Constructors
        public OutlookBarItem(string text, int ImageIndex)
            this.text = text;
            this.imageIndex = ImageIndex;
        public OutlookBarItem(string text, int imageIndex, object tag)
            this.text = text;
            this.imageIndex = imageIndex;
            tag = tag;
        public OutlookBarItem()
            // To support designer
            imageIndex = -1;
        #region Overrides
        #region Methods
        #region Properties
        public int ImageIndex
            set { imageIndex = value; }
            get { return imageIndex; }
        public string Text
            set { text = value; }
            get { return text; }
        public object Tag
            set { tag = value; }
            get { return tag; }
        #region Implementation
    #region OutlookBar class
    public class OutlookBar : System.Windows.Forms.Control
        #region Class variables
        const int BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT = 22;
        int currentBandIndex = -1;
        BorderType borderType = BorderType.None;
        int firstItem = 0;
        int lastHighlightedHeader = -1;
        int lastHighlightedItem = -1;
        Rectangle upArrowRect;
        Rectangle downArrowRect;
        DrawState upArrowDrawState = DrawState.Normal;
        DrawState downArrowDrawState = DrawState.Normal;
        bool upArrowVisible = false;
        bool downArrowVisible = false;
        bool upArrowPressed = false;
        bool downArrowPressed = false;
        bool upTimerTicking = false;
        bool downTimerTicking = false;
        bool doScrollingLoop = false;
        bool buttonPushed = false;
        Bitmap backgroundBitmap = null;
        bool needBackgroundBitmapResize = true;
        bool flatArrowButtons = false;
        // Custom Border colors
        Color leftTopColor = Color.Empty;
        Color rightBottomColor = Color.Empty;
        // Context Menus
        ContextMenu contextMenu = null;
        Point lastClickedPoint = Point.Empty;
        int selectedHeader = -1;
        System.Windows.Forms.Timer highlightTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
        bool previousPressed = false;
        int animationSpeed = 20;
        Cursor dragCursor = null;
        int lastDrawnLineIndex = -1;
        bool paintedDropLineLastItem = false;
        int droppedPosition = -1;
        bool forceHightlight = false;
        int forceHightlightIndex = -1;
        // For in place editing of the
        TextBoxEx textBox = new TextBoxEx();
        bool editingAnItem = false;
        const int X_SMALLICON_LABEL_OFFSET = 2;
        const int Y_LARGEICON_LABEL_OFFSET = 3;
        const int Y_SMALLICON_SPACING = 10;
        const int Y_LARGEICON_SPACING = 8;
        const int LEFT_MARGIN = 5;
        const int LARGE_TOP_MARGIN = 10;
        const int SMALL_TOP_MARGIN = 6;
        const int ARROW_BUTTON_MARGIN = 5;
        // Flat Arrow Buttons helpers
        DrawState upFlatArrowState = DrawState.Normal;
        DrawState downFlatArrowState = DrawState.Normal;
        // Bands
        OutlookBarBandCollection bands = null;
        #region Events
        public event OutlookBarPropertyChangedHandler PropertyChanged;
        public event OutlookBarItemClickedHandler ItemClicked;
        public event OutlookBarItemDroppedHandler ItemDropped;
        #region Constructors
        public OutlookBar()
            // Construct band collection
            bands = new OutlookBarBandCollection(this);
            Dock = DockStyle.Left;
            // We are going to do all of the painting so better setup the control
            // to use double buffering
                |ControlStyles.Opaque|ControlStyles.UserPaint|ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            Font = SystemInformation.MenuFont;
            // Setup timer
            highlightTimer.Tick  = new EventHandler(OnHighlightHeader);
            highlightTimer.Interval = 100;
            // Load drag cursor
            Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(Type.GetType("UtilityLibrary.WinControls.OutlookBar"));
            Stream cursorStream = myAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("UtilityLibrary.Resources.DragCursor.cur");
            dragCursor = new Cursor(cursorStream);
            // don't display it until we need to
            textBox.Visible = false;
            // Hook up notification for the Enter and LostFocus events
            textBox.KeyUp  = new KeyEventHandler(TextBoxKeyDown);
            textBox.LostFocus  = new EventHandler(TextBoxLostFocus);
        #region Overrides
        protected override Size DefaultSize
            get { return new Size(100, 10); }
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
            Graphics g = pe.Graphics;
            // Manipulate child window in case there is one
            if ( currentBandIndex == -1 && bands.Count > 0)
            // Background if it needs to be painted
            // If we have a border
            // The little headers
            // If there is a child window
            // it will paint itself, otherwise we do the painting
            if ( !HasChild() )
                // The items themselves
                DrawItems(g, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                // The buttons for scrolling items
                // Drawing second so that they don't get written over by the items
            // Highlight last item clicked
            if ( forceHightlight )
                ForceHighlightItem(g, forceHightlightIndex);
                forceHightlight = false;
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            // If the textbox is being displayed cancel editing
            if ( textBox.Visible )
            int index;
            HitTestType ht = HitTest(new Point(e.X, e.Y), out index, false);
            if ( e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                // Handle arrow button hit
                if( ht == HitTestType.UpScroll || ht == HitTestType.DownScroll)
                    if ( ht == HitTestType.UpScroll )
                            ref upArrowVisible, ref upArrowPressed, ref upTimerTicking);
                            ref downArrowVisible, ref downArrowPressed, ref downTimerTicking);
                // Handle header hit
                if ( ht == HitTestType.Header )
                // Handle item hit
                if ( ht == HitTestType.Item )
                    ProcessItemHit(index, new Point(e.X, e.Y));
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            Point MousePos = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
            // Change cursor if over a header
            int index;
            HitTestType ht = HitTest(MousePos, out index, false);
            if ( ht != HitTestType.Header && lastHighlightedHeader >=0 )HighlightHeader(-1);         
            if ( ht != HitTestType.Item  && lastHighlightedItem  >= 0 ) HighlightItem(-1, false);
            if ( upArrowDrawState == DrawState.Hot && ht != HitTestType.UpScroll
                || flatArrowButtons )
                if ( flatArrowButtons )
                    if ( upArrowVisible && UpFlatArrowState != DrawState.Normal)
                        DrawArrowButton(upArrowRect, ButtonState.Normal);
                    DrawArrowButton(upArrowRect, ButtonState.Normal);
            if ( downArrowDrawState == DrawState.Hot && ht == HitTestType.DownScroll
                || flatArrowButtons )
                if ( flatArrowButtons )
                    if ( downArrowVisible && DownFlatArrowState != DrawState.Normal )
                        DrawArrowButton(downArrowRect, ButtonState.Normal);
                    DrawArrowButton(downArrowRect, ButtonState.Normal);
            if ( ht == HitTestType.Header )
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand;
            else if (ht == HitTestType.Item )
                HighlightItem(index, false);
            else if ( ht == HitTestType.UpScroll )
                if ( flatArrowButtons
                    && upArrowVisible )
                    if ( UpFlatArrowState != DrawState.Hot )
                        DrawArrowButton(upArrowRect, ButtonState.Pushed);
            else if ( ht == HitTestType.DownScroll )
                if ( flatArrowButtons
                    && downArrowVisible)
                    if ( DownFlatArrowState != DrawState.Hot )
                        DrawArrowButton(downArrowRect, ButtonState.Pushed);
        protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
            if ( HasChild() )
                Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
                OutlookBarBand newBand = bands[currentBandIndex];
                Control childControl = newBand.ChildControl;
                childControl.Bounds = rc;
            // flag that we need to update the bitmap background
            // if there is one
            needBackgroundBitmapResize = true;
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
            // Make text box a child of the outlookbar control
            WindowsAPI.SetParent(textBox.Handle, Handle);
        protected override  void WndProc(ref Message m)
            bool callBase = true;
                case ((int)Msg.WM_CONTEXTMENU):
                    Point pt = WindowsAPI.GetPointFromLPARAM((int)m.LParam);
                    pt = PointToClient(pt);
                    Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
                    // Save the point so that we can update our popup menu correctly
                    lastClickedPoint = pt;
                    // If the user click on the child window don't
                    // show a context menu
                    if ( HasChild() && viewPortRect.Contains(pt))
                        callBase = false;
            if ( callBase )
                base.WndProc(ref m);
        #region Properties
        public OutlookBarBandCollection Bands
            get { return bands; }
        public BorderType BorderType
            set { borderType = value; }
            get { return borderType; }
        public int AnimationSpeed  
            set { animationSpeed = value; }
            get { return animationSpeed; }
        public Color LeftTopColor  
            set { leftTopColor = value; }
            get { return leftTopColor; }
        public Color RightBottomColor  
            set { rightBottomColor = value; }
            get { return rightBottomColor; }
        public Bitmap BackgroundBitmap
                backgroundBitmap = value;
                needBackgroundBitmapResize = true;
            get { return backgroundBitmap; }
        public bool FlatArrowButtons
            set { flatArrowButtons = value; }
            get { return flatArrowButtons; }
        internal DrawState UpFlatArrowState
            set { upFlatArrowState = value; }
            get { return upFlatArrowState; }
        internal DrawState DownFlatArrowState
            set { downFlatArrowState = value; }
            get { return downFlatArrowState; }
        #region Methods
        public HitTestType HitTest(Point point, out int index, bool doingDragging)
            // If we don't have any bands just return
            index = 0;
            if ( bands.Count == 0 || currentBandIndex == -1 )   return HitTestType.Nothing;
            // Check if we hit the arrow buttons
            if (upArrowVisible && upArrowRect.Contains(point)) return HitTestType.UpScroll;
            if (downArrowVisible && downArrowRect.Contains(point)) return HitTestType.DownScroll;
            // Check to see if we hit a header
            for ( int i = 0; i < bands.Count; i   )
                Rectangle rc = GetHeaderRect(i);
                if ( rc.Contains(point) )
                    index = i;
                    return HitTestType.Header;
            // Don't do any hit testing for items if
            // the current band has a child
            if ( HasChild() ) return HitTestType.Nothing;
            // Check to see if we hit an item
            int itemCount = bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Count;
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            Rectangle iconRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            Rectangle labelRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            for ( int i = firstItem; i < itemCount; i   )
                // Check if we hit the icon
                iconRect = GetIconRect(i);
                if ( iconRect.Contains(point) )
                    index = i;
                    return HitTestType.Item;
                    if ( iconRect.Bottom > viewPortRect.Bottom && !doingDragging) break;
                // Check to see if we hit the label
                labelRect = GetLabelRect(i);
                if ( labelRect.Contains(point) )
                    index = i;
                    return HitTestType.Item;
                    if ( labelRect.Bottom > viewPortRect.Bottom && !doingDragging) break;
                // If we are dragging, hit test for the drop line
                if ( doingDragging )
                    Rectangle dragRect = new Rectangle(viewPortRect.Left, iconRect.Top - Y_LARGEICON_SPACING,
                        viewPortRect.Width, Y_LARGEICON_SPACING);
                    if ( dragRect.Contains(point) )
                        index = i;
                        return HitTestType.DropLine;
                    // if this is the last icon and the point is farther down the last item
                    if ( (i == itemCount - 1) && point.Y > labelRect.Bottom )
                        index = itemCount - 1;
                        return HitTestType.DropLineLastItem;
            return HitTestType.Nothing;
        public Rectangle GetItemRect(Graphics g, OutlookBarBand band, int index, Rectangle targetRect)
            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
            if ( targetRect != Rectangle.Empty ) rc = targetRect;
            Size itemSize = new Size(0,0);
            int top = rc.Top;
            int y = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < index; i   )
                itemSize = GetItemSize(g, band, i, ItemSizeType.All);
                top  = itemSize.Height;
                if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                    top  = Y_SMALLICON_SPACING;
                    top  = Y_LARGEICON_SPACING;
                if ( i == (firstItem - 1) )
                    // Subtract the hidden items height
                    y = top - rc.Top;
            itemSize = GetItemSize(g, band, index, ItemSizeType.All);
            int margin = SMALL_TOP_MARGIN;
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large )
                margin = LARGE_TOP_MARGIN;
            // Work with Windows Rect is easier to change settings
            RECT rcItem = new RECT();
            rcItem.left = rc.Left;
            rcItem.top = top;
            rcItem.right = rc.Left   itemSize.Width;
            rcItem.bottom = top   itemSize.Height;
            // Adjust rectangle
            rcItem.top -= y;
            rcItem.bottom -= y;
            rcItem.top  = margin;
            rcItem.bottom  = margin;
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                rcItem.left  = rc.Left   LEFT_MARGIN;
                rcItem.right = rc.Right;
            // Construct final rectangle
            Rectangle actualRect = new Rectangle(rcItem.left,  
                rcItem.top, rcItem.right - rcItem.left, rcItem.bottom - rcItem.top);
            return actualRect;
        public void ProcessOnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            // To be used from the designer
        public void OnContextMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            if (typeof(MenuItemEx).IsInstanceOfType(sender))
                MenuItemEx item = (MenuItemEx)sender;
                if ( item.Text == "Large Icons")
                    band.IconView = IconView.Large;
                    item.RadioCheck = true;
                    contextMenu.MenuItems[1].RadioCheck = false;
                else if ( item.Text == "Small Icons")
                    item.RadioCheck = true;
                    band.IconView = IconView.Small;
                    contextMenu.MenuItems[0].RadioCheck = false;
                else if ( item.Text == "Rename Shortcut" )
                else if ( item.Text == "Rename Group" )
        public int GetCurrentBand()
            return currentBandIndex;
        public void SetCurrentBand(int index)
            // If in design mode and index equals -1 just don't do anything
            if ( DesignMode && index == -1 )
            // Make sure index is valid
            Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < bands.Count, "Invalid Band Index");
            // Don't do anything if requested to set it to the same one
            if ( currentBandIndex == index)
            // Hide current child control if any
            Control childControl;
            if ( currentBandIndex != -1 && bands.Count > 0)
                OutlookBarBand oldBand = bands[currentBandIndex];
                childControl = oldBand.ChildControl;
                if ( childControl != null )
                    childControl.Visible = false;
            // Animate showing the new band
            if ( index != currentBandIndex )
                AnimateScroll(currentBandIndex, index);
            // Reset parameter
            currentBandIndex = index;
            firstItem = 0;
            lastHighlightedItem = -1;
            OutlookBarBand newBand = bands[currentBandIndex];
            childControl = newBand.ChildControl;
            if ( childControl != null )
                // Make the outlookbar the parent of the child control
                // so that when we change the bounds of the control they
                // would be relative to the parent control
                // Don't do this every time since it causes flickering
                IntPtr hParent = WindowsAPI.GetParent(childControl.Handle);
                if ( hParent != Handle )
                    WindowsAPI.SetParent(childControl.Handle, Handle);
                    // Hook up into control recreation
                    childControl.HandleCreated  = new EventHandler(HandleRecreated);
                Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
                childControl.Bounds = rc;
                childControl.Visible = true;
            // update the bar
            // Fire property changed
        #region Implementation
        void ProcessArrowScrolling(Rectangle arrowButton, ref bool arrowVisible, ref bool arrowPressed, ref bool timerTicking)
            // Capture the mouse
            Capture = true;
            // Draw the arrow button pushed
            timerTicking = true;
            // Draw pushed button
            buttonPushed = true;
            DrawArrowButton(arrowButton, ButtonState.Pushed);
            // Start timer
            System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            timer.Tick  = new EventHandler(ScrollingTick);
            timer.Interval = 300;
            doScrollingLoop = true;           
            while ( doScrollingLoop )
                // Check messages until we find a condition to break out of the loop
                Win32.MSG msg = new Win32.MSG();
                WindowsAPI.GetMessage(ref msg, 0, 0, 0);
                Point point = new Point(0,0);
                if ( msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE || msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP )
                    point = WindowsAPI.GetPointFromLPARAM((int)msg.lParam);
                    case (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                        if ( arrowButton.Contains(point) )
                            if ( !buttonPushed )
                                DrawArrowButton(arrowButton, ButtonState.Pushed);
                                arrowVisible =  true;
                                arrowPressed = true;
                                buttonPushed =  true;
                            if ( buttonPushed )
                                DrawArrowButton(arrowButton, ButtonState.Normal);
                                arrowVisible =  false;
                                arrowPressed = false;
                                buttonPushed =  false;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP:
                        if ( buttonPushed )
                            if ( !flatArrowButtons )
                                // Only if using regular buttons
                                DrawArrowButton(arrowButton, ButtonState.Normal);
                            buttonPushed =  false;
                        arrowVisible = false;
                        if ( arrowButton.Contains(point) )
                            if ( arrowButton.Equals(upArrowRect) )
                                if ( firstItem > 0 )
                                    Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
                            else if ( arrowButton.Equals(downArrowRect) )
                                using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                                    // Get the last item rectangle
                                    OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
                                    if ( band != null )
                                        Rectangle rcItem = GetItemRect(g, band, band.Items.Count - 1, Rectangle.Empty);
                                        Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
                                        if ( rcItem.Bottom > rc.Bottom )
                                            firstItem  ;
                        doScrollingLoop = false;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_KEYDOWN:
                        if ( (int)msg.wParam == (int)VirtualKeys.VK_ESCAPE)
                            doScrollingLoop = false;
                        WindowsAPI.DispatchMessage(ref msg);
            // Release the capture
            Capture = false;
            // Stop timer
            // Reset flags
            arrowVisible = false;
            arrowPressed = false;
            timerTicking = false;
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
        void ScrollingTick(Object timeObject, EventArgs eventArgs)
            // Get mouse coordinates
            Point point = Control.MousePosition;
            point = PointToClient(point);
            if ( upTimerTicking )
                if ( buttonPushed )
                    if ( upArrowRect.Contains(point))
                        upArrowPressed = true;
                        if ( firstItem > 0 )
                            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
                            doScrollingLoop = false;
                        upArrowPressed = false;
            else if ( downTimerTicking )
                if ( buttonPushed )
                    if ( downArrowRect.Contains(point))
                        downArrowPressed = true;
                        using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                            // Get the last item rectangle
                            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
                            Rectangle rcItem = GetItemRect(g, band, band.Items.Count - 1, Rectangle.Empty);
                            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
                            if ( rcItem.Bottom > rc.Bottom )
                                firstItem  ;
                        doScrollingLoop = false;
                    downArrowPressed = false;
        void ProcessHeaderHit(int index)
            Capture = true;
            Rectangle rc = GetHeaderRect(index);
            // Draw header pressed
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle);
            bool headerPressed = true;
            DrawHeader(g, index, rc, Border3DStyle.Sunken);
            bool doLoop = true;
            while (doLoop)
                // Check messages until we find a condition to break out of the loop
                Win32.MSG msg = new Win32.MSG();
                WindowsAPI.GetMessage(ref msg, 0, 0, 0);
                Point point = new Point(0,0);
                if ( msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE || msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP )
                    point = WindowsAPI.GetPointFromLPARAM((int)msg.lParam);
                    case (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                        int currentIndex;
                        HitTestType hit = HitTest(point, out currentIndex, false);
                        if (hit == HitTestType.Header && currentIndex == index)
                            if (!headerPressed)
                                DrawHeader(g, index, rc, Border3DStyle.Sunken);
                                headerPressed = true;
                            if (headerPressed)
                                DrawHeader(g, index, rc, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
                                headerPressed = false;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP:
                        if (headerPressed)
                            DrawHeader(g, index, rc, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
                            headerPressed = false;
                        int newIndex;
                        HitTestType ht = HitTest(point, out newIndex, false);
                        if ( ht == HitTestType.Header && newIndex != selectedHeader )
                        doLoop = false;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_KEYDOWN:
                        if ( (int)msg.wParam == (int)VirtualKeys.VK_ESCAPE)
                            doLoop = false;
                        WindowsAPI.DispatchMessage(ref msg);
            // Reset flags
            Capture = false;
        void ProcessItemHit(int index, Point pt)
            bool itemPressed = true;
            Capture = true;
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle);
            Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, bands[currentBandIndex], index, Rectangle.Empty);
            DrawItem(g, index, itemRect, true, true, Rectangle.Empty, null);
            bool dragging = false;
            int deltaX = 0;
            int deltaY = 0;
            bool itemHighlighted = false;
            int dragItemIndex = -1;
            bool doLoop = true;
            while ( doLoop )
                // Check messages until we find a condition to break out of the loop
                Win32.MSG msg = new Win32.MSG();
                WindowsAPI.GetMessage(ref msg, 0, 0, 0);
                Point point = new Point(0,0);
                if ( msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE || msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP )
                    point = WindowsAPI.GetPointFromLPARAM((int)msg.lParam);
                    if ( msg.message == (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE )
                        deltaX = pt.X - point.X;
                        deltaY = pt.Y - point.Y;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                        int currentIndex;
                        HitTestType hit = HitTest(point, out currentIndex, dragging);
                        if ( dragging )
                            if ( hit == HitTestType.DropLine || hit == HitTestType.DropLineLastItem  )
                                Cursor.Current = dragCursor;
                                // Draw the Dragline
                                DrawDropLine(g, currentIndex, true, hit);
                                Cursor.Current = Cursors.No;
                                // Erase the Dragline
                                DrawDropLine(g, index, false, hit);
                            if ( hit == HitTestType.Item && currentIndex == index)
                                if ( itemHighlighted == false )
                                    DrawItem(g, index, itemRect,
                                        true, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                                    itemHighlighted = true;                                
                                if ( hit == HitTestType.Item )
                                    // Erase previous highlighting first
                                    if ( itemHighlighted )
                                        DrawItem(g, index, itemRect,
                                            false, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                                    // Highlight new item
                                    itemRect = GetItemRect(g, bands[currentBandIndex], currentIndex, Rectangle.Empty);
                                    index = currentIndex;
                                    DrawItem(g, index, itemRect,
                                        true, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                                    // the mouse did not hit an item
                                    if ( itemHighlighted )
                                        DrawItem(g, index, itemRect,
                                            false, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                                        itemHighlighted = false;
                            if (hit == HitTestType.Item && currentIndex == index)
                                // Set no drag cursor if there have been at least
                                // a 5 pixel movement
                                int pixelmov = 5;
                                if ( bands[currentBandIndex].IconView == IconView.Small ) pixelmov = 2;
                                bool unpressed = false;
                                if ( Math.Abs(deltaX) >= pixelmov || Math.Abs(deltaY) >= pixelmov )
                                    unpressed = true;
                                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.No;
                                    dragging = true;
                                    dragItemIndex = index;
                                if (itemPressed && unpressed)
                                    DrawItem(g, index, itemRect,
                                        true, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                                    itemPressed = false;
                                    itemHighlighted = true;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP:
                        // Highlight the item
                        if (itemPressed)
                            DrawItem(g, index, itemRect, true, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
                            itemPressed = false;
                        int newIndex;
                        HitTestType ht = HitTest(point, out newIndex, true);
                        bool doDrop = false;
                        if ( dragging && (ht == HitTestType.DropLine || ht == HitTestType.DropLineLastItem) )
                            // Delete dropline
                            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                            // Erase the Dragline
                            DrawDropLine(g, index, false, ht);
                            // Move the dragged item to the new location
                            // only if the new location is not contiguous to its
                            // own location
                            if ( dragItemIndex > droppedPosition
                                && Math.Abs(dragItemIndex - droppedPosition) > 0 )
                                doDrop = true;
                            else if ( dragItemIndex < droppedPosition
                                && Math.Abs(dragItemIndex - droppedPosition) > 1 )
                                doDrop = true;
                            if ( doDrop )
                                // Remove item from its old location
                                OutlookBarItem dragItem = bands[currentBandIndex].Items[dragItemIndex];
                                // Insert item in its new location
                                if ( dragItemIndex < droppedPosition )
                                bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Insert(droppedPosition, dragItem);
                        // Repaint the bar just in case we had a dropline painted
                        // Highlight item
                        if ( !dragging )
                            // do not highlight if we are dropping
                            forceHightlight = true;
                            forceHightlightIndex = index;
                            // Fire item clicked property
                            // Fire item dropped event
                            if ( droppedPosition != -1 && doDrop )
                        doLoop = false;
                    case (int)Msg.WM_KEYDOWN:
                        if ( (int)msg.wParam == (int)VirtualKeys.VK_ESCAPE)
                            doLoop = false;
                        WindowsAPI.DispatchMessage(ref msg);
            Capture = false;
        void DrawDropLine(Graphics g, int index, bool drawLine, HitTestType hit)
            Brush brush;
            Pen pen;
            if ( drawLine )
                droppedPosition  = index;
                lastDrawnLineIndex = index;
                brush = SystemBrushes.ControlText;
                pen = SystemPens.ControlText;
                // If there is nothing painted, no need to erase
                if ( lastDrawnLineIndex == -1) return;
                index = lastDrawnLineIndex;
                brush = new SolidBrush(bands[currentBandIndex].Background);
                pen = new Pen(bands[currentBandIndex].Background);
                lastDrawnLineIndex = -1;
            int itemsCount = bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Count;
            Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, bands[currentBandIndex], index, Rectangle.Empty);
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            int y;
            if  ( bands[currentBandIndex].IconView == IconView.Small)
                y = itemRect.Top - Y_SMALLICON_SPACING/2;
                y = itemRect.Top - Y_LARGEICON_SPACING;
            if ( hit == HitTestType.DropLineLastItem )
                // use the bottom of the label if dealing with the last item
                Rectangle labelRect = GetLabelRect(itemsCount-1);
                y = labelRect.Bottom   Y_LARGEICON_SPACING;
                paintedDropLineLastItem = true;
                // the none existing item index
                droppedPosition = itemsCount;
            else if ( paintedDropLineLastItem )
                Rectangle labelRect = GetLabelRect(itemsCount-1);
                y = labelRect.Bottom   Y_LARGEICON_SPACING;
                paintedDropLineLastItem = false;
            // If we are using a bitmap background, erase
            // by painting the portion of the bitmap background
            if ( backgroundBitmap != null && lastDrawnLineIndex == -1 )
                Rectangle rcStrip = new Rectangle(viewPortRect.Left, y-6, viewPortRect.Width, 12);
                g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, rcStrip, rcStrip, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            // Draw horizontal line
            Point p1 = new Point(viewPortRect.Left 11, y);
            Point p2 = new Point(viewPortRect.Right-11, y);
            g.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
            // Draw left triangle
            Point top;
            Point bottom;
            if ( index == firstItem )
                top = new Point(viewPortRect.Left 5, y);
                top = new Point(viewPortRect.Left 5, y-6);
            if ( hit == HitTestType.DropLineLastItem )
                bottom =  new Point(viewPortRect.Left 5, y 1);
                bottom = new Point(viewPortRect.Left 5, y 6);
            Point middle = new Point(viewPortRect.Left 11, y);
            Point[] points = new Point[3];
            points.SetValue(top, 0);
            points.SetValue(middle, 1);
            points.SetValue(bottom, 2);
            g.FillPolygon(brush, points);
            // Draw right triangle
            if ( index == firstItem )
                top = new Point(viewPortRect.Right-5, y);
                top = new Point(viewPortRect.Right-5, y - 6);
            if ( hit == HitTestType.DropLineLastItem  )
                bottom = new Point(viewPortRect.Right-5, y 1);
                bottom = new Point(viewPortRect.Right-5, y   6);
            middle = new Point(viewPortRect.Right-11, y);
            points.SetValue(top, 0);
            points.SetValue(middle, 1);
            points.SetValue(bottom, 2);
            g.FillPolygon(brush, points);
            if ( !drawLine )
        void HighlightHeader(int index)
            if ( lastHighlightedHeader == index ) return;
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle);
            Rectangle rc;
            if ( lastHighlightedHeader >= 0 )
                rc = GetHeaderRect(lastHighlightedHeader);
                DrawHeader(g, lastHighlightedHeader, rc, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
            lastHighlightedHeader = index;
            if ( lastHighlightedHeader >= 0 )
                rc = GetHeaderRect(lastHighlightedHeader);
                DrawHeader(g, lastHighlightedHeader, rc, Border3DStyle.Raised);
        void OnHighlightHeader(Object timeObject, EventArgs eventArgs)
            Point mousePos = Control.MousePosition;
            mousePos = PointToClient(mousePos);
            Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
            if ( !rc.Contains(mousePos) )
                HighlightItem(-1, false);
        void HighlightItem(int index, bool pressed)
            // Exit if item state has not changed
            if ( lastHighlightedItem == index && previousPressed == pressed ) return;
            // Remember if we were pressed or not
            previousPressed = pressed;
            if ( lastHighlightedItem >= 0 )
                // Draw the previously highlighted item in normal state
                using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                    Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, bands[currentBandIndex], lastHighlightedItem, Rectangle.Empty);
                    DrawItem(g, lastHighlightedItem, itemRect, false, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
            lastHighlightedItem = index;
            if ( lastHighlightedItem >= 0 )
                // Draw this item hightlighed
                using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                    Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, bands[currentBandIndex], lastHighlightedItem, Rectangle.Empty);
                    DrawItem(g, lastHighlightedItem, itemRect, true, pressed, Rectangle.Empty, null);
        void ForceHighlightItem(Graphics g, int index)
            // Draw this item hightlighed
            Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, bands[currentBandIndex], index, Rectangle.Empty);
            DrawItem(g, index, itemRect, true, false, Rectangle.Empty, null);
        public void PerformClick(int index)
        void FirePropertyChanged(OutlookBarProperty property)
            if ( PropertyChanged != null )
                PropertyChanged(bands[currentBandIndex], property);
        void FireItemClicked(int index)
            if ( ItemClicked != null )
                if ( currentBandIndex == -1)
                if ( index >= 0 && index < bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Count )
                    ItemClicked(bands[currentBandIndex], bands[currentBandIndex].Items[index]);
        void FireItemDropped(int index)
            if ( ItemDropped != null )
                if ( currentBandIndex == -1)
                if ( index >= 0 && index < bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Count )
                    ItemDropped(bands[currentBandIndex], bands[currentBandIndex].Items[index]);
        Rectangle GetWorkRect()
            Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
            if ( borderType != BorderType.None )
            return rc;
        Rectangle GetViewPortRect()
            // This is the area of the control minus
            // the bands headers
            Rectangle rect = GetWorkRect();
            if ( bands.Count > 0 )
                // Decrease the client area by the number of headers
                int top = rect.Top   1   BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT * (currentBandIndex   1);
                int bottom = rect.Bottom - 1 - BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT * (bands.Count - currentBandIndex - 1);   
                return new Rectangle(rect.Left, top, rect.Width, bottom - top);
            return rect;
        Rectangle GetHeaderRect(int index)
            // Make sure we are within bounds
            Debug.Assert((index >= 0 && index <= bands.Count-1), "Invalid Header Index");
            Rectangle rect = GetWorkRect();
            int top = rect.Top;
            int bottom = rect.Bottom;
            int max = bands.Count;
            if ( index > currentBandIndex )
                top = rect.Bottom - 1 - (max - index) * BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT;
                bottom = rect.Bottom - 1 - (max - index - 1) * BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT;
                top = rect.Top   1   index * BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT;
                bottom = rect.Top   1   (index 1) * BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT;
            return  new Rectangle(rect.Left, top, rect.Width, bottom-top);
        void DrawBackground(Graphics g)
            Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
            // If we don't have any bands, just fill the rectangle
            // with the System Control Color
            if ( bands.Count == 0 || currentBandIndex == -1 )
                g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, rc);
            if ( backgroundBitmap == null )
                if ( currentBandIndex >= 0 && bands[currentBandIndex] != null )
                    using ( SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(bands[currentBandIndex].Background) )
                        // If there is a child control clip the area where the child
                        // control will be drawn to avoid flickering
                        if ( HasChild() )
                            Rectangle clipRect = GetViewPortRect();
                        g.FillRectangle(b, rc);
                // Draw custom background bitmap
                // -- I don't know why but the bitmap is not painted properly if using the right size
                // I use the WindowsAPI to work around the problem
                GDIUtil.StrechBitmap(g, rc, backgroundBitmap);
                if ( needBackgroundBitmapResize )
                    needBackgroundBitmapResize = false;
                    backgroundBitmap = GDIUtil.GetStrechedBitmap(g, rc, backgroundBitmap);
        void DrawBorder(Graphics g)
            Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
            if ( borderType == BorderType.FixedSingle )
                g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);
            else if ( borderType == BorderType.Fixed3D )
                ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, rc, Border3DStyle.Sunken);
            else if ( borderType == BorderType.Custom )
                Pen p1 = new Pen(leftTopColor);
                Pen p2 = new Pen(RightBottomColor);
                g.DrawRectangle(p1, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);
                g.DrawRectangle(p2, rc.Left 1, rc.Top 1, rc.Width-3, rc.Height-3);
        void DrawHeaders(Graphics g)
            Rectangle rc;
            for (int i = 0; i < bands.Count; i  )
                rc = GetHeaderRect(i);
                DrawHeader(g, i, rc, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
        void DrawHeader(Graphics g, int index, Rectangle rc, Border3DStyle style)
            string bandName = bands[index].Text;
            using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor) )
                g.FillRectangle(b, rc);
            if ( ColorUtil.UsingCustomColor )
                Pen p;
                if ( style == Border3DStyle.RaisedInner )
                    p = new Pen(ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor);
                    g.DrawRectangle(p, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);
                    using ( Brush fillColor = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.VSNetSelectionColor))
                        g.FillRectangle(fillColor, rc);
                    p = new Pen(ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor);    
                    g.DrawRectangle(p, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);
                ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, rc, style);
            StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();
            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;    
            g.DrawString(bandName, Font, SystemBrushes.WindowText, rc, stringFormat);
        void DrawArrowButtons(Graphics g)
            // If we don't have any bands just return
            if ( bands.Count == 0 ) return;
            int first, last;
            GetVisibleRange(g, out first, out last);
            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
            upArrowRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth,
            downArrowRect = upArrowRect;
            upArrowRect.Offset(rc.Right - ARROW_BUTTON_MARGIN - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth,
                rc.Top   ARROW_BUTTON_MARGIN);
            downArrowRect.Offset(rc.Right - ARROW_BUTTON_MARGIN - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth,
                rc.Bottom - ARROW_BUTTON_MARGIN - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth);
            // Do we need to show top scroll button
            if ( first > 0 )
                if ( flatArrowButtons )
                    DrawFlatArrowButton(g, upArrowRect, true, UpFlatArrowState);
                    if ( upArrowPressed )
                        ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(g, upArrowRect, ScrollButton.Up, ButtonState.Pushed);
                        ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(g, upArrowRect, ScrollButton.Up, ButtonState.Normal);
                upArrowVisible = true;
                upArrowVisible = false;
                UpFlatArrowState = DrawState.Normal;
            // Do we need to show bottom scroll button
            if ( last < bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Count -1 )
                if ( flatArrowButtons )
                    DrawFlatArrowButton(g, downArrowRect, false, DownFlatArrowState);   
                    if ( downArrowPressed )
                        ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(g, downArrowRect, ScrollButton.Down, ButtonState.Pushed);
                        ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(g, downArrowRect, ScrollButton.Down, ButtonState.Normal);
                downArrowVisible = true;
                downArrowVisible = false;
                DownFlatArrowState = DrawState.Normal;
        void DrawFlatArrowButton(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, bool up, DrawState state)
            if ( HasChild() )
                // Dont' draw flat button if there is a band with a child control
            Brush b;
            if ( state == DrawState.Hot )
                b = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.VSNetCheckedColor);
                b = new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor);
            g.FillRectangle(b, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);
            using ( Pen p = new Pen(ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor) )
                if ( state == DrawState.Hot )
                    g.DrawRectangle(p, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-2, rc.Height-2);
                GDIUtil.DrawArrowGlyph(g, rc, 7, 4, up, Brushes.Black);
            // Remember last state of the flat arrow button
            if ( up )
                UpFlatArrowState = state;
                DownFlatArrowState = state;
        void DrawArrowButton(Rectangle buttonRect, ButtonState state)
            if ( HasChild() )
                // No drawing buttons if there is a child control in the current band
            // Directly draw the arrow button
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle);
            bool up = true;
            ScrollButton buttonType = ScrollButton.Up;
            if ( buttonRect.Equals(downArrowRect ))
                buttonType = ScrollButton.Down;
                up = false;
            if ( flatArrowButtons && !HasChild() )
                int first;
                int last;
                GetVisibleRange(g, out first, out last);
                if ( up && first == 0 )
                    // up arrow is not visible no need to pain it
                else if ( up == false && last == bands[currentBandIndex].Items.Count -1)
                    // down arrow is not visible no need to pain it
                // If using flat button and the mouse is still over the button
                // then don't allow drawing it without the hightlight
                Point pos = Control.MousePosition;
                pos = PointToClient(pos);
                if ( buttonRect.Contains(pos) )
                    if ( up )
                        UpFlatArrowState = DrawState.Hot;
                        DownFlatArrowState = DrawState.Hot;
                    DrawFlatArrowButton(g, buttonRect, up, DrawState.Hot);
                    if ( up )
                        UpFlatArrowState = DrawState.Normal;
                        DownFlatArrowState = DrawState.Normal;
                    DrawFlatArrowButton(g, buttonRect, up, DrawState.Normal);
                ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(g, buttonRect, buttonType, state);
        void DrawItems(Graphics g, Rectangle targetRect, OutlookBarBand drawBand)
            // If we don't have any bands just return
            if ( bands.Count == 0 ) return;
            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            if ( drawBand != null ) band = drawBand;
            Debug.Assert(band != null);
            for ( int i = firstItem; i < band.Items.Count; i   )
                Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, band, i, targetRect);
                if ( itemRect.Top > rc.Bottom )
                    DrawItem(g, i, itemRect, false, false, targetRect, drawBand);
        void DrawItem(Graphics g, int index, Rectangle itemRect, bool hot, bool pressed, Rectangle targetRect, OutlookBarBand drawingBand)
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            if ( drawingBand != null ) band = drawingBand;
            Point pt = new Point(0,0);
            // Set clip region so that we don't draw outside the viewport
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            if ( targetRect != Rectangle.Empty )
                viewPortRect = targetRect;
            Region clippingRegion = new Region(viewPortRect);
            g.Clip = clippingRegion;
            // Clip the arrow buttons
            Color textColor = band.TextColor;
            Color backColor = band.Background;
            Color highLight = band.Background;
            if ( ColorUtil.UsingCustomColor )
                backColor = ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor;
                highLight = ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor;
            if ( hot )
                backColor = ColorUtil.VSNetSelectionColor;
                highLight = ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor;
            if ( pressed ) backColor = ColorUtil.VSNetPressedColor;
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large && band.LargeImageList != null )
                Size largeImageSize = band.LargeImageList.ImageSize;
                pt.X = itemRect.Left   (viewPortRect.Width - largeImageSize.Width) / 2;
                pt.Y = itemRect.Top;
                Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(pt, largeImageSize);
                using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(backColor) )
                    if ( backgroundBitmap != null )
                        g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, iconRect, iconRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        // If we have a background bitmap, draw the item background
                        // only during the hot state
                        if ( hot)
                            g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                                iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);
                        // If we don't have a background, always draw the
                        // item backgound
                        g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                            iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);
                    using ( Pen p = new Pen(highLight) )
                        if ( backgroundBitmap == null || hot == true )
                            g.DrawRectangle(p,  iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top, iconRect.Width-1, iconRect.Height-1);
                // I dont' use the image list to do the drawing because cliping does not work
                if ( band.Items[index].ImageIndex != -1 && band.LargeImageList != null )
                    // Only if we have a valid image index
                    g.SmoothingMode  = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                    g.DrawImage(band.LargeImageList.Images[band.Items[index].ImageIndex], pt);
                    g.SmoothingMode  = SmoothingMode.Default;
                // Draw the label
                int top = itemRect.Top   largeImageSize.Height   Y_LARGEICON_LABEL_OFFSET;
                Size textSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, index);
                int left = itemRect.Left   (viewPortRect.Width - textSize.Width) / 2;
                using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(textColor) )
                    g.DrawString(band.Items[index].Text, Font, b, new Point(left, top));
                // Reset clip region to the whole rectangle so that the arrows can be painted
                g.Clip = new Region(viewPortRect);
            else if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small && band.SmallImageList != null )
                Size smallImageSize = band.SmallImageList.ImageSize;
                pt.X = itemRect.Left;
                pt.Y = itemRect.Top   (itemRect.Height - smallImageSize.Height)/2;
                Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(pt, smallImageSize);
                using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(backColor) )
                    if ( backgroundBitmap != null )
                        g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, iconRect, iconRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        // If we have a background bitmap, draw the item background
                        // only during the hot state
                        if ( hot)
                            g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                                iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);
                        // If we don't have a background, always draw the
                        // item backgound
                        g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                            iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);
                    using ( Pen p = new Pen(highLight) )
                        if ( backgroundBitmap == null || hot == true )
                            g.DrawRectangle(p,  iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top, iconRect.Width-1, iconRect.Height-1);
                // I dont' use the image list to do the drawing because cliping does not work
                if ( band.Items[index].ImageIndex != -1 && band.SmallImageList != null )
                    // Only if we have a valid image index
                    g.DrawImage(band.SmallImageList.Images[band.Items[index].ImageIndex], pt);
                // Draw the label
                Size labelSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, index);
                pt.X = pt.X   smallImageSize.Width   X_SMALLICON_LABEL_OFFSET;
                pt.Y = itemRect.Top   (itemRect.Height - labelSize.Height)/2;
                using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(textColor) )
                    g.DrawString(band.Items[index].Text, Font, b, pt);
        void AnimateScroll(int From, int To)
            if ( currentBandIndex == -1 || bands.Count == 0 ) return;
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            // Make sure we are whithin bounds
            Debug.Assert(From >= 0 && From < bands.Count);
            Debug.Assert(To >= 0 &&  To < bands.Count);
            // Get needed dimensions
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            Rectangle headerRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, viewPortRect.Width, BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT);
            Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, viewPortRect.Width, viewPortRect.Height   headerRect.Height * 2);
            // Use straight GDI to do the drawing   
            IntPtr hDC = WindowsAPI.GetDC(Handle);
            IntPtr hDCFrom = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
            IntPtr hDCTo = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
            IntPtr bmFrom = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, drawingRect.Width, drawingRect.Height);
            IntPtr bmTo = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, drawingRect.Width, drawingRect.Height);
            // Select in the drawing surface
            IntPtr hOldFromBitmap = WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, bmFrom);
            IntPtr hOldToBitmap = WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCTo, bmTo);
            // Draw in the memory device context
            Graphics gHeaderDC;
            if ( To > From )
                gHeaderDC = Graphics.FromHdc(hDCTo);
                gHeaderDC = Graphics.FromHdc(hDCFrom);
            DrawBandBitmap(hDCFrom, bands[From], From, drawingRect);
            DrawBandBitmap(hDCTo,  bands[To], To, drawingRect);
            DrawHeader(gHeaderDC, To, new Rectangle(drawingRect.Left, drawingRect.Top,
                drawingRect.Width, drawingRect.Top   BAND_HEADER_HEIGHT), Border3DStyle.RaisedInner);
            Rectangle rectFrom = GetHeaderRect(From);
            Rectangle rectTo = GetHeaderRect(To);
            int headerHeight = rectFrom.Height;
            // Do the animation with the bitmaps
            if ( To > From)
                for (int y = rectTo.Top - headerHeight; y > rectFrom.Bottom; y -= headerHeight)
                    // Draw From bitmap
                    WindowsAPI.BitBlt(hDC, viewPortRect.Left ,rectFrom.Bottom   1,
                        viewPortRect.Width, y - rectFrom.Bottom - 1, hDCFrom, 0 , 0, (int)PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
                    // Draw To Bitmap
                    WindowsAPI.BitBlt(hDC, viewPortRect.Left, y, viewPortRect.Width,
                        viewPortRect.Bottom - y   headerHeight, hDCTo, 0, 0, (int)PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
                Rectangle rcTo = new Rectangle(viewPortRect.Left,
                    viewPortRect.Bottom, viewPortRect.Width, viewPortRect.Bottom - headerHeight);
                for (int y = rectFrom.Top   1; y < rcTo.Top - headerHeight; y  = headerHeight)
                    // Draw To Bitmap
                    WindowsAPI.BitBlt(hDC, viewPortRect.Left, rectFrom.Top,  viewPortRect.Width,
                        y - rectFrom.Top - 1, hDCTo, 0, 0, (int)PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
                    // Draw From bitmap
                    WindowsAPI.BitBlt(hDC, viewPortRect.Left , y,
                        viewPortRect.Width, viewPortRect.Bottom - y, hDCFrom, 0 , 0, (int)PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
            // Cleanup
            WindowsAPI.ReleaseDC(Handle, hDC);
            WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, bmFrom);
            WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCTo, bmTo);
        void DrawBandBitmap(IntPtr hDC, OutlookBarBand band, int bandIndex, Rectangle drawingRect)
            // Don't do GDI  calls since you cannot mix them with GDI calls
            if ( !HasChild(bandIndex))
                Color cb = band.Background;
                IntPtr brush = WindowsAPI.CreateSolidBrush(ColorUtil.RGB(cb.R, cb.G, cb.B));
                RECT rect;
                rect.left = drawingRect.Left;
                rect.top = drawingRect.Top;
                rect.right = drawingRect.Left   drawingRect.Width;
                rect.bottom = drawingRect.Top   drawingRect.Height;
                WindowsAPI.FillRect(hDC, ref rect, brush);
            if ( HasChild(bandIndex) )
                // Paint child control into memory device context
                Control child = bands[bandIndex].ChildControl;
                bool visible = child.Visible;
                child.Visible = true;
                // Change viewport if needed
                POINT pt = new POINT();
                WindowsAPI.SendMessage( child.Handle,
                    (int)Msg.WM_ERASEBKGND, (int)hDC, 0);
                WindowsAPI.SendMessage( child.Handle,
                    (int)Msg.WM_PAINT, (int)hDC, 0);
                if ( !visible) child.Visible = false;
                DrawItems(Graphics.FromHdc(hDC), drawingRect, bands[bandIndex]);
        bool HasChild()
            // Flag that tell us if the current band
            // has a child window
            Control childControl = null;
            if ( currentBandIndex != -1 && bands.Count > 0)
                OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
                childControl = band.ChildControl;
            return childControl != null;
        bool HasChild(int index)
            // Flag that tell us if the current band
            // has a child window
            Control childControl = null;
            if ( index != -1 && bands.Count > 0 && index >= 0 && index < bands.Count)
                OutlookBarBand band = bands[index];
                childControl = band.ChildControl;
            return childControl != null;
        void GetVisibleRange(Graphics g, out int first, out int last)
            first = firstItem;
            last = 0;
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
            Rectangle itemRect;
            for ( int i = firstItem; i < band.Items.Count; i   )
                itemRect = GetItemRect(g, band, i, Rectangle.Empty);
                if ( itemRect.Bottom > rc.Bottom )
                    last = i-1;
                    last = i;
        Size GetItemSize(Graphics g, OutlookBarBand band, int itemIndex, ItemSizeType itemSizeType)
            Size iconSize = new Size(0,0);
            Size labelSize = new Size(0,0);
            if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Icon || itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.All )
                iconSize = GetIconSize(band);
                if (itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Icon)
                    return iconSize;
            if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Label || itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.All )
                labelSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, itemIndex);
                if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Label )
                    return labelSize;
            if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.All )
                if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                    return new Size(iconSize.Width   labelSize.Width   X_SMALLICON_LABEL_OFFSET,
                        iconSize.Height > labelSize.Height?iconSize.Height:labelSize.Height);
                    return new Size(iconSize.Width>labelSize.Width?iconSize.Width:labelSize.Width, iconSize.Height  
                    labelSize.Height   Y_LARGEICON_LABEL_OFFSET   Y_LARGEICON_SPACING);
            return new Size(0,0);
        Size GetIconSize(OutlookBarBand band)
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large && band.LargeImageList != null )
                return band.LargeImageList.ImageSize;
            else if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small && band.SmallImageList != null )
                return band.SmallImageList.ImageSize;
            return new Size(0,0);
        Size GetLabelSize(Graphics g, OutlookBarBand band, int itemIndex)
            Size textSize = new Size(0,0);
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large )
                // Calculate text rectangle including word breaks if needed
                Rectangle rect = GetViewPortRect();
                Rectangle textRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Top);
                // The TextUtil function is going to call GDI, but the Graphics object
                // is already being used by GDI . Pass a null reference so that the TextUtil
                // function uses the Screen Device to calculate the text size
                if ( band.Items[itemIndex].Text != null )
                    textSize = TextUtil.GetTextSize(null, band.Items[itemIndex].Text,
                        Font, ref textRect, DrawTextFormatFlags.DT_CALCRECT |
                return textSize;
                // Same as above
                // Calculate text rectangle single line
                if ( band.Items[itemIndex].Text != null )
                    textSize = TextUtil.GetTextSize(null, band.Items[itemIndex].Text, Font);                
                return textSize;
        Rectangle GetIconRect(int index)
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            Debug.Assert(band != null);
            Size imageSize = Size.Empty;
            Rectangle itemRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            Point pt = new Point(0,0);
            using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                itemRect = GetItemRect(g, band, index, Rectangle.Empty);
            if (  band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                if ( band.SmallImageList != null )
                    imageSize = band.SmallImageList.ImageSize;
                    pt.X = itemRect.Left;
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top   (itemRect.Height - imageSize.Height)/2;
                return new Rectangle(pt, imageSize);
                if ( band.LargeImageList != null )
                    imageSize = band.LargeImageList.ImageSize;
                    pt.X = itemRect.Left   (viewPortRect.Width - imageSize.Width) / 2;
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top;
                return new Rectangle(pt, imageSize);
        Rectangle GetLabelRect(int index)
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            Debug.Assert(band != null);
            Size imageSize = Size.Empty;
            Rectangle itemRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            Size labelSize = Size.Empty;
            Point pt = new Point(0,0);
            using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                itemRect = GetItemRect(g, band, index, Rectangle.Empty);
                labelSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, index);
            if (  band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                if ( band.SmallImageList != null )
                    imageSize = band.SmallImageList.ImageSize;
                    // Don't include the offset between the icon and the label
                    // so that we don't leave a miss hit gap
                    pt.X = itemRect.Left   imageSize.Width;
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top   (itemRect.Height - labelSize.Height)/2;
                return new Rectangle(pt.X, pt.Y  , labelSize.Width   X_SMALLICON_LABEL_OFFSET 2 , labelSize.Height);
                if ( band.LargeImageList != null )
                    imageSize = band.LargeImageList.ImageSize;
                    pt.X = itemRect.Left   (viewPortRect.Width - labelSize.Width) / 2;
                    // Don't include the offset between the icon and the label
                    // so that we don't leave a miss hit gap
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top   imageSize.Height;
                return new Rectangle(pt.X, pt.Y, labelSize.Width, labelSize.Height  Y_LARGEICON_LABEL_OFFSET 2);
        private void HandleRecreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If any of the child destroy itself and recreate
            // reattach the Outlookbar as the parent
            Control c = (Control)sender;
            IntPtr hParent = WindowsAPI.GetParent(c.Handle);
            if ( hParent != Handle )
                WindowsAPI.SetParent(c.Handle, Handle);
        void CreateContextMenu()
            // context menu
            MenuItemEx largeIconsMenu = new MenuItemEx("Large Icons", new EventHandler(OnContextMenu));
            MenuItemEx smallIconsMenu = new MenuItemEx("Small Icons", new EventHandler(OnContextMenu));
            MenuItemEx separator1 = new MenuItemEx("-", new EventHandler(OnContextMenu));
            MenuItemEx renameGroup = new MenuItemEx("Rename Group", new EventHandler(OnContextMenu));
            MenuItemEx separator2 = new MenuItemEx("-", new EventHandler(OnContextMenu));
            MenuItemEx renameShortcut = new MenuItemEx("Rename Shortcut", new EventHandler(OnContextMenu));
            contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
            contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(0, largeIconsMenu);
            contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(1, smallIconsMenu);
            contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(2, separator1);
            contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(3, renameGroup);
            contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(4, separator2);
            contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(5, renameShortcut);
            contextMenu.Popup  = new EventHandler(ContextMenuPopup);
            this.ContextMenu = contextMenu;
        public void ContextMenuPopup(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Update the menu state before displaying it
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            MenuItemEx largeIconsMenu = (MenuItemEx)ContextMenu.MenuItems[0];
            MenuItemEx smallIconsMenu = (MenuItemEx)ContextMenu.MenuItems[1];
            MenuItemEx renameGroup = (MenuItemEx)ContextMenu.MenuItems[3];
            MenuItemEx renameShortcut = (MenuItemEx)ContextMenu.MenuItems[5];
            int index;
            HitTestType hit = HitTest(lastClickedPoint, out index, false);
            if ( hit == HitTestType.Header )
                renameGroup.Enabled = true;
                largeIconsMenu.Enabled = false;
                smallIconsMenu.Enabled = false;
                renameShortcut.Enabled = false;
            else if ( hit == HitTestType.Item )
                renameGroup.Enabled = false;
                largeIconsMenu.Enabled = false;
                smallIconsMenu.Enabled = false;
                renameShortcut.Enabled = true;
                renameGroup.Enabled = false;
                largeIconsMenu.Enabled = true;
                smallIconsMenu.Enabled = true;
                renameShortcut.Enabled = false;
            if ( HasChild() )
                largeIconsMenu.RadioCheck = false;
                smallIconsMenu.RadioCheck = false;
                largeIconsMenu.RadioCheck = (band.IconView == IconView.Large);
                smallIconsMenu.RadioCheck = (band.IconView == IconView.Small);
        void RenameItem()
            // Display a edit control that will do the editing of  the item
            // Get the item index first
            int index;
            HitTestType hit = HitTest(lastClickedPoint, out index, false);
            using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                Rectangle itemRect = GetLabelRect(index);
                // Empty the text box first
                textBox.Text = "";
                // Move it to the top of the item rectangle
                if ( bands[currentBandIndex].IconView == IconView.Large )
                    itemRect.Inflate(5, 0);
                    itemRect = new Rectangle(itemRect.Left, itemRect.Top, itemRect.Right, itemRect.Height   5);
                textBox.Bounds = itemRect;
                // initialize the text box to the item text
                textBox.Text = bands[currentBandIndex].Items[index].Text;
                // Flag that we are editing an item and not a header
                // --We'll use this on the textbox event handlers  
                editingAnItem = true;
                textBox.Visible = true;
        void RenameHeader()
            // Display a edit control that will do the editing of the header
            // Get the item index first
            int index;
            HitTestType hit = HitTest(lastClickedPoint, out index, false);
            using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle) )
                Rectangle headerRect = GetHeaderRect(index);
                // Empty the text box first
                textBox.Text = "";
                textBox.Bounds = headerRect;
                // initialize the text box to the item text
                textBox.Text = bands[index].Text;
                // Flag that we are editing an header and not a item
                // --We'll use this on the textbox event handlers
                editingAnItem = false;
                textBox.Visible = true;
        void TextBoxKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if ( e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter )
        void TextBoxLostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
        void ProcessTextBoxEditing()
            // Only if the textbox is actually visible
            if ( textBox.Visible == false ) return;
            string text = textBox.Text;
            textBox.Visible = false;
            int index;
            HitTestType hit = HitTest(lastClickedPoint, out index, false);
            if ( editingAnItem )
                bands[currentBandIndex].Items[index].Text = text;
                // Fire property changed
                bands[index].Text = text;
                // Fire property changed
            // Invalidate control so that new label size
            // is recalculated



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