您当前所在位置:首页C# 开发实例C#网络编程 → C# wpf 局域网聊天 实例源码下载

C# wpf 局域网聊天 实例源码下载


  • 开发语言:C#
  • 实例大小:0.61M
  • 下载次数:109
  • 浏览次数:1144
  • 发布时间:2017-04-21
  • 实例类别:C#网络编程
  • 发 布 人:ylp_hlz
  • 文件格式:.rar
  • 所需积分:2
 相关标签: C#局域网聊天





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NetworkCommsDotNet;
using DPSBase;

namespace WPFChatClientExplain
    public abstract class ChatAppBase
        #region Private Fields
        /// <summary>
        /// A boolean used to track the very first initialisation(一个用于跟踪第一个初始化的布尔值)
        /// </summary>
        protected bool FirstInitialisation { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Dictionary to keep track of which peer messages have already been written to the chat window(保持跟踪的对等消息已被写入聊天窗口)
        /// </summary>
        protected Dictionary<ShortGuid, ChatMessage> lastPeerMessageDict = new Dictionary<ShortGuid, ChatMessage>();

        /// <summary>
        /// The maximum number of times a chat message will be relayed(聊天信息将被传递的最大次数 )
        /// </summary>
        int relayMaximum = 3;

        /// <summary>
        /// A local counter used to track the number of messages sent from(用于跟踪发送的消息的本地计数器)
        /// this instance.(本实例)
        /// </summary>
        long messageSendIndex = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// An optional encryption key to use should one be required.(使用一个可选的加密密钥应该是必需的。)
        /// This can be changed freely but must obviously be the same(这可以自由地改变,但必须是相同的)
        /// for both sender and reciever.(对于发送者和接收者。)
        /// </summary>
        string _encryptionKey = "ljlhjf8uyfln23490jf;m21-=scm20--iflmk;";

        #region Public Fields
        /// <summary>
        /// The type of connection currently used to send and recieve messages. Default is TCP.
        /// 目前用于发送和接收消息的连接类型。默认是TCP。
        /// </summary>
        public ConnectionType ConnectionType { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The IP address of the server 
        /// 服务器的地址
        /// </summary>
        public string ServerIPAddress { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The port of the server
        /// 服务器的端口 
        /// </summary>
        public int ServerPort { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The local name used when sending messages
        /// 发送消息时使用的本地名称
        /// </summary>
        public string LocalName { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// A boolean used to track if the local device is acting as a server
        /// 当本地设备作为服务器时使用的布尔值 
        /// </summary>
        public bool LocalServerEnabled { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// A boolean used to track if encryption is currently being used
        /// 如果当前正在使用加密,则布尔用于跟踪 
        /// </summary>
        public bool EncryptionEnabled { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for ChatAppBase
        /// 聊天应用程序库的构造
        /// </summary>
        public ChatAppBase(string name, ConnectionType connectionType)
            LocalName = name;
            ConnectionType = connectionType;

            //Initialise the default values(初始化默认值)
            ServerIPAddress = "";
            ServerPort = 10000;
            LocalServerEnabled = false;
            EncryptionEnabled = false;
            FirstInitialisation = true;

        #region NetworkComms.Net Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the configuration of this instance depending on set fields
        /// 更新这个实例的配置,这取决于集合域
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshNetworkCommsConfiguration()
            #region First Initialisation
            //On first initilisation we need to configure NetworkComms.Net to handle our incoming packet types
            //首先我们需要配置INI tilisation networkcomms .net处理传入的数据包的类型
            //We only need to add the packet handlers once. If we call NetworkComms.Shutdown() at some future point these are not removed.
            if (FirstInitialisation)
                FirstInitialisation = false;

                //Configure NetworkComms.Net to handle any incoming packet of type 'ChatMessage'
                //e.g. If we recieve a packet of type 'ChatMessage' execute the method 'HandleIncomingChatMessage'
                NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<ChatMessage>("ChatMessage", HandleIncomingChatMessage);

                //Configure NetworkComms.Net to perform some action when a connection is closed
                //配置networkcomms .NET执行一些操作当连接关闭时
                //e.g. When a connection is closed execute the method 'HandleConnectionClosed'

            #region Optional Encryption
            //Configure encryption if requested(如果要求配置加密)
            if (EncryptionEnabled && !NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions.DataProcessors.Contains(DPSBase.DPSManager.GetDataProcessor<DPSBase.RijndaelPSKEncrypter>()))
                //Encryption is currently implemented using a pre-shared key (PSK) system
                //NetworkComms.Net supports multiple data processors which can be used with any level of granularity
                //networkcomms .NET支持多数据处理器可用于任何级别的粒度 
                //To enable encryption globally (i.e. for all connections) we first add the encryption password as an option
                DPSBase.RijndaelPSKEncrypter.AddPasswordToOptions(NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions.Options, _encryptionKey);
                //Finally we add the RijndaelPSKEncrypter data processor to the sendReceiveOptions
            else if (!EncryptionEnabled && NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions.DataProcessors.Contains(DPSBase.DPSManager.GetDataProcessor<DPSBase.RijndaelPSKEncrypter>()))
                //If encryption has been disabled but is currently enabled
                //To disable encryption we just remove the RijndaelPSKEncrypter data processor from the sendReceiveOptions
                //禁用加密我们移除Rijndael PSK加密数据处理器从发送接收选项

            #region Local Server Mode and Connection Type Changes
            if (LocalServerEnabled && ConnectionType == ConnectionType.TCP && !TCPConnection.Listening())
                //If we were previously listening for UDP we first shutdown comms.
                if (UDPConnection.Listening())
                    AppendLineToChatHistory("Connection mode has been changed. Any existing connections will be closed.");
                    AppendLineToChatHistory("Enabling local server mode. Any existing connections will be closed.");

                //Start listening for new incoming TCP connections(开始听新的TCP连接)
                //Parameter is true so that we listen on a random port if the default is not available

                //Write the IP addresses and ports that we are listening on to the chatBox
                AppendLineToChatHistory("Listening for incoming TCP connections on:");
                foreach (var listenEndPoint in TCPConnection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints())
                    AppendLineToChatHistory(listenEndPoint.Address   ":"   listenEndPoint.Port);

                //Add a blank line after the initialisation output
            else if (LocalServerEnabled && ConnectionType == ConnectionType.UDP && !UDPConnection.Listening())
                //If we were previously listening for TCP we first shutdown comms.
                if (TCPConnection.Listening())
                    AppendLineToChatHistory("Connection mode has been changed. Any existing connections will be closed.");
                    AppendLineToChatHistory("Enabling local server mode. Any existing connections will be closed.");

                //Start listening for new incoming UDP connections
                //Parameter is true so that we listen on a random port if the default is not available

                //Write the IP addresses and ports that we are listening on to the chatBox
                AppendLineToChatHistory("Listening for incoming UDP connections on:");
                foreach (var listenEndPoint in UDPConnection.ExistingLocalListenEndPoints())
                    AppendLineToChatHistory(listenEndPoint.Address   ":"   listenEndPoint.Port);

                //Add a blank line after the initialisation output
            else if (!LocalServerEnabled && (TCPConnection.Listening() || UDPConnection.Listening()))
                //If the local server mode has been disabled but we are still listening we need to stop accepting incoming connections
                AppendLineToChatHistory("Local server mode disabled. Any existing connections will be closed.");
            else if (!LocalServerEnabled &&
                ((ConnectionType == ConnectionType.UDP && NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection(ConnectionType.TCP).Count > 0) ||
                (ConnectionType == ConnectionType.TCP && NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection(ConnectionType.UDP).Count > 0)))
                //If we are not running a local server but have changed the connection type after creating connections we need to close
                //existing connections.(现有的连接。 )
                AppendLineToChatHistory("Connection mode has been changed. Existing connections will be closed.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs whatever functions we might so desire when we recieve an incoming ChatMessage
        /// 执行我们可能如此渴望当我们接待来聊天消息的任何功能
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">The PacketHeader corresponding with the recieved object</param>(与接待对象相应的标签)
        /// <param name="connection">The Connection from which this object was recieved</param>(从该连接对象接待)
        /// <param name="incomingMessage">The incoming ChatMessage we are after</param>(我们正在收到的聊天信息)
        protected virtual void HandleIncomingChatMessage(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, ChatMessage incomingMessage)
            //We only want to write a message once to the chat window(我们只想在聊天窗口中写一个信息)
            //Because we support relaying and may recieve the same message twice from multiple sources
            //we use our history and message indexes to ensure we have a new message
            //We perform this action within a lock as HandleIncomingChatMessage could be called in parallel
            lock (lastPeerMessageDict)
                if (lastPeerMessageDict.ContainsKey(incomingMessage.SourceIdentifier))
                    if (lastPeerMessageDict[incomingMessage.SourceIdentifier].MessageIndex < incomingMessage.MessageIndex)
                        //If this message index is greater than the last seen from this source we can safely
                        //write the message to the ChatBox
                        AppendLineToChatHistory(incomingMessage.SourceName   " - "   incomingMessage.Message);

                        //We now replace the last recieved message with the current one
                        lastPeerMessageDict[incomingMessage.SourceIdentifier] = incomingMessage;
                    //If we have never had a message from this source before then it has to be new
                    //by defintion
                    lastPeerMessageDict.Add(incomingMessage.SourceIdentifier, incomingMessage);
                    AppendLineToChatHistory(incomingMessage.SourceName   " - "   incomingMessage.Message);

            //This last section of the method is the relay feature
            //We start by checking to see if this message has already been relayed the maximum number of times
            if (incomingMessage.RelayCount < relayMaximum)
                //If we are going to relay this message we need an array of (如果我们要传递这个信息,我们需要一个数组)
                //all known connections, excluding the current one(所有已知的连接,不包括当前)
                var allRelayConnections = (from current in NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection() where current != connection select current).ToArray();

                //We increment the relay count before we send(我们在发送前增加了继电器计数)

                //We now send the message to every other connection(现在我们将消息发送到其他连接)
                foreach (var relayConnection in allRelayConnections)
                    //We ensure we perform the send within a try catch(我们确保我们在一个尝试捕捉)
                    //To ensure a single failed send will not prevent the(确保单个失败将不会阻止)
                    //relay to all working connections.(传递到所有工作连接)
                    try { relayConnection.SendObject("ChatMessage", incomingMessage); }
                    catch (CommsException) { /* Catch the comms exception, ignore and continue */ }

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs whatever functions we might so desire when an existing connection is closed.
        /// 执行任何功能,当一个现有的连接被关闭时,我们可能会这样做。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">The closed connection</param>(关闭连接)
        private void HandleConnectionClosed(Connection connection)
            //We are going to write a message to the chat history when a connection disconnects
            //We perform the following within a lock incase mutliple connections disconnect simultaneously  
            lock (lastPeerMessageDict)
                //Get the remoteIdentifier from the closed connection(从关闭连接到远程确定)
                //This a unique GUID which can be used to identify peers(这一独特的GUID可用来识别同行)
                ShortGuid remoteIdentifier = connection.ConnectionInfo.NetworkIdentifier;

                //If at any point we recieved a message with a matching identifier we can(如果在任何时候我们收到消息标识符可以匹配)
                //include the peer name in the disconnection message.(包括断开信息中的对等名。)
                if (lastPeerMessageDict.ContainsKey(remoteIdentifier))
                    AppendLineToChatHistory("Connection with '"   lastPeerMessageDict[remoteIdentifier].SourceName   "' has been closed.");
                    AppendLineToChatHistory("Connection with '"   connection.ToString()   "' has been closed.");

                //Last thing is to remove this peer from our message history(最后一件事是从我们的历史信息删除此节点 )

        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message.(发送消息。)
        /// </summary>
        public void SendMessage(string stringToSend)
            //If we have tried to send a zero length string we just return
            if (stringToSend.Trim() == "") return;

            //We may or may not have entered some server connection information
            ConnectionInfo serverConnectionInfo = null;
            if (ServerIPAddress != "")
                try { serverConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(ServerIPAddress, ServerPort); }
                catch (Exception)
                    ShowMessage("Failed to parse the server IP and port. Please ensure it is correct and try again");

            //We wrap everything we want to send in the ChatMessage class we created
            ChatMessage chatMessage = new ChatMessage(NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier, LocalName, stringToSend, messageSendIndex  );

            //We add our own message to the message history incase it gets relayed back to us
            lock (lastPeerMessageDict) lastPeerMessageDict[NetworkComms.NetworkIdentifier] = chatMessage;

            //We write our own message to the chatBox(我们写我们自己的短信聊天)
            AppendLineToChatHistory(chatMessage.SourceName   " - "   chatMessage.Message);

            //Clear the input box text(清除输入框中的文字 )

            //If we provided server information we send to the server first
            if (serverConnectionInfo != null)
                //We perform the send within a try catch to ensure the application continues to run if there is a problem.
                    if (ConnectionType == ConnectionType.TCP)
                        TCPConnection.GetConnection(serverConnectionInfo).SendObject("ChatMessage", chatMessage);
                    else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionType.UDP)
                        UDPConnection.GetConnection(serverConnectionInfo, UDPOptions.None).SendObject("ChatMessage", chatMessage);
                        throw new Exception("An invalid connectionType is set.");
                catch (CommsException) { AppendLineToChatHistory("Error: A communication error occured while trying to send message to "   serverConnectionInfo   ". Please check settings and try again."); }
                catch (Exception) { AppendLineToChatHistory("Error: A general error occured while trying to send message to "   serverConnectionInfo   ". Please check settings and try again."); }

            //If we have any other connections we now send the message to those as well
            //This ensures that if we are the server everyone who is connected to us gets our message
            //We want a list of all established connections not including the server if set
            List<ConnectionInfo> otherConnectionInfos;
            if (serverConnectionInfo != null)
                otherConnectionInfos = (from current in NetworkComms.AllConnectionInfo() where current.RemoteEndPoint != serverConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint select current).ToList();
                otherConnectionInfos = NetworkComms.AllConnectionInfo();

            foreach (ConnectionInfo info in otherConnectionInfos)
                //We perform the send within a try catch to ensure the application continues to run if there is a problem.
                    if (ConnectionType == ConnectionType.TCP)
                        TCPConnection.GetConnection(info).SendObject("ChatMessage", chatMessage);
                    else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionType.UDP)
                        UDPConnection.GetConnection(info, UDPOptions.None).SendObject("ChatMessage", chatMessage);
                        throw new Exception("An invalid connectionType is set.");
                catch (CommsException) { AppendLineToChatHistory("Error: A communication error occured while trying to send message to "   info   ". Please check settings and try again."); }
                catch (Exception) { AppendLineToChatHistory("Error: A general error occured while trying to send message to "   info   ". Please check settings and try again."); }


        #region GUI Interface Methods(GUI接口的方法)
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs the usage instructions to the chat window(输出到聊天窗口的使用说明 )
        /// </summary>
        public void PrintUsageInstructions()
            AppendLineToChatHistory("步骤 1. 至少打开两聊天应用程序。你可以选择从Android,Windows Phone,iOS或windows版本.");
            AppendLineToChatHistory("Step 2. 选择一个客户端用作服务器.");
            AppendLineToChatHistory("Step 3. 设置IP和网络端口.");
            AppendLineToChatHistory("Step 4. 启动客户端.");
            AppendLineToChatHistory("注意: 连接被建立在第一消息发送.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Append the provided message to the chat history text box.(将所提供的信息附加到聊天记录文本框中)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message to be appended</param>(附加信息)
        public abstract void AppendLineToChatHistory(string message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the chat history(清除聊天记录 )
        /// </summary>
        public abstract void ClearChatHistory();

        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the input text box(清除输入文本框)
        /// </summary>
        public abstract void ClearInputLine();

        /// <summary>
        /// Show a message box as an alternative to writing to the chat history(显示一个消息框,作为一种替代文字的聊天记录)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message to be output</param>(要输出消息 )
        public abstract void ShowMessage(string message);

标签: C#局域网聊天







  • 类似“顶”、“沙发”之类没有营养的文字,对勤劳贡献的楼主来说是令人沮丧的反馈信息。
  • 相信您也不想看到一排文字/表情墙,所以请不要反馈意义不大的重复字符,也请尽量不要纯表情的回复。
  • 提问之前请再仔细看一遍楼主的说明,或许是您遗漏了。
  • 请勿到处挖坑绊人、招贴广告。既占空间让人厌烦,又没人会搭理,于人于己都无利。


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